Romance Essays (Examples)

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Each had moved away from the other towards a deadening of the spirit" (Billigheimer). Suddenly his wife had a passionate past that she still carried with her. She is more alive than Gabriel is and the sad thing is that Michael is too. This revelation forces Gabriel to look at himself and he becomes a "ludicrous figure... A nervous, well-meaning sentimentalist, orating to vulgarians and idealising his own clownish lusts" (737). Gabriel is alone in the room with his distant wife and her ghost lover.
The Dead" illustrates how the living can sometimes walk the earth as zombies. Gabriel's epiphany forces him to face the truth of his life rather than living in the lie he concocted many years ago. In doing so, he loses the false security of deception.

orks Cited

Rachel V. Billigheimer. CLA Journal. 1988. GALE Resource Database. Site Accessed December 08, 2008.

Joyce, James. The Norton Anthology of….

But when Enkidu and Gilgamesh embark upon a quest to kill the demon of the Cedar Forest Humbaba, the gods side with Humbaba. And the gods punish Enkidu for his friend's crime. At first Enkidu does not want to kill the demon, because he has portents of a bad outcome. He only helps Gilgamesh because of his love for the king, and the gods turn against him for that reason. Unlike the omnipotent God of the Bible, the gods in Gilgamesh can be tricked -- for example, Enkidu urged Gilgamesh to kill Humababa even when Humbaba tempted Gilgamesh with dominion over the Cedar Forest because he sense the gods were coming to Humbaba's age. Enkidu is cursed for his loyalty to his fellow human and friend, because Humbaba knows that hurting Enkidu is the best way to hurt Gilgamesh. None of the male pairs of the Bible show such….

Consensual elationship Agreements
Workplace romance or affairs are likely to happen since individuals with general interests are put together for more than 40 hours per week. Based on the findings of a survey, approximately 47% of 1,000 professionals had been engaged in office romance with 11% of them dating their managers or assistant managers. As a result of the likelihood of affairs in the workplace, managers should generally accept the possibility of office romance and institute policies and ways of addressing it when it takes place. Actually, efforts to prohibit workplace romance tend to be futile and counter-productive since employees are likely to date for the thrill of it when such efforts are implemented. Despite of the likelihood of workplace romance to occur, many companies and organization do not have policies and procedures to govern it. One of the major ways for dealing with this aspect is adopting a consensual relationship….

Sexuality & omance of Their Eyes Were Watching God
"They fought on. 'You done hurt mah heart, now you come wid uh lie tuh bruise mah ears! Turn go mah hands!" Janie seethed. But Tea Cake never let go. They wrestled on until they were doped with their own fumes and emanations; till their clothes had been torn away, till he hurled her to the floor and held her there melting her resistance with the heat of his body, doing things with their bodies to express the inexpressible; kissed her until she arched her body to meet him and they fell asleep in sweet exhaustion."

Sex and romance are at issues at the forefront of Their Eyes Were Watching God. The protagonist, Janie, is a romantic that seeks real love. She seeks it in herself and in the men of her life. When she is unsatisfied, she moves on to a….

Middle Age Romance

Middle Ages Romances
Le Chevalier au Lion

Chretien de Troyes' Le Chevalier au Lion (The Knight of the Lion) tells the story of the lovelorn Arthurian knight Yvain, rather than Arthur and Guievere themselves. Thus, the tale of Yvain acts a powerful challenge to contemporary assumptions of about what constitutes a Middle Age Arthurian Romance. First of all, the tale does not revolve around the knightly, courtly conventions of Arthurian honor or loyalty to the king and his code of ethics at all, but around the personal struggles of one of Arthur's knights. Arthur's own tale is peripheral to the story and merely provides a 'frame' to the tale. Rather, Yvain's love for a woman, rather than his service to Arthur is the focus of the narration.

Pining for a love of his wife, the hero loses his mind and throws away his knightly life, taking to the woods. A woman, a….

