Nursing Science The Historical Development Of Nursing Essay

Nursing Science The historical development of nursing science can largely be dated back to the era of Florence Nightingale. It is however imperative to note that nursing as a largely independent profession has over the past century converged into a well founded theoretical perspectives culture. In this text, I will develop a nursing science historical development timeline with a mention of specific theorists, theories, years as well as events in nursing history. Further, I will discuss the relationship existing between the profession and nursing science. This paper will also make a mention of how nursing is influenced by a select class of other disciplines including but not limited to psychology, anthropology, education and religion.

Nursing Science: Historical Development

1850 -- Considered by many to be the pioneer of nursing as we know it today, Florence Nightingale joins The Institute of St. Vincent de Paul to start off her training as a nurse.

1860 -- The publishing of the text, Notes on Nursing: What it is and What it is Not by Florence Nightingale takes place. This is also the same year in which Nightingale gains recognition as the very first theorist in nursing. In her submission on the environmental theory, Nightingale was of the opinion that deficiencies in any of a number of factors including light, cleanliness, efficient drainage, pure water as well as fresh air could bring about illness.

1869 -- The American Medical Association (AMA) President, Samuel Gross, presents to AMA a report which largely advances the agenda of nurse training. The report is titled "Remarks on the Training of Nurses."

1886 -- The publishing of the very first American nursing journal takes place. The journal is named, The Nightingale.

1893 -- New York City's Henry Settlement House is established...


The insistence by Lillian Wald that sickness be taken it consideration in both its economic as well as social context informed reforms in health care that were seen to be both pragmatic and innovative.
1899 -- The establishment of the International Council of Nurses takes place.

1902 -- New Zealand's Ellen Daugherty is registered as a nurse hence becoming the world's first RN.

1912 -- On the education front, Queen Elizabeth charters the Royal College of Nursing.

1919 -- Quite a number of countries across the world including but not limited to the U.S. pass the Nurses Registration Act, effectively professionalizing nursing.

1956 -- Columbia University of Nursing goes into the books of history as the very first nursing school in the U.S. To offer a Nursing Masters Degree.

1971 -- America establishes specialist nursing intervention for the dying.

2010 -- Evidence-based recommendations are released by the Institute for the Future of Nursing (IFN). These recommendations are aimed at spearheading improvements in the delivery of health care.

The Relationship between Nursing Science and the Profession

According to Zaccagnini and White (2011), an examination of the definition of nursing as a term is the best way to arrive at the definition of nursing science. In the authors' own words, "Parse (1997) offered a different focus when she wrote that nursing is a discipline organized around nursing knowledge, and the practice of nursing is a performing art." According to Andrist, Nicholas and Wolf (2006), "Nursing science, a basic science, is the substantive discipline-specific knowledge that focuses on the human-universe-health process articulated in the nursing frameworks and theories." The authors further note that as a discipline,…

Sources Used in Documents:


Andrist, L.C., Nicholas, P.K. & Wolf, K. (2006). A History of Nursing Ideas. Sudbury: Jones and Bartlett Learning.

Ferrell, B. & Coyle, N. (2006). Textbook of Palliative Nursing, Volume 355. New York: Oxford University Press.

Omery, A., Kasper, C.E. & Page, G.G. (1995). In Search of Nursing Science. USA: SAGE

Zaccagnini, M.E. & White, K.W. (2011). The Doctor of Nursing Practice Essentials: A New Model for Advanced Practice Nursing. Sudbury: Jones & Bartlett Publishers.

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