Walmart Marketing Essays (Examples)

170+ documents containing “walmart marketing”.

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Wal-Mart Marketing Mix
Wal-Mart Stores (|NYSE: WM) closed it latest fiscal year with $103.8B in revenues, growing 4% over the previous fiscal year (WalMart Investor Relations, 2012), a remarkable accomplishment given the recessionary climate of the U.S. And other westernized nations. Wal-Mart's ability to withstand economically challenging times is directly linked to how well they synchronize their product, pricing, promotion and distribution strategies using an extensive information systems architecture (Wang, 2006). Wal-Mart is unique as discount retailer as their corporate culture is very focused on analytics and real-time use of data from its more than 3,700 retail locations globally (Ritson, 2005).

Product Considerations and Strategies at Wal-Mart

he cornerstone of Wal-Mart's strength in product strategies globally is in their ability to manage supplier relationships to pricing and margin targets while at the same time requiring the highest quality of any mass merchandiser in business today (Lee, 2006). Holding suppliers accountable for exceptionally high….

Marketing Strategies
Walmart retail chain is ranked as the number one and top most retail chain not only in the United States, but also in the world (Farfan, 2016). Starting out as a single store, Walmart has developed to turn out to be the biggest company in the world in terms of revenues. The business undertaken by Walmart as a company encompasses restaurants, superstores, retail stores and also warehouse clubs. The company also undertakes e-commerce through its website In terms of retail products, the merchandises being sold in Walmart's retail stores include baby products, healthcare products, household goods, electronics, books, automotive products, clothing, furnishings and decor, alcohol, grocery, paper products and so much more (Walmart Website, 2016).

Actions to Build and Sustain Relationships

In order for a retailer to become successful, the organization has to undertake the application of concepts of value and building relations so that consumers attain the belief that….

Marketing Information system is a management information system that supports decision making processes in marketing (Kotler & Keller, 2006). Marketing data is gathered, stored, and analyzed within this system and distributed on timely basis to managers to enhance decision making processes (Kotler, 1988). It is a continuing and an interactive structure of people, equipment and procedures to gather information that is used in decision making processes in an organization. The major components of management information system are internal reporting systems, marketing research system, marketing intelligence system, and marketing models. Information touching on finances, production, manpower, marketing, stockholding, and logistical data are normally stored in marketing information system. Orders received, stockholdings and sales are also stored in the marketing information system. Other than the above named information, marketers can also get information related to product type, size, and pack by territory, type of account, industry, and customer; average value and volume….

al-Mart's Domestic and Global Marketing Challenges

al-Mart is at once one of the most visible retail firms in the world and one of the most consistently criticized. Due to its poor record on labor rights, its deleterious impact on local communities and businesses, and its various ethical sacrifices in the name of everyday low prices, al-Mart's marketing challenges generally center on these shortcomings in its domestic and global reputation. A consideration of the environmental circumstances impacting al-Mart's marketing conditions reveals a company a number of vulnerabilities to public impression but also with great opportunities to make improvements in this area.

One area in which balance is needed is that of global trade. In this context, al-Mart has established a level of global interdependence that demands relatively unregulated production in developing world contexts. It is this interdependence -- whereby its low everyday prices rely on the undercutting of labor and environmental costs --….

A comparison between two major department stores, Nordstrom and Wal*Mart can illustrate the concepts of pricing and distribution. The research shows that both Nordstrom and Wal*Mart use pricing and distribution strategically, but with different means, methods, and end results.

Pricing and distribution are integral parts of an overall marketing strategy. Pricing refers to the cost of the item, and is related to product positioning, perceived value, and the profitability of the company. Distribution refers to the methods by which the company delivers its goods and services to the consumer, and signals how consumers first come into contact with the items for sale. A comparison between Wal*Mart and Nordstrom helps to illustrate the interrelated concepts of pricing and distribution. Nordstrom and Wal*Mart are both major department stores that depend on strategic pricing and distribution strategies. However, their pricing strategies are completely different. Nordstrom lures customers with perceived quality and status, whereas Wal*Mart….


al-Mart is one of the renowned and established retailing stores of the world. It is a non-governmental company and operates in a number of countries around the globe. The basic aim of al-Mart is to provide goods at a cheaper rate and due to this reason; it gained popularity in the domestic as well as international countries. This retail store is highly successful in various countries like China, Brazil, United Kingdom, Canada etc. However, the operation of al-Mart did not gain success in South Korea and Germany. There are a number of reasons for this success and failure (Roberts and Berg, pg. 45).

