Sharing and Terror Attacks:
According to the findings of the 9/11 commission or the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States and several media reports, breakdowns in information sharing and failure to combine relevant intelligence are some key factors in the failure to stop the 9/11 terror attacks. Consequently, intelligence gathering and information sharing have become vital components of the U.S. government efforts to fight terrorism. Actually, the first major step for preventing terror attacks is to gather information regarding the operations of the terrorist group. This is followed by sharing the information across the relevant governmental agencies to use the information in preventing the attacks.
Information Sharing and the 9/11 Terror Attacks:
As part of showing the failure of information sharing in the failure to prevent the 9/11 terror attacks, the commission cited several reasons or factors including
Limits on Federal Law:
Many provisions in the federal law had been largely…...
"Agencies Failed to Share Intelligence on 9/11 Terrorists." Broken Government -- An Assessment
of 128 Executive Branch Failures Since 2000. Retrieved May 17, 2012, from
Bjelopera, J.P. (2011, June 10). Terrorism Information Sharing and the Nationwide Suspicious
Activity Report Initiative: Background and Issues for Congress. Retrieved from Foreign Press Centers -- U.S. Department of State website:
London Terror Attacks
hen terrorist attacks felled the orld Trade Center and blew a hole into the Pentagon in the United States on September 11th, 2001, the United Kingdom fulfilled its role as America's closest ally. England immediately stepped forward to pledge troops to whatever operations were to arise in response. This would create a coalition that first ventured to Afghanistan to uproot the Taliban and subsequently to Iraq to displace longtime dictator Saddam Hussein. But it was not until July 7th, 2005 that the British people came face-to-face with the ar on Terror. The subway bombings which transpired in London on that day and which claimed 56 lives including those of four suicide bombers, highlighted the inherent danger of England's involvement with the global war on violent extremism. Indeed, the events would highlight the ongoing debate within Great Britain at the time, which cast staunch supporters of American interests in…...
mlaWorks Cited:
Baldwin, T. (2006). U.S. Admits Iraq is Terror 'Cause.' The Sunday Times.
BBC. (2006). Reid: Bombers Never Blamed Iraq. BBC News.
Physical Security
The author of this report is asked to answer several questions that center on the idea that a truck bomb is (or could be) used to destroy the Federal eserve building in Washington DC, not unlike what happened with the Murrah building in Oklahoma City at the hands of Timothy McVeigh. There are five overall questions that will be answered as part of this brief paper. These questions include how important it is to have a continuity systems for the Federal eserve, what some of the other scenarios that could cause a total closure of the Federal eserve, how the Federal eserve could prepare itself against an attack or huge disaster in general including proactive steps it could take, what a good overall plan of operation would be for the Federal eserve given the above and whether the data flowing the Federal eserve should be backed up at an…...
FEMA,. (2015). Sandy Recovery Office -- Retrieved 1 October 2015, from
Levine, M., & Date, J. (2015). 22 Million Affected by OPM Hack, Officials Say. ABC News. Retrieved 1 October 2015, from
USGS,. (2015). USGS Data Management - Backup & Secure. Retrieved 1 October 2015, from
Triage During a Terrorist Attack
Triage During a Large-Scale Terrorist Attack
Triage is the cornerstone of medical emergency response. Triage is a technique of prioritizing victim injuries based on severity. In a triage situation, the most serious injuries are treated first instead of first come first served. The reason behind the modern triage method is to save as many lives as possible as quickly as possible. While this method is effective, there are some considerations that should be examined regarding the safety and efficiency of the technique. When considering whether triage is the best approach in an emergency situation one must consider the safety of the rescue units, danger of remaining within a crowded area, and the overwhelming waves of victims at nearby hospitals.
escue units put their lives on the line ignoring their own safety to safely remove and save any victims from a disaster. In the 9/11 trade tower bombing, it…...
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. "Preparing for a Terrorist Bombing: A Common Sense Approach." Accessed 12 March 2012.
Cushman, James; et al. "Two New York City Hospitals' Surgical Response to the September 11, 2001, Terrorist Attack in New York City." Journal of Trauma-Injury Infection & Critical Care. Vol 54.1, 147-155.
The 9/11 terror attacks is an act of terrorism that has had significant impacts on modern law enforcement and military operations. Etter (2015) contends that the 9/11 attack was a very traumatic event for the entire United States of America. This is primarily because the attack resulted in loss of lives and destruction of properties. 9/11 has been regarded as a terror attack that changed the face of global terrorism by highlighting the extent terrorists are willing to go to achieve their goals. In the initial response to the attack, law enforcement officers and other emergency or first responders lost their lives while others suffered severe injuries. Given the devastating and widespread impacts of the attack, numerous changes have been made in the operations, tactics, and mission of law enforcement agencies and military personnel in the United States. This paper examines the changes in operations for military personnel post 9/11…...
