Skeleton Essays (Examples)

228+ documents containing “skeleton”.

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Skeleton Amor-
The Skeleton in Armor

The poem The Skeleton in Armor by Henry Wordsworth is a master piece of its own kind and quite characteristic of Wordsworth's poems. It is a philosophical statement or tale that tries to retain the history of the Americas. This runs from the exploration trips that brought forth the fruits of discovery of America (as insinuated in "Newfoundland" line and Norway) to the stay in the America. There is also a portrayal of the conquest and dominance of the land through marriage and building statues that symbolize the victory and conquest by the warrior.

The poem is purely based in factual events as noted above, the rule of the ancient "Viking" and the struggle for freedom from this Viking, to the journey of the hero with the aim of finding a land that is free from the oppression of the Viking or the then kings. It is….

Cetacean Skeletons at Local Museums
Right Whale Skeleton Exhibit, Great Mammal Room, Harvard Museum of Natural History

After visiting the Harvard Museum of Natural History in Cambridge, I was left in awe by the amazing displays featuring fully intact whale skeletons. Entering the museum's newly renovated Great Mammal Hall, I was immediately struck by the sheer size of the three whale skeletons hanging from the ceiling. The three species of whale found here include the Sperm whale, the Fin whale, and the Right whale; and each skeletal display offered a unique glimpse into the biological construction of nature's largest mammalian creatures. Personally, I found myself becoming increasingly fascinated with the amazing Right whale skeleton, because this was my first up-close encounter with this animal's distinctive baleen filter-feeding system. Baleen whales are one of two suborders of the Cetacean order (which consists of whales, dolphins and porpoises), with the other suborder consisting….

Dancing Skeletons - Life and Death in West Africa
This paper reviews the book Dancing Skeletons - Life and Death in West Africa by Katherine A Dettwyler. It charts events in the book and aspects of the work of this physical anthropologist in the field of child nutrition in Mali during 1989 as an assistant professor of nutritional anthropology.

Discussion questions on Dancing Skeletons - Life and Death in West Africa

What were the author's research questions?

During 1989, the author wanted to follow up on children from her research in 1981-1983 to compare their growth and nutritional status between studies. Her questions included: Did malnourished children catch up in growth and did this happen in middle or late childhood?; Were severely malnourished children permanently affected?; Had any children from the first study died?; Did the best nourished children in her first study continue to be taller and heavier and did they survive better….

Dead Skeleton (Calavera) Art
Anthropology is the study of objects in terms of their positioning and existence. It is an ethnographic approach for tracing things or people. Through the concept of 'follow the thing', it is possible to study varying aspects of an art object through different contexts. This helps in the finding out of initial perceptions about an object through ethnographic study. It also helps in the study of world systems through the originality and chain of a commodity. Through the commodity chain, there comes specific ethnographic sensibility for multi-sited research. The concept of follow the thing technique is used within the framework of political economy in the colonialism and capitalism contexts (Brandes 85).

The study of things can also take social contextual where tracing of the object follows its circulation (Brandes 85). In the efforts to follow the thing, ethnographic study can also take multi-faceted research methods, which assist….

Examined a Skeleton

frog is one of the best example of how its skeleton and muscles have adapted to provide the best response to the natures challenges. Indeed, we will notice in the paragraphs below that each muscle and each bone has a well-determined function in providing for an excellent jumper and swimmer. In general, the skeleton is correlated with the moving function. ecause of the frog's specific environment and the aquatic component it is dealing with, the skeleton of a frog refers to both swimming and leaping as kinetic modalities. The sekeleton is, as such, adapted to perform these tasks.
First of all, the tibia and fibula have joined to form the tibiofibula and it has specialized in providing an excellent leaping and jumping basis. Man has two lower leg bones, but it seems natural that for the frog, these two have joined together in order to provide for the best solution….

Picasso's "Girl before a Mirror"
The artwork to be reviewed in this report is by the renowned painter Pablo Picasso. It is simply titled "Girl before a Mirror" and it features Marie-Therese Walter, the artist's young mistress. He created the artwork during the early 1930s. Currently, it is on display at the Museum of Modern Art in Midtown Manhattan, New York. Picasso makes use of line, color and shape to for present simultaneously symmetrical and reversed images that juxtaposes youth and old age.

