Stability Essays (Examples)

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Stability of Employment
Education has long been associated with earnings potential. As a person completes higher levels of education, it makes sense that their level of pay also increases. One issue with this trend is that some jobs do not require the higher levels of education because the tasks required do not warrant it. There is also the class structure that it puts in place with intelligence rather than wealth being the commodity that decides at what rank a person should be. The crux of this study is to determine how much education matter for the earnings potential of a small isolated group of individuals. The researcher wondered how much an undergraduate college degree mattered, and whether achieving an advanced degree was worth the added expense. A group of 27 participants answered a survey regarding these questions. The study found that level of education mattered to a great degree and cost….

Stability in Government

Stability in Government
The stability of a democratic government appears to derive from the sovereignty, that is, the people themselves who elect or choose their leaders (Zoarman). That is their sacred right and duty, their only way to voice out their will. ut not every qualified citizen registers or casts his vote during election and, therefore, loses that right to run his own government or air their complaint. The establishment of a stronger political will among the people should put that sovereignty in their hands and fulfill the obligation to vote. That really strong political will should lead them to intelligently and assiduously look into the qualifications of candidates for public office in reaching a decision. The choice should not be left with destiny, the leaders and other citizens. Everyone has a supreme moral obligation to himself and his society to make that decision. Yet, even this privilege, duty and obligation….

stability afforded to the law of property by imposing a limit on the number of permissible legal estates are seriously undermined by the existence of a seemingly endless number of equitable interests.
Laws and Decrees




It is clear that law has limits even when it comes to the law of property. It has what is recognized as being the practical or 'means-end' limits; what lawmakers are trying to do could possibly may misfire in numerous ways. More fascinatingly, however, does law have principled limits and are they being are undermined by the existence of a seemingly endless number of equitable interests? It is clear that the best recognized positive answer to this question is that provided by John Stuart Mill. Mill's 'harm principle' is inspected in this admission, together with the more current resistances of the belief by Joseph az and Joel Feinberg. Other influential proposals for principled law of property….

Financial Stability Through ank Diversification
The banking industry of the United States of America is witnessing a major shift in the revenue making procedures. The banks are now inclined towards generating income from non-interest-based sources such as fee income, service charges and trade revenue etcetera instead of the traditional process of loan making. Noninterest income has always played an influential role in the revenue generation of the banking system. It'd evident from the fact that by the year 2000 the noninterest income accounted for forty three percent of the total banking revenue which is a massive rise from the twenty five percent in the year 1984.[footnoteRef:2] (Stiroh, 2004) [2: Kevin Stiroh, 2004. "Diversification In anking: Is Noninterest Income The Answer?" Journal of Money, Credit and anking 36(5), 853-882]

According some scholars, the shift in the revenue generation process, on the one hand, has led towards an evident increase in the revenue of….

dominant trait of the Big Five made a difference with respect to the personality of people changing in response to stressful life events (Sutin, et al., 2010). The mechanism for personality change is apparently the way that an individual views a stressful life event (Sutin, et al., 2010). A study of stressful events and personality development in middle age found that people could consider the event a turning point or a lesson learned depending on their dominant traits (Sutin, et al., 2010). People high in Neuroticism perceived the stressful event negatively and as a turning point rather than a lesson learned (Sutin, et al., 2010). And people high in Extraversion and Conscientiousness viewed the stressful event as a lesson learned (Sutin, et al., 2010). It is important to note that the characteristics of the stressful events were not related to trait change (Sutin, et al., 2010). Rather, personality trait….

Global Financial Stabilty
Global financial stability

Financial stability refers to a situation in which the global financial system is capable of performing its functions simultaneously (International Monetary Fund, 2012). It encompasses the ability of the financial system to be able to facilitate and enhance economic process, absorb shocks and manage risks. In addition, financial stability is usually changeable with time, and it is always consistent with various combinations of all the elements of finance. Financial stability, as a concept, is wide as it comprises of various parts of the financial systems markets, institutions and infrastructure. There is a significant among the three components. This implies that any disorder in any of them would affect the whole financial system.