Since entering, a foreign market requires a deep analysis of political stability, culture, taste and fashion of people, many other factors, al-Mart did this analysis greatly, and due to this reason, al-Mart acquired different names in different countries. The names acquired by al-Mart were the names of the….

The first new market to be opened would probably be Canada or Mexico (considering the fact that the United States is the company's home market). This decision is made easier by observing the beating that alMart took in Europe and in Asia a short while ago when attempting to enter those markets.
An article in "The Times" on July 29, 2006 stated the following; "al Mart, the world's largest retailer, abruptly pulled out of Germany yesterday....In a humbling admission of defeat, al Mart said it would sell its 85 German stores to the rival supermarket chain Metro and book a pre-tax loss of about $1 billion on the failed venture." (Times 2006)

Since al Mart is one of the world's largest companies, and still took a beating, it might behoove the company to concentrate more on creating new products, while building strong markets that are conducive to drinking our product than….

WalMart Corporation
Mission and Vision tatement Analysis

Linking Wal-Mart's Mission and Vision to Their trategic Goals and Objectives

Assessing the Link Between Wal-Mart's Financial Performance And Its trategic Goals

Wal-Mart Competitive and Marketing Analysis

Wal-Mart Marketing Analysis

Potential Wal-Mart Merger & Acquisition trategy

Incentive and Reward trategies for Wal-Mart Employees

Evaluating How Current trategies Define Ethicacy Levels at Wal-Mart

Wal-Mart Ratio Analysis

Income tatement Analysis, 2007 -- 2012

Analysis of WalMart Corporation

Mission and Vision tatement Analysis

All internal systems, processes, external stakeholder management initiatives, supply chain management, sourcing, quality management and merchandising initiatives in WalMart revolve around the fulfillment of the expectations they create with their customers daily. Their Low Price Everyday (LPED) value proposition permeates their entire value chain, galvanizing it around the mission of delivering exceptional value on a consistent basis to customers. The mission and vision of WalMart rely on LPED as the catalyst and unifying force across their large, diverse corporate culture. WalMart is known for also….

Peer Discussion I think you make a very important point that without intermediaries many organizations cannot thrive. Depending upon the reputation of the product and the industry of the organization, marketing intermediaries are often necessary for the organization to access consumers. eaching the target customer via a retailer or other distributor is often necessary (Kotler & Keller, 2016). However, some companies or products have been very successful using direct marketing via websites and social media, particularly if they sell a niche product to a specific consumer demographic and can cultivate a distinct social media persona. As you also note that ecommerce allows a smaller organization to save on costs and not sacrifice money to an intermediary. The downside of intermediaries is that unless a company is very prominent (like Coca-Cola, which you cite), it can be challenging to ensure that the company doing the distributing ensures the placement of the….

Octagon Sports Marketing Plan
Octagon Sports Marketing

Octagon Sports Company has been proud to be an industry leader in terms of events management, sports and entertainment marketing, and representation of athletes and personalities al over the world. It was founded in the year 1983 and after wards acquired as sports and entertainment event marketing arm of the Interpublic Group of Companies (IPG) in 1997 by the same company (IPG). Currently Octagon Company is able to employ more than 1000 professionals in the more than 60 offices across the globe.

Octagon Sports Marketing Company has been a pioneer in terms of full service sports and entertainment corporate consulting, bringing together various marketing disciplines and services in a single roof for the benefit of our clients. The in-house resources that our company offers are efficiency and convenience and this is apart from traditional and specialized services offered. In several occasion the company connects brands to….