The two sides of her body are simultaneously reverse and symmetrical. While one half of the painting depicts her as a curvy pregnant woman, the other half depicts an aged woman who is fragile. The woman in the reflection is portrayed as having a deflated stomach, with a sagging and lopsided chest and an aged face. The whole painting has a background of circles and diamonds. Convincing readers….

Additional skeletal clues referring to development are that female skeletons tend to mature faster than males, with a hardening of the cartilage occurring at a younger age, by age 18 for females and age 21 for males. This may be due to the reproductive advantage conferred on the species if a female body is strong enough to support a child in utero at an earlier age (Liu, Sartor and Nader).

The age of the skeleton also provides clues relating to development. While younger children and infants may be hard to tell apart in gender, the elderly skeleton may be show osteoporosis in the female skeleton as compared to age-matched males, as the lack of estrogen contributes to decreasing bone density with age. The male skeleton, due to the presence of testosterone, may simply not degenerate as fast in terms of osteoporosis as a female's would (Kim, Sung and Song).

While the gold….

On average, male skeletons are larger than female skeletons, but just as some women are larger than some males, this distinction does not hold firm in all instances. Female pelvic regions tend to be wider than male pelvic regions, an evolutionary feature that has made childbirth easier. Female bones tend to be thinner and less dense than male bones, and thus the female skeleton tends to be lighter than male skeletons.
The skull is one of the most notable sites of difference between male and female skeletons. The teeth of males tend to be larger, and above their eye sockets men tend to have a more visible brow ridge while women often have none. The male skull tends to have a squarer (as opposed to a pointed) chin and is more angular in its demarcations than the female skull. Women's nose openings are more apt to be pointed, rather than….

Kennewick Man
Certainly it is important to honor the cultural heritage of the past; however there is a limit to the amount of restitution that needs to be repaid to cultures. In the article "Antiquities, the orld is your Homeland," author Edward Rothstein (2008) explains that throughout the world countries are demanding a return of their ancient artifacts to the homeland, the land of their origin. The problem with this is that many of the ancient cultures do not exist anymore. For example, Greece has demanded a return of anything Greek which has left the country, but modern Greece is as far removed from Ancient Greece as Great Britain is removed from the time of the Norman Conquest. It is a wholly new civilization with little resemblance to the ancient state. Yet, the country demands that since it has the same name and occupies some of the same land, they are….

Night the Crystals Broke
Write where you got inspiration from?

The inspiration from this poem comes from my grandmother and her family, who lived through the pogroms and just before the Nazis took over Hungary. The title refers to the Kristallnacht, the event in which the Nazis burned synagogues and their religious items, and broke the windows. They also broke the windows of the local businesses. This poem also refers to the journey that was scary and arduous, over the Atlantic in the ship to Ellis Island. The statue at the end of the poem is the Statue of Liberty, which welcomed the "poor" and "hungry" masses, like my grandmother's people.

(2) Which author and poem did you refer to when writing this poem?

There is no one author or poem I referred to here. This is a completely original work. However, it is written in the form of a ballad. The ballad….

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 "bans discrimination, including sex-based discrimination, by trade unions, schools, or employers that are involved in interstate commerce or that do business with the federal government" the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination in a broad array of private conduct including public accommodations, governmental services and education. One section of the Act, referred to as Title VII, prohibits employment discrimination based on race, sex, color, religion and national origin. The Act prohibits discrimination against the aforementioned protected classes in the areas of recruitment, hiring, wages, assignment, promotions, benefits, discipline, discharge, layoffs and almost every aspect of employment (Loevy 1997).
However, Title VII provides than an employer must reasonably accommodate an employee's religious beliefs and practices unless doing so would cause undue hardship on the business. As an employee were are obligated to try to resolve any conflict if possible. We would….

The giant skeleton flew over my head, and I was convinced it was going eat me. I cowered behind my mother's leg as walked into the room. "What's that?" my mother teased. "The giant pterodactyl is coming to get you!" I giggled, recognizing the tone of voice as her playful one. Emerging from the safe cocoon of my mother's leg, I beheld above me the most magnificent site I had seen. Its bony wings soared, its legs dangled, and it beckoned my mind to go with it on a journey to the past. I envisioned the giant flying creature searching for prey in the desolate landscape of the Triassic. All that book reading in school paid off; this was the real deal! From that moment forward, I never complained when my parents said we were going to a museum. Museums were playgrounds for me, opening my world into a three-dimensional….

