Storytelling Essays (Examples)

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Story Telling

A tale of fictitious or real events or narrative is defined as a story. For our hungry souls, the nourishment is stories. Palatable stories exist due to these elements of truth. There are many ways to tell a story to the latest Hollywood blockbuster from classic novels written by the greatest writers and to ghost tales around a campfire from prehistoric drawings on a cave. Creating an environment in which everything is possible, the story teller is the magician. The pictures seen in the mind of the storyteller are shown and passed and for interpretation are passed to the minds of the listeners. Storytelling is all the rage in business.The persuasive effects of a story are only been able to speculate until recently. But, a serious study related to the human mind and the influences of a story in it has been begun by psychology over the last several decades.….

A film that does not have this power, be it narrative or documentary will either simply not get made, or not get supported in such as way that anyone of import will view it or know its title and plot.

Both narrative and documentary films, in order to be viewed and understood must have a compelling social interest to the viewer, be it emotional, political or both, which it usually is. There must be a story line, often a villain or an implied villain and a message, often placing the political into a position of affecting emotion, be it anger, disgust, empathy, sympathy or even hatred for an implicit or explicit villain, who is in some manner is usually oppressing an underdog. The manner in which the viewer is compelled to build an opinion about the antagonism of a story is through good story telling. To make a film or….

Sometimes fiction can be a mirror image of real life, a reflection that the reader can immediately relate to; while sometimes it can be wildly fantastic and bizarre. But since the basis of fiction is something that is not anchored in reality, the author's limitless imagination is the fuel which powers the engine of fiction. But within the human mind can come stories that are representations of real life, with real-life situations, emotions, motivations, actions, and outcomes. One such story is James Baldwin's Sonny's Blues, which is a gritty tale of real-life social problems and one man's attempt to redeem himself. On the other hand, fiction can also be something that is out of this world, without the limitations and constrictions of real-life. Kurt Vonnegut's Harrison Bergeron is a perfect example of such a story as it takes place in a dystopian future where society has become a monstrous creation….

It is also worth noting that the "story" is something of a fictional account, unlike some of the tales we encounter in The Odyssey. Storytelling was a form of entertainment, just as songs and poetry. In this culture, one is actually no greater than the other, each possessing positive qualities and benefits. The songs worked on Odysseus in a way that words did not and they allowed him to remember. Here we see the important of storytelling in that it can help people discover things about themselves.
Storytelling becomes an important aspect of The Odyssey because it represents the humanity Homer captured so many years ago. This tale is not one, but many, woven together through history to read much like life, in that it is not chronological or neat by any means. Instead, it is a conglomeration of events that happen simultaneously over time. The fact that we do….

In many ways, this story is about the character of Borges' inability to form real relationships -- and so any true sense of identity -- in his world. He loved a woman who did not return his affections and was even "annoyed" by him, and ends up "befriending" her cousin after her death even though he secretly detests him, and suspects Carlos of the same feelings towards him (Borges, par. 1; par. 32). His experience with the Aleph, and his inability to relate this experience to the reader, is evidence of his disconnect with the world. His world also used to have a very narrow focus -- i.e. Beatriz, the woman he loved -- and the Aleph serves to instantly and infinitely expand his world while at the same time deepening his disconnect with it, rather than helping to rectify it with more identifiable features. The character of Borges is….

This difference is seen and alluded to throughout the novel.
Although there are wide differences between the two novels compared, there are also certain similarities in terms of dealing with the American life theme. Both novels tend to reflect the issue of "border" and geographical positioning. In "Caramelo" the border is represented by the state border between Mexico and the United States as being the difference between one way of life and another. This theme is present to this day in most of the immigrants' minds when they decide to cross the American border. At the same time though, this is not merely a discussion of geographical position and rather one of differences of mentalities, of beliefs, of way of life. In "The Great Gatsby" the differences are much more subtle and refer to lack of familiarities in the same culture. This comes to point out that even in the….

storytelling in the cultures we studied in the past four weeks using the artworks below as examples of the Egyptian, Islamic, and Early Christian societies' modes for depicting stories. Begin with a brief analysis of each story that is being told, using your own words and making sure to point out the formal elements of the artwork (line, color, shape, and composition) that combine to tell the story.
Story telling and art go hand in many cultures around the world. The art that were created by the ancient Egyptians, early Muslims and Christians were designed in such a way to help relay to viewers a stories about what these cultures regarded as important. The works of art in these three unique cultures share several similarities; however each culture's unique iconography distinguishes the art from the other two and therefore reflects the storytelling requirements of each culture.

One of the iconic examples….

Mechanism of Storytelling

Human beings are naturally predisposed to hear, to remember, and to tell stories. The problem -- for teachers, parents, government leaders, friends, and computers -- is to have more interesting stories to tell. (Schank, pg. 243)

The art of storytelling extends back into the earliest years of human development, when tales were passed from one generation to another and one group to another even before the advent of written language. Some imaginative people began telling stories of events that happened to them, maybe on a hunt or with some other happening. They found that the reaction to these tales was greater if they elaborated and emotionally impacted the listeners. No story would do. Storytelling had to be well thought out and structured to affect others. Over the centuries, such people evolved into the best storytellers. They became some of the most influential and powerful people in history.

