String Theory Essays (Examples)

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String Theory the Fundamental Forces
Pages: 5 Words: 1610

This implies we live in a universe "in which six of the space dimensions have been collapsed or curled up in themselves." (Tipler 650). Since all of these dimensions are believed to be of the order of the Planck length they cannot be seen by any common experimental procedures currently in practice today.
Despite the attractiveness of string theory its utilization of large numbers of space dimensions raises many important questions regarding the formation of the universe, and questions about the possibility of ever verifying it in the lab. Considering the fact that many aspects of physics depend upon the existence of only three spatial dimensions, this might suggest that "three" is a deep principle within nature. Somehow, physics might demand that three dimensions of space grow infinitely while the others collapse on themselves; then again, the creation of our universe may have been utterly accidental in its outcome.

Clearly, experimental…...


Works Cited

Barrow, John D. The Origin of the Universe. New York: HarperCollins, 1994.

Calle, Carlos I. Superstrings and Other Things. Philadelphia: Institute of Physics, 2001.

Davies, Paul and John Gribbin. The Matter Myth. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1992.

Filkin, David. Stephen Hawking's Universe. New York: Perseus, 1997.

Elusive Theory of Everything the
Pages: 2 Words: 598

Interestingly enough, though, what is it that is so aesthetically pleasing that we want there to be a single theory of everything -- why does everything need to be explained in one fell swoop? This idea of a Theory of Everything is becoming more philiosophical than scientific. Aristotle and Plato were unsuccesful in their attempt to make a theory work, and Hawking said, in A Brief History of Time, that even if we had a Theory of Everything, it would necessarily be a large set of equations. "What is it that breathes fire into the equations and makes a universe for them to describe?"(Hawking in Fletcher, 2008, 196).

Now, though, Hawking has revised his views. In the new book, The Grand Design, Hawking and Mlodinow (Caltech physicist) argue that it is a set of equations that will, indeed, tie theories together, but that a final theory may never have a unique…...



Fletcher, A. (2008). Life, the Universe and Everything: Investigating God and the New Physics. Denver, CO: Lulu Publishers.

Hawking and Mlodinow. (2010, September 27). The Elusive Theory of Everything. Retrieved October 2010, from Scientific American: 

Hawking and Mlodinow. (2010). The Grand Design. New York: Bantam.

Pais, A. (1982). Subtle is the Lord.... The Science and Life of Albert Einstein. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Criminal Theory
Pages: 7 Words: 2293

The case of former colonel ussell Williams offers insight into the psychology of criminal behavior. Williams's confession interview was released to the public and aired on The Fifth Estate, offering criminologists, sociologists, psychologists, and law enforcement officials unique access to the mind of a criminal. Analysts interviewed for The Fifth Estate documentary note that Williams presents a conundrum for psychologists and criminologists, as his reactions to the police interview did not fit any previously known profile, such as that of a psychopath. Williams exhibits traits that resemble psychopathic behavior, in accordance with individual trait theory. For instance, he meticulously recorded his crimes and kept the photographic and video imagery as souvenir mementos.

Yet Williams also denies his right to an attorney, permits a foot imprint of his incriminating boots, and also states in the interview that he "was hoping" that he would not have raped or killed again had he not…...



"Dr. John Bradford won't work Magnotta case because of PTSD," (2014). CBC. Mar 13, 2014. Retrieved online: 

Fifth Estate (2010). The Confession. [Video documentary].

Friscolanti, M. (2014). Russell Williams's wife knew he was a predator: victim. Maclean's. Retrieved online: 

La Salle, L. (2013). Colonel Russell Williams where have you been? I've been to London to fly the queen and back to collect artifacts. All Things Crime. Dec 11, 2013. Retrieved online:

Aristotle's Theory of Categories
Pages: 2 Words: 653

Aristotle Categories
Aristotle's theory of categories provides a fundamental way of explaining the known universe. There are ten different categories, according to Aristotle. These ten categories explain the nature of physical existence. The first category is substance, which is the most fundamental and important category. Substance refers to what a thing is on the elemental level. Aristotle divides this category further into substances such as living vs. nonliving things; and human beings vs. animals. Basically, substance refers to the identity of the object.