Bite egistration
econstruction of full ach can be challenging for clinical procedures. As increasing number of patients live longer, retaining their teeth become challenging. Typically, clinicians will be called upon to deliver dental. Success esthetic and functional dentistry depend on technician, and clinicians understanding of tooth morphology. This study discusses the proper bite registration for fixed and removable prosthesis. The study discusses important point in ensuring that an accurate fabrication of relationships is obtained to deliver the best results. Fixed prosthodontics is a specialized branch dentistry designed to replace missing teeth using cast prosthesis to replace lost teeth. On the other hand, removable prosthodontics involves replacing missing teeth using a removable prosthesis. The paper identifies different materials necessary for both fixed and removable prosthesis. The modeling wax and amite are part of materials used bite registration to achieve accurate results.


Bite registration is the strategy of capturing accurate lower and upper….

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Nematoda

Part 2: Answer the following questions as they relate to the nine phyla in the assignment table. (Porifera, Cnidaria, Nematoda, Arthropoda, Platyhelminthes, Annelida, Mollusca, Echinodermata, and Chordata.)

1. Which phyla lack organs? What type of symmetry do they have?

Porifera and Cnidaria lack organs. Porifera lack any symmetry hence these are asymmetrical while Cnidaria have radial Symmetry.

2. List all of the phyla that show cephalization.

The phyla that show cephalization are Mollusca, Annelida, Chordata, Platyhelminthes and nematoda.

3. Do all organisms on the table have 3 germ layers (endoderm, ectoderm, and mesoderm)? If not, which phyla have fewer than three germ layers?

No, not all these organisms have 3 germ layers. Porifera has no germ layer and Cnidaria has two of them.

4. One phylum on the table has more species than all the others. State the name of this phylum, and provide several different examples of species found in this phylum.

Maximum number of….

I do not even know where most of my ancestors are buried. I do not even know where most of them lived, or what land they considered to be at the heart of their lives. I do not know how most of them conceived of the soul or of what happened when they buried their dead. And yet I would be troubled by knowing that researchers could dig up their bones. I would not necessarily forbid it (if I had the power), but I would be troubled. And I think that I would be close to infuriated if researchers claimed that they were pursuing such disinterring for my benefit. So must many native peoples feel.
How Does One Define Affiliation?

Key to the legal strength of NAGPA as well as the broader implications that is has for the practice of the different sub-disciplines of anthropology, including archaeology, is the concept of….

You came to the “write” place for tips on how to write an essay.  We have a comprehensive guide to writing essays, as well as a number of shorter guides on how to complete some of the steps (like writing an outline) that you might need to take in order to complete your essay.  The first thing to do is to figure out what type of essay you are being asked to write.  When you know what type of essay you need to write, you can figure out how to approach it.

The next thing to....

Primary Factors Exacerbating Global Climate Change

Climate change, a pressing global crisis, has witnessed an alarming acceleration in recent decades, primarily driven by human activities. The primary factors contributing to this acceleration include:

1. Greenhouse Gas Emissions:

The burning of fossil fuels (coal, oil, natural gas) for energy production releases significant amounts of greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O), into the atmosphere. These gases trap heat, causing global temperatures to rise.

2. Deforestation and Land Use Change:

Large-scale deforestation, primarily for agriculture and urbanization, removes vast areas of forests that absorb CO2. The clearing of forests also releases....

Skeletal Hand Development Stages and Age Determination in Forensic Anthropology
Skeletal hand development stages are valuable indicators for age determination in forensic anthropology. By analyzing the developmental morphology of hand bones, forensic anthropologists can estimate the age of an individual, providing crucial information for medico-legal investigations and anthropological research.
Prenatal Development
Hand development begins during the embryonic period. During the first trimester, the fundamental skeletal structures of the hand, including the carpals, metacarpals, and phalanges, are formed. By the end of the first trimester, the hand has acquired its basic architecture.
Infancy and Childhood
After birth, the hand continues to develop rapidly. The carpals gradually....

