Sport Essays (Examples)

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Sports Tourism Belfast Northern Ireland
Pages: 13 Words: 4283

Planning such an event when it has not been done before is very difficult and time consuming.

Mistakes can easily be made on cost, time, and other issues when people are unsure as to what they should do to create an event that is successful - which could happen because the promotion company is uncertain about putting on such a large event and has questions about many aspects of it.

Volunteers and Viability

Getting people to volunteer for a mega sporting event in elfast is possible, but it is not safe to assume that there will be plenty of volunteers without a closer analysis. How many people in elfast like sports? How many of them like a particular sport? These are the kinds of questions that must be answered, along with the availability of these people and what they actually have to offer when it comes to what they will be able to…...



Adorno, T. (2000). Problems of moral philosophy (T. Schroder, Ed. & R. Livingstone, Trans.). Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.

Backer, W. (1973) - Motivating workers. Johannesburg: McGraw-Hill: New York.

Beer, M., & Nohria, N. (2000) - Breaking the Code of Change. Harvard Business Review, May-June, 2000, pp. 133.

Bedeian, a.G. (1993). Management (3rd ed.). New York: Dryden Press.

Sports Management Facilities as a
Pages: 13 Words: 3494

The classes are designed to move at the speed and skill of each student.
Kids on the move Program

This would be a program geared more toward the overweight teen between the ages of 13-18. This will help obese teenagers lose weight and become fit. As kids' fitness instructors, their challenge will be to help children develop active, optimistic standard of living. Assimilating awareness and activity will help persuade these children that exercise is significant to their well-being.

Camouflage Fitness Program

This will be another fitness program for kids 5-12 years of age. Parents are able to plan their child's class. As the parents plan their child's classes, they will be able to in commercial health-related fitness mechanisms (cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance, and flexibility and body composition/weight management) during the course of their lesson. Where will the parent be able to integrate these dissimilar components? Parents in this program will learn…...

Sports Finance The Professional Sports
Pages: 3 Words: 1260

Imposing a Tax or Levy to Build a Sport Facility:

As previously mentioned, one of the major concerns that have emerged in the recent past is whether or not a community should impose a levy or tax to pay for bonds for a sport facility that would house a major league professional sport team. Historically, many taxation avenues have been used to pay for the development of a new sport facility. Since these avenues have included the federal, state, and local governments, they have effectively subsidized the professional sport franchises. Nonetheless, the arguments that have been raised in support of the existing tax policies have lost real credibility because actual studies have discredited exacerbated economic claims (Jensen, 2000, p.460).

In determining the most appropriate answer to this concern, several factors should be considered including the socio-political, economic, and finance dimensions as well as the current trends in financing the construction of a…...



Hodgson, G. & Lefebvre, M. (2011, August). Who Should Pay for New Pro-Sports Facilities?

Retrieved from the Conference Board of Canada website: 

Jensen, S.A. (2000). Financing Professional Sports Facilities with Federal Tax Subsidies: Is it

Sound Tax Policy? Marquette Sports Law Review, 10(2), 425-60. Retrieved from

Sports in American History
Pages: 7 Words: 2090

Sports in American History
There are so many themes that have influenced the formation and development of sport in America. Sports have always been a common and important theme that has really shaped our nation to what it is today. In the schoolroom, many examples from sports can clarify important events in American history and also assist in exploring explore how individuals in American society have contended with racial, ethnic, and local changes in our very assorted country. hether it is handing over a manuscript on Jack Johnson to exemplify the nationalization of white control throughout the Jim Crow age or consuming the film Cinderella Man -- about tough winner James Braddock, existing on assistance a year before taking the title -- to showing how much pressure American families were under during the Civil ar all the way up to the Great Depression, sports in American history is an extremely appreciated…...


Works Cited

Gorn, Elliott J. "Gouge and Bite, Pull Hair and Scratch": The Social Significance of Fighting in the Southern." The American Historical Review, 90, no. 1 (1985): 18-43.

Hardy, Stephen. "Parks for the People": Reforming the Boston Park System,." Journal of Sports History 7, no. 3 (1980): 18-56.

Regalado, Samuel o. Viva Baseball. Chicago: University of Illinois Pres, 2008.

Strauna, Nancy L. "The Formalizing of Sport and the Formation of an Elite." Journal of Sports 13, no. 3 (1986): 11-21.

Sporting Activities or Gender Perspective Annotated Bibliography
Pages: 4 Words: 1699

Sporting Activities or Gender Perspective
Annotated Bibliography

McKinney, Scott. "Student-Athletes Bring Billions, But hat Are They Getting?"

