Suv Essays (Examples)

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Hybrid SUV Buying the Right
Pages: 8 Words: 2529

They are looking for frugality and compromise, all of which they can find in various ways through the SUVs that have been considered here.

Many issues have to be considered when buying a new SUV. Price is important, but it is not the only issue - especially for families such as the Jones'. ecause they live an upper middle class existence, they are able to buy any one of the SUVs that have been compared here. However, will they want to spend more for the Cadillac? Should they spend the least and get a smaller, more mid-sized SUV like the Highlander? Would the Yukon be a good compromise between the alternatives? Those are all questions that they will have to answer on their own, but a recommendation as to which hybrid SUV they should buy will still be made here. It will be based on the pros and cons that…...



2011 GMC Yukon Hybrid. (2011). Best Cars. U.S. News Ranking and Reviews. Online.

2011 Toyota Highlander Hybrid. (2011). Best Cars. U.S. News Ranking and Reviews. Online.

2011 Cadillac Escalade Hybrid. (2011). Best Cars. U.S. News Ranking and Reviews. Online.

Microeconomic Factors Including Inflation SUV
Pages: 5 Words: 1308

Finally the vehicle price less customer incentives and rebates (cash and incentives) are used as the variables to complete the partial correlation.
Table 2 Partial Correlation Descriptive Statistics


Std. Deviation


Total Down

Percent Financed

Total Down (%)

Trade in (%)

Type of Sale Cash (%)

Type of Sale Finance (%)

Type of Sale Purchase (%)

Type of Sale Lease (%)

Vehicle Price Less Customer Cash Rebate

Average U.S. Gas Price

Table 2, Partial Correlation Descriptive Statistics shows the results of the initial analysis. With the number of periods being 14, and controlling for gas price this analysis shows that the majority of mid-size SUV vehicles buyers were financing, taking advantage of aggressive incentives on the part of manufacturers. See Figure 1 for an analysis of cash and incentive spending by SUV model.

Notice that the median level of spending is approximately $3,000 per unit for cash and incentives and with the variable entered into the analysis a correlation matrix…...

Gasoline Consumption vs SUV's Popularity
Pages: 7 Words: 2420

gasoline consumption vs. SUV's popularity
Demand for SUVs, hybrids and the price of gas

Virtually every time there is a new spike in gas prices, the death of the SUV is proclaimed. SUVs have long been demonized as gas-guzzling monstrosities, particularly those produced by American companies. However, the popularity of SUVs continues to climb, not just in the United States but around the world. hile it is true that fuel-efficient hybrids have gained in popularity in some countries such as Japan and some states of the union such as California, overall the trend remains in favor of purchasing larger vehicles, both domestically and globally. Demand for hybrids spiked with a sharp upturn in the price of gas in 2005, but this was quickly forgotten when prices abated. Reducing carbon emissions must be a long-term concern for the environmentalist movement's goals to be effective, but consumers tend to focus on the short-term. Overall,…...


Works Cited

"Advantages and disadvantages of hybrid trucks." Cars Direct. 22 Dec 2009. [10 Dec 2012] 

Crothers, Brooke. "A new lease on life for the Chevy Volt as demand picks up." CNET.

8 Apr 2012. [10 Dec 2012]

Suvs You a Marketing Manager Interviewing a
Pages: 2 Words: 683

You a marketing manager interviewing a job a large automotive company. You prepared interview a chance offered job, decide study company company's future marketing ideas. One company's ideas phase large, profitable SUV line automobiles focus smaller, fuel-efficient cars.

Marketing manager: Interview

Despite the current popularity in the media for demonizing gas-guzzling SUVs and the praise for cars such as the Prius and the Chevy Volt, consumer buying trends have yielded inconsistent results. When gas prices spike, consumers typically flock to more fuel-efficient cars. However, as gas prices have experienced moderate attrition, the desire for larger vehicles has increased once again. "etail prices for 5-year-old full-size SUVs are 23% higher than a year ago...That is more than double the average price increase of 11% for all 5-year-old vehicles. Prices for 3-year-old SUVs are up 6%, triple the 2% average increase for all vehicles that age" (Used full-size SUVs are in demand again, 2012,…...



Cox, Bob. (2010). Despite trends, SUVs still have fans. AZ Central. Retrieved: 

Tiger moms craving SUVs drive next wave of Chinese demand: Cars. (2012). Bloomberg News.


