Sustainable Agriculture Essays (Examples)

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The second method forces agriculture to manage wastes and develop rural employment. ( Lichtfouse 1-10)
ll-in-all, there are numerous ways in which to make sustainable agriculture, from simple management adjustments to fundamental changes in the farming system. One course calls for the substitution of products used in agriculture. For instance, toxic chemicals and fertilizers could be substituted for less pollutant alternatives. Many persons suggest the use of Genetically Modified organisms so as to decrease dependence on toxic chemicals and fertilizers. There exists a problem within this logic, however.

The merican cademy of Envrionmental Medicine (EM) states, "Genetically Modified foods have not been properly tested and post a serious health risk. There is more than a casual association between genetically modified foods and the adverse health effects. There is causation." The EM went so far as to insist physicians advise their patients of the risks of genetically modified foods. The use of….

Sustainability in Australian Food Exporting

Sustainability is an increasingly important consideration in both built and natural environments, as human endeavors are revealed to be increasingly fragile and enormously dependent on natural resources that could potentially be eradicated through overuse and unsustainable practices. This affects almost all areas of human activity, including many that might seem not directly related to sustainability issues such as import and export levels. When considered from a regional perspective, however, the exportation of resources -- whether purely natural resources or a combination of natural and built procedures -- becomes directly related to certain concepts in sustainability. This paper will examine current features of Australia's food exportation activities and determine their degree of sustainability.

Crop Production

The amount of arable -- i.e. food-producing -- land in the world is diminishing, in some regions at alarming rates, meaning that agricultural products are already becoming increasingly rare (Midmore 1993). This does not….

This is because resources available within the environment will provide all what is required for the state (Department of Environment, Food & ural affairs, 2013).
Social sustainability

Many countries are same when it comes to the endowments of natural, human and physical capital. However, there is a difference when it comes to the economic development level that can be achieved in a particular country. There are three types of capital that can determine the economic growth process but in a partial manner however, there is a missing link between the three types of capital which is the social capital. Social capital is based on social norms and bonds which have an important role to play when it comes to sustainable development. Social capital emphasizes on the participation on a civic level as well as a horizontal association among people such as social networks. This is also through associated norms that have….

Fair Trade allowed producers to receive a significant price premium, dependent upon world coffee prices and the mainstream markets. Price premiums for farmers promoted social development and strengthened institutional capacities in the area. However, the ability to improve working conditions for workers was limited (Valkila and Nygren 2009). Price premiums were found to be the main benefit for fruit producers involved in a Swiss partnership (Bezencon 2009).

Fair Trade products and certified end products represent the next logical step in the natural and organic products movement. The impact of fair trade has already been examined in other industries and it is believed that the same principles apply to the cosmetics industry as well. Trends in the cosmetic industry are driven traditionally by the fashion industry. However, social responsibility must now be considered a part of the equation as well. The movement towards socially responsible products is being driven by consumer….

Economics and Ethics of Sustainable Design
Dos Toros is a U.S. food manufacturing company. The company manufactures foods of different types from plant food to animal food. At this company, there are several deliberate measures that are employed to ensure that these kind of food produced meets the desired standards. In this case, Dos Toros managed to carve a sizeable market share by distinguishing itself. Chipotle Company, on the other hand, is a beef producing company located in Texas. This company sells meat from naturally raised cows. The cows that they slaughter are bred under natural conditions with no adulteration of chemicals. There is no use of drugs in sustaining the lives of the animals. The kinds of food that the cows eat are those availed by nature. This is similar to Dos Toro's approach to business. As a result, both companies have earned a name for their consideration of the….

but, one must wash the towel. The cycle continues and the family member has to choose the way of washing this cloth towel. it's embodied net energy is less than that of the paper towel. Another way of reducing the amount of energy a house expends in the window setup in that house. The larger the windows, the more light that comes into the home, and the less lighting is need to keep the house comfortable. (Steffen)
There are many ways in which humans could quicken -- in a humane way -- reindustrialization from the petroleum based overshoot industrial society of the present to a more diverse, efficient and flourishing society based on energy sources such as solar, wind geothermal, water, resource production, and creativity, as well as on such values as compassion, altruism and fairness.

Rainwater harvesting, a well-known practice in the poor economies of the world, is catching on….

