Technical Writer Essays (Examples)

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Interview 1 -- Technical Writer Bernadette Mizrahi
Pages: 2 Words: 678

Interview #1 -- Technical Writer
Bernadette Mizrahi.

Technical Writer, Rezvon, Inc.

Telephone Interview, February 9, 2003.

Please summarize your job description.

What are your main responsibilities as a technical writer?

Who is your target audience?

What are the minimum education/experience requirements for a technical writer?

On a daily basis, how much of your time is actually spent writing?

What type of writing skills does one need to enter this field?

How important are your writing skills to this position?

Are technical skills as important as writing skills in your line of work?

Summary of Responses

As a technical writer, Bernadette Mizrahi designs and prepares technical documentation, user documentation, instruction manuals, and specific employee guidelines for Rezvon, Inc.

Mizrahi is the editor for all project related final communications, so there she is writing most of the day. She says that her main audience is the company's staff or their clients' staff, as she writes technical documentation and user documentation aimed for uses as employee reference…...

Technical and Functional Document
Pages: 16 Words: 4439

Functional and Technical Document
File Name:

equirements Document.docx

Original Document Created

Original Document Created

Original Document Created

Document eviewers/Approvers



eviewer and Approver

Sign-off Date

Smith Joe

Department Dean

Smith Joe

Underhill James

Underhill James

Jane Mary

Accounting Officer

Jane Mary

Assumptions, estrictions & Limitations

Data Flow

Customer Workflows

As-Is Diagram and Actors

To-Be Diagram and Actors

Business and Functional equirements

Business/functional requirements

Non-functional requirements

Quality of Service equirements


System Availability


User Interfaces

Software Interfaces

Data Migration Interfaces

Purchased Components

Licensing equirements

Legal, Copyright and Other Notices

Documentation equirements

User Acceptance Test Strategy

Use Cases

Use Case

Use Case


Security 17

20 eports 17

20.1 General 17

20.2 Supplies eport 17

20.3 Supplies Budget equest eport 18

21 Appendices 20

21.1 Appendix A: ACI Matrix 20

21.2 Appendix B: Problem Statement 21

21.3 Appendix C: Context Diagram 22

21.4 Appendix D: Stakeholder Profile 23

Table of Figures

Figure 31: As-Is diagram 6

Figure 41: As-Is diagram 7

Figure 201: eport -- Sample 20

Table of Tables

Table 71: eport 1 -- Fields Order 13

Functional and Technical Document

Executive Summary

This project aims to solve the problems that students face with regards to listening, writing and speaking of English. Typically, students' speaking and listening skills are very…...



Indiana Government (2013).Screening Technical Design Document Version 2.0. Indiana Screening and Referral Tool.


"Appendix A: RACI Matrix"

RACI matrix

Markel's Toward a Sense Ethics Technical Communication
Pages: 2 Words: 609

Markel's "Toward a Sense Ethics Technical Communication" McBride's "An Ethical Imperative
There has been significant research into the notion of ethics in technical communication. A vast majority of that research points towards a deontological approach as serving this profession best. Due to the nature of their occupation, however, technical communicators are severely limited in the amount of ethical behavior they can manifest.

The three articles reviewed in this document are Alicia McBride's "Towards a Sense of Ethics for Technical Communication," Gary Stout and Earl Weiss's "Ethics, gen Y style," and Mike Markel's "An Ethical Imperative for Technical Communications." The primary motif that ties all three of these articles together is the fact that they all address various issues of ethical thought and behaviors within the work environment. Weiss and Stout's article reinforces the need for ethical standards within the corporate world of accounting. This article details five theories of ethical behavior that…...

Message Writer's Choice Dear Sir or Madam
Pages: 1 Words: 314

Message "Writer's Choice"
Dear Sir or Madam,

According to the latest report from Gartner, data-driven processes have advanced 80% in the last five years. The publishing magnate also predicts this trend to continue into 2015. Is your organization prepared to handle all of the influx of data that can influence real-time decision making and bring actionable insight from information?

If you're like 60% of today's organizations throughout a variety of industries including financial, healthcare, media, and others, the answer is no. However, it is not too late to rectify this fact and take advantage of the myriad technological applications that are influencing both business and operations processes for today's organizations. For a limited time, we at DATAVERSITY are allowing half off subscription rates to our proprietorial data management education newsletter.

Perhaps you are not familiar with just what exactly the ramifications of this announcement entail. DATAVERSITY is extending its industry renowned data management…...

