Singapore Essays (Examples)

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Singapore is a small Asian state that has made tremendous progress in the last decades in economic and financial terms and is one of the most attractive countries to invest in. The government has strongly promoted an administrative model with reduced governmental involvement, liberalizing sectors and encouraging foreign investments. As a consequence, the country scores highly in all or most of the reports that analyze the ease of doing business.
Singapore is also becoming an important regional hub. As a consequence, starting an enterprise in this country can also be made considering the potential impact in the medium and long-term in the development of the company in other Asian markets. The Asian region is estimated to continue its economic growth in the next period of time, so it would be important to establish a presence there as soon as possible and with long-term implications. Singapore would be a good location to….

Singapore MNCs
Singapore as a Destination for Multinational Corporations (MNCs)

Today, the Southeast Asia region have emerged as a collective of conflicting and developing states to serve as a global hub for international business operations. The continually growing emphasis on globalization and trade liberalization between the western and eastern spheres is having a determinant impact on the outlook for such nations as Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand and Laos. And most particularly, as Southeast Asia has revealed itself as an increasingly attractive operational venue for multinational corporations (MNCs), Singapore has emerged as an extremely popular venue for profitable investment in technology and production endeavors. As a result, Singapore has emerged as a highly competitive player in the international market, drawing companies from all over the developing and industrialized world with an environment that has been praised as relatively free from corruption, unencumbered by bureaucratic red tape and highly economically dynamic. As the research presented….

Singapore has long built its economy on its strategic positioning for trade. The country is now home to the world's second-largest container port according to the orld Shipping Council (2013). The country's position as a leading trade makes it a natural place to find solutions to global supply chain issues, and has also encouraged a significant amount of foreign direct investment in the country. Foreign companies have set up shop in Singapore, often in either services or retail. This paper will analyze some of the issues that foreign firms dealing in Singapore have with respect to global supply chain management.

Starbucks has a significant retail presence in Singapore, but it also benefits from the country's geographic position in a couple of ways. The first is that Singapore is situated in the heart of a fertile coffee-growing region -- critical islands like Java, Sumatra and New Guinea are nearby, as are high….

Singapore has no capital gains tax, no estate duty, a one-tier tax system, low corporate taxes, low personal taxes, and also a low Goods and Services Tax (GST).
In spite of Singapore's low tax collection rate, and in spite of the fact that Singapore has no natural resources, the country remains one of the richest in the world. Singapore has no foreign debt, high government revenues, and a "consistently positive surplus," ("Singapore Economy: A Brief Introduction"). The reasons why Singapore is able to be so successful both domestically and within the global marketplace environment is that the economy is driven by several key factors including exports (mainly electronics and machinery, but also pharmaceuticals); financial services; tourism; and serving as "the world's largest cargo seaport," ("Singapore Economy: A Brief Introduction"). Singapore's economy is highly diversified, too, with growth deriving from health care services, casinos, media, and information technologies and communication ("Singapore….

Singapore Airlines has built a reputation as one of the best service providers in the airline industry, and has made this reputation an integral component of its marketing strategy (Skytrax, 2012). The company scores five stars and is one of just a handful of airlines in the world to do so. In order to achieve service excellent, Singapore Airlines draws on a number of strengths. The company has cultivated strengths in safety, food service, and the in-flight experience.
hen the service blueprint of an airline is considered, there are few if any weak points in the Singapore Airlines service offering. The first component is the ticket-buying process. In this Singapore Airlines offers a smooth experience, one that is comparable to competing airlines. The second component of service delivery is where the customer reaches the airport, receives the boarding pass and delivers the luggage. Singapore's hub at Changi Airport is one of….


Type of Governmental Structure in Singapore

Singapore, a sovereign republic; officially termed epublic of Singapore, is governed under the constitution of 1959 as amended, utilizes a parliamentary form of government. [footnoteef:1]

Administrative Divisions of Government in Singapore [1: "Singapore." The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. The Gale Group Inc. (2008). (accessed February 11, 2011).]