The need for romance and desire via the heart is portrayed as the key element of Christian life, rather than the fulfillment of the mere human body or the head, the physical or intellectual essence. The authors address an audience whom they assume may be undergoing a spiritual conflict. ithout God, life is stagnant and unhappy, although this lack of purpose may seem like a lack of finding the 'right person,' the 'right vocation,' or making enough money. But all loves for things other than God are mere substitutions for the real thing. The authors make use of personal narratives to use their own lives as examples that God, despite occasional evidence that might falsely sway the reader to believe the contrary, is good, and desires His perfect creation of humanity to strive to be good, and hopes that humanity will seek best way to lead a truly purposeful….

Many women discover that raising a family is the most rewarding career they can ever have, regardless of their training and career aspirations. This may be because of a "culture of romance" that surrounds women and education, but it also may be because women are the traditional reproductive nurturers, and this instinct may be stronger than the instinct to succeed in a challenging and satisfying career.
The theoretical stance of this book certainly is historical, but that has not affected its power or relevance. The truth is, women still compete for men's attention on campus, and many women still enter into careers, and then leave them or modify them when they have a family. The authors note, "Drawing upon a very old tradition, the peer cultures at both universities interpreted gender relations and sexual attraction in terms of romantic love" (Holland and Eisenhart 211). The university campus is not so….

Joyce writes, "While he had been full of memories of their secret life together, full of tenderness and joy and desire, she had been comparing him in her mind with another. A shameful consciousness of his own person assailed him" (Joyce). He discovers life is not all romance, and the world does not revolve around him and his wishes, and it is a difficult lesson for him to learn. That is the conflict, that romance is rarely the reality of a situation, and that ego and self-importance can get in the way of romance and reality.
In conclusion, this short story looks at reality in a very different light, and shows that people like Gabriel, who are so concerned with themselves, often get romance and reality confused. He really did not know much about his wife, but felt he was the only man in her life - a romantic notion….

He listens to conversations, watches Hollingsworth and Zenobia together, and flaunts their relationship in Priscilla's face, when it is clear she loves Hollingsworth. In this, he is selfish, just as he has accused the others of being, and he uses the others in a sort of voyeuristic way. In addition, Coverdale, even though he is the narrator of the story, seems removed from it somehow. He does not understand the relationship between Zenobia, Priscilla, and Hollingsworth, and he is kept at arms distance by many of the characters. He is remote and removed, and perhaps this is how Hawthorne felt after his stint at Brook Farm, and why he was so disillusioned with his time there. It seems that others felt the attempt would fail, and finally, so did he. He seems to be pointing a finger at those who hoped for "Utopia" to say that it cannot exist,….

orkplace Dating & Sexual Harassment Issues
orkplace romance and sexual harassment in the workplace are the topics to be covered in this paper. There is a great deal of scholarly literature on those issues and they will be reviewed and critiqued in this paper, along with statistics that show workplace dating is an ongoing (although controversial and potentially tension-creating) phenomenon .

How Common is orkplace Dating?

The issue of workplace romance is not a new one, and from the available literature is appears that the workplace is an ideal environment for meeting, dating, and even falling in love with a co-worker. According to the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP), a recent study showed that "…40% of the respondents" to a survey reported they met their future spouse "at or through work."

In the Kansas City Business Journal another survey (conducted by is presented that shows "more than a third" of 7,000….

True Romance in Real Life
True Romance is awash in fantasy. From the protagonists' attraction to comics to the hero's delusions of an Elvis (the patron saint of pop culture) who guides him on his fantastic journey to the sexually-charged, hooker with a heart of gold (male fantasy) to the uber-machismo (yet extraordinarily sensitive) male (female fantasy) to the white suburban middle class fantasy of a sex and violence-fueled escape from the bland world of McLiving to the fantasy land of Hollywood (and then Mexico), the film bears no resemblance to reality in the least. Instead, it is like a school boy's daydream. This paper will show why the kind of romance in True Romance would be impossible in the real world.

The two characters meet in a movie theater where Clarence is watching a triple feature. Alabama literally stumbles into him, nearly spilling her cleavage out of her dress, and….