Abbasi, I.A., Khatwani, M.K. & Hussain, M. (2018). An Overview of Major Military Operations in the Tribal Areas of Pakistan. Journal of Academic and Social Research, 1(1), 1-14.Bell, A. (2018, July 4). In the Post-9/11 World, Military and Police Merge in the Fight Against Terror. Retrieved March 2, 2019, from Etter, G.W. (2015). Changes in Local Law Enforcement Brought About by 9/11. in (ed.) Terrorism and Counterterrorism (Sociology of Crime, Law and Deviance, Volume 20). Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp.219-240.Green, M. (2017, September 8). How 9/11 Changed America: Four Major Lasting Impacts (with Lesson Plan). Retrieved March 2, 2019, from, F. (2011, September 1). The Post-9/11 Military. Retrieved March 2, 2019, from, R. (2011, September 8). 9/11 Changed War-fighting. The Washington Times. Retrieved March 2, 2019, from, M. & Ziegler, S.M. (2017, November 10). Terrorism Before and After 9/11 – A More Dangerous World? Research & Politics, 4(4). Retrieved from, A.T. & Goepner, E. (2017, June 26). Step Back: Lessons for U.S. Foreign Policy from the Failed War on Terror. Retrieved March 2, 2019, from
But this seems to be an assumption athe than an established fact. Jugensmeye late points out that Abouhalima denies his involvement in the Wold Tade Cente bombing. If so, how can one know that Abouhalima was "disappointed" to see little damage? One can also see assumptions in the wods Jugensmeye uses. Fo example, Jugensmeye wites that Abouhalima "felt fee to talk about the subject of teoism in geneal and teoist incidents of which he was not accused, including the Oklahoma City fedeal building bombing."
Instead of witing, he "was not involved," Jugensmeye says he "he was not accused," as if Abouhalima could be accused of the Oklahoma City bombing.
Instead of making assumptions about Abouhalima, Jugensmeye could have focused on the contadictions in the actions and views of the Islamist militant and his appaent lack of knowledge in Islamic law. Jugensmeye povides evidence fo that by telling the stoy of Abouhalima's life…...
mlareferences to religious doctrines are almost always abstract and vague. As Jurgensmeyer's discussion of Abouhalima's ideological views demonstrates, Islamists like Abouhalima are not well-versed in Qur'anic studies or other Islamic core texts. It is important to critically examine the views of Abouhalima and other Islamist terrorists and expose their lack of Islamic knowledge and contradictions inherent in their views as this may help in discrediting them in the eyes of most Muslims.
Mark Jurgensmeyer, Terror in the Mind of God: The Global Rise of Religious Violence (Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 2001), p. 60.
Ibid, p. 61.
Ibid, p. 62.
Ibid, p. 61.
Mass Murder: Omar MateenThe Orlando nightclub shooter Omar Mateen committed mass murder in 2016 when he attacked a gay nightclub in the state of Florida. Although the club was known as a gay club, the attack was motivated not out of hatred for homosexuals but rather in protest of the death of Abu Waheeb, an Islamic militant. Mateen had become a radicalized Muslim and viewed his attack on the club as a righteous act of killingan act of vengeance against an unjust nation that he believed was persecuting the people of Islam in the Middle East (Doornbos, 2016). Up to that point, Mateen had no criminal background, although he did have behavioral issues in school and a history of engaging in physical altercations (Jacobo, 2016). He had become radicalized to embrace militant Islam over the Internet and he viewed the War on Terror as a war on innocent Muslims in…...
