Software Essays (Examples)

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Software Development Life Cycle ( SDLC)
Explain equirement process ( in SDLC) in detail. Why is this exercise important?

equirements engineering is a fundamental activity in systems development and it is the process by which the requirements for software systems are identified, systematized and implemented and are followed through the complete lifecycle. Traditionally engineers focused on narrow functional requirements. Now it is being argued by Aurum and Wohlin (2005) that focusing only on the functional and non-functional aspects of the system is no more appropriate. The developers have to concentrate on the entire business system for which it provides solutions even though some of the aspects may be out of the system. Thus there are complexities that arise based on the requirements of the system and the clients for which detailed analysis is required firsthand.

equirements dictate the system design. The requirement process has many intricate steps that make it whole. The foremost….

Software Development Life Cycle
Agile Software Development

Agile software development is a popular software development process or methodology that has gained a lot of popularity in the recent years due to its effectiveness and ease of use. Firstly, it encourages collaboration and teamwork throughout the life cycle of development and this makes it easy to plan and implement.

Agile software development is all about breaking a task into small chunks that make it easy to code and more features are added during its incremental processes. The most important advantage of agile method of development is that it accepts that requirements can change in the future and it makes provisions to accommodate those changes instead of strictly adhering to a rigid set of requirements established at the beginning of the developmental cycle. In fact, each stage of software development such as planning, design, development and testing are considered to be iterative and this means….

Software Development Life Cycle
Social Media Software Implementation Project

Social media is an important aspect of every business today because it gives companies a unique chance to understand the customers better and to interact with them at a more personal level. A wide range of social networking tools are used by companies to attract customers to the products and services offered by the company and this makes social media software implementation essential for every project.

The first step is to identify the goals of social networking to the company. Its important to make a list of things that are expected out of the software and what it aims to achieve. When this is identified, the next step is to work on the design and the technology. Most companies today prefer not to concentrate too much on the technology, but rather on the end-result and ease of use from the employees' and customers' point-of-view.….

Software documentation is an integral part of the software development process. However, the process is often challenging because over the course of a software development project the scope can often change and evolve several times with updates and new builds. Despite the challenges that are presented in effectively documenting the development process, the documentation that is produced can serve as a valuable asset that can be used in future projects or future alterations of the current software package. Not only is it important to accurately and clearly document many of the development steps but it is also important to make sure the right people have access and knowledge of the documentation that has been created. Even if the documentation was produced accurately and clearly it is not of much value if it is not accessible or utilized later. This analysis will cover some of the challenges that are present in….

Software Application Process for a Clinician Provider Order Entry (CPOE) system
Software Application Process

Clinician Provider Order Entry (CPOE) System

The planning, customization, launch and continued use of a Clinician Provider Order Entry (CPOE) system in a local hospital forms the foundation of this analysis. The processes being used prior to the systems' planning and implementation are detailed to provide a basis of comparison of system contribution and performance. A timeline of the decision makers involved in the process, how and where they identified vulnerabilities in the system and the software selection process are also detailed. The CPOE system today on average handles over 10,000 queries and has resulted in a 78% reduction in order entry errors with a corresponding reduction in costs. Most importantly, it has drastically improved the healthcare providers' effectiveness in treating patients while also augmenting the entire patient experience more positively.

Analysis of CPOE Substitute Processes Prior To System Implementation


On this aspect of agent-based SDLC performance, both approaches are limited in terms of their applicability and scalability. The reliance on heuristics can only go so far with the embedding of business, technical and organizational elements into the overall structure of an SDLC methodology (Kumar, Goyal, 2011). The reliance on an agent-based model fits well with the development of modules that are designed to align with these innately unquantifiable aspects of the context of an SDLC project, and further, the use of the completed application. Web Services is more utilitarian in its definition of functionality and its need to be pervasive and accessible as an inherent design criterion (Maamar, Mansoor, 2003). This utilitarian approach to defining Web Services is in contrast to the highly specified configured parameters of an agent-based approach to SDLC-oriented heuristics (Kumar, Goyal, 2011). While each has its unique strengths and must be selectively applied base….