The people elect the president, head of state, is for a six-year term. The president, in turn, appoints the prime minister to head the government. "The unicameral legislature consists of the 84-seat Parliament, whose members are popularly elected for five-year terms; additional members may be appointed. The supreme court, the nation's highest judicial body, has seven members." [footnoteef:2] The People's Action party (PAP), Singapore's most significant political party, has been in power since 1959. [2: "Singapore." Government Section, ¶ 1.]

Based on the English common law, Singapore's legal system includes its Constitution which conveys the basic….

Singapore Economy
Singapore: Looking Back to the Past for Answers to the Future

Looking Backwards

According to the Singapore Ministry of Finance the world economy has created a challenging environment for growth in any nation. However, despite these challenges, the Singapore economy has averaged 5% growth per year over the past decade. The Singapore economy has experienced a deep recession over the last two years, but still continued to manage at least minimal growth. Singapore households continue to realize higher real incomes, with median incomes rising over 20% (MOF 2012).

Diversification and globalization have been key components of the success of the Singapore economy. International Services have grown to allow Singapore to become one of the leading business and financial centers in Asia. Manufacturing has been strong as well as new developments in the biomedical sciences and aerospace engineering. These sectors have led growth over the past decade (MOF 2012). In addition to a….

Singapore, Nationalism, Global City, Cosmopolitanism
The focus and aim of this term paper is to analyze and explore the concept of nationalism in Singapore with the help of exploring and analyzing different steps and measures on part of government including the promotion of its National Day Parade. In order to understand this phenomenon it is important to first define the concept of nationalism.

Nationalism was considered a historical concept since long and was ignored by the political philosophy. Its importance has revived in the political concept since last two decades. In the recent years the concerns for international justice have evolved greatly therefore the focus has shifted from nationalism to international justice. The issues of terrorism, clash of civilization and supremacy controls have centered the attraction of international political concerns and have created public attention. According to the Graham Evans and Jeffrey Newnham in the dictionary of International elations the term 'nationalism'….

What Kind of Singapore Would You Like to See in 15 Years?

Singapore has undergone a number of exciting developments over the past 15 years. The economy has improved dramatically and there is a vast amount of wealth and financial power exercised by the economy. Moreover, the strengths of Singapore's economy -- the exporting and banking economy -- suggest that it will be able to sustain its success in the future. Nevertheless, there are a number of areas in which Singapore's economy and quality of life can improve; this paper discusses some of the social, economic, and political areas for improvement that can take place over the next fifteen years.

Singapore needs to strengthen its use of technology in order to appeal to the youthful population and entice people to remain in the country. The country's economic strength is due in large part to the thriving e-commerce sector. However, Singapore must continue….

he need for creating place as a differentiator that underscores and strengthens the user experience is critical in entertainment marketing (Klebanow, 2009)
. 2.3 Promotion- Definition

he strategies used for generating awareness of a company and promoting its unique services and program are promotion.

2.3 Promotion - application to tourism operation

In the context of entertainment, promotion is also all about the communicating of what makes a given experience unique, one-of-a-kind and so tied to every other area of the product mix that it cannot be easily duplicated (Klebanow, 2009). his is certainly the case with Disneyland okyo vs. Singapore Sentosa for example. Promotion centers on setting expectations and then devising strategies for their fulfillment. he use of PR programs online has become increasingly pervasive. Social networks are revolutionizing public relations as a result (Bernoff, Li, 2008). hey are also re-defining how casinos actively market themselves and create unique entertainment programs for patrons….

Singapore Airlines

Singapore Airlines has tough competition for other carriers and also has to accommodate a different set of passengers who are not the rich business class, but the middle class on tours, and the new age entrepreneurs. These sections are demanding and are attracted to extra service and low costs. Marketing to this sector means making the Airlines a household word -- which means that effective advertisements in the media plus some services that can differentiate the Airlines from other companies is the only way not only to retain the current market but also to find new ones. One suggested remedy is to renew and find better advertising media and better advertisement for the target market. The second is to come up with costless novel ideas that the customer finds the company differentiated from others. The last one is to find more destinations and thus more traffic. The new position of….

