Survey Research Essays (Examples)

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Experimental, and Survey esearch
Social researchers have a wide array of qualitative and quantitative research methodologies available to them, including field, experimental and survey research. Each of these research methodologies has some strengths and weaknesses that make them better suited for some applications than others. The purpose of this paper is to provide a review of the relevant literature concerning field, experiment and survey research to identify their respective strengths and weaknesses and to determine what types of research are most appropriate for these approaches. A summary of the research concerning these issues and important findings are presented in the conclusion.

eview and Analysis

Field esearch

The purpose of field research is to provide researchers with first-hand observations and interactions with the subjects who are of interest. Although there is rarely an actual field involved in this type of research, researchers are in fact required to leave the comfort of their offices to….

measuring the variable of job satisfaction but not job performance. The survey is effective for the former because it is a measure of personal perception; the latter should be measured with FedEx's in-house performance appraisal systems. The disadvantage of the survey is that a worker is being asked his/her own perceptions of his/her own performance -- this is not the best way to measure performance. The Fort Wayne paper used the same approach, again introducing self-reflection bias to something that could have been measured objectively. FedEx in particular relies on objective data to evaluate its employees, so this was a missed opportunity on the part of the researcher. For questions about one's self, the survey method is strong, and thus ties directly to many of the research questions.
The deduction approach to research uses the data to test the hypothesis, but then expands that out to more general conclusions. The….

Behavioral Research
Surveys research has traditionally been conducted in three ways: In-person, by mail, and over the telephone. A fourth option has been added to these modes through the survey opportunities available in digital media. This array of modes is a bit like the child's matching game in which the outlier is identified: To whit, "Which one does not belong?" Two of the four survey modes entail real-time interaction between a survey researcher and a respondent; the other two survey modes do not entail this "live" interaction. The presence of a "live" interviewer in telephone surveys research is believed to be an important variable in the non-response data. Typically, telephone survey participants are not offered a non-response option ("don't know"), but in this study, a non-response option was offered to the CATI respondents, since this was an important part of the investigation. Moreover, surveys research via the new digital media….

esponsesDameon\\\"Without counsel plans fail, but with many advisers they succeed.\\\" - Proverbs 15:22This quote from the Bible highlights the importance of seeking input from others when making decisions, which is relevant to the discussion of incorporating citizen views in public policy decision-making through survey research. Seeking the opinions and input of many different people can help to ensure that decisions are well-informed and take into account a broad range of perspectives. By incorporating the views of citizens through survey research, policymakers can benefit from the counsel of many advisers and increase the chances of success in implementing policies that have broad public support.Thus, I agree that survey research can be a valuable tool in incorporating the views of citizens in public policy decision-making. In many countries, including Switzerland, direct democratic elements are used to allow citizens to influence policies on various issues through voting (Feld & Kirchgassner, 2000). Survey research….

Mixed methods research design is popular in many research settings because it offers a set of advantages as well as a flexibility that cannot be matched by other available methods. This method combines some of the features from both quantitative and qualitative research methods to create unique methods that can integrate many theoretical or conceptual frameworks. This analysis will use a case study form of a mixed methods approach from studies that were performed in different academic fields to illustrate this form of research. The case study approach is popular in various environments due to the fact that it has more flexibility to explore and explain complex social phenomenon that are difficult to account for in strict quantitative approaches. Furthermore, it also allows room for the social constructivist approach that allows participants some freedom to add information that is relevant to their particular perspective to be added to the data.

team-taught student grades.
This research question leads to the correlation study approach in order to effectively answer the research question and provide the appropriate relationship that is between the dependent variables used in the research question.

In order to effectively answer this research question, there is need to have a large sample size that will bring out the correlation between the involved dependent variables. The data collection method that can give such sample size is the survey method since it will enable the researcher to survey the results, the behaviors, the outcomes of the group interactions and the possible variables that influence the results (egents of The University of Michigan, 2017). The data collection instruments or survey tools that would be suitable and will be used in this particular research are the questionnaires, structured interviews and the literature review of the existing literature on the subject.

Data collection tools

The questionnaires will be….

The Challenges of Dual Credit: A Research Proposal Problem Statements
Dual credit or dual enrollment programs “are designed to boost college access and degree attainment, especially for students typically underrepresented in higher education,” (United States Department of Education, 2017, p. 1). With this lofty goal set, it should seem that dual credit programs would be reducing the educational achievement gap. After all, dual credit programs by definition allow all students the opportunity to potentially shorten the amount of time they spend in college, thereby reducing their tuition fees that enable the completion of a degree program. Yet recent research shows that college enrollment and completion gaps may be getting wider, based both on ethnicity and on socioeconomic class (Gewertz, 2017). The results of the RAND study reported by Gewertz (2017) may not be applicable specifically to the state of Hawaii, and yet educational attainment disparities do continue to exist and it is….