Type of Service (Profit, not-for-profit, public service, routine, rare


Date, time, length, and precise location of Service Encounter:

March 1, 2013, 7am. 30 minutes

What did you choose to mystery shop this particular organisation (purpose, location, choice of provider, expectations)?


Exactly what did you and the employee(s) say and do?

Ask the employee where I could find Lava soap. She took me to the where it was located and told me if I need more help to let her know.

Describe and analyse the physical location, surroundings, decor, and general atmosphere of the outlet where the encounter took place:

Clean, friendly atmosphere, fairly clean parking lot

What could you and/or the employee(s) have done to increase the level of satisfaction? What improvements need to be made to this Service Encounter?

Ask if there was anything else the customer needed.

How likely is it that you will return to this Service Provider?

Extremely Unlikely...

...Extremely Likely






Identify and closely apply three (3) marketing….

Wal-Mart, the biggest global retail chain, may be counted among the largest organizations worldwide, with regard to its size, financial performance and business value. This paper aims at examining Wal-Mart’s Subsystem and HR Management change, with particular emphasis on personnel selection, development, performance, training, and compensation management (Thompson 2016). Further it will address the key stakeholders of the organization.

Organization and Major Subsystem in Need of Change

Numerous factors contribute to a company’s success, and a few of them critical to the success of Wal-Mart are personnel selection, development and training (Thompson 2016). The organization needs to ensure its HR department receives adequate support to maintain its reputation and satisfy its business expectations and needs. Its major subsystems include Adaptive, Maintenance, and Management.


Investors’ chief concern is profits. They desire more revenue generation by the company, which would increase their dividends. They also desire minimization of operational expenses, as profits increase with decreased….

Walmart Compared to Target

Wal Mart
Comparison of Financial Performance esults for WalMart

Comparison to Target

Financial atios for Walmart

Evaluation of Other Areas of Financial Analysis

Analysis of One year ratio of Walmart and Comparison with Target


Walmart has been in business for more than 50 years and at present has a footfall every week of more than 260 million customers in the 11,500 stores under 65 banners in 28 countries and the e-commerce sites in 11 countries. The net sale of the company in 2014 was $476.29 billion. The company has 2.2 million associated across the world. The group recorded a net sale increase of 1.9% in the fiscal year ended January 30, 2015 and it returned $7.2 billion to shareholders through dividends and share repurchases (, 2015).

Target -- Walmart's Competitor

Target offers perishables, dry grocery, dairy and frozen items and all food items comparable to traditional supermarkets. The company has three primary types of stores -- SuperTarget, CityTarget….

Financial ManagementIntroductionBasing the analysis according to the financial statements of Walmart, the purpose of this financial analysis is to provide a report. The report to be provided may help the investors to know if Walmart is either a buy or a sell stock. The complete report will interpret various trends supported by some of the main ratios; this analysis will include liquidity analysis, horizontal and vertical analysis, solvency, and profitability analysis. Through those mentioned ratios, one can determine how Walmart is performing compared to the industry and the additional information that could influence the investment decision. The main ratios in this analysis are vertical and horizontal analysis, whereby about vertical analysis, an expression of every item in each statement for a period equal to a base figure. In the case of horizontal analysis, evaluation of trends is done over some time.A. Interpretation of TrendsHorizontal and Vertical AnalysisHorizontal analysis is given….

International Business: Walmart Goes SouthWhat can local retailers like Comerci do to compete against Walmart?Although, there is not much that competitors like Comerci could do against Walmart since the giant retailer is already capitalizing on several of its strengths within the Mexican market. Initially, before NAFTA specifically, Walmart did face some challenges when it entered the Mexican market, such as higher import charges and finding it hard to live up to its slogan Every Day Low Prices, restocking unnecessary store items being unaware of the local demand, logistics problems due to poor roads and cultural clashes. However, as soon as NAFTA came to rescue Walmart, it was much easier for the giant retailer to work smoothly in the Mexican market. Comerci and other retailers are struggling to keep up with the strong strategies Walmart uses to keep its process low, fighting against the high local wages that Walmart is paying,….

