Newport Sex Scandal On The Chapter

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The persecution of those deemed to be potential enemies of the state is nothing new in American society. One does not even have to be labeled or perceived as a dangerous threat to be stigmatized, as with women during the Salem witch trials. Homosexuals pose no tangible threat to society in any way, and yet the Newport Sex Scandal shows how individuals and groups deemed to be deviant can become scapegoats. Likewise, Italian-Americans and other non-dominant social groups have been labeled as potentially undermining the core values of American society. One can be gay, Italian, or gay-Italian; it does not matter what the actual label might be. The concurrence of these two incidents shows that during the early twentieth century, Americans were paranoid about their own neighbors.

In the 21st century, similar situations are unfolding. Persecution of Mexican...


Keeping in mind the events of the Newport Sex Scandal, the ongoing attempt to achieve political parity for persons who are not heterosexual is surprising. That a scandal so nefarious could go on without any real acknowledgment reveals a disturbing undercurrent of intolerance in a society that purports to be among the most tolerant -- if not the most tolerant -- in the world.
The Sacco and Vanzetti trial similarly reveals how the McCarthy witch hunts evolved. Incidents like these will continue to happen in the United States, because of underlying sociological and cultural factors. A heterogeneous society is bound to be threatening to some, especially those who are members of the hegemon. The dominant culture is threatened by diversity, and thus, diversity is labeled as deviant.

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