web-based surveys and their usefulness in reducing the cost of business research. The writer explores several aspects of web-based surveys including performance and comparison to traditional type surveys. There were 10 sources used to complete this paper.
There are many reasons that people gather information today. ealth professionals gather information to help determine health trends, needs and problems. Marketing professionals gather information so that the consumer can be better served. Churches gather information to better provide for the spiritual needs of the public. Law enforcement officials gather information to ascertain crime trends as well as other information that is useful for predictions and budgeting needs. Different sized governments gather information for the purpose of providing public services to those who live within their geographic area as well as estimations and predictions about the future of the area. There are many reasons to gather information and there are very few instances….

mail or email surveys received recently and addresses where proper ethical steps were followed. This work further describes the highest ethical standards in the use of surveys.
The writer of this work has received email surveys recently that ask for participation in providing opinions of products or services. The emails did not follow the proper ethical standards that are required when completing surveys.

Ethical Standards

Surveys are reported to be representative of the "most common types of quantitative, social science research." (Writing at CSU, nd) In survey research, a sample of respondents is selected from a population and the research following this selection, "administers a standardized questionnaire to them. The questionnaire or survey may be a written document that the individual being surveyed completed. There are ethical issues that are required to be addressed when using surveys. The work of Eleanor Singer reports that when survey research is used the most serious….

Interval variables

Frequency distribution


Category Percent





64+ 15%

As one may observe, most respondents in this study are in the 35-49 and in the 50-64 age groups. The least respondents are in the 18-24%.

Ordinal variables

Frequency distribution

Dept results show that the clothing department is preferred by 25% of respondents, followed by the electronics department with 18%. Payment results reveal that 35% of customers prefer to pay with their credit cards, while 52% prefer to pay with cash. egarding the prices in these stores, 26% have a somewhat negative opinion, 18% have a strongly negative opinion, while 42% have a neutral opinion.

Categorical variables

Frequency distribution

Gender: 63% of customers are female, and 37% are male.

egular: 38% stated that they shop several times a week, and 35% said they shop once a week.

eason1: 26% of respondents said they prefer these stores because of their promotional campaigns, and 38% said they have other reasons for shopping there.

eason2: 32% said that….

For each selected school, there will be three groups of which quota sampling will be employed to achieve equal number of respondents. The three groups would be the faculty members, student administrators, and students. espondents will once again be randomly-selected from the list that we shall be acquiring from the university.

A questionnaire shall be devised by the researcher in order to gather opinion and understand attitudes on post-tenure review. An Educational Administration Disposition Belief Scale shall also be provided to better assess school administrators' views and disposition to better understand their particular disposition in the issue of post-tenure review. This instrument by Charles Southern University (n.d.) has already been used in previous studies conducted. This scale shall be modified to a 5-point scale in order to gauge disposition.

Data Gathering

The timetable for the data gathering part of this research was based on a seven-week schedule. One week shall be allotted….

social science researchers have a number of different types of research designs available to them, including observational studies, correlational research, developmental designs, survey research and experimental designs (Neuman, 2009). This paper reviews the literature concerning quantitative survey research and experimental designs to provide a comparison of their similarities and differences, including their respective processes for selecting an appropriate population sample. In addition, a description of a respective strength and limitation of each design is followed by a conclusion that can be drawn from this comparison. Finally, an explanation concerning ethical, legal, and social-cultural considerations that may be relevant for these designs is followed by a summary of the research and important findings concerning survey and experimental research designs in the conclusion.
eview and Analysis

Two similarities and two differences between the survey and experimental research

Survey and experimental research both use data in the form of numbers rather than qualitative measures (Neuman,….

Stakeholders Research Project Introduction
Preliminary stakeholder identification around any natural resource proves vital to carrying out meaningful trans- disciplinary researches with regard to managing that particular resource. Stakeholders may be defined as all players capable of impacting, or being impacted by, any action or decision (after Freeman 1984). Natural resource management research scholars (e.g. Grimble and Wellard 1997; Dougill et al. 2006; Ravnborg and Westermann 2002) constantly report that the inclusion of stakeholders in finding solutions facilitates mutual learning and negotiation, improves stakeholder buy- in and support of actions and decisions, and decreases conflict. Trans- disciplinary study strategies build on this rationale through assimilating stakeholders and integrating the diverse kinds of ideas and knowledge they bring with them to the table in socially- sound, solution- focused studies (Lang et al. 2012; Bracken et al. 2014; Hurni and Wiesmann 2014).
Quite frequently, project reports and scholarly papers’ descriptions pertaining to stakeholder identification are vague.….

Correlational Research

new reading program on a student's ability to learn to read. Because the program is designed specifically for helping new readers learn basic reading skills the experimenter chooses only beginning first-grade students as the population of interest. Thus, as the subject variable is one that cannot be the target of random assignment (you cannot randomly assigned subjects to the first-grade) a nonequivalent control group pre-test post-test quasi-experimental design is selected as the preferential design (Cozby & Bates, 2012). Moreover, it is often not feasible for programs like this to randomly assign different students within the same classroom to different breeding programs as there is typically only one teacher teaching the first graders and such a design would be cumbersome and most likely the study rejected by the school system. Thus, the incoming first-grade students are given a basic reading pretest at the beginning of the school year, and then….

desire within the organization for change, in particular with regards to leadership. Ultimately, the research shows that most respondents have an idea of what makes a good leader, but feel that the people currently in leadership positions in this organization lack those traits. There is some evidence of a mandate for change among employees of this organization.
For question 1, respondents could answer more than once, and many did. the results were as follows:


Forward looking









This is best viewed on a histogram:

There are no measures of central tendency for this question.

