Summative Essays (Examples)

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Major and minor scales, and chromatic scale from low E. To high C.
2. A slow etude.

3. One movement from a sonata or concerto comparable in difficulty to the Sonata by Wanhal or the Concerto No.3 by Stamitz.

Students age 14 and older:

1. Major, minor and chromatic scales.

2. An etude comparable to those by C. ose

3. One movement from a piece comparable in difficulty to the Concerto in a Major, K. 622, by Mozart; Concerto in F Minor, Op. 73, by Weber; sonatas by Bernstein, Saint-Sans, or Hindemith; or any of the 16 Grand Solos by Bonade.

A prospective student is judged relative to the individuals with whom he or she competes against on these exercises: during a very strong year for candidates, some highly talented students might be rejected. During a weaker year, as the school needs students to pay tuition, the most talented candidates will be selected, even though in….

(Thomas a. Piraino, 2009)
The particular case of Yahoo! rejecting Microsoft's claim did not constitute a real violation of any existing laws, though it does touch on some issues of ethics regarding company paid stockholders selling stocks during merger talks (which verges on insider trading) as well as ethical issues surrounding stockholder interests and deliberate actions that might devalue the company to make it less desirable to another. (Summative Assessment Case, 2009-2010) Insider trading is a significant problem in big business that is rarely addressed, despite the Enron and other big name scandals. (Anand & Beny, 2007) (Aier, 2008) (Darrough & Ye, 2006)

The fact that Yang did not rightfully perform his fiduciary duties to shareholders in the negotiations with Microsoft is apparent by the inside attempt to take hold of the company by Carl Icahn and his team of proposed board members, and possible disgruntled shareholders. There is no doubt….

esponsibilities of a Multi-Disciplinary Team
Summative Assessment

BIOGAPHICAL INFOMATION: Melody a thirty-four-year-old female he was born on March 12th 1989 She is a single woman with no children and lives in Aaron's Hall District in Brooklyn. She gave her next of kin as Judith who is her mother. She use to work has a banker and is linked with the church of Jesus Christ faith.

PESENT COMPLAINT: Client was transported to the Accident and Emergence department by her brother because of some strange behavior, tossing rocks all in the street and talking to her. Melody protests of hearing voices and wanting to even kill herself, also difficulty being able to sleep. Melody mentions "father and mother do not take care of me and the they don't care although we all live in the same house, I am very stressed out." Forceful behavior and not doing hygienic needs. Past medical history: Asthma Past Surgical….

Operating in over 27 countries, Walmart is one of America's largest retailers. The retailer is also billed as the world's largest enterprise -- on the basis of revenue. Since its establishment in 1965, Walmart has spread its tentacles across the world and is today regarded the world's largest private employer. Additionally, the retailer was last year ranked position 20 in the world's most valuable brands listing. esearch indicates that there are two issues that impact on the productivity as well as competitiveness of the retailer. The two problems are: workers' rights and customer needs when exploring or expanding to foreign markets.
In seeking to address these concerns, a number of well-thought-out solutions will be proposed. It is important to note that Walmart has in the past been criticized by civil rights organizations as well as labor unions for a number of worker rights violations. This is particularly the case with….

relevance of a well-developed social media policy cannot be overstated. This is more so the case given that in addition to ensuring that their public image and reputation is not tainted; organizations need to protect themselves against liabilities arising from the actions of their employees. A new employee could be overenthusiastic about their new position and deem it fit to post, blog, and tweet about the said position and other info about the company. When their posts appear alongside other unrelated and non-professional (or even obscene) personal posts they have made in the past, this could put in question the caliber of people the company hires. Employees could, also, in seeking to defend their companies or other related reasons post abusive or false information about a rival company; or worse still, leak confidential data about the company they work for -- leading to legal suits
egardless of the relevance of….

CKD - Design
Designing a study that evaluates an intervention must take several items into consideration in order to be determined as both reliable and valid; even if the study is in reality a health promotion goal, it is still necessary to treat it the same way a study would be treated. Determining what is reliable and what is valid therefore is an important step in both including those two objectives in a study, and achieving them as well. Study reliability is determined when the researcher can expect the same results time and time again by replicating research procedures. If a study is set up to determine results, and those results can be replicated, then the researcher can determine that the results are reliable. hen the researcher is attempting to show reliability, the researcher wants an independent observer to be capable of replicating results of the study using the same methodologies….

