Women In Combat Essays (Examples)

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Women in Combat Throughout the World the
Pages: 6 Words: 2179

Women in Combat
Throughout the world, the issue of women in the military has created a relatively constant dilemma throughout the past century or so. This has been particularly the case in Australia, where women are barred from entering the military in the infantry or special forces. It has been against the policy of the Australian Defence Force (ADF) to allow women to participate in the military in this way for several reasons. There have, however, been increasing calls for the admittance of women in these capacities, as it is increasingly evident that women and men have at least the same physical and psychological capabilities, whether in peacekeeping or combat situations. However, opponents note that there are several good reasons for not yet allowing this. One argument holds that the Australian public is not ready to see their daughters, wives, and mothers return injured, maimed, or dead from combat situations. It…...



Adamis, P. (2011, Apr. 19). Can we afford to see Australian combat women die in front lines? Abalinx. Retrieved from:  http://abalinx.com/wordpress/blog/2011/04/19/can-we-afford-to-see-australian-combat-women-die-in-the-front-lines/ 

Baker, H. (2006, Mar. 14). Women in Combat: A Cultural Issue? USAWC Strategy Research Project. Retrieved from:  http://www.dtic.mil/cgi-bin/GetTRDoc?Location=U2&doc=GetTRDoc.pdf&AD=ADA449305 

Dodd, M. (2011, Apr. 12). Combat roles offered to women. The Australian. Retrieved from:  http://www.theaustralian.com.au/national-affairs/combat-roles-offered-to-women/story-fn59niix-1226037485919 

Nicholson, B. And Dodd, M. (2011, Apr. 13). A woman's place is in combat. The Australian. Retrieved from:  http://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/features/a-womans-place-is-in-combat/story-e6frg6z6-1226038108693

Women in Combat Units Women
Pages: 12 Words: 4690

If a standard for mid life career consideration is done, most women will be eliminated. (Loy, 47)
Social Issues

Family life and the natural obligations to the family, between the career and home could be frustrating and tense. This is because one cannot have a 'day off' when the family requires it in the case of a service woman in the Army. Deployment could be at far away places which could result separation and anxiety for the family. The Canadian army employs women in its units ever since the last century. The report is that there are issues of juggling between home and career. "Issues such as child care, spousal employment, and lack of geographic stability, pregnancy leave, and single parenthood are all factors that contribute to the departure of women from the force." (Backgrounder: Women in the Canadian Forces) One of the studies conducted on the issue in Canada suggest…...



Binkin, Martin. Who Will Fight the Next War?: The Changing Face of the American Military

Brookings Institution Press. 1993.

Boot, Max; Kirkpatrick, Jeane J. Gay or Female, Uncle Sam Should Want You. Los Angeles

Times. May 26, 2005. pp: 7-8.

Women in Combat Women Have
Pages: 5 Words: 1528

After Michelle Witmer was killed in combat in Iraq, on April 9, 2004, her sisters of whom were also in the military wondered if they should return back to Iraq, after a time of leave. They decided to not go back. Her sisters, Charity and achel, remember the closeness that they developed with their unit and felt that they could not let them down. They felt a sense of camaraderie; however, they felt that they would not have been able to hold it together for their unit and felt they may have a meltdown. The two sisters expressed how important family was and that they would be better off staying home as they were grieving for their beloved sister. They remember their sister as making a difference in people's lives ("She had," 2004).


Chancey, M.L. (2003). When mamma wears combat boots. etrieved June 17, 2005,

from Forum on Women in the Military…...



Chancey, M.L. (2003). When mamma wears combat boots. Retrieved June 17, 2005,

from Forum on Women in the Military Website:


Donnelly, E. (2005) Army plays games with women-in-combat rule. Human Events, 61

The Effect of Integration on Ci Humint Collection Women in Combat
Pages: 20 Words: 20308

Women in Combat: The Effect of Integration on CI/HUMINT Collection
The Effect of Integration on CI/HUMINT Collection: Women in Combat

Key Words: #Combat # Integration # CI/HUMINT

The success of any counterinsurgency operation depends largely on the effectiveness and appropriateness of intelligence gathered. Human subjects are a crucial source of intelligence for counterinsurgency operations. ecently, the Pentagon announced its plan to open up all ground combat roles that had previously been closed to women by January 1st, 2016. Based on this announcement, this thesis seeks to establish how one specific area of counterinsurgency operations -- CI/HUMINT collection -- stands to benefit from the integration of women into the combat environment.

