Youth Ministry Essays (Examples)

129+ documents containing “youth ministry”.

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Curriculum 2: Elements

Theological Position:

YM 360's "Elements" curriculum is a web-mediated course of study aimed at courting young church leaders by emphasizing the importance of the Gospels. The theological thrust of Elements is doctrine-intensive. The roles of soteriology and eschatology are significant in the Elements curriculum, which includes in its objectives encouragement of ministerial practice in all walks of life. This denotes a constant connection between the aspirant Church leader and the ord of the scriptures.

Educational Philosophy:

Elements is an explicit course of study, driven by directives and set of materials that are aimed at providing teachers the ability to teach the concept of discipleship and, consequently, providing students with the ability to engage discipleship when at home or otherwise outside of the Church. The philosophy that accompanies accessible and easy-to-use online materials is that one must be able to take these lessons home and practice them in the unpredictable parameters of….

They talk about the value of social ministries, both to the church and to the people they service, and how effective these ministries can be. They ask the question "does faith work?" And answer that in their study of 158 church programs, it does indeed work, and often it works very well. They also offer profiles of the churches they studied to write the book, so the reader gets a feel for the cross section of religious sects the authors studied, and how successful the churches are in their own communities.
Many of the ideas and methods the authors provide aren't new, but they illustrate how these ministries work and who they serve, which is an important aspect of the book. They write, "In a two-step invitational strategy, the social ministry brings beneficiaries into the physical or relational space of the congregation, where they can be encouraged to attend other….

Youth Ministry

Any glancing inquiry into today's youth culture will demonstrate the need for a spiritual revival amongst our youth. The elder generations of this environment have led many of our precious youth astray by providing sinful examples of living and ignoring the higher calling of our Lord Jesus Christ.

The purpose of this report is to describe my personal observations of teenagers interacting in a secular environment. The observations from this experiment are used to incorporate an idea of how the youth culture reacts and is imbedded within the cultural influences that are very pervasive in our world. To accomplish this mission, I chose a local pizza shop, located three blocks away from a large city high school. My first observation was done at lunch time around 11 am until 1 pm on a Wednesday afternoon. I returned that Friday for my second observation. This spot was chosen due to the….

One way that I try to do this is to remember that Jesus gave the emotion of love a central place in his ministry and expressed this love via his unselfish service to those less fortunate than himself, such as his fellow countrymen who lived in poverty. In addition, I currently read and study the Holy Bible whenever I can in order to develop more understanding about the Bible and thus become more Christ-like in my daily life, especially related to my attitudes on certain topics and subjects.
3. Describe your current employment situation:

At this time, I am working at the Korean Church for Children as a ministry director and one of my major roles is to teach children about the Holy Bible and the life and ministry of Jesus Christ.

4. Explain your motivation to pursue a graduate degree at this point in your life and how it could impact….

college major was picked and what career that will lead to. In the second part of the essay describe your most significant contributions to your community.
Evaluating my career decision and how my current activities affect my community.

Selecting the right career will have an impact on your entire life. Sometimes, learning how to volunteer in your own community can provide you with the skills necessary to help you be successful in a future career.

Explain what led to your interest in your particular major and what career you ultimately wish to pursue think that it is important to chose a college major based on your own likes and dislikes and also to consider what industries are doing well in the economy. My college major is twofold: music production and business. I think it's important to have a background in business for any career that I may have chosen. My decision to….

When you really think about the P blunders over the past 25 years, it strikes me that more accurately we should be calling them failures in management, not failures of P," says Professor Broom, co-author of the books, "Effective Public elations" and "Using esearch in Public elations." Surely, the failures have the effect of damaging an organization's relationships with its publics but the P function often is not part of management," says Broom (Garcia, 1990)."

It will be important to measure the constant success or failure of this new strategy. Using all of the above methods to reach new members and reassure current members will provide the church with a solid growth foundation. This will allow the church to move forward and work toward expanding its building program in the next five years.


The Differences Between Marketing, Advertising, and Public elations.(Industry Trend or Event)

OfficeSolutions; 12/1/2000; Hart, ebecca

Search for more information on HighBeam….

Religion and Theology: Church GrowthProblem StatementIt has been observed that good pastoring is often absent in The Apostolic Church of West African diaspora in the United States. Without proper leadership, which is missing in the form of good pastoring, young people do not find a connection with the church, hence are hard to retain. The membership of young adults is witnessed to reduce hurting the church and the Church ministers.The PurposeThe research purpose would be to create awareness about good pastoring and its importance for retaining young church members, specifically The Apostolic Church of the West African diaspora. It would also teach moving the ministers to change themselves and bring good pastoring practices that infuse motivation in the youth during congregations. The purpose is also to test my assumptions about whether good pastoring is missing in the selected church and among its ministers or not.Research QuestionsKeeping the project aims in….

