Western World Essays (Examples)

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Non-Western World by Western Powers In the
Pages: 5 Words: 1682

Non-estern orld by estern Powers:
In the period between 1870 and 1914, estern powers took over the main portions of the non-estern world when there was considerable discussion and debate regarding the cause of this takeover. Despite the controversies surrounding this decision, the estern powers were motivated by various factors behind the takeover. The takeover of the non-estern world by estern powers is commonly known as imperialism or European imperialism. The term imperialism is used to refer to the process of expanding one state's control over another through various forms. Some of the major forms that characterize the takeover include direct rule and indirect rule with the former involving annexing territories outright and subjugating people who lived in these territories. In contrast, indirect rule is a process where estern powers reached agreements with local leaders and governed through these agreements. Regardless of the form of imperialism, the takeover by estern…...


Works Cited:

"ECONOMIC IMPERIALISM." Oxford University Press. Oxford University Press, n.d. Web. 8 May 2013. .

"FC122: European Imperial Expansion in Africa (c.1870-1914)." The Flow of History - A Dynamic and Graphic Approach to Teaching History. The Flow of History, n.d. Web. 08 May 2013. .

Mills, Wallace G. "European Motivations in the Scramble." The Scramble and Motivations. Saint Mary's University, n.d. Web. 08 May 2013. .

How to Deal With Diabetes in the Western World
Pages: 6 Words: 1761

Patients With ype 2 Diabetes
I --all-natural, all-organic, locally grown/produced diet plus exercise

C --insulin injections

O --reduction in body's challenge to create/absorb insulin

In patients experiencing ype 2 diabetes (P), is the intervention of a traditional, organic, all-natural diet consisting of locally grown and produced foods plus exercise (I) more effective in curbing the body's challenge to absorb insulin (O) than insulin injections (C)?

here is an educational deficit in the clinic where I previously worked regarding the positive effect that an all-natural, organic diet consisting of locally produced foods can have on a patient with diabetes. Most patients believe that if their pancreas is not producing enough insulin that they need to receive insulin injections. his is the conventional attitude because of the widespread use of this method to treat the disease. Yet there are numerous studies that link obesity to diabetes and even some studies that show that diabetes can be…...


This study notes the correlation between obesity and diabetes and suggests that it is the new epidemic because so many people suffer from it and have poor diets and do not exercise in the industrialized world. It discusses morbidity and mortality and describes the rate of incidence as matching that of an epidemic. It implicitly supports the proposed changes of this study because of its link between diet and disease.

Wilmot, E., Idris, I. (2014). Early onset type 2 diabetes: risk factors, clinical impact and management. Therapeutic Advances in Chronic Disease, 5(6): 234-244.

This study like the one by Kaku (2010) addresses management-style treatment but it does discuss the impact of the escalating rate of incidence in economic terms. It views diabetes as an epidemic that is now being seen more and more in children. It does not discuss alternative methods of treatment and does not support the proposed changes.

Western World and War
Pages: 3 Words: 1211

Postmodernism in arsan Shire's Poetry
Born in Kenya, Somali-origin writer arsan Shire pens poems that are an uncompromising depiction of an African outlook. This London-based poet's work emphasizes the continent's culture, challenges, armed conflict, societal beliefs, and other negative issues impacting its people. The majority of Shire's works are a reflection of self-experience, steady testimonies and prayer. She attempts to portray the society, from kids', females', lovers' and migrants' standpoints. Thus, a majority of her poems reflect postmodernism. She aims at presenting a systematic personal outlook using her superior knowledge on societal aspects and values. In this paper, the following three poems composed by Shire -- 'Home', 'Ugly', and 'The letter my mum would have written had she known English' -- will be analyzed for postmodernism and for Shire's representation of Africans.


This is an unusual piece of poetry wherein Shire reveals her fears being a woman in the society she lives…...