Software Quality Assurance (SQA) is defined as:
"A systematic, planned set of actions necessary to provide adequate confidence that the software development process or the maintenance process of a software system product conforms to established functional technical requirements as well as with the managerial requirements of keeping the schedule and operating within budgetary confines." (Galin, cited in Food for Thought, 2005)

During the 1970's, companies had difficulty delivering software within the constraints of schedule, budget, and quality (Food for Thought, 2005). The problem grew worse over time. Many projects undertaken in the 1980's and 90's were complete disasters, failing to deliver anything, grossly exceeding budget and schedule deadlines, and delivering poor quality. Also, during the 1980's a "software crisis" occurred in which the spending on software maintenance exceeded spending on creating new software products. The problems in software development and the "software crisis" brought about the emergence of SQA.

The SQA plan sets….

Software Engineering: What Makes it un
The Software Engineering Online Learning Center sponsored by the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) is a wealth of useful information for anyone interested in the disciplines this organization is committed to advancing knowledge in. Divided into webcasts, DB2 tutorials, and eBay tutorials, Java learning tools and Linux certification tutorials, the learning center strikes a good balance between open source and proprietary software. What makes the site especially useful is the successful use of IBM DB2 tutorials and free sample code downloadable for students. The IEEE has made working with its other partners a priority as well, as the content shows how effective this strategy has been. All the partnerships and content support the main purpose of the site, which is to provide students with both the deeply theoretical and practical, pragmatic insights necessary to excel in an engineering career. The pros or….

Software Development Project: Process, Organization, And Individuals
It is obviously necessary to establish the basic parameters of a software development project before detailed planning begins, from determining the specific objectives to forming an assessment of the basic needs and phases that will be part of the project. Once this is completed, however, the real work of forming a plan for carrying out the project, assigning responsibilities, and ensuring that the project will work within established hierarchies and operational procedures must begin. The following paragraphs will detail the process model, organizational structure, and individual responsibilities that will enable the development project to be successfully carried out. With this understanding explicitly and consciously in place, the project will be able to proceed efficiently and effectively.

Process Model

The lifecycle model that will be utilized in the adoption of a new primary health care data and communications system will be the evolutionary delivery project lifecycle model.….

Software Testing Strategy

Software Testing Strategy
Computers and their applications have brought about waves of changes in various areas of science and technology. It is also gaining widespread prominence in the field of business and management. So the requirement of a quality oriented technological implementation, having a range of usage is the order of the day. The few gazillion dollars worth software industry is constantly evolving with the needs of people and organizations across the globe. Revolutionary changes have been observed in the computer software industry with time. A complicated computer automated software program is used to simplify the application it handles. It is written with great care. (System Analysis and Design) software program is made very carefully step-by-step, aiming at making the program user friendly and on the basis of the requirement of the user in general. Usually uniqueness, speed, reliability, flexibility and user friendliness are the basic elements for computing and application….

The methods at the basis of the software project refer to the following:
1. At a marketing level, the CM software platform enhances communication possibilities with the customers at all interaction points.

2. At a sales level, the software platform would allow our company to gather and process valuable information on productivity needs, such as size of product line or specific characteristics desired. The data would easily find applicability and functionality in sales planning, product configurations, pricing, purveyor contracts and so on.

3. At a service level, the CM software would reduce for once the marketing costs, decrease which would then be reflected in the retail price, to eventually enhance customer satisfaction; the sales and marketing usages of the software would also enhance the quality of the services we offer, materializing once again in an increased customer satisfaction.

4. At the level of business partners, the CM software would improve business processes through….

Software Maintenance and Control
Software Caution Influence

Software is all over the place, whether one finds it mesmerizing or terrifying. It affects, more or less, every portion of our lives, as of international trade to individual banking.