Financial stability plays a significant role in enhancing financial system to accomplish its responsibility of allocating resources, transforming and managing risks and mobilizing reforms. In addition, it also plays a substantial role in sustaining the….

Iraq and Afghanistan also differ in a few key ways. Iraq was a largely secular society, whereas Afghanistan is strongly religious. Iraq's history was more stable, despite the war with Iran. Afghanistan, on the other hand, has a long history of war and battling invasions.
Iraq and the Balkans are similar in terms of nation-building in that they both have sources of wealth at their disposal. The Balkans enjoy a European location, with easy access to markets for their goods. Iraq has oil. The Afghans, conversely, have a lucrative product but it is illegal in nature. Also, while the Balkans and Iraq both have politics and conflict predominantly on ethnic lines, Afghanistan's political structure is more complex (Maloney, 2004), based along clan lines such that conflict can arise even within members of the same group.

Overall, the efforts in Iraq have some similarities with the Balkans, but little with Afghanistan. That….

Therefore, unlike the ritish the French could rarely fully identify themselves with the idea of a monarch. These cases did occur however especially during Louis 14th in particular. The actions undergone by the "Roi Soleil" created for the French the identity of their cultural heritage and this is obvious in the current day society which still evokes the French culture as the cornerstone of major artistic revolutions. However, the kings at the time were the driving force for the creation of such an identity. Yet, there can be little talk about the French monarchy having created the democratic spirit of the French culture.
Thirdly, the historical background also influenced the way in which the monarchy gave the way to the installation of the French Republic. The French Revolution of 1789 was one of the most important elements that influenced the way in which the rule would be later on developed….

peace and stability, the Tokugawa Family lost political power. Explain both the internal factors as well as the external factors that led to destabilized society. How did Western powers (including the United States) play a role in destabilizing Japan? Do you think the revolution that followed would have happened without Western involvement? Support your answer with evidence and concrete examples.
The Tokugawa family ruled Japan during a time of decisive peace and stability; however, the fall of this family was connected strongly to a range of internal and external factors. One external factor was the abrupt push of foreigners, foreign ideas and currency which was quite raucous to the traditional Japanese way of life and economic system. This factor was the impetus for why Emperor Komei engaged in the order to "Expel Barbarians." At this point western forces, including the United States, were a permanent issue that Japan had to….

Functionalism in Sociology
The history of sociology is essentially a series of various competing paradigms and views of society and about how society is constructed as well as its nature and function As Thomas Kuhn pointed out in his groundbreaking work The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, all paradigms are to a certain extent influenced by subjective predilections and views and are therefore never truly objective. However functionalism, as one of the many sociological paradigms, built its view of society and the way in which society's function on the basis of scientific objectivity. As will be discussed in this paper, the functionalist view was also influenced by the social, cultural and historical milieu which formed its context.

The functionalist approach to the study of society is premised on the assertion that every society needs stability and order to function correctly and that this order is maintained by the interaction between the different "parts"….

Price Stability

Inflation and Deflation: The Issue of Price Stability
Maintaining relatively stable prices is one of the major concerns in all capitalist economies. History shows us that left to its own devices; the capitalist economies undergo frequent "business cycles" that typically consist of a period of surging economic growth, interrupted by economic crises -- often accompanied by the collapse of the monetary system. Alternate bouts of inflation or deflation can also occur if the money supply in an economy is not controlled. Most advanced countries in the world take measures to keep the price stable. In the United States, the Federal Reserve Bank (known as Fed for short) was created in 1913 to avoid such undesirable movements in the economy. This paper examines the causes and consequences of inflation and deflation and the role of the Federal Reserve Bank in the prevention of inflation and deflation and maintaining price stability. It will….

