Islam To Christianity. These Two Research Paper

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Contrary to this, Jesus as part of the Holy Trinity, and thus He is same as God according to Christianity (Robinson, 2010). On morals, the Islam religion, takes law and morality as one thing, and that whatever becomes legal according to Islamic region, it binds also the morals and if it is not a law, then it is not moral. This then indicates that Islamic law has control over morality and this remains unchanged irrespective of people or culture. According to Christianity, the laws that govern secular activities are different from morality (Gaudet, Mills, & Ali, n.d.). For example, abortion can be legalized by certain country constitutions, with support from the protestant faith, but when it comes to catholic community, they condemn it. The consideration of morality has definitely changed over time and is subject to location and culture. In addition, Muslim believers do not take pork while Christians do and Alcohol is unacceptable to Islamic religion while Christians condemn its excess consumption. Moreover, Islam do not value the external establish of governance and it acknowledges that human satisfaction should exist in both the visible and the invisible worlds where the Supreme law applies. The secular laws thus if separated from the religion, are not primary. Contrary, the Christian Secularism has a modern interpretation. Initially, the Biblical teachings did not differentiate Church from the secular governance and thus secular law should not govern Christian scriptures but because of the flexibility in the religion, man has influenced to govern the scriptures (Gaudet, Mills, & Ali, n.d.).

Looking at the practices, Muslims do not recognize that there should be a difference between Church and governance and politics should be guided by the religion. Christians believe that the two can take different...


Looking at how the Muslims conduct their rites, the funeral proceedings, start of new life (birth) and charity give-a-ways amongst others are set procedures that do not compromise cultural backgrounds. To Christians, they got their rites such as baptism, confessions that are easily altered as no firm stands on this as cultural diversity may dictate.
In conclusion, the power of the Christian and Jewish teachings, is not superior to the Muslim teachings and what Christianity and Jewish teach, is a belief in gods or god, not necessary according to order of occurrences, but preliminary perspective to Islam. From the Islamic Surah Fateha to the Lord's prayer, the message of adoration, submission and supplications are similar, only the use of different languages. Through the respective teachings on the right practices, morals and beliefs, it is possible to establish the similarities and the differences on the two religions. As these vary across the world, they dictate how the teachings manifest themselves. The Islamic religion is strict on its teachings irrespective of location where else Christianity may lag on some issues as the respective cultures may determine. Thus, Islamic region is supreme in its teachings and does not compromise the message, unlike Christianity.

Sources Used in Documents:


Gaudet, a.R., Mills, R., & Ali S.M. (n.d.). Islam and Christianity: Similarities and differences. Retrieved from

Robinson, B.A. (2010, January 9). Comparing Christianity and Islam: The world's two largest religions. Retrieved from

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