Xbox Essays (Examples)

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Xbox Price Elasticity Price Elasticity Xbox Price
Pages: 4 Words: 1410

Price elasticity

Price elasticity: Xbox

Price elasticity refers to the degree of responsiveness of consumers and suppliers to price changes: the degree to which the demand or supply of a good or service is affected by changes in price. Although, in general, demand goes up as price goes down and supply goes up as price goes up (and vice versa) for most goods and services, the degree to which this is true is not universal (Elasticity, 2011, Investopedia). Necessities, particularly in the short run, like gas and staple groceries, are less resistant to changes in price than non-necessities. For example, if the price of gas plummets, in the short-term there is only so much 'extra' driving someone can or will want to do. If the price of gas rises, there is only so much driving a person can cut out of his or her life, unless he or she lives in a…...



Brooks, Penny. (2009). Evidence of price elasticity in a recession. Tutor 2 U.

Retrieved September 30, 2011 at 

Chris. (2007). Aspiring economist. Retrieved September 30, 2011 at 

Elasticity. (2011). Investopedia. Retrieved September 30, 2011 at

Xbox and Microsoft Was Microsoft's Decision to
Pages: 2 Words: 742

XBOX and Microsoft
Was Microsoft's decision to enter the game console business a good decision? Based on: Microsoft Xbox Online. University of Michigan Business School Case Study.

The XBOX is now a 6th generation video game console that is manufactured by Microsoft. The machine itself was released in November of 2001, just in time for the 2001 Holiday Season in the United States, then subsequently worldwide. The decision to manufacture and release the system was Microsoft's first plunge into the gaming console market and designed to compete with the Sony PlayStation 2, Nintendo's GameCUbe, and Sega's Dreamcast. By November of 2002, Microsoft launched the Xbox Live service that allowed players to play interactive games online (Gamer's Catch, 2006). Looking at the evolution of the system, however, we now know that the Xbox began to be discontinued in late 2005 (in Japan) and then in early 2007 in North America. The last game…...



Gamers Catch Their Breath as Xbox 360 and Xbox Live Reinvent Next -- Generation Gaming.

(10 May 2006). Internet Archive Wayback Machine. Retrieved from: 

Bond, P. (18 June 2008). Video Game Sales on Winning Streak. Reuters. Retrieved from:

Technology of the Xbox Game
Pages: 3 Words: 941

In later incarnations, Microsoft offered a feature called "Xbox Live. Subscribers have the unique experience of interacting with other gamers, streaming media, and even buying add-ons to games. This differentiation strategy has proven extremely successful, and even in the recession has a record number of sales" (Field, Patterson & Cyndecki 2009).
Microsoft's Xbox team, by virtue of listening to the needs of PC developers, was able to introduce specific innovations that were attractive to game developers. For example, the PIX, or Performance Investigator for Xbox, "allowed a developer to have an unheard-of level of introspection into why a part of the game was or wasn't working. They could pause the game, focus on something as small as a pixel, and see the entire sequence of computations that led to the pixel showing up on the screen at that particular time. No one else had created such a tool" and PIX…...



Field, Caroline, Patterson, Jimmy, & Cyndecki, Chris. (2009). Microsoft's Xbox. Marketing strategies. 

Takahashi, Dan. (2011).The making of the Xbox: How Microsoft unleashed a video game revolution. (part 1). Venture Beat. Retrieved: 

Tishgarten, Tomer. (2011). Why Xbox Kinect technology will be the next frontier for marketers.

Mashable. Retrieved:

Comparing Products or Businesses Xbox Versus Playstation Applebee's Versus Tgifs
Pages: 5 Words: 1269

Products or Businesses
Xbox 360 console vs. PlayStation 3

Gaming systems have been among the very best entertainment resources accessible and lots of individuals purchase one for his or her home. Actually, gaming systems have been extremely popular these days and their popularity have reached a point where every launch of a brand new style of gaming system, shops usually use up all of their inventory (Choosing the Best, 2011).

Nevertheless, there have been additionally different types of gaming systems accessible within the marketplace nowadays that promises to be the greatest. These businesses declare that they promise that utilizing their gaming system, you've got the ultimate video gaming experience. Due to this, individuals often get baffled about which gaming system they ought to purchase (Choosing the Best, 2011).

Two types of firms that manufacture gaming systems that have constantly been competing has been Sony along with Microsoft. The Sony Ps3 and also the…...



Lanterman, A. (2010) Multicore and GPU Programming for Video Games. Georgia Institute of Technology. Available at: 

PlayStation 3 vs. Xbox 360: Choosing the Best. (2011). Available at:

Semico. (2006). Xbox 360 vs. Playstation 3: How-The-Components-Stack-Up. Semico Media Coverage, Gamer Lounge. Available at:

Marketing Audit Is to Analyze
Pages: 4 Words: 1312

Both firms use an array of distribution channels, focusing on large retail stores. There is an Internet strategy for both, focused on the presentation of information. Xbox also allows users to plug their system into the Internet and play games online. Sony runs a similar program called PlayStation Network. Both of these networks feed into the customer service strategy through the use of memberships. Beyond this, there is little in the way of relationship management.
V. The target of the Xbox website is the mass market. Images typically show families and multi-player scenes to reinforce the idea that the Xbox is for everyone. The main benefit being promoted is fun. There are few specific benefits listed and no testimonials on the website. There is only limited contact information provided. The PlayStation website is more focused on graphics and gameplay - indicative of their premium strategy and targeting of hardcore gamers.…...


