VARK Assessment
(1) Povide a summay of you leaning style.
Afte taking the VARK Analysis it was a supise to see that Read/Wite pefeence eceived a highe scoe than Kinesthetic. Since pefeed leaning style was peceived to be kinesthetic pio to taking the test. In leaning it has always been difficult to just take in lectue alone. Though it is pefeed to aual and visual modes of leaning. Thoughout elementay and high school education lectue was the only mode pesented in the majoity of classes. Theefoe that was the only option of leaning which I adapted to and by becoming an avid note take. Since it was difficult to just sit thee and listen to the infomation that the lectue gave, witing down notes woked vey well. With note taking duing lectue style instuction, I became successful, eaning A and B. aveages thoughout childhood and teen yeas. Pefeed leaning style that is…...
mlareferences. Retrieved July 29, 2011 from com/VARK%20presentation. pdfhttp://jhildreth.
Vark:Fleming, N. (2011). (2)VARK help sheets. Retrieved July 29, 2011 from vark-learn. com/english/page. asp?p=helpsheetshttp://www.
VAK Questionnaire and Learning Style
There are many different methods and styles of learning that individuals use with varying degrees of preference and efficacy, and many different frameworks for identifying and understanding these different learning styles also exist. The VAK model, which stands for Visual, Aural, ead/Write, and Kinesthetic, describes four basic learning modes that can suggest specific learning strategies that are more effective for learners with different specific preferences in learning styles. The VAK questionnaire was developed specifically to help determine learning preferences; multiple choices (one corresponding to each learning style) are provided for different learning scenarios, and individuals that take the questionnaire choose one or more choice and are given scores based on the number of each they choose. Total scores demonstrate the learning style preference or preferences of the learner.
After taking the VAK questionnaire at the specifically designed website, my results indicate that I am a multimodal learner…...
Cisco. (2008). Multimodal Learning Through Media: What the Research Says. Accessed 4 November 2011.
Fleming, N. (2010). VARK. Accessed 4 November 2011.
VAK examination shows higher preference to kinesthetic strategies with a score of six while all the others scored the same with a score of five. Kinesthetic approaches include learning with the sense, using examples, use of practical exercises, use of cases, and pure trial and error. From the VAK website, it explains the learning preference describes learning through experiences not just on screens or in pictures. It demands for a more hands-on type of experience. These kinds of learners are also better equipped to study practical application vs. theory. Some people can learn well from theory alone, and although the other strategies derived from the results scored slightly under from kinesthetic, it shows that hands-on experience develops better memory and retention at least for those that score highest on that section.
The preferred learning style for one who scores like this involves actual experience in whatever one learns and supplemental…...
Carlson, K., & Winquist, J. (2011). Evaluating an Active Learning Approach to Teaching Introductory Statistics: A Classroom Workbook Approach. Journal of Statistics Education, 19(1), 2. Retrieved from,. (2015). Kinesthetic Learning Strategies - Activities to Help Tactile Learners. Retrieved 15 January 2015, from,. (2015). Multimodal Strategies | VARK. Retrieved 15 January 2015, from
VAK Learning Styles and the Multimodal Learner
Students may learn in differing ways; while a class discussion may aid absorption, processing and assimilation of information for one student another may benefit from reading an article and another from watching a video clip. The work of Fleming and Baume (2006) identified four main learning styles; visual, aural or auditory, read/write and kinesthetic. These each refer to the dominant source of learning from which information will be most efficiently absorbed by the student. These four learning styles lead to a fifth style; multimodal, a style which may be observed when a student does not have a single dominant learning input, but two or more dominant input sources. To appreciate the way in which students learn, and to place each of the learning style in context a brief overview of each style will be presented. This can be used to perform a self-assessment to…...
Fleming, N, (2012), The VARK Questionnaire, retrieved from
Fleming, N; Baume, D. (2006). Learning Styles Again: VARKing up the right tree! Educational Developments, 7(4), 4-7
Jarmon, Amy L, (2011, Feb), How to absorb information to make it more memorable, Student Lawyer, p22
Rowan, Jean, (2001, Nov 30), Address different styles of learning to get your message across, San Antonio Business Journal, p26.
Personal Learning Styles
Learning Style
After completing the VAK questionnaire, I have learned that out of the four types of learners, I have strong tendencies for three out of the four types. I am mostly a visual and read/write learner with equal scores in both areas. Furthermore, with a score very close to the first two categories, I am also a kinesthetic learner. Lastly, with the lowest score, I am an aural learner. Compared to how I perceive my own learning styles outside of this questionnaire, I mostly agree. I think I am mostly a visual and kinesthetic learner.