Talking Styles
In order to create lasting, worthwhile relationships with people individuals must possess the ability to communicate effectively. At least this is the argument posited by Spitzberg (1999). Further, he states that interpersonal communication or rather the lack thereof is what creates the potential for harmful situations when humans interact (Spitzberg 1999,-page 20). ithout the ability to communicate effectively and meaningfully with others, it becomes unlikely that an individual will be well adjusted as an adult. Conversely, individuals who do possess those qualities will likely develop relationships which are highly rewarding, including their relationships with family members, friends, and in their romantic relationships. The article "Shared Talking Styles Herald New and Lasting Romance" by author Bruce Bower (2010) postulates that people who can converse along the same lines are more likely to become a romantic pairing.

It makes sense that people who have the same communication level and those who have….

What Jane Eyre Does for MeJane Eyre, by Charlotte Bronte, has a unique ability to engage me and evoke strong thoughts and emotions largely thanks to its depiction of complex characters, themes and symbols. Jane Eyre is a very large and long storyso there is room in it for the author to explore reality on various levels. We see Jane as a young girl and what it is like to go through the sort of trials she has to experience being essentially an orphan without a loving mother or family. We see her at her boarding school, and then as she grows up and has to learn to fend for herself as a tutor at Mr. ochesters house. It is a story that plays with genre (gothic romance), mystery (who or what is in the attic and why is Mr. ochester so strange), and the coming-of-age drama (we see Jane….

Flatland A Romance in Many

Some of the mathematics of the book are shown to correlate to certain political aspects of the book, making the work perhaps more profound than Abbott ever intended (McCubbins & Schwartz, 1985). Certainly, the entire novel pushes for freedom, justice, and equality, both by satirizing certain social institutions and beliefs and by promoting the free and rigorous use of logical examination as a way of discovering, learning, and truly knowing things about the world we live in. he alternative that Flatland shows is a world full of people that do not really listen to or respect each other, and they often show as little regard for the realities of physical and theoretical truth.
hough this book is almost one hundred and thirty years old, it is still very useful today. It can be read as an introductory text to certain mathematical and philosophical concepts, a historical document showing the opinions….

Man of Good?
Nathaniel Hawthorne's "romance," the short story "Young Goodman Brown," is a highly allegorical tale regarding the nature of evil and good. Even a cursory analysis of the title of the principle characters, Goodman Brown (who represents mankind or humanity) and his wife Faith (who represents faith in religious piety) indicates that they are representative of basic fundamental concepts that were at the heart of the Puritan religion that this tale is based upon. Therefore, the conclusion of this story, and the events leading up to it, is symbolic of more than the outcome of the aforementioned characters, but actually represents Hawthorne's view of mankind and its religious fervor. In providing this viewpoint, the author answers critical questions about the stem of evil (where it originates) as well as man's ability to stave it off or to submit to its dictates. A careful look at the diction and….

Given the popularity of online dating and dating apps, writing an argumentative essay against online dating is a good choice.  It is always more interesting to write a position paper that may be unusual, because it is unlikely to recycle the same arguments that your professor will see in other papers.  There is actually a myriad of reasons that online dating may not be as successful (or as safe) as traditional in-person dating, and any of these reasons could serve as the basis for an argumentative essay.  They include but are not limited to potential....

Romeo and Juliet is one of the best-known of all of Shakespeare’s plays.  The tale of star-crossed lovers has made the names Romeo and Juliet synonymous with hopeless love stories, though their questionable decision-making and shallow view of love has prevented many from completely embracing their story as a romance.  What is clear is that while the stories in the character all play lip service to the idea of family, community, and clan loyalties, they all act in their own self-interest in an effort to pursue their own happiness.  Focusing on that would be a....