Children often play a storytelling….

Storytelling Review of Literature
For hundreds of years, stories have been used to teach children about morality and ethics. Indeed, many of the same myths, legends and fairy tales have been handed down from generation to generation, remaining largely intact.

However, these myths also contain hidden meanings that illuminate the cultural or historical aspects of their origin.

The first part of this paper studies the literature examining hidden meanings, cultural norms and morals that are embedded in myths and fairy tales.

The second part of the paper looks at how these meanings and cultural norms get imbued and reproduced in the minds of their audience - primarily children.

Aside from serving as a vehicle for reproducing cultural norms, this paper looks at the psychological and social uses of storytelling. In the third part, this paper looks at how psychologists like Bruno Bettelheim maintain that storytelling can serve a therapeutic value for the individual. Finally, the….

Story Telling

Father's Dreams: Jasmine's Story
This is a story about a little girl named Jasmine, which is related by none other than Jasmine herself. Jasmine relates her own story of triumph at a sport she did not really care to participate in but did to please her father who had big dreams for her to develop skills in this particular sport.

My Father's Dreams

My father always dreamed that I would be able to ski really well. I do not care for skiing at all but since my father wanted me to learn so badly I decided that I would put forth all my effort to attempt to learn since it meant so much to my father. While I am a good skier, the really difficult part to skiing in my opinion is waking up so very early on such cold mornings and having to get dressed and go out into the cold.….

26) correctly points out that there should be less of "what you want your team to do" but more of "how you want it done." Given the relatively longer position and experience I've held in Sales, I believe that I am in a perfect position to teach the employees how sales should be done. This made me recall the earlier experience I have had. When I was a new in the industry, I thought doing sales was easy. "Just Sell" was my battle cry for the longest time but I have realized how inefficient and unfulfilling it was. This is probably what my employees feel as they lack effective leadership from their primary coaches. ecalling these experiences made me realize how selling should be done, the techniques involved with it, the details and nuances that I must be able to discriminate. This is what I am planning to impart to….

Memory, a Voyage Into History
N. Scott Monday and Sherman Alexie are both story writers that focus on the environment. Storytelling is an important activity to the Native American culture that passes down information through each generation and imparts wisdom as it is retold. Although the stories told by N. Scott Monday and Sherman Alexie are 25 years apart, they share some similarities along with some differences. Every writer offers a unique spin on a story, and in this case, a setting. But along the way, one can see the nuances and realize the beauty they possess. Settings/environments don't solely have to be the terrain, the plants, the space around, it can include a multitude of things from animals, culture, beliefs, and so forth.

N. Scott Momaday split his book The ay to Rainy Mountain into three chapters. Each chapters consists of a dozen or so numbered sections. These sections are then….

pervasiveness of storytelling in indigenous cultures around the world, the methods and media of narrative storytelling became the most appropriate literary device for post-colonial and anti-colonial writers. Storytelling allows for nuanced expression of ideas using rich imagery and symbolism, shifting the point of view and perspective away from the dominant narrative imposed by a colonizing force. Storytelling empowers the storyteller and the people or culture that storytelling device represents, enabling the creation of new post-colonial identities. Although it is impossible to undo colonialism entirely, it is nevertheless possible to reassess its effects through the arts. Storytelling also enables indigenous narratives to resurface in new ways meaningful to a post-colonial generation. Old myths and symbols take on new meaning and relevance, and old heroes can assume new identities or politically potent roles to become models for successive generations.
The ingredients of storytelling tend to revolve around the hero's journey as a….

" (I.16.23)
Despite his guilty attitude towards loving the excitement of Latin pagan literature, Augustine is a man who is converted through reading. He struggles with the intellectual side of pagan life that attracts him, as opposed to what he regards as the simplicity of Christianity. He reminds himself it was "was even "the least of the apostles" by whose tongue thou didst sound forth these words." (VIII.6.245) Words from the Bible eventually gave Augustine guidance to put away his old life and take joy in the words of God. "Not in rioting and drunkenness, not in chambering and wantonness, not in strife and envying, but put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh to fulfill the lusts thereof." (VIII.12.265)

Augustine writes a story of a journey of his own spiritual, like the pagan texts of Virgil. Augustine's story is of spiritual wanderings, homecomings, and an inner,….

Lady in the ater, the 2006 major motion picture by writer/director/actor Manoj Nelliyattu Shyamalan that make it a quintessential allegory. The names of the major characters in the film (such as Story and Healer) obviously represent the ideas, as well as the virtues, that they are named after. Further contributing to this theme in the film is the fact that this movie is based upon a children's story. An immense body of literature exists that demonstrates that several children's stories, and several elements in such tales, are allegorical and representative of ideas that may be too advanced for an author to directly address in literature for young people (Luthra 2009. As such, the two principle rhetorical devices that Shyamalan employs to deliver his own messages in Lady in the ater is symbolism and the unique role he gives to each of his characters, who represent various symbolic concepts. Collectively,….

