School Administrator Essays (Examples)

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VI. School Administrator Accountability and Assessment Implementation

As an educational leader, the researcher could utilize the newly acquired knowledg relating to the school administrator accountability and assessment by developing fresh ideas/solutions for new challenges. Sternberg (2006) warned that when one tries to transport something that may have worked before to the new setting, without adapting it to the new setting, the transported plan may very well fail.

VII. School Administrator Accountability and Assessment Experiences

One experience the researcher contends as proved helpful in examining school administrator accountability and assessment transpired while the researcher participated in a team project. Initially, the researcher chose not to share vital information with team members. Wise leaders, Sternberg (2006) points out, not only utilize their analytical, and creative skills for a common good, they invest their emotional/social/practical skills in efforts that will benefit others as well as themselves. "They look out not only for their preferred group of….

Even though courses may include lectures, readings, outside research efforts, class discussions, as well as individual or small group presentations, these activities are not generally conducted in the classroom, utilizing Internet and presentation software enhancements. As an excessive number of graduate education departments are not equipped to offer school administrators classes which involve immediate Internet and database research activities, and/or technological presentations directly within the classroom, the researcher notes the need to secure this training from other sources (Donlevy, 2004, ¶ 14). VI. Technology for School Administrators Implementation
In previous experiences, the researcher learned that including routine utilization of technological tool proved helpful in examining this issue of technology for school administrators. As technology, evidenced in the day-to-day life of schools, proves vital, school administrators have no choice but to prepare themselves to know how to effectively utilize programs designed to prepare future school leaders (Donlevy, 2004). Some of the….

Emergency Management Planning Because schools are generally easily accessible and contain the basic infrastructure needed for short-term accommodations, school administrators may be faced with the need to provide shelter for local residents during times of emergency. Therefore, it is essential that they understand what is involved in order to ensure their safety and wellbeing. This paper examines the issues involved in providing shelter for 300 to 400 families for the duration of a disaster that could last up to 5 days, including the resources that would be needed, and how these can be obtained for an immediate response to events such as criminal acts as well as who will be responsible for decision making. Finally, a summary of the research and important findings concerning emergency management planning for school administrators are provided in the conclusion.
Outline of appropriate response to this situation and decision-making authority
Although every disaster situation will be different, emergency….

Establishing Consultation and Collaboration in a School
Calgary Public School Board has hired a resource teacher for an elementary/junior high school, which has 16 teachers and 325 students i.e. 150 and 175 students at elementary and junior high levels respectively. The school principal has indicated his desire to create some form of consultation and collaboration in the school. While the school has in the past referred students with special needs to special education placements in other schools, those with learning and behavioral difficulties have been removed from the resource room because they could not be placed in a district program. The former resource teacher did not work in collaboration with other teachers and stakeholders. As the new resource teacher, it's important to establish suitable measures for consultation and collaboration to help address the needs of special education students. Such a platform will help in dealing with the different cases in….

Granted, she was fortunate that Goldenberg is a noted school change advocate and author. However, if he had not been at the school, she may have been able to find someone else well versed in reform. The important element is collaboration with others who have a knowledge base.
The other important aspect of this article was the example of how the teachers were involved and the results that came from this change. Based on the increased scores of the students, it is easily recognized that there was a fundamental change in the teachers' instruction. Lastly, this article showed that not all changes end in "happy ever after" results. Unfortunately, the changes were not continued from one generation of teachers to the next.

There are a few elements that are missing in this article. The first is what happened to Sullivan and her involvement with this school change. Did she leave, and….

It raises the need for both written and verbal communication skills to reach an optimum level that can persuade and cajole.
It is believed by many experts that this economic role will become more important in future years and that in order to achieve the status of superintendent, a candidate will have to display some experience or education in that field to ensure board members that he or she is capable of representing the district well (Thomas, 2002).

With Administrators, Staff and Teachers

School superintendents face a new level of issues when dealing with these three groups of employees, and it is very important how the man or woman in that position communicates layoffs, curriculum changes, school closures, firings, or an order to re-apply for their jobs, as has been done now in a significant number of districts around the country.

One of the superintendent's first priorities is to get out of the….

School Law Dawson v East

The court easily could have come to a contrary result, given that it denied most of the allegations of the plaintiff, other than the specific contention that the nature of this specific advertising was particularly inconsistent with state educational statues and school board policy. Even the plaintiff conceded that advertising in the form of school vending machines, yearbooks, sports scorecards, etc. had long been tolerated in schools, and would continue to be tolerated.
Question 2: What guidelines may administrators who are considering potential educational uses of commercially driven Internet technology draw from the above opinion?

The guidelines for school administers regarding advertising thus remain blurry. Video advertising is acceptable, but not the type of video advertising on Channel One. Regarding Internet advertising, it would seem that using the Internet to research material on websites where advertising may appear would be analogous to the permissible practice of taping programs from the television….