Patton states a new evaluator must know. Patton said that the evaluation situation provides the evaluator a chance to "focus an evaluation by appropriately matching the design, methods, measures…to the situation" (Patton). Daniel Stufflebeam agrees with Patton's assessment. He states that the new evaluator must know a number of different things, including "the meanings of formative and summative evaluation" (Stufflebeam).
Knowing the differences between a formative and summative evaluation is not the only thing that a new evaluator should know, the evaluator should also understand when to use a formative or a summative evaluation and when to employ a certain methodology. Michael Scriven tells the new evaluator that knowing how to validate empirical claims is by employing different methodologies is only a small part of the knowledge needed by a new evaluator, but an equally important piece of the puzzle is to know what device or tool to use as….

Percussion Teacher
In forty-five hours of teaching percussion, I have learned to apply various learning theories to my work. I believe a greater understanding of these theories has improved my pedagogy and enhanced communications and interpersonal connections with my students, who are both male and female and range in age from child to adult. The purpose of this paper is to reflect on my own learning experience as a teacher, including application of learning theories, effective communication techniques, use of formative and summative assessments, and incorporating language literacy and numeracy in the lessons. By reflecting on the teaching experience, I hope to gain insight that will inform my approach in the future and help me better meet the needs of all my students.

Learning Theories

For many of my students, I use the London College of Music series that has a graded course (1-8) for drum kit. Each handbook includes the rudiments and….

He has found that in his experience, this method works best.
Grossman, Pam and Loeb, Susanna. (2010). Learning from multiple routes. Educational Leadership, 67(8), 22-27.

Grossman and Loeb talk about how alternative routes to becoming a teacher have grown throughout the past few decades. The necessity for teachers is mainly in urban areas as this is where most teacher shortages occur. They discuss how subjects such as math and science are in high demand and people with backgrounds in either area usually are successful at taking an alternative route. The authors make a point to note that not all alternative programs are the same. They praise the Teach for American and New York City Teaching Fellows programs as being top rated and highly selective, thus garnering the best candidates. Teach for American and New York City Teaching Fellows programs generally recruit applicants from competitive schools which is why both programs have….

Supervision: When to Use Directive Control Behaviors
This paper is about many different aspects of effective supervision, training and evaluation, but the main concern here is control. It can be assumed that the supervisor has control over the supervisory situation, but this would be an oversimplification of the relationship between a line employee and their direct boss. Control is a shared entity because though the supervisor may determine the course an employee must take, the employee decides whether they will follow that direction or not. Thus, the supervisor must prove to the employee that they are competent in the job before they can expect the employee to follow direction.

This is the stance taken by directive control behaviors. A supervisor who uses directive control behaviors has to be a subject matter expert. If they cannot claim an expertise in the elements that the job entails then they are less likely to have….

Time to develop and use assessments effectively must be built into the teachers' work week. They are time-consuming, but worthwhile, and should not be administered as an afterthought. The results tell us a great deal about students and ourselves. It will be a challenge to make sure assessments are meaningful and are accorded the time they deserve.
When we think of assessments, we often think about formal assessments, whether they are teacher-created quizzes, chapter tests from a textbook, or standardized tests that compare students across the country. Assessment can, and should, include the informal observations teachers make in their classrooms on a daily basis. Because teachers spend so much time with their students, they are in a good position to see both struggles and progress. It may be one of the easiest ways to see what students need because it is immediate and requires no preparation. We can learn from….

Every educational institution and population presents unique characteristics and requirements that make even the most comprehensive prior research incomplete in terms of the actual advisability of implementing changes in that educational environment (Lloyd, 2005).
Summative Evaluation

Summative evaluation must begin from the moment of initial implementation (II, 2008). It should cover both the immediate apparent response of and effect on learners as well as the apparent efficacy and appropriateness of the operational approach implemented by teachers initially. The former allows teachers to gauge, in real time, the degree to which the new changes seem to be received by students and the degree to which they seem to benefit their teaching objectives and learning outcomes. Sometimes, that process allows educators to identify practical difficulties and complications in their chosen methods of delivery that might not have been anticipated prospectively. Other times, that process allows educators to identify problems, deficiencies, and complications from….