Works cited

Wars an Shire, 'The letter my mother would have written had she known English." Online. 2012


WarsanShire, Home. Online. Flipped eye London. 2013 https://www.umcnic.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/Home-Poem-by-Warsan-Shire.pdf

Warsan Shire, Ugly. Online. Flipped eye. London. 2011 retrieved from http://www.poetryinternationalweb.net/pi/site/poem/item/22839/auto/0/0/Warsan-Shire/UGLY

WWII History Making Decades WWII-Present
Pages: 6 Words: 2515

Diversity -- with the exception of homophobia -- was beginning to be commonly accepted and praised. Technology -- such as the use of DNA in criminology and the introduction of the PC -- was becoming more prominent in the lives of everyday Americans. In the Cold War, President Gorbachev asked for openness and economic freedom, while President eagan asked him to tear down the Berlin Wall, which he did. However, the discovery of AIDS had a far more profound impact on the American people than any of these events. In 1981, the first case of AIDS was reported in the United Kingdom, and this eventually caused quite a crisis in the U.S., as it was first noticed among gay men, and then in women and children as well. People became scared because they were not sure what was causing the disease. esearch continued throughout the 1980s, but the fear…...



Dove, R. (1999). Heroes & Icons: Rosa Parks. Retrieved August 12, 2009, from Time:


"Fascinating facts about the invention of the Internet by Vinton Cerf in 1973." (2007,

May 30). Retrieved August 12, 2009, from the Great Idea Finder: http://www.ideafinder.com/history/inventions/internet.htm

Western Sahara Conflict in the
Pages: 32 Words: 8710

hich historians Yahia Zoubir and Daniel Volman describe this way:
At the same time, they [the Judges] are in accord in providing indications of a legal tie of allegiance between the Sultan and some, though only some, of the tribes of the territory, and in providing indications of some display of the Sultan's authority or influence with respect to those tribes."

For the court to have found in the favor of Morocco based on "historic" claims, would have opened the door of a Pandora's box, and there was simply no way to legally deal with that situation. A finding in Morocco's favor would undo the modern world. Then, strangely enough, and because if he wanted to remain in the dynamics of the argument and struggle for control over estern Sahara, Morocco's King Hussan III interpreted the court's findings in favor of Morocco, and in accordance with Moroccan law. If the referendums…...


Works Cited


Borowiec, Andrew. 2003. Taming the Sahara: Tunisia Shows a Way While Others Falter. Westport, CT: Praeger. Book online. Available from Questia,   Accessed 14 August 2008.  http://www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=5002077928 http://www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=107024757.Internet .

Dela Rosa, Darrell. 2003. The UN Role in Western Sahara. UN Chronicle, September-November, 22+. Database online. Available from Questia,

Western Religion
Pages: 21 Words: 6937

Western Religion
In his book, "Western Ways of eing Religious," (Kessler, 1999) the author Gary E. Kessler identifies the theological, philosophical and societal ramifications of the evolution of religion in the West. Christianity, Judaism and Islam can be traced to a single origin but their divergence has been very marked. Kessler sets his thesis very early in the book. He avers that there are two approaches to religion. One is to be immersed in it -- as a practitioner; the other is to study it as an objective observer, looking in from the outside. This work is unique. The author challenges the traditional notions with his own opinions then follows it with the views of an expert on that notion (in the form of a speech or an essay). He avers that a student of religion has to approach the topic with honesty and openness. This often involves imagining the other's…...



Kessler, Gary E. Western Ways of Being Religious. Mountain View, Calif.: Mayfield Pub., 1999.pp.

Edwards, Rem Blanchard. Reason and Religion; an Introduction to the Philosophy of Religion. New York,: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1972.pp. 386

Paden, William E. Religious Worlds: The Comparative Study of Religion. Boston: Beacon Press, 1988.pp. 192

Proudfoot, Wayne. Religious Experience. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1985.pp. 263

Western Ethical Theories
Pages: 4 Words: 1246

Western Ethical Theories
The objective of this work is to examine Western Ethical theories including teleological, deontological, natural law, and interest view and virtue ethics.

