Injury Chest Athletes To Perform Term Paper

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About 25% of injuries from motor vehicle accident related to chest trauma. The outcome out of the study made by the North American Major Trauma Outcome Study indicated that about 70% of trauma cases are blunt in nature. About 50% of chest trauma injuries are associated with chest wall. The initial recovery from chest trauma concentrates on the ABCs-airway, breathing, and circulation- subject to all major trauma resuscitation instances. After completion of initial resuscitation and stabilization a concurrent evaluation of a patient is done with suspected chest trauma. Normally chest injuries are diagnosed by chest radiograph alone. The recognition of treatment of chest trauma mostly relies upon a high index of suspicion mixed with the appropriate diagnostic tests. (Lesson 18: Blunt Chest Trauma) The rate of recovery varies from person to person at various rates. The return to normal activities depends upon the recovery of ribs and not by the days of the occurrence of its injury. The objective is to rehabilitate the patient not sooner but in a safer condition. The return to the normal activities with out complete recovery may aggravate...


The health care provider takes out an x-ray to ascertain the healing of the bone before recommending taking part in the normal activities. Participation in non-contact activities without pain in the ribs and without pain while breathing may be permitted. (Rib Injury)

Sources Used in Documents:


Athletic & Sports Injury Treatment" Retrieved at Accessed 26 October, 2005

Rib injuries" Retrieved at Accessed 26 October, 2005

Rib Injury" Retrieved from Accessed 26 October, 2005

Sako, Edward Y. "Lesson 18: Blunt Chest Trauma" PCCU Update. Vol: 15.
Retrieved at Accessed 26 October, 2005
Retrieved at Accessed 26 October, 2005

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"Injury Chest Athletes To Perform" (2005, October 31) Retrieved May 4, 2024, from

"Injury Chest Athletes To Perform" 31 October 2005. Web.4 May. 2024. <>

"Injury Chest Athletes To Perform", 31 October 2005, Accessed.4 May. 2024,

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