I do learn by reading and writing, as well as aurally, but not as much. They are not so much my preference for learning, but I cannot deny that those aspects assist my understanding. Some people are not the best at public speaking or giving instructions, and that is why I think I learn…...
Advanology. (2012). The Visual-Spatial Learning Style. Web, Available from: 2012 October 02. .
LangVid Language Training. (2010). Studying Style: Tactile-Kinesthetic Learners. Web, Available from: 2012 October 02. .
The Study Gurus. (2012). Study Advice for Reading and Write Learners. Web, Available from: 2012 October 02.
3). Review the other learning styles: visual, aural, read/write, kinesthetic, and multimodel (listed on the VARK Questionnaire Result page). 4). Compare your preferred learning strategies to the identified srategies for your learning style. 5). Appraise how this will change your way of stuying, if any. In a paper (750-1,000 words), summarise your analysis of this exercise. include the following: 1). Provide a summary of your learning style. 2). List your preferred learning srategies. 3). Compare your preferred learning strategies to the identified strategies for your preferred learning style. 4). Appraise any changes you need to make in your study habits.
There is no denying I am a Visual Learner, much like the majority of the population.
4. hat was your score from the readiness assessment?
I scored a 77 on the readiness assessment. According to the assessment, those scoring between 100 and 75 such as myself should be well-suited for taking courses online. Particular qualities such as my keen self-awareness should allow me to easily navigate courses taken at a distance.
5. Are you ready for online learning?
Having scored a 20 out of 20 on the test measuring one's suitability for online learning, I would qualify as an exceptional candidate for online learning.
6. List the strategy you are most likely to try to contribute to your success in this course?
In light of the counsel offered by the Illinois Online Network, I am moved toward a strategy of self-discipline. According to the Network, "ith the freedom and flexibility of the online environment comes…...
mlaWorks Cited:
Illinois Online Network. (2011). What Makes an Online Student Successful. Online Education Resources.
The Web Accessibility Initiative (W3C) specifically concentrates on defining the intersection between usability for those who are handicapped, the elderly, and those that are faced with limitations in terms of being able to get online. The reliance on ISO Standard 9241-11 (Green, Pearson, 2006) defines the extent to which there are uniformity in the design of graphical interfaces and the use of consistently of navigational aids in the form of buttons, structure of menus, and accessibility of taxonomies including support for multiple entry points and roles-based access and use of the content on the website.
PAT B- Which of the above do you feel would be most usable and appropriate for an increasingly large population of older users. Why? Give your reasons.
Of all the techniques defined within Part a of this paper, the VAK-based methodology, with its support of multiple catalog types and structures of data through variation in taxonomies,…...
D Applen. 2002. Tacit knowledge, knowledge management, and active user participation in website navigation. IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication 45, no. 4 (December 1): 302-306 (accessed March 22, 2009).
Josh Bernoff, Charlene Li. 2008. Harnessing the Power of the Oh-So-Social Web. MIT Sloan Management Review 49, no. 3 (April 1): 36-42. (accessed March 21, 2009)
Shirley Ann Becker. 2004. A study of web usability for older adults seeking online health resources. ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction 11, no. 4 (December 1): 387. (accessed March 24, 2009).
Nico Brooks, Harrison Magun. 2008. Navigational behaviour and sponsored search advertising. International Journal of Electronic Business 6, no. 2 (March 1): 132. (accessed March 20, 2009).
First, he states that teachers can learn, from their students, how to best affect their classes. Through talking with their students, teachers can learn in what those students are interested. Teachers can learn what teaching styles best affect them, what can engage them. This can help them better relate to their students as teachers, portraying their subjects in a way that students can understand. In addition, Corbett argues that teachers can learn from their students by re-learning what it is like to be a beginning learner. They can do this by taking a class themselves or by writing the papers that they assign to their students. Thus, they learn the pain and suffering that many students have to go through in order to learn. Thus, Corbett's major theory is that both students and teachers exist in a symbiotic relationship in which they learn from one another.
At first, many teachers…...
manager." The introduction describe " -development important a manager mix a bit coaching theories ( I a coaching I techniques Kolb' learning cycle techniques fuore managers improve ), I a part body essay real life examples managers coaching techniques -development successful ( describe techniques ).
The importance of self-development in becoming a manager
Self-development is defined first and foremost as an overall holistic desire to find one's freedom and the desire to connect with one's self and own sense of worth, integrity and happiness so as to enjoy abundant happiness both at home and at work. Self-development in simpler terms is that amazing quest / journey that a person embarks on; a point of realization when all the pieces of a person's life fall together and they finally remove their own self limitations and inhibitions that hinder or stop any person more so a manager from achieving greatness. This definition is…...