Mississippi Business Journal 22.37 (2000): 25. MasterFILE Premier. eb. 20 June

This article focuses on college athletes in relation to their contribution in bringing billions. According to the article, college athletes are crucial to the generation of billions within sporting fields through their talents and efforts. This research paper aims to outline benefits of participation in sporting activities by college athletes. It is clear from the article that student athletes enjoy free scholarships, accommodation, meals, and other associated benefits for their participation or skills in different games or leagues. The article is relevant to the research because it offers clear reason why student athletes do not obtain salaries for their talents or participation in the sporting activities. The article is reliable and valid since it constructs its arguments from extensive research. The article is instrumental to researchers…...


Works Cited

McKinney, Scott. "Student-Athletes Bring Billions, But What Are They Getting?" Mississippi

Business Journal 22.37 (2000): 25. MasterFILE Premier. Web. 20 June 2012.

Tracee, Hamilton. "In college football, everyone cashes in but the players." Washington Post,

The n.d.: Regional Business News. Web. 20 June 2012.

Sport Drink Facts and Fictions Sports Drinks
Pages: 4 Words: 1439

Sport Drink Facts and Fictions
Sports Drinks

Commercial sports drinks make many claims, such as giving athletes 'wings' (ed Bull GmbH, n.d.), "Seizing Every Advantage" (PepsiCo, 2013), or "Go Stronger for Longer" (Coca Cola Co., 2013). ed Bull's Energy Drink contains 320 mg of caffeine and 110g (11%) of sucrose and glucose per liter (ed Bull GmbH, n.d.). Gatorade Thirst Quencher contains 58.3 g (5.8%) of sucrose and dextrose per liter of beverage (PepsiCo., 2013) and Powerade contains 55.6 g (5.6%) of the artificial sweetener sucralose in the same volume (Coca Cola Co., 2013). This report will review what is known about caffeine and carbohydrate supplementation during intense physical exercise by reviewing three recent empirical studies addressing this issue.

Clarke et al. (2012)

Purpose: Both ed Bull's Energy Drink (ed Bull GmbH, n.d.) and Gatorade (Coca Cola Co., 2013) incorporate two different sugars into their drinks, which is probably based on research showing a…...



Clarke, N.D., Campbell, I.T., Drust, B., Evans, L., Reilly, T., and Maclaren, D.P.M. (2012). The ingestion of combined carbohydrates does not alter metabolic responses or performance capacity during soccer-specific exercise in the heat compared to ingestion of a single carbohydrate. Journal of Sports Sciences, 30(7), 699-708.

Coca Cola Co. (2013). Powerade. Give your game some flavor. Retrieved 3 Apr. 2013 from .

Hulston, Carl J. And Jeukendrup, Asker E. (2008). Substrate metabolism and exercise performance with caffeine and carbohydrate intake. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 40(12), 2096-2104.

PepsiCo. (2013). G-Series. O2 Perform. Hydration to help replace what you sweat out. Retrieved 2 Apr. 2013 from .

Sports and Social Change the
Pages: 3 Words: 851

The world will not be able to change if people such as Davis, and others like him, have to live in fear of rejection simply because they are different from other people.
However, the preceding quotation from Davis illustrates what is actually at the heart of the issue of social change represented by the NFL and sports in general in terms of tolerance and embracing diversity. The NFL is actually one of the modern incantations of ancient European gladiator sports. As such, there is a sense of hyper-masculinity that pervades it, whether one is examining the players, the nature of the game itself, or even the environments and surroundings in which the sport is watched and enjoyed. It is this degree of masculinity that makes coming out so difficult for NFL players (as well as the fact that players routinely see one another naked in locker rooms). And it is…...


Works Cited

Blais, Michele. "The Way I See it: It's About What's There." The Morning Star. 9 March, 2014. Retrieved online: 

Davis, Wade. "How the NFL is Tackling LGBT Issues." NFL Player Engagement. 3 Feb, 2014. Retrieved online:

"Kirk Cousins of Washington Redskins Says He'd 'Welcome' Gay Teammate: 'Nobody's Perfect." Huffington Post. 6 Mar, 2014. Retrieved online:

Sport Sponsorship
Pages: 5 Words: 1650

Sports Sponsorships: Considerations and Configurations
The sponsorship of sports has become a highly visible and powerful variable in professional sports, and to a lesser degree, in scholastic sports. The field of sports sponsorship has evolved to such a degree that sponsorship strategies have been classified into benefits packaged identified by color: Gold, silver, and bronze. Selection of sponsorship packages has become de facto, which undoubtedly creates advantages for the sponsor. ecently, there has been a shift to more flexible sponsorship proposals that are referred to as tailored sponsorship arrangements.

Further complicating the sponsorship arrangement is that the public's response is not always predictable. Sponsors and sports organizations would do well to recognize the need for market research before they engage in costly or complex sponsorship agreements. Steinbach (2005) provides an interesting example of how sponsorship can go seriously awry. In May of 2004, Columbia Pictures and Major League Baseball (MLB) came to…...