mlaReferencesDoornbos, C. (2016). Transcripts of 911 calls reveal Pulse shooter\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s terrorist motives. Retrieved from M. H., & el-Nawawy, M. (2019). Can a non-Muslim Mass Shooter be a “Terrorist”?: A Comparative Content Analysis of the Las Vegas and Orlando Shootings. Journalism Practice, 1-17.Greenwald, G. & Hussein, M. (2018). As the trial of Omar Mateen’s wife begins, new evidence undermines beliefs about the Pulse massacre, including motive. Retrieved from Jacobo, J. (2016). New Details Emerge About Orlando Nightclub Shooter Omar Mateen. Retrieved from McRoberts, M. (2016). PGA Village residents present findings of investigation into G4S following concern of Omar Mateen. Retrieved from Elmasry,
Annotated Bibliography and OutlineAnnotated BibliographyAsh, K. (2018). The War Will Come to Your Street: Explaining Geographic Variation inTerrorism by Rebel Groups. International Interactions, 44(3), 411-436.This article explores the geographic variation in terrorist attacks conducted by rebel groups. Ash analyzes data on terrorist attacks and examines the strategic considerations that influence where rebel groups choose to carry out attacks. The study finds that territorial control is a significant factor in determining the location of terrorist attacks. This source is highly relevant to my research question as it directly addresses the relationship between territorial control and the geographic distribution of terrorist attacks by insurgent groups.Carter, D. B., Kaplan, M. L., & Schultz, K. A. (2022). The Geography of Separatist Violence.International Studies Quarterly, 66(3), sqac030.This article investigates the spatial patterns of separatist violence, providing insights into how territorial control influences the geographic distribution of attacks. The authors utilize a comprehensive dataset and employ…...
Terror Targets
Terrorism is a complex and widely used term in today's lexicon. hat started out as a tactical approach to warfare has seemingly morphed into a label for loosely organized Muslim militias. Being branded as a terrorist is certainly relative, where one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. Regardless of these distinctions, terrorist organizations, at least perceived in estern culture, are threats to peace and stability. The purpose of this essay is to explore the significance of terrorist targeting preferences and methodologies in order to understand how terrorist choose targets contributes to counter-terrorism operations, policies and practices. I will explore this topic by examining and interpreting literature relevant to this topic.
Drake (1998) explained how terrorist targets, while once thought to be indiscriminate, are essentially extremely specified. He explained that "target selection is instead determined by a number of factors, and the terrorists' ideology is central to this process, not…...
mlaWorks Cited
Carpenter, Shanna. "Q&A with Loretta Napoleoni: The ever-changing face of terrorism." Ted, December 14, 2009, / (accessed January 31, 2013).
Drake, C.J.M. "The Role of Ideology in Terrorists' Target Selection." 10 (1998): 53-85.
Libicki, Martin, Peter Chalk and Melanie Sisson. "Exploring Terrorist Targeting Preferences." Rand Corporation (2007).
September 11 Attacks Affected the Lives of American Muslims
For a long time, American Muslims have been part and parcel of the American society. It is however important to note that after the September 11 terror attacks, the status of American Muslims in the wider American society seems to have undergone a major review. Unlike was the case a couple of years ago, most American non-Muslims seem to have developed negative stereotypes of American Muslims.
The September 11 Attacks
One of the darkest moments in American history, September 11, 2001 is a day that will remain engraved in the minds of most Americans for many years to come. This is the day that 19 Muslim men executed a plan that left thousands of Americans dead and others badly injured. In a well planned (and executed) undertaking, the terrorists involved in this atrocity chose to used several planes as deadly weapons to murder…...
mlaWorks Cited
Almasri, Nasir. "The Impact on American Muslims, 11 Years After 9/11." Council on American-Islamic Relations -- Chicago. CAIR -- Chicago, 13 Sept. 2012. Web. 2 May 2013.
Cohen, Jon and Kyle Dropp. "Most Americans Object to Planned Islamic Center Near Ground Zero, Poll Finds." The Washington Post. The Washington Post Company, 9 Sept. 2010. Web. 3 May 2013.
Khan, Mussarat and Kathryn Ecklund. "Attitudes Toward Muslim Americans Post-9/11." Journal of Muslim Mental Health. 7.1 (2012): n. pag. Web. 1 May 2013.
Lean, Nathan. "Sept. 11: Eleven Years Later, American Muslims are Victims." The Washington Post. The Washington Post Company, 9 Sept. 2012. Web. 1 May 2013.
How have worries over WMD terror attacks distorted a balanced approach to policy on terrorism?
Intelligence failures led to the presumption that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction (Jervis).[footnoteef:1] The presumption was rooted in a widespread policy playing upon mortal fears, rather than on reason. "Although administration officials exaggerated the danger that Saddam posed, they also revealed their true fears when they talked about the possibility that he could use WMD against the United States or its allies," (Jervis, p. 57).[footnoteef:2] It also "made little difference" that Saddam was shown to have no WMDs (Jervis, p. 57).[footnoteef:3] Therefore, the approach to policy on terrorism has been overtly shaped by fear mongering rather than on intelligence. [1: Jervis, obert, 2005.] [2: Jervis, obert, 2005, p. 57] [3: Jervis, obert, 2005, p. 57]
At the same time, policy on terrorism is always going to entail some type of trade-off between preparing for the worst…...