S. were Protestant and that 18% of them mostly converted from Catholicism (Weiss and Solis 2007). The Hispanic population increased by 28% from 2000 to 2005. The survey identified the reasons why Hispanics would not assimilate and integrate easily or smoothly into the non-Hispanic religious culture in the U.S. Many Hispanics have a different approach to religion. They are generally more devout than non-Hispanics. This attitude derives from a mystical experience and understanding of their faith. This faith, in turn, connects powerfully to their language and original customs. Their identity links more with the community than that of the Anglo-Saxon church of the U.S. The Pew study interviewed approximately 4,000 Hispanics nationwide. The broad differences between Hispanics and non-Hispanics in the practice of their religious faith in the U.S. included denominations, faith experience, choice of place of worship, and the use of the Spanish language. About 68% of Hispanic adults….

Personal Position

There are a number of decision-making factors that one should consider when attempting to determine where and what form of education or occupation that an individual should pursue. These factors are generally stratified into those that pertain to the individual and his or her own concerns, those that directly relate to God and God's will/specific purpose for that person, and those that relate to the impact of that decision on other people. After completing the Decision-Making Factors Survey found at the end of Dennis Horton's article "Discerning spiritual discernment: assessing current approaches for understanding God's will," it is quite clear that the most important of those factors for me in particular are those pertaining to my own individual concerns and God's specific plan for me. Perhaps these factors figure most eminently into my own decision-making process because I have long….

Nature of Probable Research

The South Bronx section of New York is among the poorest and most diverse school districts in America. Crime and teenage pregnancy have plagued the primarily Hispanic and Afro-American Bronx community for decades. However, in recent years there has been a concerted effort to curb the dire social conditions and education system. For the purposes of our research we will focus on the efforts to improve the educational system through before school and after school programs.

The probable research will involve studying the effects of before school and after school programs on a low performing middle school in the South Bronx section of New York City. The research will examine the manner in which these programs have been implemented and the students that benefit from the programs. The investigation will also discuss the conditions present in some of the middle schools in the South Bronx and the educational….

Parents Name a Child Jill

Art supplies the vision, and the vision is important, but people must be willing to bring that vision to life. Furthermore, people need to realize that they can bring about monumental change. To remind myself of that, I look to my own ancestors. I am African-American, and my ancestors were able to accomplish so much despite the overwhelming odds against them. If they could surmount the overwhelming odds against them, I feel it would be dishonorable for me to refuse to meet the challenges in my own life. That is why I have engaged in a series of projects that aim to have a direct and positive impact on the lives of the people around me. I had a talk show, "Closer to my Dreams" on WGIV 103.3 FM; the purpose of the talk show was to inspire teenagers to reach for their dreams. I work at Youth Empowerment….

Recruitment and Training of Religious Ministry
Theology, a definition. What does it take to recruit and train qualified members of the ministry today?

Description of Message: A hands-on approach that encourages growth of mind and spirit will provide lay people with a well-rounded vision and the knowledge absolutely necessary to be successful in the church. No two-year or four-year academic program alone can provide lay people with the insight they need to be successful ministers.

Academic Learning

Professional Learning

Interpretation of Results

Modern Day Society: Statistics Related to Religious Affinity

How to spot prospective church leaders

Criticism: How valid are such studies as mentioned above that measure the religious affiliation of the nation? It certainly seems a valid notion that the religious identity of the nation is certainly scattered, perhaps as scattered as the non-homogenous population. However, throughout time people were faced with cultural variety and managed to find truth in the spirit.

Need for Theology to be interpreted….

Marie Corelli writes in her article: Poisoning Young Minds in Nazi Germany: Children and Propaganda in the Third Reich about a math problem taught in the German schools under the Nazi regime: "The Jews are aliens in Germany -- in 1933 there were 66,060,000 inhabitants in the German Reich, of whom 499,682 were Jews. What is the percent of aliens?"(Corelli, 2002).
Another important age group, the youth, received full attention from the part of the Nazis and the first youth organization was established in 1922 and was called the Jungsturm Adolf Hitler. It went through a series of transformations and had several different names, till it finally became the name: Hitler Yugend. y 1935 over a half of the total German youth was member of this organization. After 1939 it became compulsory for the young Germans to join the organization.

It is obvious that children, young people, mothers were only used….

Oganizational Stuctue & Policies
Oganizational Stuctue and Policies

Community centes can be the heatbeat of a neighbohood -- a vibant, enegetic space whee people ae guaanteed a wam welcome, find needed suppot, and exploe options fo impoving thei lives. Yet many community centes ae located in aeas of few economic suppots and substantive need. This means that duing the nighttime hous the community cente may be a pinpoint light in a hazadous o bleak milieu. Staff and voluntees give geneously and happily of thei time at Bightwood Community Cente. Safety fo Bightwood staff, neighbohood membes, and pogam paticipants is uppemost on the minds of the Executive Diecto, the Assistant Diecto, and the Boad of Diectos. Accodingly, a ecommendation has been fowaded to establish a policy equiing staff and othes who ae engaged in pogam activities duing the evening hous to leave the community cente in goups, neve going solo into the paking….