The work of Bennett-Woods (2005) states that while the words 'ethics' and 'morality' are "often used interchangeably, morality is more precisely used to refer to the customs, principles of conduct and moral codes of an individual, group or society." Ethics, is also stated to be termed "moral philosophy of the science of morals" and is the branch of philosophy that examines "morality through the critical examination of right and wrong in human action." (Bennett-Woods, 2005)

The study of ethics is generally characterized into three specific domains of study include those of: (1) metaethics which is related to the nature of right and wrong insofar as the where and how of the original of ethical judgments and what these judgments mean regarding the human nature and behavior; (2) Normative…...



Virtue Ethics (2010) Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Retrieved from:  http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/ethics-virtue/ 

Eric Wingrove-Haugland (1999) The Foundations of the Core Values in Western Ethical Theories. Retrieved from:  http://isme.tamu.edu/JSCOPE99/Wingrove99.html 

Lovin, R.W. (2004) Moral Theories. Blackwell Publishing Company. Retrieved from:  http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/content/BPL_Images/Content_store/Sample_chapter/0631216340/Schweiker_sample%20chapter_A%20companion%20to%20religious%20ehtics.pdf 

Bennett-Woods, D. (2005 ) Ethics at a Glance. 2005 Regis University. Retrieved from: http://rhchp.regis.edu/HCE/EthicsAtAGlance/EthicsAtAGlance.pdf

Western Civilization Define Its Major
Pages: 3 Words: 904

What is usually unconcealed is that much of the machinery and social prototypes which make up what is distinct as modernization were urbanized in the Western worlds. Whether these technical and social prototypes are essentially part of Western civilization is more complicated to respond. Many would dispute that the query cannot be responded by a reply from science and as an alternative is a worth question which should be answered from a respect scheme. However, much of anthropology these days has shown the close connection between the physical surroundings and daily actions and the configuration of a civilization such as the findings of society's ecology with others. In contrast to many other civilizations in the world, western civilizations lean to highlight the individuals. On the other hand, western societies have usually been more communally cooperative by giving a foremost significance to social preponderance civilization or propensities such as mores,…...



Wikipedia. (December 27, 2007) Western Culture. Retrieved on December 30, 2007 at  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Western_culture

Western Education in Ethiopia There
Pages: 10 Words: 2820

" (itek, 1989, Ngugi wa Thiongo, 1986, Mazrui, 1986, 2001, Mamdani, 1990, 1993, Copans, 1990, Rwomire, 1992, and van Rinsum, 2001; as cited in: Nyamnjoh, 2004)
According to Nyamnjoh (2004) "...the elite have 'often in unabashed imitativeness' and with little attempt at domestication, sought to reproduce, even without finances to sustain, the Oxfords, Cambridges, Harvards, Stanfords and Sorbonnes of England, the U.S.A. And France." (Nyamnjoh, 2004) Education in Africa is stated to have been and "mostly remains a journey fuelled by an exogenously induced and internalized sense of inadequacy in Africans, and endowed with the mission of devaluation or annihilation of African creativity, agency and value systems." (Nyamnjoh, 2004)

It is related by Nyamnjoh (2004) that the process of cultural uprooting of Africans "has been achieved often through literally uprooting children of the well-off from their communities and nurturing them in boarding schools" and as stated in the work of Mamdani (1990)…...



Haileselassie Teklehaimanot Haileselassie, Ph.D. (nd) Ethiopia Center for Educational Information.  http://chora.virtualave.net/culturalfoundation.htm 

Tessema, Kedir Assefa (2007) Clinging to the Managerial Approach in Implementing Teacher Education 'Reform' Tasks in Ethiopia. International Journal of Progressive Education, Vol. 3 No. 3, 2007.

Mamdani, M. (1990) the Intelligentsia, the State and Social Movements: Some Reflections on Experiences in Africa. Kampala, Centre for Basic Research.

Ngugi wa Thiong'o (1997) Detailed: A Writer's Prison Diary in R.R. Grinker and C.B. Steiner eds., Perspectives on Africa: A Reader in Culture, History, and Representation. Oxford Blackwell Publishers.