Rollover the Hidden History of
Pages: 5 Words: 2218

It will be recorded as the time the auto industry ducked its responsibility and missed a unique opportunity." (2002)
The AC Primetime report entitled: "Technology to Prevent SUV Rollovers" reports that is a new device that is purported to have the capacity to prevent SUV rollovers. This report states specifically that in a rollover "there are so many ways to die. Ejections, getting runover by the vehicle when it's rolling, hitting the pavement, inside the car people hitting each other, people being on the roof when the roof hits...'" (AC Primetime News, 2009) The new device is an electronic stability system which works through controlling circumstances when the vehicle is traveling too fast in a curve and implements according to O'Neill of the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety at the time the rear of the vehicle begins to slide out. (AC News Primetime, 2009) These electronic stability systems are stated…...



Casey, Gerry, Schenk, Francavilla, Blatt & Penfield, Attorneys (2009) SUV Rollover and Collision Overview. SUV Rollover Accidents. Online available at:

Ford Explorer Rollover Lawsuits & Safety Recall Information (2009) Willis Law Firm. Ford Explorer Rollover Website. Online available at: 

Gole: Daniel (2009) Ecological Intelligence How Knowing the Hidden Impacts of What We Buy Can Change Everything (2009) Goleman, Daniel. Random House, Inc. 2009.

Grundin, Erica (2009) SUV Rollover Accidents. Go Articles. 2009 Jayde Online available at:

Porsche Case Analysis the Intent of This
Pages: 3 Words: 1461

Posche Case Analysis
The intent of this case analysis is to evaluate the buye decision pocess the typical Posche custome undetakes when seaching fo a new high-pefomance spots ca. The Posche spots ca enthusiasts' decision pocess is significantly diffeent than that of the Cayenne and Panamea customes, and these diffeences will be discussed. The factos that contibuted to Posche selling significantly moe lowe-piced models in the 1970s and 1980s is also analyzed. An explanation of the positive and negative attitudes towads bands like Posche is povided, in addition to the ole the Posche band plays in the self-concept of buyes.

Analyzing the Decision Pocess of the Posche Custome

The coe custome base of Posche has a self-concept of being exceptional in evey aea of thei lives, fom thei ability to set and supass vey challenging objectives, to thei ability to ean above-aveage incomes and have exceptional lifestyles as a esult. This self-concept evolves…...


references. JMR, Journal of Marketing Research, 33(3), 293.

U.S. Car Buyers In Germany Enjoy Personal Touch and Speedy Highways. (2008). German Business Review,3,8.

James H. Gilmore, & B. Joseph Pine Ii. (2002). Customer experience places: The new offering frontier. Strategy & Leadership, 30(4), 4-11.

Gumpert, David E.. (1986, March). Porsche on Nichemanship. Harvard Business Review, 64(2), 98.

Lesser, J., & Hughes, M.. (1986). The Generalizability of Psychographic Market Segments across Geographic Locations. Journal of Marketing, 50(1), 18-27.

Hybrid Car
Pages: 2 Words: 613

Bias Critique
Thackery, John. "ybrid autos REV up: but will SUV-addicted buyers opt for an environmentally friendly car that saves on gas but commands a premium price?" Electronic Business: Automotive Electronics. Oct 2002 v28 i10 pp. 64(5)

Even before reading the article, "ybrid autos REV up" an informed consumer of the media should know that quite often automobile and electronics magazines are highly favorable of the industries they chronicle. The industry is essentially their 'bread and butter' of such magazines -- i.e. without cars, fancy car gadgets, and car aficiandos, there would be no audiences for such segmented magazines. The credentials of John Thackery, the article's author, are not immediately obvious, but the article's title "ybrid autos REV up: but will SUV-addicted buyers opt for an environmentally friendly car that saves on gas but commands a premium price?" suggests a highly positive slant is being given to the vehicles, for in…...


However, the article does provide credible statistical evidence to suggest the car's popularity, noting "Toyota has sold a total of 100,000 of all types of HEVs worldwide in the last five years and boasts that it will crank out 300,000 HEVs annually by 2005, as more car buyers show a preference for lower emissions and better mileage." As further testimony to the likely future popularity of the cars it also notes as well that in addition to Toyota, Honda and Nissan have also begun to offer hybrid cars. Other automotive manufacturers plan to introduce electric cars in the next few years, including Ford, General Motors and Daimler Chrysler. All of these manufactures, incidentally, have linked advertisements to this article on the World Wide Web.

