Latin American History As In Term Paper


While this may not sound controversial now, at the time it was, as Brazilian scientists and doctors would typically attempt to conform to whatever had recently been discovered in Western Europe without trying to generate any of their own original contributions to their fields. The Escola Tropicalista Bahiana, on the other hand, would attempt to merge tropical medicine with the latest European advances, in an effort to producing medical advances that catered particularly to the denizens of northeastern Brazil. In doing so, they effectively challenged the dominance of Rio de Janeiro in the medical field. Since they had no official medical base, they utilized the charity hospital in Salvador, where they began teaching and publishing an influential medical journal. They were thus able to make a powerful and effective contribution to medicine from a uniquely Latin American - and specifically Brazilian - perspective. Part II, Question B

After the coup d'etat that would establish General Augusto Pinochet with control over Chile, the new regime executed and jailed many of its opponents. They also limited the human rights of its denizens and carried out numerous assassinations abroad. At least six concentration camps for enemies of the state were established. All political parties were...


The country was then reorganized in to thirteen different regions. A major program of liberalization was established by the new regime, which included privatization of industries. At this point, many foreign multinational companies were able to return to Chile and resume doing business. The main industry of the country - copper mining - remained in the hands of the government, however. In the early 1980s, the country's exchange rate was fixed by the government, which led to a boom in imports and a major blow to domestic industrial production. This resulted in a major economic crisis, during the course of which Chileans tried unsuccessfully to overthrow the regime. As a result of this, restrictions on the flow of capital in and out of the country were enforced. The economy began to slowly recover. Throughout the 1980s, a focus on the development of Information Technology would help the country out of a bureaucratic mess that had previously characterized life there. It made the functioning of public administration and politics a lot more effective. In 1988, it was decided that the Military Junta would suggest a single candidate to lead the country that the voters could either accept or reject. Pinochet was the candidate, and he was rejected by over fifty percent of the voting population.

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