Question 2. The results were as follows, and are best represented in a pie chart:




Question 3.For this question, n=8 because the two who felt that their bosses exemplified most positive characteristics did not answer. The results were as follows, and are best represented on a pie chart:

Very open to change


Neutral to change


Not in favor of change


Question 4 is an open-ended question,….

Is the Research Entitled "Ethical Implications of AI in Society" a Mixed Method?


Mixed methods research combines both qualitative and quantitative research methods to provide a more comprehensive understanding of a research topic. Qualitative methods emphasize understanding the subjective experiences and perspectives of individuals, while quantitative methods focus on objective data and statistical analysis. Determining whether a specific research project is a mixed method study requires examining the combination of methods used.

Review of Ethical Implications of AI in Society Research

The research study titled "Ethical Implications of AI in Society" explores the ethical considerations surrounding the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in....

10 Pages


Experimental and Survey Research Social Researchers Have

Words: 2775
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Essay

Experimental, and Survey esearch Social researchers have a wide array of qualitative and quantitative research methodologies available to them, including field, experimental and survey research. Each of these research…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Sports - College

Survey Research Methods Approach

Words: 619
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

measuring the variable of job satisfaction but not job performance. The survey is effective for the former because it is a measure of personal perception; the latter should…

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2 Pages


Behavioral Research Surveys Research Has Traditionally Been

Words: 796
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Behavioral Research Surveys research has traditionally been conducted in three ways: In-person, by mail, and over the telephone. A fourth option has been added to these modes through the…

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2 Pages
Creative Writing

Public Administration

Pros and Cons of Survey Research

Words: 743
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Creative Writing

esponsesDameon\\\"Without counsel plans fail, but with many advisers they succeed.\\\" - Proverbs 15:22This quote from the Bible highlights the importance of seeking input from others when making decisions, which…

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4 Pages
Research Paper


Research Methods and Education

Words: 1175
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Mixed methods research design is popular in many research settings because it offers a set of advantages as well as a flexibility that cannot be matched by other available…

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2 Pages
A2 Coursework


Research Question and Variables

Words: 712
Length: 2 Pages
Type: A2 Coursework

team-taught student grades. This research question leads to the correlation study approach in order to effectively answer the research question and provide the appropriate relationship that is between the…

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3 Pages


research design issues in education dual credit

Words: 945
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

The Challenges of Dual Credit: A Research Proposal Problem Statements Dual credit or dual enrollment programs “are designed to boost college access and degree attainment, especially for students typically underrepresented in…

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15 Pages
Term Paper


Web-Based Surveys and Their Usefulness in Reducing

Words: 6102
Length: 15 Pages
Type: Term Paper

web-based surveys and their usefulness in reducing the cost of business research. The writer explores several aspects of web-based surveys including performance and comparison to traditional type surveys.…

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2 Pages

Business - Ethics

Mail or Email Surveys Received Recently and

Words: 548
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

mail or email surveys received recently and addresses where proper ethical steps were followed. This work further describes the highest ethical standards in the use of surveys. The writer…

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3 Pages

Black Studies - Philosophy

Represents a Survey Study Made

Words: 743
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Interval variables Frequency distribution Agecat Category Percent 18-24-5% 25-34-25% 35-49-30% 50-64-25% 64+ 15% As one may observe, most respondents in this study are in the 35-49 and in the 50-64 age groups. The least respondents are in the…

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2 Pages


Post-Tenure Review A Research Design

Words: 744
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Thesis

For each selected school, there will be three groups of which quota sampling will be employed to achieve equal number of respondents. The three groups would be the…

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2 Pages

Psychology - Social

Experimental Research and Designs

Words: 588
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

social science researchers have a number of different types of research designs available to them, including observational studies, correlational research, developmental designs, survey research and experimental designs (Neuman,…

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4 Pages


Stakeholders Research Project

Words: 1483
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Stakeholders Research Project Introduction Preliminary stakeholder identification around any natural resource proves vital to carrying out meaningful trans- disciplinary researches with regard to managing that particular resource. Stakeholders may be defined…

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2 Pages


Correlational Research

Words: 745
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

new reading program on a student's ability to learn to read. Because the program is designed specifically for helping new readers learn basic reading skills the experimenter chooses…

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2 Pages
Research Proposal

Sports - College

Survey Results on Management Survey

Words: 474
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

desire within the organization for change, in particular with regards to leadership. Ultimately, the research shows that most respondents have an idea of what makes a good leader,…

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