Women in Combat: The Effect of Integration on CI/HUMINT Collection


The success of any counterinsurgency operation depends partly on the effectiveness of the intelligence function driving the operation (Goh, Hao & Tay, 2008). Simply stated, intelligence is foreknowledge that assists military forces in organizing themselves…...



Alderman, M. I. (1993). Women in Direct Combat: What is the Price for Equality? School for Advanced Military Studies Monograph, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas.

Al-Ali, N. & Pratt, N. (2009). What Kind of Liberation: Women and the Occupation of Iraq. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.

Bartone, P.T. Johnsen, B.H. Eid, J. Brun, W. & Laberg, J.C. (2002). Factors Influencing Small-Unit Cohesion in Norwegian Navy Officer Cadets. Military Psychology, 14(1), 1-22.

Beal, D.J. Cohen, R.R. Burke, M.J. & McLendon, C.L. (2003). Cohesion and performance in groups: A meta-analytic clarification of construct relations. Journal of Applied Psychology, 88, 6, 989-1004

The Effect of Integration on Ci Humint Collection Women in Combat
Pages: 70 Words: 20780

Women in Combat: The Effect of Integration on CI/HUMINT Collection
The Effect of Integration on CI/HUMINT Collection: Women in Combat

Key Words: #Combat # Integration # CI/HUMINT

The success of any counterinsurgency operation depends largely on the effectiveness and appropriateness of intelligence gathered. Human subjects are a crucial source of intelligence for counterinsurgency operations. ecently, the Pentagon announced its plan to open up all ground combat roles that had previously been closed to women by January 1st, 2016. Based on this announcement, this thesis seeks to establish how one specific area of counterinsurgency operations -- CI/HUMINT collection -- stands to benefit from the integration of women into the combat environment.

Women in Combat: The Effect of Integration on CI/HUMINT Collection


The success of any counterinsurgency operation depends partly on the effectiveness of the human intelligence function driving the operation. Simply stated, intelligence is foreknowledge that assists military forces in organizing themselves for optimal employment (Giglio,…...



Alderman, M. I. (1993). Women in Direct Combat: What is the Price for Equality? School for Advanced Military Studies Monograph, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas.

Bartone, P.T. Johnsen, B.H. Eid, J. Brun, W. & Laberg, J.C. (2002). Factors Influencing Small-Unit Cohesion in Norwegian Navy Officer Cadets. Military Psychology, 14(1), 1-22.

Beal, D.J. Cohen, R.R. Burke, M.J. & McLendon, C.L. (2003). Cohesion and performance in groups: A meta-analytic clarification of construct relations. Journal of Applied Psychology, 88, 6, 989-1004

Burleson, B. R., Kunkel, A. W., Samter, W. & Working, K. J. (2006). Men's and Women's Evaluations of Communication Skills in Personal Relationships: When Sex Differences Make a Difference and when they don't. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 13(2), 201-224.

Policy Briefing Regarding Women in Combat Positions
Pages: 1 Words: 437

Policy Briefing Regarding Women in Combat Positions
Women in the military can be as effective in combat as their male counterparts, however policies need to be in place to address issues inherent in the argument, such as physical strength and pregnancy.

Women have a long history as participants in battle.

Joan of Arc successfully led 1429 French men in battle against the English

Women often disguised themselves as men and participated in the Revolutionary and Civil wars.

In 1942 separate military duties and roles for women were established.

Women were no longer allowed to pilot aircraft.

Women were restricted from potentially hostile situations.

Recent legislation has caused the position on women's roles in combat to be re-examined.

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which ensures all individuals are treated equally before the law with respect to civilian employment, does not apply to the military profession.

In 1992, the Defense Authorization Act repealed the combat exclusion law for…...