The second of the ten categories is quantity, which is a relatively straightforward category based on numbers. Thus, this category refers to anything that is measurable, such as length or number or time. The third category is the quality of the object, which generally refers to its physical qualities and observable features. So far with the three categories, there can be three blue birds (quantity, quality, and substance, in…...



Aristotle (350 BCE). Categories. Retrieved online:

Chomsky and His Theory of Universal Grammar
Pages: 10 Words: 2891

Noam Chomsky and His Theory of Universal Grammar

Noam Chomsky name is not unknown to the world. Though he is not a psychologist or a psychiatrist but his contributions in the fields of psychology and linguistics has a great impact. His theory of generative grammar has been regarded as one of the most considerable contributions to the field of theoretical linguistics (Berger, 2005).

As a Person

Noam Chomsky, a well-known politician and an exceptional linguist, was born on December 7, 1928 in the state of Philadelphia in the home of a Hebrew scholar (Berger, 2005). He got his early education in Philadelphia while he went to study linguistics, mathematics and philosophy at the University of Pennsylvania. There, he also achieved his PhD degree though he completed most of his PhD work at Harvard University during early 1950s. Chomsky has been associated with Massachusetts Institute of Technology since 1955. He has also been teaching…...



Berger, V. (2005). Famous Psychologist: Noam Chomsky. Retrieved January 2, 2012 from 

Cowie, F. (1999). What's Within?: Nativism Reconsidered. New York: Oxford University Press. Retrieved January 2, 2012, from Questia database: 

Lechte, J. (1994). Fifty Key Contemporary Thinkers: From Structuralism to Postmodernity. London: Routledge. Retrieved January 1, 2012, from Questia database: 

Language Acquisition. (2009). In The Columbia Encyclopedia (6th ed.). New York: Columbia University Press. Retrieved January 4, 2012, from Questia database:

Components of Socialization Bronfenbrenner's Ecological Theory Consists
Pages: 3 Words: 881

Components of Socialization
Bronfenbrenner's ecological theory consists of five components of socialization. They are the microsystem, mesosystem, exosystem, macrosystem and chronosystem. This creative effort attempts to demonstrate each of these components and there effects on an individual in the context of a divorce from the perspective of a child.

Divorce and Collateral Damage

Penny curled up in a ball under the blankets as the angry voices of her parents slipped under the door to her bedroom and attacked her pretty pink ears.

"You're drunk!"

"You're a whore!"

She closed her eyes and covered her ears. The war had been building for as long as the nine-year-old could remember. She suddenly jumped from her bed and ran sobbing into the living room of their middle class suburban home. "Stop!" she sobbed. "Just stop, stop, stop, stop, stop!"

"Screw it," said her father and he walked out the door for the last time.

Divorce was not common among her…...


Regardless of this her parents were shocked and disappointed when she became pregnant in 1966. They assigned blame on each other, the degenerate music, the hippy culture, and a general lack of morals in our society. Neither one blamed them self. Penny dropped out of high school and went to live with her aunt in a neighboring state. When the child was born she signed some papers and gave it up for adoption.

In the years to come Penny then went through a string of boyfriends; however she never was able to establish a lasting relationship with any of them. This pattern continued through two marriages and five more pregnancies (two abortions, one miscarriage, and two live births) by four different men. They say you never really grow up until you learn to forgive your parents. Penny did this when she was 35.

However by then her own children were young teenagers and quite used to parenting themselves…..

Comparison of Theories
Pages: 5 Words: 1984

It is difficult to summarize psychodynamic theory without a brief discussion of Freud. Sigmund Freud is the father of psychoanalysis, the father of psychodynamic theory, and in effect the father of modern psychotherapy. Freud's notions retain quite a bit of popularity, especially his ideas that things are not what they seem on the surface. Because of his understanding of the mind and behavior, Freud considered that overt behaviors were not always self-explanatory (or perhaps "not often explanatory" would be the better term). Instead, these overt or manifest behaviors represent some hidden motive. Sigmund Freud was trained as a neurologist and specialized in the treatment of nervous disorders. His early training involved using hypnosis with the French neurologist Jean Charcot in the treatment of hysteria, the presentation of baffling physical symptoms (mostly in young women) that appeared to have no physical origin (Hall, Lindzey, & Campbell, 1998). Freud also partnered…...