Transform Unsustainable Organization Into Sustainable One

Land and water management

Energy, carbon and transport management

Supply chain management

Waste, pollution, recycling management

Sustainability performance indicators

Social sustainability

Long-term sustainability vision

The final report is prepared in conjunction with the ANW Construction Ltd. The report prepared to demonstrate the level of sustainability is effective in highlighting the key features that the business has implemented in its operations. The following sections are focused to the differences that a sustainable organization can have in comparison with the unsustainable business. The recommendations are made based on the academic and professional literature. The notable areas for sustainability in a business are addressed as land, water management, energy, carbon, transport management, supply chain management, waste, pollution, and recycling management. Furthermore the report also provides insight on the sustainability performance indicators, social sustainability, and long-term sustainability vision for businesses.


According to Bell, and Morse (2008) the original forms of sustainability are divided into two categories. These….

) They are, in the popular imagination, a peaceful people who spend their time going to church and making preserves, while the rest of us lost our spiritual way, got jobs moving paper around, became obsessed with buying stuff, and watched our families fall apart. (Issenberg, 2004, p. 40).
Today, tourism is second only to agriculture as Pennsylvania's leading industry and Lancaster County accounts for $1.6 billion of the state's $20.5 billion in annual tourism revenue (Goodno, 2004). While the tourism industry in Lancaster County is booming, many observers suggest that unless something is done soon, the Amish will have significant problems in being able to sustain their way of life - and the burgeoning tourism industry -- in the future. Although the Amish are not unique in being reclusive (Paige & Littrell, 2002), they remain the most important tourism element in this region of the country. For example, in his….

As employees have expertise in manufacturing products, they should be paid for that expertise. Low labor figures for manufacturing can question the quality of the products the company is selling to consumers. Not to mention that if Nike has recalls of products, consumers may view this as bad management practices that produce low quality products for high prices.
here marketing takes a big portion of expense dollars, manufacturing labor expense should be balanced with the marketing expense. Unbalancing in these areas can bring questions of integrity and quality of products. It could also place a bad taste with investors in determining the ethics of the company's management team. Nike should spend less on marketing and more on manufacturing labor costs to show a higher quality of products manufactured. Nike should also evaluate the marketing expenses and ensure that waste is eliminated in the process. These changes in the business processes….

Water Awareness and Education for Sustainable Watershed Management
Today, the human society continuously deals with the issue of limited resources, as compared to an extensively growing amount of needs. Among these limited resources, water is vital, not only because mankind cannot survive without it, but also because it is essential to producing so many other secondary items, including food and clothing. At the same time, water and watersheds are an essential part of the environment, home to numerous species of animals and plants. Conservationism and environmental protection has a definite impact on the existence and evolution of mankind as well.

With that in mind, this project proposal will focus on identifying a set of solutions that the inhabitants in the Medina River Watershed (exar & Medina County TX) can use to address water pollution in this area, as well as the means by which water conservation can be consolidated and promoted as….

People feed themselves?
Why was subsistence agriculture a problem from the perspective of European colonizers?

From the point-of-view of the European colonizers, subsistence agriculture was a 'problem' because it was a source of empowerment for the individuals they desired to oppress. It was cast as primitive in European literature, but this 'primitive' form of agriculture had nourished people for centuries. The real aim of the Europeans was to render colonial peoples useful to the Mother Country. Subsistence agriculture was also problematic for the Europeans because it was primarily designed to sustain people, rather than to generate profits. The agriculture produced only what was needed for a small group of people, rather than crops for the mass marketplace.

An excellent example of this can be seen in the West Indies. Before Europeans came to the region, Africans had a vibrant, rich, and diversified system of agriculture, which provided many forms of food for….

98 million farmers. It is reported that in a review of sustainable agriculture projects findings show that "average food production per household increased by 1.71 tons per year (up 73%) for 4.42 million farmers on 3.58 million hectares, bringing food security and health benefits to local communities. Increasing agricultural productivity has been shown to also increase food supplies and raise incomes, thereby reducing poverty, increasing access to food, reducing malnutrition and improving health and livelihoods." (Independent Science Panel, 2003) Sustainable agriculture results in low-cost and readily available food resources being gained by consumers since organic food is safer. Specifically it is reported that: "Sustainable agricultural approaches draw extensively on traditional and indigenous knowledge, and place emphasis on the farmers' experience and innovation. This thereby utilizes appropriate, low-cost and readily available local resources as well as improves farmers' status and autonomy, enhancing social and cultural relations within local communities." (Independent Science….

