Naugle, K.A. 2009 . Counseling And Article Review


Regardless of the different roles set by the different private organizations selling tests to professional counselors, the core objective is the same: to ensure the ethical administration and implementation of psychological testing. Some states are beginning to ban the use of some psychological tests altogether due to the potential for abuse of the test or their results. This serves to protect the interests of some clients, but can have an adverse impact on qualified professionals and their job welfare. In particular, school counselors might be professionally hindered if and when testing is banned. The authors suggest that too many limitations on who can administer tests, where, when, and how is detrimental to the fundamental function of counseling services. Assessments are critical for patient outcomes. When counselors do follow ethical guidelines for test administration, they can ensure the...


The authors claim discrimination against counselors who lack certain titles, such as psychologist or psychiatrist.
The authors call for fewer external controls and restrictions on the use of assessments in their professions. There should be guidelines, and controls, to ensure the ethical use of testing. However, testing is essential for counselors to be able to make diagnoses and recommend treatment plans. Without testing, a counselor could be driven out of work. If counselors are deprived of their work, the most at-risk populations would suffer the most because counselors often offer services within the province of schools and other public institutions. When a person who does not have access to private counseling needs assessment, the person may have nowhere to go for help. Therefore, a balance must be found between overly rigid and overly liberal uses of tests.

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