Barry, P. (2002). Mental health and mental illness. (7th ed.) New York: Lippincott.

Hall, C.S., Lindzey, G., & Campbell, J.B. (1998). Theories of personality. New York: John


Mcleod, S. (2007). Psychology perspectives. In Simply psychology. Retrieved December 2,

Survival Theory Richard Dawkins' the
Pages: 9 Words: 3529

As this meme passed down through generations, it became more pervasive and it also became more complete. When slavery in the New World began, both blacks and whites were enslaved, black slaves could gain freedom, and slavery was not a condition of birth. However, as that changed, the memes surrounding African-Americans also changed. Not only were blacks seen as not equal to whites, but they were seen as incapable of becoming equal to whites. Therefore, when Jim Crow segregation was first challenged under the Fourteenth Amendment, the Supreme Court determined that separate facilities were not inherently unequal, despite overwhelming evidence that the facilities provided for African-Americans were factually inferior to those provided for whites. While this meme has been challenged by newer ideas and has, generally, not stood up to scientific, moral, and religious challenges, vestiges of it remain in almost every American person. As a result, many Americans,…...



Corrales, J. (1999) the politics of education reform: bolstering the supply and demand; overcoming institutional blocks. Retrieved January 19, 2008 from the World Bank

Web site:

Catalano, J. (1996) Review: Richard Dawkins: books: the selfish gene. Retrieved January 19, 2008 from the World of Richard Dawkins

Web site:

Origins Discussion of Three Major
Pages: 4 Words: 1862

It should also be noted that the idea do the Big Bang is also included to some degree into the other two theories.
What makes the two theories based of string theory so compelling is that they are multidimensional and provide a more appropriate and fitting understanding of the universe. Another aspect is that many critics have stated is that the Big Bang theory does not answer the vital question of what occurred or existed prior to the Big Bang. Theories such as the Ekpyrotic Theory tend to provide us with a better understanding of the universe as it may have existed before the Big Bang.

4. Conclusion

In conclusion, an answer to the question, what are the origins of the universe has not been as yet conclusively reached by modern science, What modern science has realized is that a simplistic and logical explanation for the origins of the universe will not…...



God, Genesis and the big bang: The Origin of the Universe. Retrieved August 23,

2009, from

Origin of the Universe Theories. Retrieved August 23, 2009, from

Scientific Origins of the Universe. Retrieved August 23, 2009, from

Multiverse Is a Line of Thought That
Pages: 4 Words: 1503

multiverse is a line of thought that that proposes the existence of multiple universes. The hypothesis advances the notion that the set of multiple universes are what together make everything that exists physically and ever existed. These include the whole concept of space and time and all the elements in the universe together with all the laws of physics and the constants that govern the laws. The multiple universes can also be referred to as the parallel universes. The relationship in a particular multiverse and its constituent universes within it depend on the certain multiverse hypothesis that is taken into consideration.
The hypotheses that explain multiverse are from various areas of study. Ranging from astrology, physics, philosophy, cosmology, and fiction. The word multiverse however, was coined by William James a psychologist in 1895. Other referrals have been derived to mean the same as multiverse.Such words include alternative timelines, alternative universes,…...



Aurelien Barrau. "Physics in the Multiverse"

David Deutsch. "The Structure of the Multiverse."

Hawkin, Stephen. "The universe in a Nutshell."

Dangling Particles Physicist Lisa Randall Explains Why
Pages: 2 Words: 580

Dangling Particles, physicist Lisa Randall explains why the complexities and abstract nature of modern science only makes it even more incomprehensible to the layman. For example, virtually everything we know today about quantum mechanics at the smallest end of the spectrum of matter and everything we know about galaxy formation at the largest end of the spectrum requires advanced scientific training to conceptualize. A layperson relying exclusively on direct observation and on the traditional notions of the four dimensions cannot possibly understand what quantum physicists men by "strings" or about the nature or gravity and the particles whose theoretical existence allows scientists to deduce the existence of things (like additional dimensions) that cannot be observed directly in any way.
The other main idea of the author is that the very notion of what a theory is in the scientific context adds to confusion and misunderstanding. In everyday parlance, theory refers…...