history political philosophy sources political stability instability Machiavelli? Source: The Prince (Machiavelli), cited work the Prince My thesis Statement:The Prince, written 1513, intended a guide gave advice effective ruler stay power.
Niccolo Machiavelli's 1513 political treatise "The Prince" deals with a series of matters concerning political stability and the means available to make it possible. Considering that the writer lived in a period dominated by political instability, it is not surprising that some of the methods he proposed in order to restore order were somewhat unorthodox. From his perspective, moral acts were in certain situations pointless, as people actually needed to be controlled with the help of manipulating techniques. Machiavelli was basically interested in promoting the concept of evil, even with the fact that he attempted to mask this by posing in a person deeply concerned about his nation. He considered that in order to be able to control a….

The lack of stability in the traditional workplace is resulting in a change in the way people do business. Instead of looking to large corporations or government offices for full-time paid work, people are taking matters into their own hands. Self-employment is growing as an opportunity for everyone who needs work. Two popular sub-categories of self-employment are home-based businesses and electronic commerce.

The revolution or transformation in the institutions of work and economy due to technology came about through a shift in the means of production and of consumption. Means of production refers to the process by which the production of material goods is carried out in a society. In today's world, this process is carried out by people, with the major product being knowledge and/or information, not through factories or machines. Means of consumption is the process by which the consumption of a product by a society is carried out.….

I unequivocally believe that Africa is attractive in these times in which we live. There are several different reasons that I posit this notion. Firstly, Africa is in the process of modernizing and truly participating in the global economy. It has a number of economic opportunities which it has not had in the past. African countries are becoming more well versed in technology and in all of the different facets of modernity that have kept it regulated in what some people tend to think of as the proverbial third world. However, Africa's attraction encompasses the fact that because of this perception that was embraced by many outsiders, it has taken several strides to shed this image and to become a contemporary as other Western powers. Additionally, Africa has a growing infrastructure that is constantly increasing which adds to its presence domestically and internationally, in separate countries and on the….

esponsesMatthewGood post, Matthew. I understand that leadership is more than just management. It involves leading by example, and being a transformational leader who inspires change and innovation. It requires good people skills and the ability to develop human relationships. As a leader, I aim to be ethical and moral, and to understand how psychological dynamics of group behavior play a role in subordinates choosing to follow my leadership.The difference between management and leadership is crucial in the public sector, as leaders who lead by example and set good moral and ethical standards will find it easier to implement new policies and bring about positive change. A sustainable approach to leadership is also important, as it allows for long-term growth and development while stability only focuses on short-term solutions.Leadership skills and traits can be learned and developed through formal education and experience, but ultimately, trust, honesty, and integrity are crucial components….

Functionalism is a theory based on the idea that everything in society has a function and is necessary. The society won\'t survive without every aspect of it, so nothing is obsolete or unnecessary. The needs of society and the individuals within that society are very similar, so it is not necessary to rebel against the way society is or the way a particular individual may be conducting himself or herself. All of what is seen in society is needed in some way for functionality, even if not every person in that society understands why a particular thing is necessary for....

Normative theory provides an absolutist framework for approaching philosophy and the soft sciences, and has a special application in philosophy, law, and the social sciences.  Normative theory states that some things are morally superior to other things.  They are concerned with right or wrong and have a goal of changing institutions, values, or norms to reflect the “right” or “good” perspective.  Obviously, since normative theory focuses on what is good, it also involves moral judgments of what is bad.

To understand normative theory, it may help to think about the concept of sin.  Even if you....

Job opportunities and working conditions for Canadian women during the period between 1880 and 1920 were fairly limited.  Women were expected to be part of the labor force, but only until they married.  At that time, men were expected to be the primary breadwinners and married women were discouraged from participating in the workforce.  In fact, over all the progress towards women’s rights in Canada has been relatively slow. 

Technically, the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century offered many opportunities for advancement for women’s rights.  Women began to attend universities and....

I do not agree with the statement that opposition to the Weimar government from 1924-1929 was harmless. There were several significant opposition groups during this period that posed threats to the stability and functioning of the government.