School esponse to Student Suicide: Postvention
The emotional impact on family and friends following an adolescent suicide - and the school's response to a suicide - has not been the subject of the same level of intense research as have: a) the causes of suicides; and b) programs to prevent suicides. However, there is now an emerging body of solid research on what protocol a school can put into place, to be more prepared in the unfortunate circumstance of a teen suicide. Indeed, on the subject of tragedy, in the aftermath of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, many schools and communities re-tooled their crisis/response plans for dealing with such threats. And yet, in many ways, the sudden, inexplicable death of a student can cause serious psychological ramifications to fellow students on a part with the shockwaves following an attack by terrorists. And hence, this paper analyzes literature that is….

School ID Badges as in

From the school staff perspective, the identification badges would be a useful instrument to recognize who is a student and who is a teacher. Additionally, somewhat related to the identification purpose, as well as to the security perspective that one parent has mentioned, the staff can easily recognize who is actually meant to be on school grounds and who isn't. If we consider the global terrorist threat, this is a highly important argument.

On the other hand, as the parent has mentioned, security and safety measures on school premises need to have a limit somewhere, otherwise we risk having a reminder of concentration camps, where number identification tags were used. As the parent has asked, where can we draw the line?

From the parents' perspective, wearing a badge may be an additional form of security and safety on school grounds, but it also may be considered a measure that will give way….

However, I would also want to ask some pointed and direct questions if the parents were being belligerent, to discover why they appeared to be hostile. Perhaps they were embarrassed by their child's behavior and were acting defensively. In that case I would try my best to talk to them in a non-threatening manner, making sure they understood that we were not trying to persecute their son (or daughter) but rather, to correct deviant, anti-social, and harmful behavior. I would avoid arguing with them if the parents refused to believe that their child had done anything wrong.

We cannot tolerate stealing at school. Therefore, I would drive home the point that the next time the student is caught stealing that we might have to alert the authorities. I would report the misbehavior to the student's teachers and to the school administrators, so that they would know what was going on and….

And when the parent comes to an event held in the classroom, it makes good sense to have interpreters available, and "invite the extended family," which of course is a very welcoming act of kindness and good judgment. The other parent in this list of "types" is the "Busy Parent," who is a person with a work schedule that is hard to get a hold of, or plan meetings for. Get the cell phone number of parents like this, and the email addresses, and "continue to send home their children's work on a regular basis, including writing samples, artwork, and test copies" - and even consider taking digital photos of class activities and attaching those pictures to emails that go to parents.
On a more serious note, the literature on school administration duties as far as training staff to be parent-active and family-friendly offers an article called "here's the Ministry….

School Bullying Plan

School Legal Entanglement Plan
This Legal Entanglement Plan seeks to examine the policies, programs, strategies, and practices of a particular school with respect to its moral, legal, and ethical implications. The plan is developed based on a three-step process that will help in addressing the issue that could potentially become a liability or legal entanglement if left unaddressed. The plan will help in addressing the issue since it will be communicated to appropriate stakeholders.

Step 1 – Analysis

Moral and Legal Issues in School Strategies

One of the moral, ethical or legal issue facing Carson Elementary School in West Price and could escalate into a legal entanglement is school bullying, which poses significant threats on the welfare and well-being of students. Bullying is a broad concept that involves intentional aggression, power imbalance between the perpetrator and victim, and repetitive aggressive behavior (Cornell & Limber, 2015). Carson Elementary School recognizes that preventing bullying is critical….

The next generally recognized style of leadership is the transformational style. While a hierarchical style relies on rules and efficiency, a transformational approach is based on a more democratic sense of group formation. While a group guided by a transformational leader still relies on a small group of leaders (and possibly only a single leader), this leader works to make everyone feel that they are a part of the process and that their ideas are valued (Somech, 2008, p. 98).

While this style of leadership would work better for the implementation of a distance-learning program, it is still too centralized given the need to include the leadership of other organizations (such as the community colleges where secondary school might use classroom space).

The final general type of leadership is that of the facilitative leader, who is someone who works with all of the stakeholders in an organization as well as the leaders….

Schools today are under pressure to provide students with the maximum opportunity for as broad as possible an education. At the same time, the school environment and classroom are relatively safe and protected, but also restrictive in terms of insulating students from the world in general. To strike a balance between safety and learning, teachers often elect to include excursions beyond the boundaries of the school. These field trips are designed to provide students with a practical learning experience to supplement the information they are expected to internalize within the classroom. To maximize the positive effects of this experience, the Western Australian Department of Education has created a policy document to divulge the specific requirements for student safety during such trips.
This is then also the stated background of the policy, in that any risk factors related to excursions outside the school premises need to mitigated in such a way….

Experience with the two aspects that are being studied, school retention and social promotion, are important for this study. Therefore these strategies will help to recognize the extent to which their experience provides insights to the responses they provide Hodges, Kuper, & eeves, 2008()
These two methods are also in depth analytic processes and will help the researcher to detect the main themes in the responses and how they are influenced by their experience with the aspects being studied. Though both methods greatly rely on the speech of the respondents as the major source of data, there are reasons why the two methods are chosen. These are that they involve critical thinking since the researcher is required to understand how experience comes into play in the responses. Therefore it helps to make the resulting analysis to be as thorough as possible.

Validity and reliability of data collection and analysis

Since the study….