Special Needs Intervention

Special Needs Intervention
Client Profile

Brenda is a seven-year-old second grader that has been identified as dyslexic. She has significant delays in pre-literacy and numeracy skills have been identified through both formal assessment and performance in classroom activities. Work samples demonstrate that Brenda has difficulty sequencing and recognizing word phenomes and putting them together for reading and writing activities. Brenda does not demonstrate the ability to recognize phenomes in words. Brenda frequently reverses letters and/or the whole words when performing literacy tasks.

An interview with Brenda's teacher reveals that other than her problems associated with dyslexia, Brenda's development and functioning is on target with a majority of her peers. She tends to display shyness and introversion when called upon in class to perform activities associated with literacy and numeracy. She is polite and participates actively in class activities. She is a pleasant child and normally social with her classmates. She gets along well….

Vignette 1 Maria and Her

Not all teachers are aware of the fact that formative assessments should be used to modify their own teaching approach, and not merely to see if students are doing their homework. Teachers should also be more willing to pool their collective knowledge and resources, so they can exchange ideas about using different forms of formative assessments besides quizzes.
3. Formative assessments are as much of a "check in" for me as your child. I am trying to "check" to see what he or she does not understand.

4. The overemphasis on standardized testing can cause teachers to focus too much on the stated goals of the lesson, and not enough on the process of learning. It is not possible to remove this impediment, however. Instead teachers should find ways to make formative assessment useful in meeting the goals set for the class. Students should be encouraged to use periodic formative assessments….

I would then draft the scenario with a script for the laboring patient to follow that precisely matches the signs and red flags from the curriculum. This would ensure that the nurses are thinking through and recalling both the problem and the proper steps to fix the problem.
For example, one problem that might arise is that the baby's head is not easily exiting the birth canal. According to the curriculum the nurse would then know that from that factor the mother is pushing the wrong position. The nurse would be required to lift the mother from a supine position and aid her into the natural squatting position, which is recommended most for expanding the pelvis and shortening the birth canal. Thus, the nurse determines the red flag and fixes the problem correctly.

This evaluation provides useful information on the amount of comprehension that the nurses are gaining from the course.….

Each of these principles will have a significant impact on the way I teach. Here's a breakdown of how each principle will influence my teaching approach:

1. Prior knowledge: Before introducing new concepts, I will assess students' prior knowledge to identify any gaps or misconceptions. This will enable me to provide targeted instruction, building upon their existing understanding and connecting new information to what they already know.

2. Active learning: I will incorporate various interactive activities, such as group discussions, problem-solving tasks, and hands-on experiments. By actively engaging students in their learning process, they will have the opportunity to apply their knowledge....

Writing Practice in My Classroom: A Comprehensive Vision

Writing is a fundamental skill that empowers students to express themselves, communicate effectively, and critically engage with the world around them. As an educator, I believe that fostering a classroom environment that nurtures writing practice is essential for students' academic success and personal growth. Here is my vision for how I envision writing practice in my classroom:

1. Process-Oriented Approach:

I embrace the process-oriented approach to writing, which recognizes that writing is a complex and iterative process. I provide students with ample time and support to brainstorm, draft, revise, and edit their work. This approach....

Teaching Philosophy and Its Impact on Classroom Instruction and Student Learning Outcomes

My teaching philosophy is rooted in the belief that all students possess the potential to learn and succeed. I strive to create an inclusive and supportive learning environment where every student feels valued and capable of achieving their academic goals. My approach to classroom instruction and student learning outcomes is guided by the following principles:

1. Student-Centered Learning:

I prioritize student-centered learning by tailoring instruction to the individual needs, interests, and learning styles of my students. I engage students actively in the learning process, providing opportunities for collaboration, inquiry-based activities, and....