"Global Salafi Terrorist Networks." Unrestricted Warfare Symposium. March 1-415, 2006.
Jervis, Robert, 2005. American Foreign Policy in a New Era. New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis.
Pillar, Paul. R, 2001. Terrorism and U.S. Foreign Policy. Washington, DC: Brookings Institution.
Sageman, M., 2008. Leaderless Jihad. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.
Pineda (2012) noted that the tip was wasted entirely due to communication problems, the failure by the police to follow procedures as well as inadequate means-Factors that together bogged down the Norwegian Police's reaction as well as operation on the emergency following the incident.
The Gjorv eport also indicated that the nation's only helicopter in the city of Oslo was unusable since its crew was absent on vacation (Blair,2012). This is inefficiency by the Police since this is a clear sing of a lack of disaster/emergency preparedness. There was no emergency/replacement crew to fly the chopper. The availability of the chopper was also "limited." The understaffing of the police centers was also another problem.
Weaknesses in the police information sharing system
At the time of the Oslo and Utoya Island terrorist attacks, the Norwegian Police information-sharing infrastructure was subjected to a very formidable weakness. Further, the Police Security Services never had sufficient training…...
Bjelopera, JP (2011). Terrorism Information Sharing and the Nationwide Suspicious Activity Report Initiative: Background and Issues for Congress. Congressional Research Service .Available online at
British Broadcasting Corporation (2012a). Norway PM Jens Stoltenberg 'sorry' over Breivik response.Available online at
Blair, David (14 August 2012). "Breivik 'could have been stopped sooner' by police." The Daily Telegraph. The Irish Independent. Retrieved 18th September 2012. .
Cook, AH (2009).Emergency response to Domestic Terrorism-How Bureaucracies reacted to the 1995 Oklahoma Bombing.Continuum-New York
Emergency Terror Response
Roles and Responsibilities of Terror Response Incident Commander
In the event of an emergency incident such as the terrorist attack described in the case scenario, the National Response System (NRS) is immediately invoked. This places a previously designated Incident Commander at the helm of all efforts to control, contain and respond to a terrorist attack. In the present case, as the Incident Commander, it is incumbent upon me to employ the NRS and the resources which it has placed under my control in order to bring order to the chaos of a terror attack.
ith the initiation of the incident, my first priority is to gather together an assembly of delegates and representatives from concerned agencies. This would include personnel from local law enforcement (police, municipal personnel, HAZMAT teams), the Department of Defense (NORAD, NORTHCOM, etc.), Homeland Security and various affiliated and subordinated intelligence agencies as well as military personnel,…...
mlaWorks Cited:
Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR). (2012). Emergency Management and the Incident Command System. Public Health Emergency.
National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States (NCTAUUS). (2004). The 9/11 Commission Report.
Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA). (2011). Incident Commander. United States Department of Labor.
Ignored Group of Terror Victims, And the Possible Consequences
The American population is currently one that is fully aware of the extent of the damage and effect that terrorism has on the community and the nation as a whole. The diverse effects and damages that terrorism has is drawn from the fact that terror has numerous faces, ranging from violent aggressions through shootings, suicide bombing, detonating bombs into buildings, using motorized means for terror acts like the planes and trucks, bioterrorism and even cyber terrorism (Crime Museum, 2015). All these are viable means that the terrorist can use of the American people, hence the extended fear and apprehension. Worse still, the effects of any single terror activity often lives in the psyche of a generation and is passed on to the next generation hence has a very profound effect. The 9/11 terror act can be seen to have transcended the…...
Crime Museum, (2015). Types of Terrorism.
Table of Contents
I. Opening
II. Titles
III. Related Topics
IV. Outline
V. Introduction
VI. Essay Hook
VII. Thesis Statement
VIII. Body
A. Background
B. Jihad
C. Sunni/Shia Split
D. Relationship between AL Qaeda and Isis
E. ISIS attacks on the United States
IX. Conclusion
X. Works Cited
XI. Closing
In this essay about ISIS attacks in America, we examine attacks by the terrorist organization ISIS, which have occurred on U.S. soil. Because of the structure of ISIS/ISIL, which operate in cells, it can be extremely difficult to determine whether a terrorist attack carried out by someone claiming to be working on behalf of ISIS was actually directed by ISIS. Therefore, for the purposes of this essay, we are working on the assumption that attacks by people who appear to be radicalized Muslims and claim a personal affiliation with ISIS are, indeed, ISIS attacks. This essay will give some background information on ISIS and explain how it is structured. It will discuss how ISIS is effectively using…...
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