Woman in the Military Although Their Numbers
Pages: 4 Words: 1435

Woman in the Military
Although their numbers are still disappointingly small, military women now serve with distinction in every service. The women who served in Operation Desert Storm flew planes into enemy territory, fired weapons, commanded combat support units, ferried troops in to the combat zone and carried them fuel and supplies. At the end of the war, Secretary of Defense Dick Cheney applauded the women's performance: "They did a bang up job....They were every bit as professional as their male colleagues." He also noted that he "wouldn't be at all surprised to see the role of women in combat expanded in the year ahead." Yet, more than a decade later, women are still prohibited from direct combat. Recently, Jessica Lynch's actions on the battlefield in Iraq are once again fueling the debate over the role of women in the military. Many are in favor of letting women join men assigned…...



Active Duty Servicewomen by Branch of Service and Rank, 2001." Infoplease. 23 May 2003.  http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0004600.html .

Hoar, William P. "Case Against Women in Combat." The New American. 8 Feb. 1993. Vol. 9,

No. 03. 23 May 2003.  http://www.thenewamerican.com/tna/1993/vo09no03/vo09no03_women_combat.htm .

Jones, Rebecca. "Women in the Face of War." Oak Park and River Forest. 23 May 2003. pretations/2000interp/Jones, Rebecca.doc+military+and+%22combat+exclusion%22+and repeal&hl=en&ie=UTF-8http://

Women in the Military Benefits
Pages: 2 Words: 772

It has been observed that units that have female soldiers in them are better behaved and have less discipline issues than those units that are all male. It is felt that this contributes to the overall readiness of the units, making them more productive and less distracted. Senior leaders feel that this is a win, win situation for everyone involved (Putko & Johnson, 2008).
A fourth benefit is that of having female soldiers in the places where they are needed most. There are times when situations call for things to be done that only a female can do. For example if there is a time when a female prisoner needs to be searched, this is something that should not be done by a male soldier, but is better of done by a female. If there are no female soldiers in the combat zones where the action is happening, who is…...



Eberhart, D. (2004, December 10). Pentagon Wants Women in Combat. Retrieved February 21, 2009, from Newsmax.com Web Site: http://archive.newsmax.com/archives/articles/2004/12/9/133043.shtml

Putko, M., Johnson, D. (Eds.). (2008). Women in Combat Compendium. Retrieved February 25, 2009 at http://www.strategicstudiesinstitute.army.mil/pubs/display.cfm?pubID=830

Women in History Problem of
Pages: 6 Words: 2121

Author Goldman continues, "ather than assuming that all women are incapable of performance by virtue of the average woman's lack of capability, specific requirements should serve as the selection criteria, not gender" (Goldman 271). Gender should not matter if it does not matter to the women who want to join.
The government could open up more combat jobs to women to help solve the problem, and women who were interested in combat positions should be encouraged to serve in the armed forces. Indeed, in their own study, the government found that with the right training, women's physical capabilities can increase. Another author notes, "An Army esearch Institute of Environmental Medicine report (January 26, 1996) shows that intensive training of motivated women can increase their physical abilities" (Jernigan 51). Thus, physical limitations are simply an excuse many people use to argue against women in the military. Even the military itself recognizes…...



Goldman, Nancy Loring, ed. Female Soldiers -- Combatants or Noncombatants?: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1982.

Jernigan, Pat. "Women at War: Gender Issues of Americans in Combat." Minerva: Quarterly Report on Women and the Military 19.1 (2001): 51.

Marley, David John. "Phyllis Schlafly's Battle against the ERA and Women in the Military." Minerva: Quarterly Report on Women and the Military 18.2 (2000):

Toktas, Sule. "Nationalism, Militarism and Gender Politics: Women in the Military." Minerva: Quarterly Report on Women and the Military 20.2 (2002): 29+.

Women Serving in the Infantry
Pages: 8 Words: 2412

Female Soldiers in the Contemporary Society

Effectiveness of having women soldiers

Impediments preventing female soldiers from being considered equal

Typical solutions

Education as the solution

There is much controversy regarding the presence of women in the military, in spite of the fact that the contemporary society has reached a particularly advanced level of civilization. Although women tended to be discriminated when being involved in military corps over the years, some situations required their presence and thus made it mandatory for men to accept them. The military in general acknowledged the important role that women can play in the army but there is still a lot to do in order for them to actually be appreciated for their abilities. Education is the key to better integrating women in the military and in order for army corps to be as effective as possible individuals who are part of them have to realize the importance of treating each-other…...