The intended audience of this article, however, is clearly more interested in the car's purported power than environmental impact. Although the article does quote a director of alternative power technologies at J.D. Power & Associates, Westlake Village, who notes "the total HEV industry could be as large as one-half-million units by 2007," instead the author is more keen to emphasizes that forward-thinking car makers are "building a new breed of HEVs with smaller sticker premiums and more modest emission-reduction and mileage-enhancement targets." Thackery gently mocks the Toyota Prius, for example, stating that the car "sells on its appeal as a statement of the driver's environmental piety," but the more revved up HEVs, of the future, which are incidentally are more likely to be made by American car manufacturers, "are more attuned to market realities in a country where gas guzzling is an accepted addiction. 'If you do the math, you can see that we can actually save significantly more fuel converting a 20-mpg vehicle into a hybrid than a 30-mpg vehicle, especially if it's a vehicle that sells in high volumes, not a niche vehicle,'" one GM executive is quoted as saying, in defense of GM's future, more modest emissions standards for its electronic vehicles, in contrast to the Toyota Prius.

Thus, the article overall presents solid and credible information about how hybrid cars work, and their burgeoning popularity. But this American car and electronic niche magazine, aimed at car and gadget aficionados rather than the average cost-conscious middle class American car consumer may be too quick to sneer at the petite and cost-conscious hybrids such as the Prius, and too quick to endorse the more mildly conservationist and conserving 'mild-HEVs' that American manufactures plan to make in the future. Although its information its solid, its tone must be regarded with a pinch of proverbial (electrically charged) salt.

Terrorism Defining Terrorism Environmentalists Have
Pages: 4 Words: 1160

Fire is inherently associated with fear, although a major aspect of the action is the financial cost to the manufacturers and dealers and gaining attention. The aspect of political content may be more subjective. While it may be argued that the vehicles are legal, environmentalists may take a more ethical stance, arguing that was something is legal it is not necessarily mean that it is right. While legislation may force vehicle manufacturers to adopt more fuel-efficient standards for SUVs, it is possible for the manufacturers themselves to choose this path, adopting what the environmentalist may perceive ethical behavior. By creating a cost associated with continuing producing inefficient vehicles there may be a desire to create a fear that more attacks will occur, with the of these attacks possibly creating a motivation for the manufacturers to change, and for dealers to put pressure on manufacturers to change. In effect, environmentalists…...

Sales of Mid-Size Sport Utility
Pages: 9 Words: 2528

With.573 correlation of Unibody directly influencing Body-on-Frame sales in the years sampled. Table 3 provides the results of the query made in SPSS Version 13.
Table 3: SPSS Correlation Coefficients

Kendall's tau_b


Correlation Coefficient

Sig. (2-tailed)


Correlation Coefficient

Sig. (2-tailed)

Spearman's rho


Correlation Coefficient

Sig. (2-tailed)


Correlation Coefficient

Sig. (2-tailed)

With the statistical analysis showing reasonably strong predictability, the next step is to evaluate the specific 14-month time series for greater insights into the variability and predictability of the data. What emerges from completing a Linear egression along with every exponential smoothing techniques for curve fitting is further evidence of linear (.702 regression) in addition to quadratic (.737 regression) shows that variations in Body-on-Frame demand are explained through these statistical techniques.

Table 4: Model Summary and Parameter Estimates

Dependent Variable: BodyOnFrame


Model Summary












The independent variable is UnibodyCrossover.

Forecasting esults by Type of Method

The most basic of forecasting techniques, the moving average, yields the following table for the unibody (crossover) and Body-on-Frame unit sales through the…...



Monthly Energy Review (2006) - Posted: August 28, 2006 from the Energy Information Administration at Website:   Here is the specific data table used for the analysis: .

Appendix a: Comparison Analysis for 14-month Analysis


Hummer the Consumer Version of
Pages: 12 Words: 3248

The power of suppliers is weak to moderate, but the power of buyers is high. There are no switching costs and the products have only limited differentiation. The Hummer has more differentiation than most of its competitors, but this does not lessen the impact of their intense competitive environment. Compounding the issue are signs that the SUV market is beginning to enter into the decline stage of the product life cycle. Firms with sunk costs will attempt to recoup those costs by increasing the intensity of competition. As a result, there will be downward pressures on prices and increased competition from other vehicle segments as companies attempt to entice former SUV customers to alternate products.
C. Marketing Strategy

Target Market. In terms of demographics, the current target market for Hummers is the middle-aged white male. This customer will have a higher than average income and from that it can be extrapolated…...