Technical IBM Token Ring
Pages: 5 Words: 1407

IBM oken Ring. he writer explores the history of the token ring, its functions and its future. he writer also discusses some of the trouble shooting methods that are used to correct any problems.

International Business Machines (IBM) has been on the leading edge of technology since the explosi0on began. he technological explosion that has occurred in the last four decades has taken mankind to heights it never knew was possible. IBM has been a leader in the industry since the industry was born. IBM began its journey into success in the early 1900's and has been re-inventing the wheel since then. One of the most advanced inventions in IBM's history was the invention of the token ring. he token ring created a level in the world of technology that has served as a building block for many other technological advances.

Before one can fully understand the…...


The technological explosion of the late 1900's has moved the world into realms that were previously unheard of. One of the front-runners of the explosion has always been IBM (International Business Machines). In the early 70's the company invented something called a token ring that allows a network to gather and send information around a frame.

There are many things that can go wrong in a passing system that IBM has developed its token ring system to be able to stop some possible problems before they have even begun. Because of the self-monitoring ability of the token ring many experts in the field consider system the system extremely reliable. If something goes wrong within the token ring passing system the possibilities are narrowed by virtue of its self-monitoring abilities.

The token rings have many advantages including the inability to collide, and the ability to self-monitor. Another advantage is the layering of information that it gathers and the way that information can be utilized. There are few disadvantages with the token ring system other than its dependence on the system for success. The token ring system allows the user to send information quickly to stations until all the information is gathered and used. It is one of the most important advents of the computer world and it is still used today by many companies including its inventor, IBM.

Summary of Three Sources Business and Technical Writing
Pages: 2 Words: 647

BUSINESS AND TECHNICAL WITING Business and Technical Writing: Summary of Three SourcesBusiness asks for formal communication, which entails official and technical writing. The basis of writing should be founded on learning what is relevant to the topic and who has explored the topic before the business writer himself. Literature, theory, and social research are three fundamental that lay the groundwork for business and technical writing.The literature review is important since it discerns who has investigated the research question before and what evidence he has been able to find beforehand (Understanding the ole of Literature eview, n.d.). The researcher must know about the previous research and what purpose was served in the prior studies, the perspectives laid down by the early scholars, and the approach to conclude. It also offers the gaps that the current research would aim to investigate that were not discussed in detail with consistent controversies. Also, keywords…...


References“Chapter 2: Social Research Strategies Quantitative Research and Qualitative Research”. (n.d.). Customer provided file “Chapter 3: The Use of Theory”. (n.d.). Customer provided file “Understanding the Role of Literature Review.” (n.d.). Customer provided file

Aswan High Dam The Writer
Pages: 6 Words: 1629 some cases it has happened that the entire reservoir becomes filled with silt and the investment in the dam is lost (the Aswan Dams ("
Special Edition

World news from the Washington Post's Foreign Service.

Full section

The Aswan High Dam, completed in 1970.

Alexandra Garcia -


The Aswan High Dam is one of the largest dams in the world and it provides a multitude of benefits to those who live in the surrounding area.

The electricity it generates is clean, and does not contribute to air or environment pollution. It maintains the river to control flooding which allows the environment to grow and prosper without fear of destruction.

The problems it created while being constructed included the destruction of artifacts that were thousands of years old. In addition it flooded a nation and the entire population had to be moved with their lifestyles and history destroyed.

When the pros and cons are weighed against each other…...



The Aswan Dams (Accessed 5-1-07)

The Aswan High Dam (Accessed 5-1-07)

Contact Me Before Assigning to Another Writer
Pages: 3 Words: 1118

CONTACT ME BEFOE ASSIGNING TO ANOTHE WITE. The ole Federal Agencies Fighting Digital Crime in United States, a number law enforcement agencies, including Secret Service, FBI, Department Homeland Security,, roles fight computer crimes terrorism.
Law enforcement can be understood as a thorough process in which the police act step-by-step and enforce the law in order to ensure justice and the decrease of crime. Precise and adequate investigation is what marks one of the most important responsibilities and duties in this respect. This is because the outcome of the investigation decides not merely upon the well being of victims but indeed secures that the system is just in applying the law. Certain procedures need to be followed accordingly in order to facilitate problem solving and careful attention is required when collecting forensic evidence. These are but a few of the requirements that are proficiently mandatory in assessing and fighting crime. However,…...