Western and Muslim Educational Philosophies the Foundations
Pages: 40 Words: 13134

estern and Muslim Educational Philosophies
The Foundations of Function: Educational Philosophy and Psychology

Meet the Social Realities of ESL Instruction

Education into English as a Second Language (ESL) has become very important in this country, as many people are coming in from non-English speaking countries because they feel that America has much more to offer them. These children are eager to learn, but they often struggle because they do not understand the English language well. Even those that can speak English reasonable well sometimes have difficulties because there are many subtleties in the English language that these ESL students do not understand or even realize. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the ESL education that goes on in the estern world, as well as the ESL education that Muslims deal with.

The similarities and differences will be discussed, and Muslims who come to America will also be discussed. It is important…...


Works Cited

Bashir-Ali. K. (2003). Teaching Muslim girls in American schools. Social Education.

Cortes, C. (1986). The Education of Language Minority Students. In Beyond Language: Social & Cultural Factors in Schooling Language Minority Students. Los Angeles, California: Evaluation, Dissemination and Assessment Center, CSU, Los Angeles.

Designing inset programmes for Muslim schools. (2003). INSET. Retrieved at http://www.iberr.org/inset.htm

O'Malley, M. & Valdez-Pierce, L. (1996). Authentic Assessment for English Language Learners. New York: Addison Wesley.

World Nutrition
Pages: 4 Words: 1035

Food and dietary habits vary from region to region; mostly guided by cultural preferences, access to resources and income levels. It has often found that western countries rarely ever complain of malnutrition problem, while it persists in third world countries. The reason for this is grounded in income levels and access to resources. Most developing countries heavily rely on pulses and beans for calories while most western-nations exhibit a greater taste for meat and poultry. This demonstrates on the one hand, cultural tastes while on the other it also says a great deal about income and poverty. In a report and survey revealed in 1980s, it was found that there existed noticeable differences in per capital supply of calories and protein in different regions of the world (see Table 1). It was observed that developing countries had calories intake 9% lower than the world average. The developed countries on…...



1. Food and Agriculture Organization, 1996a The sixth world food survey. Rome: FAO.

2. Food and Agriculture Organization, 1996b. Food balance sheets 1961-1994. Rome: FAO.

3. Grigg, D. 1995 The nutritional transition in Western Europe. Jl Hist. Geogr. 21: 247-61.

4. Grigg, D. 1996 The starchy staples in world food consumption. Ann. Ass. Am. Geogr. 86: 412-31.

World Trade
Pages: 1 Words: 441

Trade Agreements
There are significantly more trade agreements in the world than I would have predicted. A list of final agreements between the United States and individual countries indicates that the United States alone has trade agreements with nations ranging from Argentina to Zimbabwe, and an impressive number of other countries, including Canada, Brazil, Taiwan, ussia, Mongolia, Korea, Jordan, and Ghana (Foreign Agricultural Service). Other countries have similarly large numbers of agreements (Government of Alberta). Trade agreements in the future are likely to become more prominent, given the increasing pressures of globalization. As such, countries with reciprocal trade agreements are likely to be more economically viable than those that tend to isolate themselves from trade in an increasingly interdependent world.

International politics are linked closely to international trade. Often, it is difficult to distinguish whether politics or trade takes the lead in global affairs. As an example, many Western countries have long…...



Foreign Agricultural Service, United States Department of Agriculture. Trade Agreements. FAS Online. Last modified: Wednesday, May 12, 2004. 04 June 2004.  http://www.fas.usda.gov/itp/agreements.html 

Government of Alberta. Free Trade Agreements: Free Trade Agreements and the World Trade Organization (WTO). Agriculture, Food, and Rural Development. 04 June 2004.  http://www1.agric.gov.ab.ca/$department/deptdocs.nsf/all/psc8323?opendocument 

U.S. Canada Partnership for Growth. The Lumber Tariff Dispute - Let's Work it Out. 04 June 2004.  http://www.partnershipforgrowth.org

WWI Analysis Examining the Significance and Impact of WWI on U S History
Pages: 4 Words: 1160

World War Analysis
WWI analysis examining the significance and impact of WWI on U.S. history

In the early 20th Century, a general fear existed that a huge war would break out due to the circumstances existing at that time and therefore every small incident was considered deadly. However the triggering factor was the assassination of Austrian Archduke Ferdinand in June 1914 resulting in World War I (WWI) or the Great War. WWI took place from 1914 to 1918 and major countries took part in it; war resulting in drastic consequences such as collapse of economies and death of millions of people. The two main groups fighting against each other were Triple Alliance and Triple Entente (also known as the Western Powers). The U.S. did not participate in the war in the beginning and tried its best to remain neutral. However, it was forced to join the Triple Entente when German submarines sank…...