USDA Certified in Organic Beef on a Family Owned anch
Becoming a certified organic farmer is an expensive and time-intensive process, and, accordingly, a significant decision for any small farmer. The problem is to understand the process by which a family owned ranch could become USDA certified for organic beef. What are the necessary steps and important factors to consider from beginning the process to marketing to retailers?

Understanding USDA Organic

The government-managed organic food certification program is USDA Organic. Within this certification system, organic food production follows guidelines laid out in the Organic Foods Production-Act of 1990 and amended according to Public Law 109-97, Nov. 10, 2005. These regulations take into consideration site-specific conditions "integrating cultural, biological, and mechanical practices that foster cycling of resources, promote ecological balance, and conserve biodiversity." (USDA Agricultural Marketing Service, 2011) Included in OFPA are rules for farm planning, livestock handling, use of pesticides and synthetic….

Ironically, only 1% of the world's fresh water is readily accessible for direct human use. Translated into something we can understand readily: one American taking a 5-minute shower uses more water than the typical person living in a developing country slum uses in an entire day -- and most Americans take far longer than 5-minute showers. This is a crisis that must be addressed, if it is not, over the next two decades the average supply of water per person will drop by over 30%, condemning millions of people and animals to death (Atlas of a Thirsty Planet).
This assignment opened my eyes to a new way of looking at food -- I will be unable to go into a grocery store and look at rows and rows of perfect fruits and vegetables; knowing that half are thrown out while people starve. In the same manner, knowing that each American….

e see that convential agriculture often fails in the long-run. Rather than substitue ecosystem functions with chemicals, does it not make more sense to use the ecological functions of the area in question to "develop farming styles tailored to [the] specific agroexosystems and socioeconomic capabilities"? (Holt, p. 39). And what better way to ensure that we provide the world with the most production possible in a way that benefits the consumer, but also the farmer and the farmer's family? (Cuba: The Campesino-to-Campesino Agroecoloty Movement). This is clearly the message from these readings. The economic system is immaterial -- what is important is the manner in which the consumer takes partial responsibility to help the sustainability of the product, insists that corporations do their part, and, in fact, partner with the micro-farmer to develop a winning propostion for all.
orks Cited

Armendariz, B. And J. Morduch. The Economics of Microfinance. Boston, MA:….

Persuasive Essay Topic Ideas


The Importance of Early Childhood Education
Should College Education Be Free for All?
Technology's Role in Enhancing Education
The Value of Experiential Learning over Traditional Classrooms
The Impact of Standardized Testing on Student Success

Social Issues

The Necessity of Universal Healthcare
The Right to Bear Arms: A Constitutional Imperative
The Impact of Social Media on Mental Health
The Importance of Gun Control Legislation
The Benefits of a Universal Basic Income


Climate Change: A Call to Action
The Necessity of Renewable Energy Sources
The Role of Individuals in Environmental Protection
The Impact of Deforestation on Biodiversity
The Benefits....

1. The causes and consequences of the Dust Bowl
2. The role of government intervention in response to the Dust Bowl
3. The impact of the Dust Bowl on agriculture and the economy
4. The social and cultural effects of the Dust Bowl on communities
5. Environmental consequences of the Dust Bowl and its long-term effects
6. The Dust Bowl in literature and art
7. The Dust Bowl migration and its impact on society
8. The role of technology in mitigating the effects of future dust storms
9. Lessons learned from the Dust Bowl for sustainable agriculture and land management
10. The Dust Bowl as a cautionary tale for....

Long-Term Implications of Climate Change on Global Food Security


Climate change poses significant long-term threats to global food security, threatening the availability, accessibility, and affordability of food for billions of people worldwide. This essay explores the potential long-term implications of climate change on global food security, examining its impacts on crop yields, agricultural practices, and global food systems.

Impacts on Crop Yields

Climate change directly affects crop yields through changes in temperature, precipitation patterns, and the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events. Rising temperatures and a shift towards more variable precipitation patterns lead to reduced crop yields, especially in regions already experiencing....