Works cited:

Agosin, M. (2001). Women, Gender, and Human Rights: A Global Perspective. Rutgers University Press

Benatar, D. (2012). The Second Sexism: Discrimination Against Men and Boys. John Wiley & Sons.

Irby, I. "FET' to fight: Female Engagement Team makes history." Retrieved August 14, 2013, from  http://www.army.mil/article/101111/ 

Lapidus, L.M. "How far has the women's movement moved in the last 40 years?." Retrieved August 14, 2013, from  http://www.trust.org/item/20130425123242-hj209/

Should Women Be Allowed to Serve in Combat Positions in the Military
Pages: 3 Words: 963

omen in Combat
The participation of women in the war against Iraq has once again focused attention on the question of women in the military.

Many have argued that because of biology and psychology, women are inherently unsuited for military life in general and to combat in particular. However, this argument ignores how women's participation in the military has steadily increased since the Korean ar. Today, women can now attend public military schools and are eligible for promotion to the highest ranks. This paper argues that as women's role in society continues to evolve, then so must the role of women in the military. This includes allowing women to serve in combat positions during times of war.

Those opposed to women in the military base their arguments on the assumption that biological differences between men and women make women unable to fulfill combat duties. Syndicated columnist Mona Charen, for example, believes in "fundamental…...


Works Cited

Charon, Mona. "Eight Good Reasons to Oppose Women in the Military." In Current Issues and Enduring Questions: A Guide to Critical Thinking and Argument with Readings. 6th ed. Sylvan Barnet and Hugo Bedau, eds. New York: Bedford St. Martins Press, 2004.

Eskind, Amy. "A Post-Gulf Memorial Day" Arms and the Woman." The Washington Post, May 26, 1991. ProQuest Database.

Norwood, Vivian. "Eight Reasons Why Women Should Be in the Military." In Current Issues and Enduring Questions: A Guide to Critical Thinking and Argument with Readings. 6th ed. Sylvan Barnet and Hugo Bedau, eds. New York: Bedford St. Martins Press, 2004.

Women's Isolation Despite Representing Half of the
Pages: 6 Words: 1982

Women's Isolation
Despite representing half of the human population, until very recently women were not afforded the same rights and freedoms as men. Furthermore, in much of the world today women remain marginalized, disenfranchised, and disempowered, and even women in the United States continue to face undue discrimination, whether in the workplace, at home, or in popular culture. However, this should not be taken as a disregarding of the hard-fought accomplishments of women since 1865, because over the course of intervening years, women have managed to gain a number of important rights and advantages. In particular, after spending the nineteenth century largely isolated within the domestic sphere, over the course of the twentieth century women won the right to vote, the right to equal pay and housing, and freedom over their own bodies in the form of birth control. By examining the history of these important developments, one is able to…...



Adams, C. (2003). Women's suffrage: A primary source history of the women's rights movement in america. New York: Rosen Publishing Group.

Chen, L.Y., & Kleiner, B.H. (1998). New developments concerning the equal pay act.

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal, 17(1), 13-20.

Gordon, L. (2002). The moral property of women: A history of birth control politics in america.

Women in the Workforce Training Plan Breaking
Pages: 6 Words: 1937

Women in the Workforce
Training Plan: Breaking the Glass Ceiling at Intuit

Intuit revolutionized the accounting industry with innovative applications that assist with financial analysis and tax preparation. Since 1983 Intuit has been a proud leader providing our most famous products: Quicken and TurboTax to a wide variety of customers from individuals to small businesses and corporations. We have prided ourselves on providing an excellent workplace that sparks creativity and builds long-term relationships. Our atmosphere is one of continual learning and growth.

However, this focus on growth always means that there is room for improvement. The following examines a new training plan to help take advantage of one area that could be improved. Intuit attracts young movers and shakers. However, women have recently complained that their needs are being ignored. The following will examine a plan to include women in the Intuit mix in a way that allows them truly equal opportunities to…...



Intuit Inc., (2008, August 13). Intuit Unveils Small Business Connected Strategy. Intuit.