2 Pages


Wal-Mart Marketing Mix Wal-Mart Stores Nyse WMT

Words: 580
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Wal-Mart Marketing Mix Wal-Mart Stores (|NYSE: WM) closed it latest fiscal year with $103.8B in revenues, growing 4% over the previous fiscal year (WalMart Investor Relations, 2012), a remarkable accomplishment…

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7 Pages


Walmarts Marketing Strategies

Words: 2207
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Essay

Marketing Strategies Walmart retail chain is ranked as the number one and top most retail chain not only in the United States, but also in the world (Farfan, 2016). Starting…

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4 Pages

Business - Advertising

Marketing Information System Is a Management Information

Words: 1482
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Marketing Information system is a management information system that supports decision making processes in marketing (Kotler & Keller, 2006). Marketing data is gathered, stored, and analyzed within this system…

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2 Pages


Walmart Wal-Mart's Domestic and Global Marketing Challenges

Words: 586
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

almart al-Mart's Domestic and Global Marketing Challenges al-Mart is at once one of the most visible retail firms in the world and one of the most consistently criticized. Due to its…

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3 Pages


Marketing a Comparison Between Two Major Department

Words: 987
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Marketing A comparison between two major department stores, Nordstrom and Wal*Mart can illustrate the concepts of pricing and distribution. The research shows that both Nordstrom and Wal*Mart use pricing and…

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3 Pages


Walmart Wal-Mart Is One of the Renowned

Words: 959
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

almart al-Mart al-Mart is one of the renowned and established retailing stores of the world. It is a non-governmental company and operates in a number of countries around the globe. The…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Marketing the Overall Strategy the

Words: 645
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The first new market to be opened would probably be Canada or Mexico (considering the fact that the United States is the company's home market). This decision is…

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5 Pages


Walmart Corporation Mission and Vision Statement Analysis

Words: 1450
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

WalMart Corporation Mission and Vision tatement Analysis Linking Wal-Mart's Mission and Vision to Their trategic Goals and Objectives Assessing the Link Between Wal-Mart's Financial Performance And Its trategic Goals Wal-Mart Competitive and…

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1 Pages

Business - Marketing

Marketing to Different Consumers

Words: 357
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Essay

Peer Discussion I think you make a very important point that without intermediaries many organizations cannot thrive. Depending upon the reputation of the product and the industry of the…

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9 Pages
Research Paper


Marketing Sports Activities

Words: 2485
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Octagon Sports Marketing Plan Octagon Sports Marketing Octagon Sports Company has been proud to be an industry leader in terms of events management, sports and entertainment marketing, and representation of athletes…

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3 Pages


Marketing Walmart Type of Service Profit Not-For-Profit

Words: 744
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Marketing Walmart Type of Service (Profit, not-for-profit, public service, routine, rare Profit Date, time, length, and precise location of Service Encounter: March 1, 2013, 7am. 30 minutes What did you choose to mystery shop…

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5 Pages
Research Paper


Walmart human resource practices and change

Words: 1685
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Introduction Wal-Mart, the biggest global retail chain, may be counted among the largest organizations worldwide, with regard to its size, financial performance and business value. This paper aims at examining…

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6 Pages


Walmart Compared to Target

Words: 1924
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Wal Mart Comparison of Financial Performance esults for WalMart Comparison to Target Financial atios for Walmart Evaluation of Other Areas of Financial Analysis Analysis of One year ratio of Walmart and Comparison with Target Walmart Walmart…

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7 Pages


Walmart and its Financial Management

Words: 2054
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Essay

Financial ManagementIntroductionBasing the analysis according to the financial statements of Walmart, the purpose of this financial analysis is to provide a report. The report to be provided may help…

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3 Pages
Case Study


Walmart Influence in Singapore

Words: 817
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Case Study

International Business: Walmart Goes SouthWhat can local retailers like Comerci do to compete against Walmart?Although, there is not much that competitors like Comerci could do against Walmart since the…

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