Works Cited

No author. (2007). Canadian SUV Market on the Rise. Specialty Equipment Market Association. Retrieved March 26, 2009 at 

Peters, Jeremy W. (2005). How to Market Hummers to the Masses. New York Times. Retrieved March 26, 2009 at 

No author. (2009). Rogers Model for the Adoption and Diffusion of Innovations. Value-Based Management. Retrieved March 26, 2009 at 

No author. (2009).

Drp What Is Wrong With
Pages: 23 Words: 6080

An American who spent sometime in Germany recounted his experience [Will Higher Gasoline Prices Inspire Lifestyle Changes, 2001] of energy prices in that country, "When I lived in Germany, the price of gasoline went from the equivalent of $2.50 per gallon to $3.25 per gallon over night. The Bundesregierung had added another $0.75/gallon gas tax, in addition to the existing $2.00 per gallon gas tax. (That's right: $2.75 out of every $3.25 per gallon was Federal taxes.)," He remembered the effect on prices on his use of transport, "I used the public transport system, easily the best in the world."

This is the direction our country will have to go too. Do we allow this country to be totally dependent on imported oil? Should we keep gasoline prices low to prevent development of alternatives or take necessary steps now to create a change in the present Gas Guzzling life style? The…...


Roberts, P., Bad Sports, Harper's Magazine. April 2001

Snead, M.C. And Martinez, R.D., Energy Prices and the Oklahoma Economy, Center for Applied Economic Research, Oklahoma State University, September 2004

Yetiv, S.A., America benefits from high oil prices, retrieved from Internet on 21st May 2006,   February 6, 2006 ,

Range Rover Brand Value and
Pages: 3 Words: 870

he brand Excels at delivering the benefits customers truly desire

he ability of Ford Motor Company to integrate the Range Rover brand into its broader branding strategies has forced the company to concentrate on the unique legacy of off-road reliability while looking to capitalize on the upscale image of the New Discovery, an upscale family SUV launched in 2002 by Ford after the acquisition. he benefits of safety and stability for the families purchasing the vehicle are well defined, as are the ruggedized frame for the off-road enthusiasts. he brands' management in Ford however is starting to embrace a more upscale image through movie placement (Ford Press Release 2002) in the move "Die Another Day" in addition to the use of event-based marketing to increase the appeal among higher-end SUV and luxury car owners (Land Rover. 2002).

he brand stays relevant

he brand overall has successfully stayed relevant through the iterations of being…...


The initial pricing strategies for the Range Rover were set to appeal to off-roaders and families looking for a suburban SUV. As a result of those branding and marketing strategies, the pricing was relatively low for the upscale market. With the inclusion of more features and a gem-like grill and interior features (Solman 2005) the brand and the image of the SUVs are becoming increasingly seen as comparable in value to the higher-end SUVs on the market, in their competitive arena.

The brand is properly positioned

According to this attribute from the scorecard developed by Keller (2000), there is a single, strong message of the brand communicated. On this point, Range Rover struggles as it has a dual message of both being off-road, suburban and also upscale. The dominant two messages of off-road and upscale often lead to the suburban message being lost however. On this attribute, Range Rover is not performing

Run Out of Planet Is an Interesting
Pages: 2 Words: 580

run out of planet," is an interesting piece which explores the idea that the Sports Utility Vehicle or SUV is something more than what the name implies. David Goewey's in-depth outlook takes into account the history and possible prejudice that the manufacturers and major distributors of these SUV's may have against our exponentially diverse culture. Goeway's purpose in his essay is to present to his reader's attention the propaganda that vehicle manufactures are "forcing" onto society. Obviously, all vehicles have their purpose; the SUV has qualities that will meet any terrain requirements, whether off road or the highway. Goeway's position on American Vehicles is thus that they are too large and bulky, and this paper will discuss this idea further. (You need a thesis at the end of this paragraph, especially a few words telling the reader what you will be focusing on in the paper.)
Goeway first focuses on…...

Marketing Mixes Compared & Contrasted
Pages: 7 Words: 2290

Marketing eport Summary & Approach
The author of this report has been asked to prepare a report central to some marketing concepts and questions. The first question asks the author to compare and contrast the promotional strategies that are used by two different companies for a similar product within the category that has been selected. The second question asks for there to be two recommendations via which the companies can use the marketing information to differentiate itself in the marketplace so as to gain an advantage over its competitors. There will be a rationale provided for those recommendations. The third question asks the author of this report to provide two uses for customer-oriented promotions that could assist a company in both the short- and long-term for the product group that has been selected. Fourth, there will be an analysis of the strategic manner in which a leading company in the product…...