Retrieved from   li, M., Metz, I., & Kulik, C. (2007, December 4-7) Workforce gender diversity: Is it a source of competitive advantage? Paper presented at the 21st ANZAM conference, Sydney,http://about.Intuit.com/about_Intuit/press_room/press_release/2008/0813.jsp 

Australia Retrieved from http://eprints.qut.edu.au/40898/1/40898.pdf

Griffiths, M. & Moore, K. (2010). 'Disappearing Women': A Study of Women Who Left the UK

Women and Human Rights Summaries
Pages: 5 Words: 1705

Nonetheless, Lu sees some hope for transgressive representations of Asian women in media, particularly in those films which actively seek to explode stereotypes regarding Asian women not simply by fulfilling the desires of a white, patriarchal society but rather by demonstrating full-fledged, unique characters whose Asian and female identity is only one constituent part of their personality and whose expression is not limited to the roles prescribed for Asian women in American media (24-26).
orks Cited

Lu, Lynn. "Critical Visions: The Representation and Resistance of Asian omen." Dragon

Ladies: Asian-American Feminists Breathe Fire. 1st ed. Cambridge, MA: South End

Press, 1999. 184-189. Print.

Mihesuah, David Abbot. "Feminists, Tribalists, or Activists?" Indigenous American omen:

Decolonization, Empowerment, Activism. 1st ed. Omaha, NE: University of Nebraska

Press, 2003. 115-123. Print.

Smith, Andrea. "Sexual Violence as a Tool of Genocide." Conquest: Sexual Violence and American Indian Genocide. 1st ed. Cambridge, MA: South End Press, 2005. 154-162.


Trask, Haunani-Kay. "Introduction." From a Native…...


Works Cited

Lu, Lynn. "Critical Visions: The Representation and Resistance of Asian Women." Dragon

Ladies: Asian-American Feminists Breathe Fire. 1st ed. Cambridge, MA: South End

Press, 1999. 184-189. Print.

Mihesuah, David Abbot. "Feminists, Tribalists, or Activists?" Indigenous American Women:

Women of Today Have Come Along Way
Pages: 5 Words: 1494

Women of today have come along way because society has recognized that they have voices as well as men do. From the entire world, women have maintained their place due to the new customs that have arisen over the years. They have been able to go vote and work, which puts them as equals with men For example, South Korea; there is a female president instead of a make. Therefore, women have overcome the stereotypes that society has created from sixty years ago. No matter what country or culture women are in, it has been proven during the last two decades they are no longer inferior when it comes to being equals with men. In other words, regardless of what society throws at women, they become stronger and more powerful every day.
In Mexico, Mexicans place a high value on family and traditional values. lthough women make up an increasingly large…...


Along with India, South Korea has build up support for women so that they can be equal. The Korean Women's Development Institute or KWDI was established in 1983 to promote women's social participation and welfare by carrying out research and studies on women, by providing education and training for women, and by assisting women's activities. A law passed by the Korean National Assembly in 1982 mandates the KWDI to assist government in popularizing gender consciousness, as well as in promoting gender equality in policy formulation and implementation. Originally under the auspices of the Ministry of Health and Welfare, and then under the Ministry of Political Affairs, KWDI is now being coordinated by the Special Committee on Women's Affairs directly under the Office of the President (South Korea).

KWDI has three anchor programs, namely; the Research Center, the Lifelong Education Center, and the Women's Information Center. The Research Center carries out basic research and policy studies to promote gender consciousness in various fields of society and life as well as to formulate and implement policies that supports gender equality. The Lifelong Education Center provides gender consciousness education, women's leadership training, women's capacity development, and training of international experts. It also hosts international activities, and acts as a comprehensive assistance center for women's non-formal education. Last but not the least, the Women's Information Center produces and distributes information about the research and projects of the KWDI, as well as information about women's issues and concerns. It systematizes and computerizes various kinds of women's information through databases, and provides information service through its library, various publications, and its nation-wide electronic information network (South Korea). Therefore, women in South Korea have become very strong and determined without the help with men which only means they are growing more powerful every day.

In that case, women in most societies were denied some of the legal and political rights accorded to men. Although women in much of the world have gained significant legal rights, many people believe that women still do not have complete political, economic, and social equality with men. In South Korea, through AWORC, the KWDI hopes to share its resource and library holdings to women outside of South Korea, and to make resource and information generated by women's organizations and institutes accessible to the communities it serves. Throughout each countrywomen are becoming more self-made and the only people that they rely on themselves.

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