Obsniuk, S. And Smith, S.J. (2007). Big league deals: A descriptive study of sponsorship levels in grassroots U.S. baseball and softball programs. The Sport Journal, 1543-9518.

Crisp, B.R., and Swerissen, H. (2003). Critical processes for creating health-promoting sporting environments in Australia. Health Promotion International, 18 (2).

McCook, K., Turco, D., & Riley, R. (n.d.). A look at the corporate decision making process. Cyber Journal of Sport Marketing. Retrieved   / cjsm/v1n2/mcook.htm 

Pruitt, S.W., Cornwell, T.B., and Clark, J.M. (2004). The NASCAR phenomenon: Auto racing sponsorships and shareholder wealth. Journal of Advertising Research, 44(3), 281-296.

Sports Administration -- Sports Teams
Pages: 4 Words: 1144

It is also necessary for the state representatives to be able to identify and implement the most useful tools that safeguard their goals. "Unlike the final score for a game in which there is always one winner and one loser, winning at the negotiating table means sharing resources to achieve multiple objectives. The public sector is getting better at this game and, with some changes, can insure that they achieve their goals for enhanced economic development, tax revenues, and the intangible benefits of image."
3. Article Critique

Simply put, the general idea is that of agreeing with the thoughts of Mark osentraub and David Swindell. Here is why. First of all, it is true that the role of states in sports related fields is generally increased, and like many other elements, it has evolved from a stage in which it was only necessary for the state to offer the general infrastructure,…...



Rosentraub,, M., Swindell, D., 2009, Of Devil and Details: Bargaining for Successful Public / Private Partnership between Cities and Sports Teams, Public Administration Quarterly, Vol. 33

Sports Shoes Turkey Sports Shoes
Pages: 30 Words: 8792

Turkey, clearly has a proud and longstanding history with sports and sports enthusiasm. ports, as a cultural access point in fact is written into the Turkish constitution, as an aspect of cultural and personal growth goals for the entire nation.
Turkey is one of the rare countries in the world which has an article related to sports in her Constitution. Article 59 of the Constitution says, "The tate takes measures to develop the physical and mental health of Turkish citizens of all ages and encourages the spread of sports among the masses. The tate protects successful athletes." In recent years, with investments made in the field of sports, scientific research and the increase in importance placed by the tate on sports policy, sports in Turkey became a well-liked and interesting event both as a performance sport and for the utilization of free time. Activities are continuing for sports, which became…...


Sports Business Daily April 23, 2008 "07 Sporting Goods Sales Up 3.0%; Sports Apparel Market Up 2.4% 

Preet S. Aulakh, Masaaki Kotabe, and Arvind Sahay, "Trust and Performance in Cross-Border Marketing Partnerships: A Behavioral Approach," Journal of International Business Studies 27, no. 5 (1996) [database online]; available from Questia,

Sports and Education While Research Has Shown
Pages: 8 Words: 2745

Sports and Education
hile research has shown that participating in high school sports has a positive correlation with academic performance, these studies have missed key details regarding high school sports programs, thus skewing the results and portraying sports as far more beneficial for academic and personal success than the evidence actually dictates. Furthermore, these problems are exacerbated when carried into college, and a review of the literature regarding both high school and college sports programs reveals that sports are less effective at encouraging education and carry far more negative side-effects than other comparable, non-athletic extracurricular activities.

hen addressing the possible academic contribution of high school and college sports, it is important to investigate not only whether or not sports contribute to education, but whether or not they contribute to education more or less than other comparable extracurricular activities, and furthermore, whether or not sports carry with them attendant negative side-effects not seen…...


Works Cited

Anonymous. (2008). Report finds that most black colleges are not in compliance with title

ix. The Journal of Blacks in Higher Education, 59, 20-22.

Aries, E, McCarthy, D, Salovey, P & Banaji, M (2004). A comparison of athletes and nonathletes at highly selective colleges: academic performance and personal development. Research in Higher Education, 45(6), 577-602.

Darling, N, Caldwell, L & Smith, R (2005). Participation in school-based extracurricular activities and adolescent adjustment. Journal of Leisure Research, 37(1), 51-76.

Sports Participation and Character Development
Pages: 20 Words: 6264

Sports Participation And
Character Development

sports participation


Opening statement

Summary of the literature framing history of the project, using 5 articles related to the problem

Gaps and/or deficiencies in prior research

Importance of present study

Why the study should be pursued

For whom is it important

Purpose of the statement

esearch design (experimental, quasi-experimental, or non-experimental)

Theory tested or described

Intent (describe, compare, relate)

Variables (independent, dependent, controlling, intervening)

esearch question(s) and hypotheses

Does sport build character?

Can sports participation result in positive character development?

Can the sport environment be modified or controlled?