If you want to find out more information about education management and administration, the best way to do so may be to talk to an educational administrator.  While they are similar to managers and administrators in other fields, there are unique skills needed in an education environment.  Therefore, it should come as no surprise that almost everyone in this field begins as an educator.

Education management and administration deals with handling how the school runs.  Scheduling, determining what classes a school should offer, determining hiring needs, and handling the teachers are all parts of school administration.  One of....

The government can play a crucial role in supporting schools in rural areas by implementing various measures. Here are some ways in which the government can help:

1. Infrastructure development: The government can provide funds for the construction and renovation of school buildings, classrooms, libraries, laboratories, and other essential facilities. This will ensure that rural schools have adequate physical infrastructure to provide quality education.

2. Technology integration: The government can facilitate the integration of technology in rural schools by providing funds for the purchase of computers, projectors, internet connectivity, and other necessary equipment. This will enhance the teaching and learning experience for....

Research Proposal: Understanding the Influence of Extracurricular Activities on Students' Personal Development and School Engagement


Extracurricular activities (ECAs) play a significant role in the lives of students, shaping their personal development and enhancing their school engagement. While research has examined the benefits of ECAs, there is a need for a more comprehensive understanding of their specific influence on students' personal and academic growth. This research proposal aims to investigate the relationship between ECAs and students' personal development and school engagement.

Research Questions

This study will seek to answer the following research questions:

How do ECAs contribute to students' personal development, including their self-esteem,....

Sure, here is an example of the methodology section for a research proposal on exploring the factors influencing student dropout rates:


1. Study Design:
This research will employ a quantitative research design to explore the factors influencing student dropout rates. A survey will be conducted to gather data from a sample of students who have dropped out of school. The survey will include questions about demographics, academic performance, social factors, and reasons for dropping out.

2. Sampling:
The target population for this study will be students who have dropped out of school within the past academic year. A convenience sample of 200 students will....

4 Pages


School Administrator Accountability and Assessment

Words: 1214
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

VI. School Administrator Accountability and Assessment Implementation As an educational leader, the researcher could utilize the newly acquired knowledg relating to the school administrator accountability and assessment by developing fresh…

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4 Pages


Technology for School Administrators Expertise

Words: 1062
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Even though courses may include lectures, readings, outside research efforts, class discussions, as well as individual or small group presentations, these activities are not generally conducted in the…

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3 Pages

Government - Local

Emergency Management Planning for School Administrators

Words: 1017
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Emergency Management Planning Because schools are generally easily accessible and contain the basic infrastructure needed for short-term accommodations, school administrators may be faced with the need to provide shelter for…

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6 Pages
Case Study

Education - Special Education

School Administrators and School

Words: 1845
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Case Study

Establishing Consultation and Collaboration in a School Calgary Public School Board has hired a resource teacher for an elementary/junior high school, which has 16 teachers and 325 students i.e.…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


School Change When Jessie Sullivan

Words: 870
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Granted, she was fortunate that Goldenberg is a noted school change advocate and author. However, if he had not been at the school, she may have been able…

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4 Pages


School Superintendent's Communication Within the

Words: 1403
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Thesis

It raises the need for both written and verbal communication skills to reach an optimum level that can persuade and cajole. It is believed by many experts that this…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Law

School Law Dawson v East

Words: 715
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The court easily could have come to a contrary result, given that it denied most of the allegations of the plaintiff, other than the specific contention that the…

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10 Pages
Term Paper

Death and Dying  (general)

School Response to Student Suicide

Words: 3279
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

School esponse to Student Suicide: Postvention The emotional impact on family and friends following an adolescent suicide - and the school's response to a suicide - has not been the…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


School ID Badges as in

Words: 1177
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

From the school staff perspective, the identification badges would be a useful instrument to recognize who is a student and who is a teacher. Additionally, somewhat related to the…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


School Counseling in This Case

Words: 684
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

However, I would also want to ask some pointed and direct questions if the parents were being belligerent, to discover why they appeared to be hostile. Perhaps they were…

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10 Pages
Term Paper


Schools and Parents Effective Staff

Words: 3287
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

And when the parent comes to an event held in the classroom, it makes good sense to have interpreters available, and "invite the extended family," which of course…

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7 Pages


School Bullying Plan

Words: 2473
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Essay

School Legal Entanglement Plan This Legal Entanglement Plan seeks to examine the policies, programs, strategies, and practices of a particular school with respect to its moral, legal, and ethical implications.…

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2 Pages
Research Paper


School Overcrowding Just Where Are

Words: 629
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

The next generally recognized style of leadership is the transformational style. While a hierarchical style relies on rules and efficiency, a transformational approach is based on a more democratic…

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4 Pages
Book Report


Schools Today Are Under Pressure to Provide

Words: 1444
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Book Report

Schools today are under pressure to provide students with the maximum opportunity for as broad as possible an education. At the same time, the school environment and classroom…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


School Retention vs Social Promotion

Words: 917
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Experience with the two aspects that are being studied, school retention and social promotion, are important for this study. Therefore these strategies will help to recognize the extent…

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