Works Cited

Sony financial information from Reuters. Retrieved November 13, 2008 at 

Microsoft financial information from Reuters. Retrieved November 13, 2008 at 

No author. (2008). 2008: Essential Facts about the Computer and Video Game Industry. Entertainment Software Association. Retrieved November 13, 2008 at

Pham, Alex. (2008). Games for the Rest of Us. LA Times. Retrieved November 13, 2008 at

PS3 Introduction to Sony Corporation
Pages: 8 Words: 2522

This represents a risky move in this oligopolistic industry. The price of the PS3 was set at $499 for the 20 GB model and $599 for the 60 GB model. The Xbox360 is $200 less and the ii was priced at $250 (Ono, 2006). Sony's goal with the pricing strategy was twofold -- to connote the premium nature of the product and to cover the costs. The cost structure of the ii is less well-known, but Nintendo's business is game consoles. They are dependent on gaining market share, and their involvement in the ii games indicates that console diffusion may be a loss leader to spur games sales. ith the Xbox360, it is widely known that Microsoft is selling the product below cost. They were a late entrant into the console business and as a result have kept prices low in order to gain market share.
ith respect to product,…...


Works Cited:

Sony UK Website: About Sony. Retrieved April 25, 2009 from 

No author. (2008). 2008: Essential Facts about the Computer and Video Game Industry. Entertainment Software Association. Retrieved April 25, 2009 from

Eran, Daniel. (2006). The Next Generation Game Consoles. Roughly Drafted. Retrieved April 25, 2009 from 

Shaw, Anne. (2008). The Gaming Console War is Still Undecided, Wii to Take Lead. eFluxMedia. Retrieved April 25, 2009 from

Club Amazon com Finding the Book of
Pages: 5 Words: 1717

Club /
Finding the Book of the Month Club at the URL given for this assignment was not possible. For some reason, accessing, leads to something called Indeed, appears to be attempting to sell the site visitor the URL to Book of the Month Club - "Domains for sale," yells the header. Is this some kind of Internet skullduggery? However, by going to Yahoo! And searching for Book of the Month Club, one discovers that the URL is meantime, as to which company ( or has the better site and marketing mix - it seems very clear that is far out in front in the sheer volume of offerings for the Web consumer. If shoppers just want books or movies, then is an easy site to navigate. But when looking for clothing, electronics, toys, software, and the kitchen sink, is the…...

SEM if You Had to
Pages: 5 Words: 1874

6. When would you suggest using negative match for keywords? Please give a specific example of a keyword and a related negative match.

The intent of using negative keywords is to trim back the number of items returned in a search, making the results delivered more relevant. The example shown below illustrates how a search of the New York Yankees could be made more relevant by removing the local New York football teams.

Negative keywords: New York Giants, New York Jets

7. Using the information provided in the attached Excel spreadsheet, please answer the following questions:

a. What is the clickthrough rate (CTR) for the keyword, Rock Band 2? Please illustrate the formula used to derive your answer.

CTR = (Clicks/Impressions) x 100

.15 = (16,797/110547) x 100

b. What is the CTR for the overall campaign?

.046 = (575,082/12,282,679) x 100

c. What is the CPC for the keyword, Xbox 360? Please illustrate the formula used to derive…...

PR Strategy of Microsoft Inc
Pages: 6 Words: 1756

Halo 2 was a newsmaker as it is an exclusive game for the Xbox and can be played over its online gaming network. Microsoft's PR reminded everyone of that fact. They also let the whole world know that around 1.5 million copies of Halo 2 were already pre-ordered. The launch was very successful as Halo 2 sold more than 3 million copies within the first weekend.
Damage control is another part of PR. When Microsoft faced anti-trust allegations they initiated a major letter writing campaign to save their image from being defaced. They asked their customers to write letters to the editors send letters to their congressmen and do whatever they could to protect its good name. An important PR move is to make sure that the organization supports the right political party. Microsoft used to be a big supporter of the Democratic Party in the past. However it abandoned…...

Letter of Transmittal the Enclosed
Pages: 5 Words: 1429

Much of the time this goes hand-in-hand with enabling users or readers to easily navigate a website or document, as simplicity makes navigation simpler, but at times these two can also be in opposition to each other. Navigation makes the access of necessary and important information -- from the point-of-view of both the author and the reader -- more likely to be found and obtained, and thus utilized (Markel 2009). Developing visual means to allow for simple navigation is one of the essential goals of document design, and these documents vary in contrasting ways when their success in this goal is assessed.
Xbox Return Shipping

The Xbox return shipping document contains many graphic images that make the process of shipping a game console to a repair facility very easy. At the same time, there is abundance of graphical information that makes the document less simplified and less easily navigable. Though each…...