Singapore / ivera
The westernization of education has influenced teacher training programs, particularly for school counselors. ivers, Nash, Wah and Ibrahim (2008) wanted to take a look at training of school counselors in Singapore, a tiny Asian city-state where school counseling is just emerging as an independent and recognized profession. The authors wanted to put counselor training in Singapore in its proper cultural context, since schools and their students are different from those in the United States. As the authors point out, U.S. schools are often used as the model for so-called globalization efforts, and ideas do not necessarily translate effectively to the other side of the globe.

ivera et al. acknowledged that two recent articles about the school counseling profession in Singapore, while they provided some information on the historical and cultural context, nevertheless provide an incomplete picture. Still, the authors felt that the two articles they reviewed were the best….

As contrasted with "Singapore," the poem "In Creve Coeur" by Rosanna Warren symbolizes "our tarnished, everyday, ramshackle world of loss, anguish and sacrifice," much like the tone of "Singapore." As a poet, Warren "inhabits... A realm of classic purity, and in some of her best, most moving poems... dwells in both regions at once... " ("Rosanna Warren," Internet). One of the most obvious similarities between these two poems is that both are in an urban setting with the events described in Warren's poem set in the city of Creve Coeur in Missouri. However, this setting is contrasted against Oliver's poem with its Asian setting, being the city of Singapore in Malaysia. Overall, the tone of Warren's poem is one of death, symbolized by the unconscious baby taken from a burning house by a fireman.

The imagery in this poem is quite similar to that found in "Singapore." First of all, the….

Singapore and its Economy

Economy1. How DID Singapore achieve per capita income growth (in nominal US$$) of 9.7% annually for the past 42 years?Singapore has enjoyed an increased income growth in its per-capita for the last 42 years. There was income growth due to the summation of several decisions and policies that Lee, the prime minister, undertook after taking control over the nation (Vierto & Thompson, 2008). Lee developed some essential aspects that help the nation\\\'s income growth. The first was the development of pro-business or foreign investment policies. All the new organizations were required to be exempted from tax up to 200 000 (Vierto & Thompson, 2008). These companies also experienced an exemption of 60% of claims of expenditure on purchasing equipment and training. This was vital in driving foreign investments and productivity in Singapore.Additionally, the nation developed a saving-investment balance. It had a low personal income tax, but the people were forced….

Global usiness Cultural Analysis: Singapore
The objective of this study is to answer the questions how the major elements and dimension of culture including religion, ethics, values, attitudes, manners, customs, social structures, and organizations integrated in Singapore by local conducting business. As well, this work will answer how these elements and dimensions compare with United States culture and business. Finally, this work will examine the implications for United States businesses that wish to conduct business in Singapore.

The work of Abeysinghe and Choy (2009) reports that the economy in Singapore has been undergone a transformation that has turned it into "…an Asian powerhouse…" due to the "far-sighted economic policies. The economy of Singapore is proof of the outcome of a market-driven economy taking place during fast development of high per capita income, and an environment free of corruption in which the workforce is both motivated and educated. The financial infrastructure of Singapore….

Certainly! Here are some essay topics that cover East Asia modernity and women's roles:

1. The impact of modernization on women's roles in East Asian societies: a comparative analysis of Japan, China, and South Korea.
2. Gender equality and empowerment of women in East Asia: challenges and opportunities in the 21st century.
3. The role of women in shaping modern East Asian economies: a case study of female entrepreneurship in Taiwan and Hong Kong.
4. Traditional vs. modern gender roles in East Asian cultures: exploring the evolution of women's status in Confucian societies.
5. The portrayal of modern East Asian women in media and popular....

Ecobin's Impact on Improved Waste Management Practices
Ecobin, an innovative waste management solution, has revolutionized the way waste is handled and disposed of, leading to significant improvements in waste management practices according to existing literature. Its multifaceted approach encompasses waste reduction, recycling, composting, and data analytics, resulting in tangible benefits for both individuals and organizations.
1. Waste Reduction and Source Segregation:
Ecobin's smart bins employ sensors and RFID technology to monitor waste levels and identify waste types. This real-time data enables users to adjust their waste disposal habits, reducing the volume of waste generated. The system also promotes source segregation by providing separate....