In conclusion, monitoring and enforcing a [CO.sub.2] treaty may prove to be a significant challenge due to the potential for increased emissions in fast-growing developing countries, which could offset any reductions made by rich nations (Udall, 1990). The complexities and uncertainties surrounding global efforts to reduce [CO.sub.2] emissions highlight the need for continued cooperation and innovation in finding sustainable solutions to combat climate change. Some immediate actions individuals can take in their daily lives to combat global warming include reducing energy consumption, utilizing public transportation, biking or walking instead of driving, supporting sustainable agriculture, reducing meat consumption, recycling and reducing waste,....

10 Pages
Research Paper


Sustainable Agriculture There Are Many

Words: 3084
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Research Paper

The second method forces agriculture to manage wastes and develop rural employment. ( Lichtfouse 1-10) ll-in-all, there are numerous ways in which to make sustainable agriculture, from simple management…

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3 Pages


Sustainable Sustainability in Australian Food Exporting Sustainability

Words: 813
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Sustainable Sustainability in Australian Food Exporting Sustainability is an increasingly important consideration in both built and natural environments, as human endeavors are revealed to be increasingly fragile and enormously dependent on…

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7 Pages
Research Paper

Transportation - Environmental Issues

Sustainable Development Debate the State

Words: 2494
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Research Paper

This is because resources available within the environment will provide all what is required for the state (Department of Environment, Food & ural affairs, 2013). Social sustainability Many countries are…

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7 Pages
Research Proposal

Business - Miscellaneous

Sustainable Design and the UK

Words: 2304
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

Fair Trade allowed producers to receive a significant price premium, dependent upon world coffee prices and the mainstream markets. Price premiums for farmers promoted social development and strengthened…

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3 Pages


Sustainable Practices by Dos Toros

Words: 905
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Economics and Ethics of Sustainable Design Dos Toros is a U.S. food manufacturing company. The company manufactures foods of different types from plant food to animal food. At this company,…

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4 Pages
Research Paper


Sustainability Sustainable Living Involves More

Words: 1160
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

but, one must wash the towel. The cycle continues and the family member has to choose the way of washing this cloth towel. it's embodied net energy is…

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10 Pages
Research Paper

Transportation - Environmental Issues

Transform Unsustainable Organization Into Sustainable One

Words: 3403
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Transform Unsustainable Organization Into Sustainable One Sustainability Land and water management Energy, carbon and transport management Supply chain management Waste, pollution, recycling management Sustainability performance indicators Social sustainability Long-term sustainability vision The final report is prepared in conjunction…

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9 Pages
Term Paper


Amish Tourism Developing Sustainable Models

Words: 2993
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Term Paper

) They are, in the popular imagination, a peaceful people who spend their time going to church and making preserves, while the rest of us lost our spiritual way,…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Rebranding Sustainable Practices Nike's Sustainability

Words: 1551
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

As employees have expertise in manufacturing products, they should be paid for that expertise. Low labor figures for manufacturing can question the quality of the products the company…

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11 Pages
Business Proposal

Transportation - Environmental Issues

Water Awareness and Education for Sustainable Watershed Management

Words: 2917
Length: 11 Pages
Type: Business Proposal

Water Awareness and Education for Sustainable Watershed Management Today, the human society continuously deals with the issue of limited resources, as compared to an extensively growing amount of needs. Among…

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2 Pages


Why Can't People Feed Themselves

Words: 639
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

People feed themselves? Why was subsistence agriculture a problem from the perspective of European colonizers? From the point-of-view of the European colonizers, subsistence agriculture was a 'problem' because it was…

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8 Pages


Transgenic Foods Genetically Modified Crop

Words: 2537
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Thesis

98 million farmers. It is reported that in a review of sustainable agriculture projects findings show that "average food production per household increased by 1.71 tons per year (up…

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6 Pages


USDA Certified in Organic Beef on a

Words: 1797
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

USDA Certified in Organic Beef on a Family Owned anch Becoming a certified organic farmer is an expensive and time-intensive process, and, accordingly, a significant decision for any small…

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5 Pages
Reaction Paper


Globalization Has Changed the Face

Words: 1912
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Reaction Paper

Ironically, only 1% of the world's fresh water is readily accessible for direct human use. Translated into something we can understand readily: one American taking a 5-minute shower…

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5 Pages
Reaction Paper


Campesino Do We Ever Wonder

Words: 1742
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Reaction Paper

e see that convential agriculture often fails in the long-run. Rather than substitue ecosystem functions with chemicals, does it not make more sense to use the ecological functions…

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