Hawking Stephen William The Universe in a
Pages: 3 Words: 998

Hawking, Stephen William. The Univese in a Nutshell. New Yok: Bantam, 2001.
The espected physicist Stephen W. Hawking attempts to intoduce the aveage laypeson to the physical pinciples of the mateial univese in his book entitled The Univese in a Nutshell. Hawking is pehaps best known to the wold as the late 20th centuy's most compelling image of pue scientific genius, as Albet Einstein was the most compelling image of genus fo scientific aficionados duing the fist half of the 20th centuy. Of couse, Hawking took issue with some of Einstein's basic concepts. Hawking is famous fo this bit of scientific daing. Hawking is also famous fo possessing a billiant mind, encased in a body that has unfotunately been sticken by a teible neuological condition that paalyzes his ability to feely move and speak -- although, as this book makes clea, not to wite.

The Univese in a Nutshell is a histoy…...


references to how understanding physics can impact human life on earth in the relative short-term as well as in space and far into the future. Hawking describes how statistical evidence points to the physical limits of population growth and electricity being reached on earth by the year 2600. But by applying the same statistical principles to knowledge as to population growth, to take a more comforting view of things, predicted human knowledge of how to preserve energy reserves could potentially carry the human race forward, faster to possibly attain solutions to this problem of geometric physical expansion.

There is, however, no question that having some background in physics helpful in understanding the text, even while Hawking tries to simplify basic quantum principles. For instance, as the author attempts to explain the rational behind an early and inaccurate Michelson-Morley experiment, when humans imagined that space was filled by a continuous medium called the "ether," he must go into a lengthy explanation how early physics saw "light rays and radio signals were waves in this ether, just as sound is pressure waves in air." (2) In this experiment, because no difference was found in the speed of the two perpendicular light beams, the experiment's observers concluded that ether was non-existent. Still, for a man bounded, essentially, in his own physical nutshell, Hawking has accomplished and understood a great deal in his life and is able to make at least a small 'kernel' of what he as understood, interesting and comprehensible in concrete, physical terms. Also, his book functions as a shorthand introduction to the history of physics, and the different people and concepts that played a role in physic's conceptual evolution over the short distance of human historical time.

Presumption Often Promulgated by Scholars
Pages: 10 Words: 4661

They goal for globalization is to increase material wealth and the distribution of goods and services through a more international division of labor and then, in turn, a process in which regional cultures integrate through communication, transportation and trade. The overall theory is that if countries are tied together cooperatively economically, they will not have needed to become political enemies (Smith 2007). Notice the continuum here -- globalization, like modernization, is a process, but a process that insists movement from A to B. is not only desirable, but necessary to become part of the Global Club. hile this is primarily an economic determinant, nothing exists in a vacuum. Therefore, economics drive technological, social, cultural, political, and even biological factors. And, with this exchange of paradigms, there is transnational circulation of ideas, languages, popular culture, and communication through acculturation. Typically, we see the movement of globalization moving into the developing…...


Works Cited

Achebe, C 2000, Home and Exile, Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK.

Adams, W 2006, The Future of Sustainability: Re-THinking Environment and Development in the 21st Century, viewed December 2011,

Aristotle VII, 'Politics', pp. 1339a 29-30.

Bartlovich, C, Mannur, A (eds.) 2001, Marxism, Modernity and Post-Colonial Studies, Cambridge University Press, New York.

