Alternative Fuel Cars The Best Way That Essay


¶ … Alternative Fuel cars The best way that we can approach this complex subject is by differentiating the different types of fuels that the cars use since each fuel requires a different type of car and each fuel, accordingly, has its particular advantages and disadvantage.

Biodiesel cars-

Biodiesal vehicles combine petroleum gasoline with vegetable oils. Their benefits lie in the fact that these fuels produce fewer carbon emissions and reduced harmful particulates than does regular fuel. Biodiesel is more cost-effective for drivers than is standard fuel and is also more energy-efficient in its production.

On the other hand, biodiesel fuel is more expensive than standard gasoline aside from the fact that its production would take up vast tracts of land, and farmers may be encouraged to replace food crop planting with biodiesel plants.

Ethanol cars


There are various types of ethanol-fuled cars with the most popular being the ethanol blend, E85 (I.e. The ethanol is comprised of 85% ethanol to 15% gasoline). The fuel is advantageous in that it provides profit for farmers as well as being beneficial for the environment.
On the other hand, some critics suggest that toxic emissions produced by producing this grain exceed the benefits produced from emission results of driving the car. Secondly, ethanol contains less energy than gasoline and, therefore, delivers less on its gas mileage than gasoline does.

3. Hybrid cars

These operate by combining gasoline and electricity. The gas task is supplemented by an electric battery that stores energy during the speeding and slowing down parts of the journey saving the driver significant expenses…

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"Alternative Fuel Cars The Best Way That" (2011, December 14) Retrieved May 10, 2024, from

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"Alternative Fuel Cars The Best Way That", 14 December 2011, Accessed.10 May. 2024,

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