WWI the Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
Pages: 5 Words: 1553

The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife represented a culmination of several concurrent forces, all of which led to the outbreak of World War. The concurrent forces that led to World War One can be loosely grouped under the following categories: nationalism, imperialism, and militarism. Within each of these categories are ample sub-categories that can testify to the extent of forces that shaped the pre-war conditions throughout not just Europe but the entire world. World War One was a total war for many reasons: it involved serious civilian casualties on a horrific scale for all parties. The Great War also brought to light the impact of globalization on the global economy and political enterprise. Nationalism, imperialism, and militarism all played a part in shaping participation in World War One; the effects of which continue to reverberate.

As Marshall (2001) points out, "Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy were all creations of…...



Allan, T. (2003). The Causes of World War I. Chicago: Reed Elsevier.

Bosco, P., & Bosco, A. (2003). World War I. Infobase.

Heyman, N.M. (1997). World War I. Greenwood.

Marshall, S.L.A. (2001). World War I. New York: First Mariner.

Western Civ the Concept of
Pages: 2 Words: 602

Asian, African and other non-white cultures were to be subjected to military, governmental, economic and missionary domination in order to help raise the world's positive reflection of the implied benefits of Western Civilization.
The absence of truly formal correlation between Western Culture and any one culture has become more apparent in the last century especially. During the Cold War struggle between the United States and the Soviet Union, the idea of West vs. East became inextricably linked to a new conception of nation-building. Here, imperialist models were adapted which saw the two forms of government and lifestyle (i.e. capitalism and communism) engage in an effort at global domination of ideology and economic framework. The premise which drove forward the United States and its allies was this adopted notion of Western Civilization as reflecting modernity, moral progressivism and an inherent dispensation of Enlightenment principles.

Naturally, as memory of such Cold War struggles…...

Research Paper Help: What is the history of nursing in Ghana?
Words: 379

What is the history of nursing in Ghana?

Many articles that explore the history of nursing are very focused on the evolution and history of nursing in the Western world, which leads people to mistakenly conclude that nursing evolved in the West and then was transported to other parts of the world, including Ghana.  On the contrary, Ghana has a rich tradition of nurses as healthcare practitioners and the profession evolved in Ghana alongside developments in other parts of the world. The history of nursing in Ghana may not contain any figures as....

How did the industrial revolution transform lifestyle and family dynamics?
Words: 454

Transformation of Lifestyle and Family Dynamics during the Industrial Revolution
The Industrial Revolution, an era of profound technological advancements that propelled the Western world from agricultural societies into urbanized industrial centers, brought about transformative changes in lifestyle and family dynamics.
1. Urbanization and Migration:
The Industrial Revolution led to the rapid growth of cities as factories and mills proliferated. People embarked on a mass migration from rural areas to urban centers in search of employment. This influx of workers resulted in the formation of dense and crowded neighborhoods, vastly different from the traditional agrarian setting.
2. Division of Labor and Specialization:
The mechanization of factories....

How has El Anatsui revolutionized contemporary African art through his innovative use of found materials and transformative installations?
Words: 477

El Anatsui has revolutionized contemporary African art in several ways through his innovative use of found materials and transformative installations. One of the key ways he has done this is by challenging traditional notions of what art materials can be and how they can be used. By using discarded objects such as bottle caps, aluminum foil, and discarded metal pieces, El Anatsui has shown that ordinary materials can be transformed into something extraordinary. This challenges the idea that art materials must be expensive or difficult to obtain in order to create artwork of value.

Furthermore, El Anatsui's use of found materials....

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