I. Introduction to Didactics

       A. Definition of Didactics

       B. Importance of Didactics

II. History of Didactics

       A. Evolution of Didactics throughout history

       B. Key figures in the development of Didactics

III. Principles of Didactics

       A. Understanding learning processes

       B. Adaptation of teaching methods to learners' needs

IV. Methods of Didactic Instruction

       A. Lecture format

       B. Interactive discussions

       C. Hands-on activities

V. Assessment in Didactics

       A. Formative assessment techniques

       B. Summative assessment....

3 Pages


Formative and Summative Assessments Criteria

Words: 1387
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Major and minor scales, and chromatic scale from low E. To high C. 2. A slow etude. 3. One movement from a sonata or concerto comparable in difficulty to the…

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8 Pages
Case Study


Yahoo Summative Assessment Family Name

Words: 2817
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Case Study

(Thomas a. Piraino, 2009) The particular case of Yahoo! rejecting Microsoft's claim did not constitute a real violation of any existing laws, though it does touch on some issues…

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10 Pages


Responsibilities of a Multi-Disciplinary Team Summative Assessment

Words: 2987
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Essay

esponsibilities of a Multi-Disciplinary Team Summative Assessment BIOGAPHICAL INFOMATION: Melody a thirty-four-year-old female he was born on March 12th 1989 She is a single woman with no children and lives in…

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15 Pages


Final Project Summative Assignment

Words: 4664
Length: 15 Pages
Type: Essay

Operating in over 27 countries, Walmart is one of America's largest retailers. The retailer is also billed as the world's largest enterprise -- on the basis of revenue.…

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5 Pages


Social Media Summative Assignment Week 5

Words: 1964
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

relevance of a well-developed social media policy cannot be overstated. This is more so the case given that in addition to ensuring that their public image and reputation…

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3 Pages
Research Paper


What Approach Should Be Used

Words: 993
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

CKD - Design Designing a study that evaluates an intervention must take several items into consideration in order to be determined as both reliable and valid; even if the study…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Studied Constantly With Many of

Words: 557
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Patton states a new evaluator must know. Patton said that the evaluation situation provides the evaluator a chance to "focus an evaluation by appropriately matching the design, methods,…

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7 Pages


Percussion Teacher in Forty-Five Hours of Teaching

Words: 2493
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Essay

Percussion Teacher In forty-five hours of teaching percussion, I have learned to apply various learning theories to my work. I believe a greater understanding of these theories has improved my…

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5 Pages
Research Paper


Supervision and Evaluation Public Education

Words: 1651
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

He has found that in his experience, this method works best. Grossman, Pam and Loeb, Susanna. (2010). Learning from multiple routes. Educational Leadership, 67(8), 22-27. Grossman and Loeb talk about…

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11 Pages
Research Paper


Supervision When to Use Directive Control Behaviors

Words: 3005
Length: 11 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Supervision: When to Use Directive Control Behaviors This paper is about many different aspects of effective supervision, training and evaluation, but the main concern here is control. It can be…

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4 Pages
A2 Outline Answer


Instructional Effectiveness Many Scholars Claim

Words: 1604
Length: 4 Pages
Type: A2 Outline Answer

Time to develop and use assessments effectively must be built into the teachers' work week. They are time-consuming, but worthwhile, and should not be administered as an afterthought.…

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3 Pages
Research Paper


Secondary Literature and Primary Research

Words: 833
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Every educational institution and population presents unique characteristics and requirements that make even the most comprehensive prior research incomplete in terms of the actual advisability of implementing changes…

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8 Pages


Special Needs Intervention

Words: 2579
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

Special Needs Intervention Client Profile Brenda is a seven-year-old second grader that has been identified as dyslexic. She has significant delays in pre-literacy and numeracy skills have been identified through both…

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2 Pages


Vignette 1 Maria and Her

Words: 610
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Not all teachers are aware of the fact that formative assessments should be used to modify their own teaching approach, and not merely to see if students are…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Health - Nursing

Comprehension of a Cours's Subject

Words: 494
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

I would then draft the scenario with a script for the laboring patient to follow that precisely matches the signs and red flags from the curriculum. This would…

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