Sony Microsoft Video Game Industry
Pages: 3 Words: 991

Sony had several strengths when it entered the video game console market in 1995. It had a strong brand image from its consumer electronics business, which translated to the console, as that was also seen as consumer electronics. The company also had excellent distribution channels, again based on its pre-existing consumer electronics businesses. Sony also benefitted from scale, in both production and marketing, as it was a large global conglomerate. So there were several advantages that Sony enjoyed, and these advantages allowed it to gain access to the market, and leverage a strong brand and marketing muscle to gain traction with the consumer base. While it didn't realize it at the time, there is tremendous crossover opportunity between Sony's movie properties and games, and vice versa. Sony countered this by working with many game developers, including the largest ones in the industry. Sony's reputation gave it instant credibility with developer,…...

Apple Has Designed a New
Pages: 14 Words: 4394

There is a risk, however, that the company begins to lag the pace of technological change, and in such a situation would see reduced relevance in its industries. hat the PEST analysis shows is that in general the external environmental forces have either a favorable or neutral impact on Apple's operations. Traditional sources of external risk (political/legal) are minimal and the other key risk source (technological change) has traditionally been an area of strength for Apple. The trends for the future are positive, so Apple is likely to continue to succeed simply by staying the course.
In the external environment, a firm like Apple has innumerable opportunities. The ones most appealing are closely related to either Apple's technology or media properties. Extensions of Apple TV to compete with Netflix could be an opportunity. Video game consoles are a related business where Apple can succeed, just as rival Microsoft has. There…...


Works Cited:

Cavallaro, M. (2009). Nintendo does not console Microsoft. Forbes. Retrieved April 4, 2011 from 

CBC. (2010). Apple's iPhone 4 leads to long line-ups. Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. Retrieved April 4, 2011 from 

Cho, K. (2007). Sony's Playstation 3 wins market share from Wii, Xbox in U.S.. Bloomberg. Retrieved April 4, 2011 from 

Cordes, H. (2010). Baby boom echo boosts population. Retrieved April 4, 2011 from

Skype and Microsoft During May
Pages: 2 Words: 646

ecently, Skype also created a platform for group video, where groups of more than two people could meet with Skype. The company was founded in 2003, with its headquarters in Luxembourg. It is available for free download. Microsoft was founded in 1975 and has since become the world leader in software, services, and solutions for businesses and individual people. It is expected that the acquisition would help both companies to expand their services for the benefit of customers, while also benefiting themselves by expanding their reach across the world.
The potential success of the acquisition depends on a number of uncertainties. The change to cloud-based computing, for example, could result in increased competition. Microsoft's business model may need to change. The company may also face challenges when protecting its property rights or when others claim that Microsoft has violated their property rights. Microsoft could also have security vulnerabilities that could…...



Aggarwal, S. (2011, May 10). Skype Acquisition, Many Synergies for Microsoft. Retrieved from:

Daily News and Analysis (2011). Microsoft to Acquire Skype for $8.5 billion. Retrieved from: 

Microsoft News Center. (2011, May 10). Microsoft to Acquire Skype. Retrieved from:

Juvenile Competency the Author of
Pages: 2 Words: 657

The forensic psychology sphere can use the competency of juvenile discussion in a number of ways. First, any competency hearing of a juvenile needs to take into account that the offender's mind is still forming and finalizing and it is not the same thing as assessing a person who is, for example forty years old. That being said, younger offenders do typically know right from wrong and it is possible in a clinical sense to determine whether the offender is able to defend himself or herself. The rub is that it has to be done in a specific way and in a way that is tangibly different than with typical adult offenders. After all, though, there is not a huge difference between assessing a 17-year-old and a 18-year-old and one of those two offenders is legally and criminally an adult.

Another dimension that is going to be prevalent in a juvenile…...



CBS Sacramento. (2012, July 31). Xbox Chat Leads To Violent Attack In Oakley -- CBS Sacramento. CBS Sacramento. Retrieved August 12, 2013, from 

Harvey, A. (2011). Juvenile Courts and Competency to Stand Trial. Sociology Compass, 5(6), 439-451. doi:10.1111/j.1751-9020.2011.00377.x

Defendants' Rights the Importance of
Pages: 5 Words: 1648

Some of these methods include plea agreements and the disclosure of incriminating evidence, along with witness testimony. Thus, defendants' rights do not tie the hands of officers and the courts because officers and the courts have an arsenal of ways to manage these rights and still perform their jobs.
While the myriad of rights offered to defendants in the United States may sometimes seem like ways to protect the guilty and harm the innocent, this is far from the case. Not only are these rights necessary for protecting the defendant, along with the rest of the democratic society of the United States, but the rights can also be managed through a plethora of legal tactics on the part of the courts and police officers. Established through the Constitution and landmark court cases, primarily, defendants' rights honor the intent of the constitution. Though it is true that some guilty defendants may…...



Cima, Greg. (2006, 21 November). Marijuana charges dropped because of illegal search.

The Pantagraph. Retrieved at

Edgar, Timothy H. Interested Persons Memo. Retrieved November 23, 2008, at 

Farrell, Nick (2008, 20 November). Copper stole my Xbox. The Inquirer. Retrieved at

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