In a generation's time, software has materialized as the ever-present power structure of an automatic organization, as well as the society, at large (ichards, 1991). In addition, softwares are a necessary foundation of America's financial and political rank in the world.

Exclusively self-governing technological experts no more make software. Systems regularly have need of millions of lines of code, a key assignment for a team of programmers or even more than a few corresponding teams. Software development and maintenance is no more a puzzling procedure controlled by a group of specialists behind blocked doors (ichards, 1991).

The isks associated with software maintenance and change control in an organization.

Software and systems are fraction of the extreme structure of everyday….

Most commonly used functions are easy to find in the menus. However, some features such as trying to select text may be tricky for some users to locate at first.
Another factor is the value of the software. This area rates at a 5. While the software has many useful features, there are many alternatives available with much lower price tags. Adobe's name recognition allows them to charge higher prices for their software much like companies such as Microsoft and their Office software.

The third factor is usefulness. While the needs of businesses vary, a suitable rating would be a 7. Most businesses have documents such as sales information, forms, or business processes that lend themselves well to the PDF format.

Security is another factor businesses with sensitive information must consider. With the high level of security available, the security rates a 7. From password protection to digital signature support, this is….

Software can provide the backbone for project management. The right digital tools will help schedule tasks and meetings; facilitate communications; and interface with external databases useful for project completion. However, choosing the right type and brand of software for each project can be a daunting task. If I had to select a tool for project planning and scheduling among those available on the market, there are a set of factors that I would take into account. The first factor is reliability. The software must be as bug-free as possible. The text recommends a specific upper limit of how many bugs the software can have in order to be deemed usable.
Second, the selected software needs to come with appropriate training manuals, tutorials, and help guides that are available online. These materials are crucial for efficient project management. Without them, team members could waste valuable time on learning how to use the….

Electronic medical records software is becoming a crucial component of healthcare administration. Gulf View Associates and Sarasota Outpatient Clinic should certainly consider one of the following three medical software systems: Medisoft Clinical, MEDENT Chart Central, and McKesson EH. These three software systems are designed to streamline medical recordkeeping and other administrative work. One of the primary functions of electronic health records (EH) software is to "reduce costs by improving quality, safety and efficiency," (McKessen, 2011). Therefore, the cost of installing and maintaining the software system plus training staff in its use must be offset by long-term financial gains for the institution.

McKessen offers EH systems for both clinics and private practices. Among the functions of the software include "prescription management, diagnostic order entry, results reporting, encounter documentation and clinical workflow management," (McKessen, 2011). The McKessen software suite includes Horizon Ambulatory Care, which focuses on patient records management, and also Horizon Practice….

POS, or point of sale, systems are critical to allowing a business to make money, since they are where a customer pays for goods or services.  If it is difficult for a customer to complete a transaction, then it does not matter how easy-to-use the rest of your website is.  This makes POS systems a critical component of any online business. 

Point of Sales (POS) Research Paper Topics

  1. Why have so many small businesses rejected implementing a central POS system, instead choosing to still use a combination of other methods including separate cash registers, credit card terminals, and bookkeeping programs?
  2. Does using a....

A job analysis paper refers to a specific type of essay that examines different aspects of a job. The type of tools and methods you choose to analyze a job depends on a few factors, such as what job you are analyzing and the purpose of the analysis.  If you are in management or human resources, you might use metrics like output or time to complete a job to help determine job requirements, while if you are a prospective employee or looking at a career, you might choose an entirely different approach.  Whatever approach you choose, an effective job analysis....

One of the best ways to find sources for a paper is to look to see if you can find any example papers online that discuss that topic. If so, you can go to their works cited/ bibliography sections and look through their sources. That may give you a good place to start. In our library of resources, we have an example essay on the IT building blocks of IBM.  Visit it to see the references it uses. We also have case studies on IBM, which can help you find sources for issues related to the....

Below is an example essay to help give you ideas when writing your own paper.