1. The Enduring Institution: Exploring the Persistent Desire for Marriage in Modern Society

2. Love and Marriage: Why People Still Long for Happily Ever Afters

3. Uniting Hearts: Examining the Continuity of Marital Expectations Across Generations

4. Breaking the Myth: Debunking the Notion of Declining Marriage Rates in Contemporary Culture

5. The Matrimonial Paradox: Why Despite Predictions, Marriage Remains a Constant Desire

6. From Tradition to Choice: Understanding the Factors Behind Unwavering Marriage Expectations

7. The Resilient Romance: Analyzing the Endurance of Marriage in an Ever-Changing World

8. The Marriage Ideal: Investigating the Social, Cultural, and Psychological Motivations for Nuptial Aspirations

9. Marital Expectations in the Digital Age:....

1 Pages


Romance and Reality in the

Words: 343
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Essay

Each had moved away from the other towards a deadening of the spirit" (Billigheimer). Suddenly his wife had a passionate past that she still carried with her. She…

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3 Pages

Mythology - Religion

Romance of Enkidu and Gilgamesh

Words: 1201
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Thesis

But when Enkidu and Gilgamesh embark upon a quest to kill the demon of the Cedar Forest Humbaba, the gods side with Humbaba. And the gods punish Enkidu…

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4 Pages
Case Study

Business - Management

Consensual Relationship Agreements Workplace Romance or Affairs

Words: 1210
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Case Study

Consensual elationship Agreements Workplace romance or affairs are likely to happen since individuals with general interests are put together for more than 40 hours per week. Based on the findings…

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8 Pages

Women's Issues - Sexuality

Sexuality & Romance of Their Eyes Were

Words: 2396
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Thesis

Sexuality & omance of Their Eyes Were Watching God "They fought on. 'You done hurt mah heart, now you come wid uh lie tuh bruise mah ears! Turn go…

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6 Pages
Term Paper

Sports - Women

Middle Age Romance

Words: 2060
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Middle Ages Romances Le Chevalier au Lion Chretien de Troyes' Le Chevalier au Lion (The Knight of the Lion) tells the story of the lovelorn Arthurian knight Yvain, rather than…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Mythology - Religion

Sacred Romance Drawing Closer to

Words: 783
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The need for romance and desire via the heart is portrayed as the key element of Christian life, rather than the fulfillment of the mere human body or…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Sports - Women

Anthropology Educated in Romance the

Words: 1689
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Many women discover that raising a family is the most rewarding career they can ever have, regardless of their training and career aspirations. This may be because of…

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1 Pages


Conflict Between Romance and Reality

Words: 412
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Thesis

Joyce writes, "While he had been full of memories of their secret life together, full of tenderness and joy and desire, she had been comparing him in her…

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4 Pages


Blithedale Romance by Nathaniel Hawthorne

Words: 1449
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

He listens to conversations, watches Hollingsworth and Zenobia together, and flaunts their relationship in Priscilla's face, when it is clear she loves Hollingsworth. In this, he is selfish,…

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9 Pages


When Does Workplace Romance Become Harassment

Words: 2999
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Essay

orkplace Dating & Sexual Harassment Issues orkplace romance and sexual harassment in the workplace are the topics to be covered in this paper. There is a great deal of scholarly…

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4 Pages
Movie Review


Tarantino S True Romance a Bad Movie About Love

Words: 1448
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Movie Review

True Romance in Real Life True Romance is awash in fantasy. From the protagonists' attraction to comics to the hero's delusions of an Elvis (the patron saint of pop…

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3 Pages
Article Critique


Shared Talking Styles Herald New Lasting Romance

Words: 820
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Article Critique

Talking Styles In order to create lasting, worthwhile relationships with people individuals must possess the ability to communicate effectively. At least this is the argument posited by Spitzberg (1999). Further,…

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3 Pages


Gothic Romance Symbols and Themes in Bronte's Jane Eyre

Words: 783
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

What Jane Eyre Does for MeJane Eyre, by Charlotte Bronte, has a unique ability to engage me and evoke strong thoughts and emotions largely thanks to its depiction of…

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6 Pages


Flatland A Romance in Many

Words: 1501
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Some of the mathematics of the book are shown to correlate to certain political aspects of the book, making the work perhaps more profound than Abbott ever intended…

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4 Pages

Mythology - Religion

Man of Good Nathaniel Hawthorne's Romance the

Words: 1251
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Man of Good? Nathaniel Hawthorne's "romance," the short story "Young Goodman Brown," is a highly allegorical tale regarding the nature of evil and good. Even a cursory analysis of…

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