Workers are employed in fisheries, mining, and defense industries while the farmers work in the agricultural collectives. Standards of living are defined by the family background as to the political and ideological heritage. The children of revolutionaries (those who died in the Korean War) are given special educational opportunities at an elite school called the Mangyndae Revolutionary Institute. However, the children and descendants of those who were in collaboration with the Japanese or the "exploiting class" are considered to be 'bad elements' in the society.
North Korea supports equality in aspect of the genders. The employment of women is expected and demanded by the South Korean government and those working with children under the age of four are expected to put the children in permanent nurseries if there is no family to take care of them while the mother works. However, the women are paid less than are men and….

Titles for an Essay on Types of Young Adults at Church

1. The Spectrum of Young Adult Faith: Exploring the Diverse Landscape

2. A Tapestry of Young Adult Spirituality: Uncovering Different Threads

3. Navigating the Crossroads: Types of Young Adults in the Church

4. The Emerging Church: A Portrait of Young Adult Faith in the 21st Century

5. Beyond Labels: The Rich Diversity of Young Adult Christian Experiences

6. The Young Adult Faith Journey: A Spectrum of Beliefs and Practices

7. From Millennials to Gen Z: Understanding the Changing Faces of Young Adult Christianity

8. The Post-Denominational Church: Exploring Young Adult Faith in a Pluralistic Age

9. Faith in....

4 Pages

Mythology - Religion

Ministry Youth Ministry Curriculum Critique

Words: 1014
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Curriculum 2: Elements Theological Position: YM 360's "Elements" curriculum is a web-mediated course of study aimed at courting young church leaders by emphasizing the importance of the Gospels. The theological thrust…

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6 Pages
Book Report

Mythology - Religion

Youth Ministry The Books All

Words: 2053
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Book Report

They talk about the value of social ministries, both to the church and to the people they service, and how effective these ministries can be. They ask the…

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4 Pages


Youth Ministry

Words: 1008
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Jesus Any glancing inquiry into today's youth culture will demonstrate the need for a spiritual revival amongst our youth. The elder generations of this environment have led many of…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Mythology - Religion

Goals as an Educator Describe

Words: 629
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

One way that I try to do this is to remember that Jesus gave the emotion of love a central place in his ministry and expressed this love…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


What Led Me to Choose My College Major and Community Contributions

Words: 744
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

college major was picked and what career that will lead to. In the second part of the essay describe your most significant contributions to your community. Evaluating my career…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Communication - Journalism

Annual Public Relations Strategy for

Words: 1558
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

When you really think about the P blunders over the past 25 years, it strikes me that more accurately we should be calling them failures in management, not failures…

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7 Pages
Research Proposal


Church Growth Religion and Theology

Words: 2022
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

Religion and Theology: Church GrowthProblem StatementIt has been observed that good pastoring is often absent in The Apostolic Church of West African diaspora in the United States. Without proper…

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6 Pages
Term Paper

Mythology - Religion

Mexican Religion in the U S A

Words: 1849
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

S. were Protestant and that 18% of them mostly converted from Catholicism (Weiss and Solis 2007). The Hispanic population increased by 28% from 2000 to 2005. The survey identified…

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9 Pages

Mythology - Religion

Spiritual Discernment and Vocational Counseling Paper Instructions

Words: 3016
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Essay

SPIITUAL DISCENMENT AND VOCATIONAL COUNSELING PAPE INSTUCTIONS Directions: The purpose Personal Position There are a number of decision-making factors that one should consider when attempting to determine where and what form…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Education Nature of Probable Research the South

Words: 1251
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Education Nature of Probable Research The South Bronx section of New York is among the poorest and most diverse school districts in America. Crime and teenage pregnancy have plagued the primarily…

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2 Pages


Parents Name a Child Jill

Words: 829
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Art supplies the vision, and the vision is important, but people must be willing to bring that vision to life. Furthermore, people need to realize that they can…

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7 Pages
Term Paper

Mythology - Religion

Administration Responsibility Spotting and Bringing Up Leaders in Today's Church

Words: 2157
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Recruitment and Training of Religious Ministry Theology, a definition. What does it take to recruit and train qualified members of the ministry today? Description of Message: A hands-on approach that encourages…

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4 Pages
Term Paper

Drama - World

Hitlers' Germany the Role Propaganda

Words: 1434
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Marie Corelli writes in her article: Poisoning Young Minds in Nazi Germany: Children and Propaganda in the Third Reich about a math problem taught in the German schools…

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5 Pages
Creative Writing


Ensuring Effective Safety Policies for Non-Profits

Words: 1433
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Creative Writing

Oganizational Stuctue & Policies Oganizational Stuctue and Policies Community centes can be the heatbeat of a neighbohood -- a vibant, enegetic space whee people ae guaanteed a wam welcome, find needed…

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10 Pages
Term Paper


Non-American Culture the World Outside

Words: 2709
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Workers are employed in fisheries, mining, and defense industries while the farmers work in the agricultural collectives. Standards of living are defined by the family background as to…

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