Reference List

Congress of the United States, Office of Technology Assessment (1985). Federal Government Information Technology: Electronic Surveillance and Civil Liberties (OTA -- CIT -- 293 Report No. 85 -- 600609). Retrieved from

National Institute of Justice (2008). Electronic Crime Scene Investigation: A guide for first responders (second ed.) (No. NCJ 219941). Retrieved from 

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (2012). Domestic Investigations and Operations Guide (ACLU EC -- 105). Retrieved from

Leadership and Management The Writer Defines the
Pages: 8 Words: 2238

leadership and management. The writer defines the terms as well as discusses the three most important issues in leadership today. There were seven sources used to complete this paper.
Worldwide globalization has brought many positive things to the business world including better trade abilities, more communication devices, and additional consumers. The globalization of the business world has blended cultural and tradition beliefs with technological advances to produce a new world of business to be enjoyed and shared. This new way of doing business has brought about many changes at all levels. One of the most important levels of change is happening at the top of the chain, among leaders and managers. As the world continues to globalize and technology keeps opening new possibilities it will become more important for leaders to keep pace with the process.


One of the most important things to do if one wants to improve leadership…...



Laver, Ross, Building a better boss: studies show that the personality of a chief executive can have a major impact on profits and productivity.(Column). Vol. 109, Maclean's, 09-30-1996, pp 41(1).

Klarsch, Bob, She's #1: Encouraging the Leader in Your Daughter., Contemporary Women's Issues Database, 01-01-1997, pp 4-5.

Isaac, Robert G; Zerbe, Wilfred J; Pitt, Douglas C, Leadership and motivation: The effective application of expectancy theory., Journal of Managerial Issues, 07-01-2001, pp 212.

Allred, Brent B.; Snow, Charles C.; Miles, Raymond E., Characteristics of managerial careers in the 21st century.(Special Issue: Careers in the 21st Century). Vol. 10, the Academy of Management Executive, 11-01-1996, pp 17(11).

Virtual Technical Teams
Pages: 15 Words: 3783

Globalization and Management
All people are global citizens now. But what does this mean? What is this process of globalization that has quite literally swept over our globe? And what will be the effects of globalization during our lifetime on the ways in which business will be done and especially in how information will be managed? Not only does each person have to consider the implications of such questions on an individual bases (as workers, and consumers as well as citizens) but each business must determine for itself how best to incorporate itself into this global environment while considering the needs and potential of its own company as well as the values that it wishes to project. This dissertation examines some of the current and potential future effects of globalizations, exploring in particular the ways in which businesses are now more integrated with each other than before as they take advantage…...



Baron, R. (1989). Personality and organizational conflict: effects of the Type A behavior pattern and self-monitoring. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 44, 281-296.

Beckmann, G. (1998, June 8). You Can Lead a Team to a Goal, but You Can't Make It Succeed: Work groups have become a vital tool in maintaining corporate agility. But without communication, they can end up being just talk. The Los Angeles Times, p. D2,20.

Caudron, S. (1994). "Skills that Managers of Creatives Must Have." Personnel Journal, 73(12), 104-113).

Caudron, S. (1995). "HR Checklist: Do You Have an Empowered Environment?" Personnel Journal, 74(9), 28-36.

Logistics Report Template to Alberta Government on
Pages: 2 Words: 688

Logistics Report Template to Alberta Government on Test Oil Rig Deployment-Team Employment Environmental Issues
The Alberta government is currently under severe pressure to manage the environmental impact of the drilling for oil in environmentally sensitive sites. For this reason, this report will have much the same format as environmental compliance report that will be issued later. This will include the consideration of issues such as waste management, land use, and air and water pollution resulting from the extraction/processing of oil. Additionally, combustion and thermal processing produce waste material. These must be disposed of. Harmful atmospheric emissions (CO2) will also be captured, stored and recycled or disposed of in order to qualify for Canadian and Alberta carbon credits which may financially offset waste disposal/recycling costs. On site experimental conversion processes and carbon capture/storage technologies may reduce some of these costs in the future (more carbon credits), but may raise others, such…...


Works Cited

Government of Alberta. Alberta Environment Department. Assessing Drilling Waste Disposal Areas:

Compliance Options for Reclamation Certification. Edmonton: Alberta Governmental.

"Turning the Corner: Canada's Offset System for Greenhouse Gases."

Environment Canada., 07 March 2008. Web. 15 Nov 2011.