Evidence Supporting the Thesis of Ancient Egyptian Blackness
The historical and archaeological evidence supporting the thesis that ancient Egyptians were black is compelling, spanning various fields of inquiry and offering a comprehensive portrayal of their racial identity.
1. Archaeological Depictions:
Ancient Egyptian art and artifacts frequently depict their citizens with dark skin, broad noses, and full lips. These depictions are consistent with the physical characteristics of indigenous African populations, providing visual evidence of their blackness. For example, the famous statue of Queen Tiye, mother of Akhenaten, showcases her dark complexion and African features.
2. Anthropological Studies:
Anthropological research on ancient Egyptian skeletons reveals the presence....

2 Pages


Skeleton Amor- the Skeleton in Armor the

Words: 427
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Skeleton Amor- The Skeleton in Armor The poem The Skeleton in Armor by Henry Wordsworth is a master piece of its own kind and quite characteristic of Wordsworth's poems. It is…

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3 Pages
Research Paper


Cetacean Skeletons at Local Museums Right Whale

Words: 865
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Cetacean Skeletons at Local Museums Right Whale Skeleton Exhibit, Great Mammal Room, Harvard Museum of Natural History After visiting the Harvard Museum of Natural History in Cambridge, I was left…

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7 Pages
Book Report

Family and Marriage

Dancing Skeletons - Life and Death in

Words: 2514
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Book Report

Dancing Skeletons - Life and Death in West Africa This paper reviews the book Dancing Skeletons - Life and Death in West Africa by Katherine A Dettwyler. It charts events…

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10 Pages
Research Paper

Death and Dying  (general)

Day of the Dead Skeleton Calavera Art

Words: 3182
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Dead Skeleton (Calavera) Art Anthropology is the study of objects in terms of their positioning and existence. It is an ethnographic approach for tracing things or people. Through the…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Examined a Skeleton

Words: 1497
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

frog is one of the best example of how its skeleton and muscles have adapted to provide the best response to the natures challenges. Indeed, we will notice…

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2 Pages

Art  (general)

Human Skeleton and Painting

Words: 1114
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Picasso's "Girl before a Mirror" The artwork to be reviewed in this report is by the renowned painter Pablo Picasso. It is simply titled "Girl before a Mirror" and…

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3 Pages


Macrobutton Dofieldclick Student's Last Name

Words: 938
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Additional skeletal clues referring to development are that female skeletons tend to mature faster than males, with a hardening of the cartilage occurring at a younger age, by age…

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2 Pages


Somatic Cell Division An Overview

Words: 677
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

On average, male skeletons are larger than female skeletons, but just as some women are larger than some males, this distinction does not hold firm in all instances.…

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2 Pages

Native Americans

Kennewick Man Certainly it Is Important to

Words: 705
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Kennewick Man Certainly it is important to honor the cultural heritage of the past; however there is a limit to the amount of restitution that needs to be repaid to…

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10 Pages


Night the Crystals Broke Write Where You

Words: 3364
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Essay

Night the Crystals Broke Write where you got inspiration from? The inspiration from this poem comes from my grandmother and her family, who lived through the pogroms and just before…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Diversity Challenges Scenario 1 Overview

Words: 1088
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 "bans discrimination, including sex-based discrimination, by trade unions, schools, or employers that are involved in interstate commerce or that…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Museum Studies Statement of Purpose

Words: 624
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

SOP The giant skeleton flew over my head, and I was convinced it was going eat me. I cowered behind my mother's leg as walked into the room. "What's that?"…

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6 Pages
Research Paper

Health - Nursing

Removable and Fixed Prosthodontics

Words: 1768
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Bite egistration econstruction of full ach can be challenging for clinical procedures. As increasing number of patients live longer, retaining their teeth become challenging. Typically, clinicians will be called…

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2 Pages
Research Paper


Taxonomic Categories There Are 9

Words: 709
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Nematoda Part 2: Answer the following questions as they relate to the nine phyla in the assignment table. (Porifera, Cnidaria, Nematoda, Arthropoda, Platyhelminthes, Annelida, Mollusca, Echinodermata, and Chordata.) 1.…

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10 Pages
Term Paper


Repatriation and Its Consequences There

Words: 2643
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

I do not even know where most of my ancestors are buried. I do not even know where most of them lived, or what land they considered to…

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