Common Barriers to OSH Implementation in SMEs According to Literature
Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) often face unique challenges in implementing occupational safety and health (OSH) measures due to various barriers. According to extensive literature, the most prevalent obstacles include:
1. Resource Constraints:
SMEs typically have limited resources, including funding, personnel, and time. This can make it difficult to invest in OSH equipment, training, and compliance with regulations. [1]
2. Lack of Awareness and Knowledge:
Many SME owners and employees lack adequate knowledge about OSH best practices and legal requirements. This can lead to complacency and resistance to implementing safety measures. [2]
3. Competing Priorities:
In the....

3 Pages


Singapore Is a Small Asian State That

Words: 765
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Singapore is a small Asian state that has made tremendous progress in the last decades in economic and financial terms and is one of the most attractive countries to…

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12 Pages

History - Asian

Singapore Mncs Singapore as a Destination for

Words: 3294
Length: 12 Pages
Type: Essay

Singapore MNCs Singapore as a Destination for Multinational Corporations (MNCs) Today, the Southeast Asia region have emerged as a collective of conflicting and developing states to serve as a global hub…

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7 Pages


Singapore Has Long Built Its Economy on

Words: 1972
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Essay

Singapore has long built its economy on its strategic positioning for trade. The country is now home to the world's second-largest container port according to the orld Shipping Council…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Singapore's Government Is Best Described

Words: 879
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Singapore has no capital gains tax, no estate duty, a one-tier tax system, low corporate taxes, low personal taxes, and also a low Goods and Services Tax (GST). In…

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4 Pages


Singapore Airlines Has Built a Reputation as

Words: 1243
Length: 4 Pages
Type: SWOT

Singapore Airlines has built a reputation as one of the best service providers in the airline industry, and has made this reputation an integral component of its marketing strategy…

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9 Pages
Book Report

History - Asian

Singapore Transnational Issue in the Country Type

Words: 2719
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Book Report

SINGAPOE TANSNATIONAL ISSUE IN THE COUNTY Type of Governmental Structure in Singapore Singapore, a sovereign republic; officially termed epublic of Singapore, is governed under the constitution of 1959 as amended, utilizes a…

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10 Pages


Singapore Economy Singapore Looking Back to the

Words: 3425
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Essay

Singapore Economy Singapore: Looking Back to the Past for Answers to the Future Looking Backwards According to the Singapore Ministry of Finance the world economy has created a challenging environment for growth…

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12 Pages
Term Paper


Singapore Nationalism Global City Cosmopolitanism

Words: 3322
Length: 12 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Singapore, Nationalism, Global City, Cosmopolitanism The focus and aim of this term paper is to analyze and explore the concept of nationalism in Singapore with the help of exploring and…

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2 Pages


Singapore What Kind of Singapore Would You

Words: 644
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Singapore What Kind of Singapore Would You Like to See in 15 Years? Singapore has undergone a number of exciting developments over the past 15 years. The economy has improved dramatically…

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6 Pages
Book Report

Business - Advertising

Singapore Sentosa Market Analysis and

Words: 1740
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Book Report

he need for creating place as a differentiator that underscores and strengthens the user experience is critical in entertainment marketing (Klebanow, 2009) . 2.3 Promotion- Definition he strategies used for…

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3 Pages


Singapore Airlines

Words: 982
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Singapore Airlines has tough competition for other carriers and also has to accommodate a different set of passengers who are not the rich business class, but the middle class…

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2 Pages
Article Review


Singapore Rivera the Westernization of Education

Words: 628
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Article Review

Singapore / ivera The westernization of education has influenced teacher training programs, particularly for school counselors. ivers, Nash, Wah and Ibrahim (2008) wanted to take a look at training of…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Singapore by Mary Oliver in

Words: 970
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

As contrasted with "Singapore," the poem "In Creve Coeur" by Rosanna Warren symbolizes "our tarnished, everyday, ramshackle world of loss, anguish and sacrifice," much like the tone of "Singapore."…

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5 Pages
Case Study


Singapore and its Economy

Words: 1360
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Case Study

Economy1. How DID Singapore achieve per capita income growth (in nominal US$$) of 9.7% annually for the past 42 years?Singapore has enjoyed an increased income growth in its per-capita…

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16 Pages
Research Paper


Business Analysis of Singapore

Words: 4853
Length: 16 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Global usiness Cultural Analysis: Singapore The objective of this study is to answer the questions how the major elements and dimension of culture including religion, ethics, values, attitudes, manners, customs,…

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