It Infrastructure Project Description the
Pages: 25 Words: 7426

Secured real time protocol (STP) is also being identified to enhance the security parameter of WAN and LAN network elements. "STP provides protection with encryption keys for wired and wireless networks including bandwidth limited channels." (Guillen and Chacon 2009 P. 690). There is also a growing use of IP secure to protect organization from the interception of data over the LAN and WAN environment.
To enhance network security, Chen, Horng, & Yang (2008) postulate the use of public key cryptography. While there is a growing use of public key cryptography, there is still a shortcoming identified with the use of public key cryptography in the LAN and WAN environment. Since the public key is being kept in a public file, it is possible for an active intruder to forge the contents of the public key and use it to get access onto the data kept within the network system. To…...



Chen, T. Horng, G. & Yang, C. (2008).Public Key Authentication Schemes for Local Area. Informaticia.19 (1):3-16.

Fetterolf, P.C. & Anandalinga, G. (1992). Optimal design of LAN-WAN internetworks:

an approach using simulated annealing. Annals of Operations Research. 36: 275-298.

Guillen, P.E. & Chacon, D. A (2009). VoIP Networks Performance Analysis with Encryption Systems. World Academy of Science, Engineering & Technology. 58: 688-695.

Leaves a Remarkable Impression on
Pages: 1 Words: 359

Writers, especially those who specialize in non-fiction, must also remember to organize their thoughts and stop assuming that their readers are on the same page as they are.
When I write I first outline what I will say, either in my head or on paper. Once I start I don't look back or linger too long on any one word or phrase or else I will get stuck. I don't believe in writer's block, I only believe in working hard to overcome self-censorship and worry. I don't like revision work, and rewriting is my greatest weakness. I don't yet know whether or not I am a good writer because not enough people have read what I wrote or offered feedback. This class, I hope, will help me hone my talents. I need more frequent and more honest feedback so that whatever I write will become as good as it can…...

Payment Additional Page Find Needing Make Minor
Pages: 4 Words: 1987

payment additional page, find needing make minor SLP1 I've attached. Please read assignment starting ensure left .

The service that I propose for the market is to offer documentation materials and other auxiliary instruments for software products. The idea is quite simple: a software product cannot be sold by itself, it needs additional instruments that can help the consumer in implementing and using the product. One of the essential tools is a manual for the software, a document that has the necessary instructions and explanations for the different functions of the application.

At the same time, every other instrument that the software application comes with will provide added value to the product. Selling a video presentation of that product, along with a couple of short training videos will increase the value that the software application has, allowing the software development company to sell a bundled package for a…...



1. Christ, Paul (2011). Principles of Marketing. On the Internet at / last retrieved on July 27, 2011

2. Thackston, K. (2005) They're Searching So Why Aren't They Buying? On the Internet at   Last retrieved on July 27, 2011 

3. Tanner J. And Raymond MA, (2010) Principles of Marketing On the Internet at Last retrieved on July 27, 2011

4. 2010, Business Unit Planning: The Product / Market Matrix, Market Value Solutions, On the Internet at   last retrieved on July 28, 2011 

Teleworking Telecommuting's Emergence as a
Pages: 30 Words: 8075

The Herzberg two-plane model that includes an upper plane of "motivator" factors, which are those factors that lead to high job satisfaction are compared to the "hygiene" factors that are enablers of stability in any work environment. Motivator factors include achievement, recognition; work itself, responsibility, advancement, and growth, while hygiene factors include company policies, relationships with supervisors, work conditions, salary, relationship with peers, personal life, and relationships with subordinates, status, and security. These factors overall are critical for the development of a motivated and stable workforce. The implications of these factors on the job satisfaction and attitudes of telecommuters form the research foundation of this paper and also look to provide an indication of how teleworkers keep their work/life balance in equilibrium.

The main objectives of this study are:

To provide further understanding of why workers choose to telecommute in the context of their work/life balance objectives.

To define the demographic segments…...



Apgar, M., (1999). The alternative workplace: changing where and how people work. Harvard Business Review, 76, 3, 121-139.

Bailyn, L. (2004). Times in careers, careers in time. Human Relations, 57, 12, 1507-1521.

Brief, a.P. & Weiss, H.M. (2002). Organizational behavior: affect in the workplace. Annual Review of Psychology, 53, 279-307.

Crandall, W. & Gao, L. (2005). An update on telecommuting: review and prospects for emerging issues. Society of Advanced Management Journal.

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