A narrative essay is probably the most personal and least formal type of academic essay you will be asked to write.  Narrative essays are all about storytelling, which means that they may be somewhat less structured or rigid than other types of essays.  While that can be a benefit to some writers, for others the fact that narratives are not as tightly structured makes them more difficult to approach.  One way to help your narrative keep the structure of an essay is to keep in mind that while a narrative tells a....

A narrative essay is probably the most personal and least formal type of academic essay you will be asked to write.  Narrative essays are all about storytelling, which means that they may be somewhat less structured or rigid than other types of essays.  While that can be a benefit to some writers, for others the fact that narratives are not as tightly structured makes them more difficult to approach.  One way to help your narrative keep the structure of an essay is to keep in mind that while a narrative tells a....

An escape story refers to a story where a person is getting away from some type of negative situation.  The escape story can be a literal escape from something or an imagined escape.  Kate Chopin’s Story of an Hour is a famous escape story, because the protagonist imagines all of the freedoms that she has now that her husband has been declared dead, only to discover he is not really dead.  The Secret Life of Walter Mitty is another popular escape story, even though his escapism is in his head.  However, escape stories....

Ballet is a classical form of dance that originated in the 15th century during the Italian Renaissance. It is a highly technical and artistic dance style that emphasizes precise movements, grace, and elegance. Ballet dancers undergo rigorous training and follow a structured technique that includes specific positions of the arms and feet, intricate footwork, and fluid body movements. The dancers often wear pointe shoes to perform on their toes and create an illusion of weightlessness. Ballet includes various styles, such as classical ballet, neoclassical ballet, and contemporary ballet, each showcasing different choreography and music. It is widely performed in professional....

6 Pages
Research Paper


Story Telling

Words: 1740
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Storytelling A tale of fictitious or real events or narrative is defined as a story. For our hungry souls, the nourishment is stories. Palatable stories exist due to these elements…

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6 Pages


Story Telling and Representing Reality

Words: 1780
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

A film that does not have this power, be it narrative or documentary will either simply not get made, or not get supported in such as way that…

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5 Pages


Storytelling Sometimes Fiction Can Be a Mirror

Words: 1565
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Storytelling Sometimes fiction can be a mirror image of real life, a reflection that the reader can immediately relate to; while sometimes it can be wildly fantastic and bizarre. But…

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6 Pages
Book Report


Storytelling in The Odyssey Storytelling

Words: 1670
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Book Report

It is also worth noting that the "story" is something of a fictional account, unlike some of the tales we encounter in The Odyssey. Storytelling was a form…

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4 Pages


Storytelling it Is Somewhat Remarkable

Words: 1300
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

In many ways, this story is about the character of Borges' inability to form real relationships -- and so any true sense of identity -- in his world. He…

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5 Pages
Research Paper


Storytelling to Understand Their Themes

Words: 1636
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

This difference is seen and alluded to throughout the novel. Although there are wide differences between the two novels compared, there are also certain similarities in terms of dealing…

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4 Pages

Mythology - Religion

Storytelling in Different Cultures

Words: 1513
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

storytelling in the cultures we studied in the past four weeks using the artworks below as examples of the Egyptian, Islamic, and Early Christian societies' modes for depicting…

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8 Pages
Term Paper


Mechanism of Storytelling

Words: 2822
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Storytelling Human beings are naturally predisposed to hear, to remember, and to tell stories. The problem -- for teachers, parents, government leaders, friends, and computers -- is to have more…

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16 Pages
Term Paper


Literature on the Social and Psychological Use of Storytelling

Words: 4632
Length: 16 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Storytelling Review of Literature For hundreds of years, stories have been used to teach children about morality and ethics. Indeed, many of the same myths, legends and fairy tales have…

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3 Pages


Story Telling

Words: 1049
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Father's Dreams: Jasmine's Story This is a story about a little girl named Jasmine, which is related by none other than Jasmine herself. Jasmine relates her own story of…

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5 Pages


Management- Storytelling Is Recognized as

Words: 1859
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Thesis

26) correctly points out that there should be less of "what you want your team to do" but more of "how you want it done." Given the relatively longer…

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3 Pages

Native Americans

Role of Environment in Shaping American Indian Storytelling

Words: 1256
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Memory, a Voyage Into History N. Scott Monday and Sherman Alexie are both story writers that focus on the environment. Storytelling is an important activity to the Native American culture…

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2 Pages


post colonialism and the importance of'storytelling

Words: 597
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

pervasiveness of storytelling in indigenous cultures around the world, the methods and media of narrative storytelling became the most appropriate literary device for post-colonial and anti-colonial writers. Storytelling…

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1 Pages
Term Paper

Mythology - Religion

Confessions Augustine's Attitude to Storytelling

Words: 431
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

" (I.16.23) Despite his guilty attitude towards loving the excitement of Latin pagan literature, Augustine is a man who is converted through reading. He struggles with the intellectual side of…

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6 Pages


Lady in the Water the 2006 Major

Words: 2029
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Thesis

Lady in the ater, the 2006 major motion picture by writer/director/actor Manoj Nelliyattu Shyamalan that make it a quintessential allegory. The names of the major characters in the…

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