BRUCE, H.A. 1938. Self-development: how to build self-confidence, a handbook for the ambitious, New York, Three Sirens Press.
BRUCE, H.A. 2010. Self-Development: A Handbook for the Ambitious, Whitefish, Kessinger Publishing, LLC.
BYNUM, W.F.A.P., R. (ed.) 2005. Oxford Dictionary of Scientific Quotations, London: Oxford University Press.
CLELAND, D. & IRELAND, L. 2006. Project Management: Strategic Design and Implementation, New York, McGraw-Hill.
Kinesthetic Learning StyleMy Preferred Learning StrategiesI am a kinesthetic learner who prefers to learn through physical experience. This learning style is often associated with careers in trades or crafts, but it can be equally beneficial in other areas. For example, when studying a new concept in mathematics, I find it helpful to work through as many practice problems as possible. This allows me to gain a real understanding of how the concept works, rather than simply memorizing a set of steps. In general, kinesthetic learners are good at problem-solving and thrive in dynamic environments.My current preferred learning strategies (simulation-style activities) are similar to the identified strategies in the VAK. As someone with this learning style, I have found that simulation-style learning is often the most effective way for me to absorb new information. In a simulation, learners are placed in realistic situations where they can apply what they have learned.…...
mlaReferencesLapitan Jr, L. D., Tiangco, C. E., Sumalinog, D. A. G., Sabarillo, N. S., & Diaz, J. M. (2021). An effective blended online teaching and learning strategy during the COVID-19 pandemic. Education for Chemical Engineers, 35, 116-131.Schmeck, R. R. (Ed.). (2018). Learning strategies and learning styles. Springer Science & Business Media.Zywno, M. S., & Waalen, J. K. (2022). The effect of individual learning styles on student outcomes in technology-enabled education. Global J. of Engng. Educ, 6(1), 35-44.
. Identify the grade-level and subject area of your class (based on your personal choice or teaching situation).The subject area and grade level will be 8th grade Social Studies2. Write a value statement clarifying what you believe in as a teacher for your class.As a teacher, I believe in a diversified approach to teaching that leveraged the VAK learning styles. Here, learning styles are separated in learning styles that require differing methods of teaching. The different learning styles are as follows1. Visual2. Auditory3. ead/Write4. KinestheticEach of the approve methods require a unique teaching method of instruction and teaching. As a result, my value statement will be predicated on providing unique experience to children they wouldnt otherwise receive from traditional formats. My values will be based on how to best motivate, inspire, and engage all students in a manner that allows them to succeed. My value statement also will make sure…...
mlaReferences:1. Aalst J. V. & Hill C. M. 2006 “Activity theory as a framework for analysing knowledge building” Learning Environments Research 9: 23–44 2. Akar, H.; Y?ld?r?m, A. 2004 “Learners\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\' metaphorical images about classroom management in a social constructivist learning environment” No. of Pages: 29 Online Submission; Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA) (San Diego, CA,)3. Aldridge, J. M. & Fraser, B. J. 2000 “A crosscultural study of classroom learning environments in australia and taiwan” Learning Environments Research 3: 101–134,.4. Brok P.; Brekelmans M. & Wubbels T. “Multilevel issues in research using students’ perceptions of learning environments: the case of the questionnaire on teacher interaction” Learning Environments Research (2006) 9:199–2132
(3) According to the Multiple Intelligences Survey, I have quite a bit of intrapersonal and interpersonal intellegence and a moderate amount of musical and kinesthetic intelligence. This makes sense because I enjoy analyzing people and situations; and, I decided to leave my old job because I was bored sitting still behind a desk and not talking to anyone for most of the day.
As I was enjoying the surveys so much, also I took Kolb's Learning Styles Inventory and discovered that my learning style consists of doing and feeling or what Kolb would abbreviate as "CE/AE." When these findings are placed on the two-by-two grid by Kolb, my learning style is accommodating. An accommodating learning style is often times referred to as a "hands-on" style and one that relies upon intuition over logic. In fact, these findings also did not surprise me because I have to do something at least two…...
Codde, PhD, J.R. (2006). Using Learning Contracts in the College Classroom. Michigan State University.
There are several ways to learn about student cognitive ability and learning styles. Here are some steps you can take to better understand and support your students:
1. Conduct assessments: Use standardized tests, informal assessments, and observations to gather information about students' cognitive abilities and learning styles.
2. Analyze data: Review assessment results to identify patterns and trends in students' learning strengths and weaknesses.
3. Engage with students: Get to know your students on a personal level and communicate with them about their learning preferences and challenges.
4. Utilize learning style inventories: Use tools like the VARK questionnaire or Honey and Mumford's Learning Styles....
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