Firstly, right-wing extremist groups, such as the Nazi Party led by Adolf Hitler, emerged during this time and gained considerable support. These groups vigorously attacked the Weimar Republic, spreading their ideologies of racism, anti-Semitism, and authoritarianism. Their opposition was far from harmless, as they organized violent activities, attempted coups, and disrupted the political process. The Beer Hall Putsch in 1923, led by....

15 Pages
Research Paper


Stability of Employment With High School Diploma vs Undergrad Degree vs Grad Degree

Words: 4136
Length: 15 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Stability of Employment Education has long been associated with earnings potential. As a person completes higher levels of education, it makes sense that their level of pay also increases. One…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Stability in Government

Words: 1131
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Stability in Government The stability of a democratic government appears to derive from the sovereignty, that is, the people themselves who elect or choose their leaders (Zoarman). That is their…

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10 Pages

Business - Law

Stability Afforded to the Law of Property

Words: 3080
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Essay

stability afforded to the law of property by imposing a limit on the number of permissible legal estates are seriously undermined by the existence of a seemingly endless…

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10 Pages


Financial Stability Through Bank Diversification the Banking

Words: 3156
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Essay

Financial Stability Through ank Diversification The banking industry of the United States of America is witnessing a major shift in the revenue making procedures. The banks are now inclined towards…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Big Five Trait Stability Differences

Words: 903
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

dominant trait of the Big Five made a difference with respect to the personality of people changing in response to stressful life events (Sutin, et al., 2010). The…

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5 Pages


Global Financial Stabilty Global Financial Stability Financial

Words: 1427
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Global Financial Stabilty Global financial stability Financial stability refers to a situation in which the global financial system is capable of performing its functions simultaneously (International Monetary Fund, 2012). It encompasses…

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5 Pages

History - Israel

Afghanistan Political Stability and Economic

Words: 1394
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Iraq and Afghanistan also differ in a few key ways. Iraq was a largely secular society, whereas Afghanistan is strongly religious. Iraq's history was more stable, despite the…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Democratic Stability in Britain and

Words: 1446
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Therefore, unlike the ritish the French could rarely fully identify themselves with the idea of a monarch. These cases did occur however especially during Louis 14th in particular.…

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4 Pages

History - Asian

Peace and Stability the Tokugawa Family Lost

Words: 1242
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

peace and stability, the Tokugawa Family lost political power. Explain both the internal factors as well as the external factors that led to destabilized society. How did Western…

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10 Pages
Term Paper


Functionalists Sociology's Concern With Social Order and Stability

Words: 3197
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Functionalism in Sociology The history of sociology is essentially a series of various competing paradigms and views of society and about how society is constructed as well as its nature…

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8 Pages
Term Paper


Price Stability

Words: 2682
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Inflation and Deflation: The Issue of Price Stability Maintaining relatively stable prices is one of the major concerns in all capitalist economies. History shows us that left to its own…

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3 Pages


History Political Philosophy Sources Political Stability Instability

Words: 955
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Thesis

history political philosophy sources political stability instability Machiavelli? Source: The Prince (Machiavelli), cited work the Prince My thesis Statement:The Prince, written 1513, intended a guide gave advice effective…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Self-Employment the Lack of Stability in the

Words: 1698
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Self-Employment The lack of stability in the traditional workplace is resulting in a change in the way people do business. Instead of looking to large corporations or government offices for…

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6 Pages

International Relations

Political Stability and Africa

Words: 878
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Article

Africa I unequivocally believe that Africa is attractive in these times in which we live. There are several different reasons that I posit this notion. Firstly, Africa is in…

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2 Pages
Creative Writing


Sustainability vs Stability in Government

Words: 739
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Creative Writing

esponsesMatthewGood post, Matthew. I understand that leadership is more than just management. It involves leading by example, and being a transformational leader who inspires change and innovation. It requires…

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