Erin Brockovich The Ethics Of Essay


Chromium 6 is a Class A carcinogen only in "extremely heavy occupational exposure, as when manufacturing it or using it in welding; the exposure in these cases was through inhalation. That explains why the two cancers connect to Chromium 6 are "parts of the body with which air makes direct contact during inhalation," while it is a Class D (no link) carcinogen for ingestion through the water supply (Fumento, "Errin' Brockovich, 2000). The amount of Chromium 6 in Hinkley's water never exceeded 0.58 parts per million, even according to the film -- well below what would produce any side effects at all. There was no commonality of symptoms or suspiciously high rate of one, particular disease, all things that a legitimate epidemiologist would look for when evaluating the carcinogenic potential of the chemical in the water. A January report from Glasgow, Scotland, found "no increased risk of congenital abnormalities, lung cancer, or a range of other diseases" from Chromium 6 and "a panel evaluating exposed residents near a New Jersey landfill estimated that the plausible incremental cancer risk to individuals at residential...


In 1996-Page&E settled the case for $333 million but only because of fear of further litigation. But the real scandal and ethical lapse was on the part of the 'ambulance-chasing' law firm, alleges Fumento, which brought forth the frivolous law suit in the first place. Ultimately, Erin Brockovich "celebrates a real-life trend that presents a greater danger to American society than the movie's villains could even think of: the use of the civil-law system to bypass the legislative process and replace the rule of law with rule by lawyers (Fumento, "Errin' Brockovich, 2000).
Works Cited

"Erin Brockovich Biography." Official Website. April 18, 2009.

Fumento, Michael. "Errin' Brockovich." American Outlook. Summer 2000. April 18, 2009.

Fumento, Michael. "Erin Brockovich, Exposed." The Wall Street Journal. March 28, 2000.

April 18, 2000.

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Works Cited

"Erin Brockovich Biography." Official Website. April 18, 2009.

Fumento, Michael. "Errin' Brockovich." American Outlook. Summer 2000. April 18, 2009.
April 18, 2000.

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"Erin Brockovich The Ethics Of" (2009, April 18) Retrieved April 24, 2024, from

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