Null and alternative hypotheses for each research question, including how each of the variables will be operationalized

F. Nature of the study

a. Design

Paradigm (quantitative)

Design 1. Experimental, quasi-experimental, or pre/non-experimental

2. Specific design (e.g., pre-post test control group, time-series, etc.

See Campbell & Stanley 1963.)

iii. ationale for the design

b. Methodology

i. Population= ADOLESCENTS

1. Definition

2. Size, if known, or approximate/estimated size

ii. Sampling 1. Type of sampling

2. How the sample will be drawn

3. Sample size and why chosen in relation to…...



Davidson, M.L., & Moran-Miller, K.E. (2005). character development in sport: An ethnographic study of character development in an elite prep-school basketball program. Journal of Research in Character Education, 3(2), 121+. Retrieved February 15, 2011, from Questia database:   Doty, J. & Lumpkin, A.. (2010). Do sports build or reveal character - an exploratory study at one service academy. Physical Educator. Phi Epsilon Kappa Fraternity. Retrieved February 08, 2011 from HighBeam Research:  221760010.html 

Duffy, M. & Chenail, R.J.. (2008). Values in qualitative and quantitative research. Counseling and Values. American Counseling Association. Retrieved February 10, 2011 from HighBeam Research:

Sport Finance
Pages: 20 Words: 6053

Athletic Scholarships
Providing scholarships for athletes is one of the best ways to fund athletic programs, because when the athletes are competing for that first scholarship, he or she will be determined to show his or her best athletic abilities to the coaches. One of high schools and colleges highest sources of budget increases is the talent and the physical abilities of the athletes on the athletic teams. However, this is not the only source of income that athletic programs depend on. In addition to budget increases, they also depend on fundraising, donations, advertising and sales to name just a few incidents, which increase the number and amount of the scholarship funds. Besides this, the entire image and pride of the educational institution depends on the success on the athletic teams. Although athletes may be perceived as academically non-competitive, and the majority of the student body and school officials may claim…...


Train Wreck Called Title IX, News Week

NA, 4/2002

Good Grades Pay For Star Athletes, Toronto Star

Sports and Steroids and Their
Pages: 10 Words: 3158

Every team has a full-time strength and conditioning coach. There are weight rooms, training assistants, blenders, packs of powder drinks for players. Teams thought that if they have to spend, they needed to do the best to get the most out of their players. ut some guys do not want to take the hard way of going to the weight room and learning from a strength tutor. They prefer taking performance enhancers and they get desired results. They make up only 5% and they talk about what they do to those who have a hard time making money or stretching their budget. These athletes also feel others are getting ahead and that they have to take something to catch up or get to their highest level of performance. When those who take the hard way get bigger and stronger, everyone assumes that steroids are behind the progress. The 5%…...



Brown, Edwin W. Steroid Use Not Always Improper. Medical Update: Benjamin

Franklin Literary & Medical Society, Inc., June 1996. Retrieved on April 27, 2009;col1 

Dobbins, Bill. What You Really Need to Know about Anabolic Steroids. Bill, 2009. Retrieved on April 27, 2009 from

Sports Ethics Winning Isn't Everything
Pages: 10 Words: 3696

since they are all based on hard work while using steroids is not; it is a short cut to gaining an unfair advantage.
Is it Ethical to Use Animals in Sports?

Another interesting ethical issue in sports is the morality of using animals in sports and whether it is right to use them in bloodsports such as cockfighting. In order to understand the issue we have to go back in time and examine the relationship between human beings and animals has been pondered over by philosophers since the ancient times. Pythagoras, the Greek philosopher and mathematician advocated respect for animals as long ago as the 6th century BC because he believed in the transmigration of souls between humans and animals. Other religions such as Buddhism and Jainism have also preached kindness to animals as part of their core beliefs. Yet these philosophies have not prevented man from exploiting and using animals…...



Are Anabolic Steroids Addictive?" (2005). Medical News Today. Retrieved on March 31, 2007 at 

Barbaro euthanized after lengthy battle." (2007). MSNBC. January 29, 2007. Retrieved on March 31, 2007 at 

Berger, J. (2003). "Capturing the Truth." Star Bulletin. Sunday, June 22, 2003. Retrieved on March 31, 2007 at 

Cockfighting Fact Sheet." (2007). The Humane Society of United States. Retrieved on March 31, 2007 at

Can you help me with an authentic topic for PhD thesis on marina pollution?
Words: 359

Marina pollution is a significant problem that is only increasing as the popularity of boating and water sports increase.  Here are some PhD thesis topics about marina pollution to consider:

The impact of headwater emptying on marina pollution levels and whether the presence of readily available waste disposal stations helps reduce those pollution levels.  A secondary question to consider would be whether the fees associated with those waste stations impacts how much they are used, for example do free waste disposal stations help decrease marina pollution?

How parking lot runoff impacts marina pollution and can this impact be lessened....

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