Title: Bridging the Skills Gap in the South African Supply Chain Industry

In today's rapidly evolving global economy, the supply chain industry plays a vital role in ensuring the efficient flow of goods and services. However, South Africa's supply chain sector faces a significant skills gap, hindering its growth and competitiveness. To address this challenge, it is essential to identify and cultivate generic, transferable, core, or key attributes that can bridge this gap effectively. This essay will discuss the different forms of such attributes....

12 Pages

Business - Management

Software Development Life Cycle SDLC

Words: 3695
Length: 12 Pages
Type: Essay

Software Development Life Cycle ( SDLC) Explain equirement process ( in SDLC) in detail. Why is this exercise important? equirements engineering is a fundamental activity in systems development and it is…

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10 Pages

Education - Computers

Software Development Life Cycle

Words: 2835
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Essay

Software Development Life Cycle Agile Software Development Agile software development is a popular software development process or methodology that has gained a lot of popularity in the recent years due to…

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5 Pages

Business - Management

Software Development Life Cycle

Words: 1559
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Software Development Life Cycle Social Media Software Implementation Project Social media is an important aspect of every business today because it gives companies a unique chance to understand the customers better…

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3 Pages

Education - Computers

Software Documentation Is an Integral Part of

Words: 828
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Software documentation is an integral part of the software development process. However, the process is often challenging because over the course of a software development project the scope can…

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4 Pages
Research Paper

Business - Management

Software Application Process

Words: 1329
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Software Application Process for a Clinician Provider Order Entry (CPOE) system Software Application Process Clinician Provider Order Entry (CPOE) System The planning, customization, launch and continued use of a Clinician Provider Order…

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3 Pages
Article Critique

Education - Computers

Software Requirements Analysis Implications for

Words: 780
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Article Critique

On this aspect of agent-based SDLC performance, both approaches are limited in terms of their applicability and scalability. The reliance on heuristics can only go so far with…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Education - Computers

Software Quality Assurance

Words: 589
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Software Quality Assurance (SQA) is defined as: "A systematic, planned set of actions necessary to provide adequate confidence that the software development process or the maintenance process of a software…

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3 Pages

Education - Computers

Software Engineering What Makes it Run the

Words: 878
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Software Engineering: What Makes it un The Software Engineering Online Learning Center sponsored by the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) is a wealth of useful information for anyone…

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3 Pages

Business - Management

Software Development Project Process Organization and Individuals

Words: 747
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Software Development Project: Process, Organization, And Individuals It is obviously necessary to establish the basic parameters of a software development project before detailed planning begins, from determining the specific objectives…

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24 Pages
Term Paper

Education - Computers

Software Testing Strategy

Words: 8852
Length: 24 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Software Testing Strategy Computers and their applications have brought about waves of changes in various areas of science and technology. It is also gaining widespread prominence in the field of…

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10 Pages
Research Proposal


Software Proposal the Contemporaneous Business

Words: 2796
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

The methods at the basis of the software project refer to the following: 1. At a marketing level, the CM software platform enhances communication possibilities with the customers at…

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6 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Management

Software Maintenance and Control

Words: 1942
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Software Maintenance and Control Software Caution Influence Software is all over the place, whether one finds it mesmerizing or terrifying. It affects, more or less, every portion of our lives, as…

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10 Pages
Term Paper

Education - Computers

Software Evaluation Project Adobe Acrobat

Words: 2629
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Most commonly used functions are easy to find in the menus. However, some features such as trying to select text may be tricky for some users to locate…

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2 Pages

Business - Management

Software Can Provide the Backbone for Project

Words: 629
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Software can provide the backbone for project management. The right digital tools will help schedule tasks and meetings; facilitate communications; and interface with external databases useful for project completion.…

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2 Pages


Software Electronic Medical Records Software Is Becoming

Words: 625
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Software Electronic medical records software is becoming a crucial component of healthcare administration. Gulf View Associates and Sarasota Outpatient Clinic should certainly consider one of the following three medical software…

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