BusinessWeek. (2015). Americans Should Buy U.S. Cars, Period - BusinessWeek. Retrieved 10 June 2015, from 

EERE. (2015). Clean Cities: Alternative Fuel Market Project Awards. Retrieved 10 June 2015, from

Hyundai. (2015). Retrieved 10 June 2015, from 

Ingram, D. (2015). The Advantages of Advertising on the Internet. Small Business - Retrieved 10 June 2015, from

Smart Cars Re The Smart
Pages: 2 Words: 687

Because of its hip European style, its environmentally-conscious image, its fuel economy, and its novelty, the Smart Car will appeal to a large segment of American consumers.

Proposals for marketing the Smart Car in the United States:

The Smart Car will appeal mostly to consumers in urban and semi-suburban areas. Therefore, marketing should be targeted at that segment of the population.

I have no recommendations for product adaptations to the two-seater Smart Car. However, I strongly recommend that Daimler-Chrysler introduce the SUV model of the Smart Car because of the American obsession with the SUV. The SUV Smart Car will appeal to Americans who don't want the stigma of driving an SUV but who at the same time need the extra space.

The Smart Car will appeal to all ages and genders but will be best marketed toward well-educated consumers, college students, and persons of a liberal political philosophy.

The Smart Car will not appeal…...


Works Cited

Llanos, Miguel. "Europe's 'smart' cars coming to U.S. -- in 2 sizes." MSNBC. Aug 31, 2004. Retrieved Nov. 8, 2005 at 

Smart USA. Retrieved Nov. 8, 2005 at

How did Spartacus lead his slave rebellion against Rome?
Words: 558

Spartacus, a Thracian gladiator, became the leader of a formidable slave rebellion that shook the Roman Republic from 73 to 71 BC. His military prowess, strategic acumen, and indomitable spirit played a pivotal role in the uprising's initial success.

Prelude to Rebellion

Before the outbreak of the Servile Wars, thousands of slaves were forced into gladiatorial combat for the entertainment of Roman citizens. Spartacus, a skilled gladiator, was among those who endured the harsh conditions and brutality of the gladiatorial arena. Driven by desperation and a fierce desire for freedom, Spartacus emerged as a leader among his fellow gladiators.

Outbreak of Revolt

In 73....

What factors contributed to the wrong destruction time for Pompeii?
Words: 220

I. Introduction

       A. Background information on Pompeii

       B. Significance of the destruction of Pompeii

II. The Eruption of Mount Vesuvius

       A. Timeline leading up to the eruption

       B. Description of the eruption

III. Wrong Timing of Destruction

       A. Lack of warning signs before the eruption

       B. Is there a possibility to predict or prevent the disaster?

IV. Aftermath of Pompeii's Destruction

       A. Impact on the residents of Pompeii

       B. Archaeological discoveries and preservation efforts

V. Conclusion

       A. Recap of the destruction of Pompeii

       B. Final thoughts on the wrong....

What factors contributed to the wrong destruction time for Pompeii?
Words: 337

Factors Contributing to the Wrong Destruction Time for Pompeii
The traditional belief that Pompeii was destroyed on August 24, 79 AD is now considered incorrect. Recent research indicates that the catastrophic eruption of Mount Vesuvius occurred around October 24, 79 AD. Several factors contributed to the wrong destruction time.
1. Misinterpretation of Historical Sources:
The primary historical source for the destruction of Pompeii is a letter from Pliny the Younger to the historian Tacitus. In this letter, Pliny states that the eruption began "on the ninth day before the Kalends of September," which roughly translates to August 24. However, scholars now believe that....

How does Ford\'s external environment analysis impact its market positioning and strategic decisions?
Words: 632

Ford's External Environment Analysis: Shaping Market Positioning and Strategic Decisions


Ford Motor Company, a global automotive giant, operates in a highly dynamic and competitive market. Understanding its external environment is crucial for developing effective market positioning and strategic decisions. This analysis focuses on key aspects of Ford's external environment and their impact on its market positioning and strategic choices.

Environmental Factors

1. Economic Factors:

Fluctuating fuel prices: High oil prices increase operating costs and impact vehicle demand.
Economic downturns: Recessions reduce consumer spending, affecting automobile sales.

Impact on Market Positioning:

Ford positions itself as a provider of affordable and fuel-efficient vehicles to counterbalance economic....

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