Globalism Is Certainly a New Concept That
Pages: 2 Words: 668

Globalism is certainly a new concept that humans have been working toward for centuries. It is just that in the late 20th and early 21st technology finally advanced enough to allow for instantaneous communication via satellites and Internet. This, plus technological advances in transportation and scientific measurement, has also helped us realize that although the world is closer politically, economically, and culturally -- it is also tied together environmentally. What happens in one area does have an effect on another area which makes the idea called globalism more of an umbrella concept. The whole picture of globalism tends to refer to the theories that see modern life as a series of very complex webs, almost string theory, that tie together most all of modern life.
Part 1 -- Describe Bata's international business strategy. Would you consider Bata a multinational corporation? The Bata Show Company is clearly a multinational corporation. It has…...

Ramanujan the Improbable Life and
Pages: 3 Words: 1035

He was miserably poor. ... He opened his book and began to explain some of his discoveries. I saw quite at once that there was something out of the way; but my knowledge did not permit me to judge whether he talked sense or nonsense. ... I asked him what he wanted. He said he wanted a pittance to live on so that he might pursue his researches" (O'Connor & Robertson, 1)
As history returns to Ramanujan's ideas and finds accuracy in most of them, Rao's response would demonstrate the degree to which the young man's internal insights had somehow transcended those of the best math minds amongst his predecessors and contemporaries. So would this be demonstrated in his trigonometric principles, such as that which is commonly referred to as the Ramanujan Conjecture. This is stated as "an assertion on the size of the tau function, which has as generating…...


Works Cited:

Berndt, B.C. (1999). Rediscovering Ramanujan. India's National Magazine, 16.

Hoffman, M. (2002). Srinivasa Ramanujan. U.S. Naval Academy.

O'Connor, J.J. & Robertson, E.F. (1998). Srinivasa Aiyangar Ramanujan. University of St. Andrews-Scotland.

Wikipedia. (2009). Srinivasa Ramanujan. Wikimedia, Ltd. Inc.

I need some suggestions for abstract for maths in physics project essay topics. Can you offer any?
Words: 223

1. The Fibonacci sequence and its applications in physics
2. Chaos theory and its implications for understanding complex systems in physics
3. The role of symmetry in modern physics
4. Fractal geometry and its applications in modeling natural phenomena
5. The use of wave equations in describing physical processes
6. The concept of infinity in calculus and its significance for physics
7. The mathematical foundations of quantum mechanics
8. Differential equations and their role in modeling physical systems
9. The geometry of spacetime in general relativity
10. The role of group theory in understanding the fundamental forces of nature
11. The applications of calculus in solving problems in classical mechanics

Is there anything in the news related to abstract of maths in physics that would make a good essay subject?
Words: 435

One interesting topic that has been in the news recently is the use of abstract mathematical concepts in physics, specifically in the field of quantum physics.

There has been a lot of research and debate on the role of abstract mathematical structures in understanding and describing the behavior of particles at the quantum level. For example, the use of complex numbers, matrices, and abstract algebraic structures has been essential in developing the mathematical framework of quantum mechanics.

One recent development in this area is the use of category theory, a branch of mathematics that studies abstract structures and relationships between different....

Is there anything in the news related to abstract of maths in physics that would make a good essay subject?
Words: 514

Abstract Mathematics in Physics: A Transformative Force


Mathematics has long played a pivotal role in the development of physics, offering a precise and abstract framework for understanding and describing the physical world. In recent decades, the influence of abstract mathematics in physics has grown exponentially, leading to groundbreaking insights and discoveries. This essay delves into the latest advancements in this area, examining specific examples that demonstrate the transformative power of abstract mathematics in modern physics.

String Theory and Calabi-Yau Manifolds

String theory is a promising candidate for a theory of everything that aims to unify all fundamental forces and particles. At its core,....

is there anything in the news related to abstract of maths in physics that would make a good essay subject?
Words: 538

Abstract Mathematics: A Bridge Between Physics and the Unknown

Mathematics, the language of science, has played a pivotal role in shaping our understanding of the physical world. One fascinating area where mathematics shines is in the realm of abstract mathematics, where concepts beyond our immediate sensory experience provide powerful tools for exploring the fundamental nature of reality. In recent years, several groundbreaking developments in physics have been made possible by the abstract framework mathematics provides. This essay explores the intricate connection between abstract mathematics and physics, highlighting some of the most recent and intriguing advances that have sparked scientific breakthroughs.

One of....

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