Obesity Is When A Person Has An Term Paper


Obesity is when a person has an unhealthy amount of body fat. It causes a person to be overweight in all aspects of the body. There is a lot of body fat due to being overweight. It is important for every human being to have some body fat. However too much fat can lead to a lot of health problems. There are a lot of factors which contribute to obesity. Experts believe that the high calorie diets of our time are to blame for majority of the cases. A lot of people eat food such as burgers, nuggets, ice cream, cake, chips, candy and other various types of snacks. These snacks are full of fats and calories. Eating fatty foods contributes to obesity. Obesity is also linked to the genetics of a body. It can occur if a person has obesity in the family. Fast Food's link to Obesity

People think that the nutritional values of fast food won't harm their health. However they are more likely to increase the risk of obesity due to excessive gorging. According to experts at the medical research council, a lot of fast food is dense in calories. A human being just needs a small amount to increase the calories. Experts believe that fast food can fool people into absorbing excess calories. They feel that the human body was never built to cope with such heavy food. According to an expert, a fast food meal has a very high energy density. It is 1.5 times higher than a traditional British meal and 2.5 times more powerful than an African meal. Fast food can be blamed for obesity and weight gain.

According to Advertising Age, the food industry spending runs about $10 billion per year on its advertisement budget. It has been estimated that McDonald's spends more than $1 billion while Coke spends more than $800 million. The more this keeps up the more unhealthy people we shall have.

Testimonials from experts regarding Fast Food's Link to obesity

Professor Andrew Prentice, of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, has been quoted as "We all possess a weak innate ability to recognize foods with a high energy density.

"We tend to assess food intake by the size of the portion, yet a fast food meal contains many more calories than a similar-sized portion of a healthy meal.

"Since the dawn of agriculture, the systems regulating human appetite have evolved for the low energy diet still being consumed in rural areas of the developing world where obesity is almost non-existent."

"Our bodies were never designed to cope with the very energy dense foods consumed in the West and this is contributing to a major rise in obesity."

Dr Susan Jebb, of the MRC Human Nutrition Research Centre, also quotes

"Fast food companies could play a major part in halting the rise in obesity if they adopted a more positive attitude to healthy eating such as providing meals of lower energy density, appropriately marketed and with point-of-sale nutrition labelling."

"If we're going to stem the tide of obesity, it's important that we don't just swap one unhealthy meal for another.

Research has shown time and again that to maintain a healthy weight, we need to eat foods with less fat and added sugars and to take more exercise."

Eric schlosser quotes "OVER THE LAST THREE DECADES, fast food has infiltrated every nook and cranny of American society. An industry that began with a handful of modest hot dog and hamburger stands in southern California has spread to every corner of the nation, selling a broad range of foods wherever paying customers may be found. Fast food is now served at restaurants and drive-throughs, at stadiums, airports, zoos, high schools, elementary schools, and universities, on cruise ships, trains, and airplanes, at K- Marts, Wal-Marts, gas stations, and even at hospital cafeterias. In 1970, Americans spent about $6 billion on fast food; in 2000, they spent more than $110 billion. Americans now spend more money on fast food than on higher education, personal computers, computer software, or new cars. They spend more on fast food than on movies, books, magazines, newspapers, videos, and recorded music -- combined."(Fast Food Nation, Eric Schlosser, 2000)

Diseases caused by Obesity

Obesity can be very dangerous for a person's health as it can lead to a multitude of diseases.

They are:

Heart disease




Gallstone disease



Sleep Apnea


High blood pressure

Complications in pregnancy and infertility


Heart Disease

Heart disease is linked to obesity. Due to...


This can also lead to a heart failure, angina and a heart attack.

According to the Mayo Clinic, obesity has a lot to do with atherosclerosis. this is when all the arteries in the body fill up with fatty deposits. These deposits also include the arteries in the brain. This can also lead to a blood clot which can restrict the flow of blood to parts of the brain. It results in a stroke. It is more like a brain attack.


Diabetes is a resultant factor of obesity. Obesity is blamed for causing Type 2 diabetes. Experts claim that overweight people are more likely to develop diabetes than normal people. Type 2 Diabetes reduces the body's ability to control its blood sugar. This is because the extra fat becomes resistant to insulin. Insulin is the hormone which allows a body to maintain a level of glucose (sugar) in the body. This allows the blood sugar level to be very high and prevents the cells from getting the sugar they need. This can then result in heart disease, kidney failure, blindness and strokes.


Overweight men are more likely to be affected by prostate and colon cancer while women can be affected by uterus, breast, colon and gallbladder cancer. Most types of cancer are associated with being overweight.

Gallbladder and Gallstones

Overweight people can suffer from gallbladder disease and gallstones. It's very common for overweight people to suffer from such diseases. The probability of the disease striking increases as the weight increases. However losing massive weight can backfire as it increases the chances of getting gallstones.


Osteoarthritis is a dangerous disease. This is a disease which affects the common joint disorder. It affects the joints in the knees, hips and back. Due to the large amount of weight in the body, a lot of extra pressure is applied on the joints.


Obesity also leads to gout. Gout is caused by the high levels of uric acid n the blood system. This affects the joints. It is also known to form crystals which can be deposited in the joints.

Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is a breathing problem which is the result of obesity. Sleep apnea interrupts breathing during sleep. This prevents a person from breathing for short periods during his/her sleep. This also causes a lot of heavy snoring. It also causes the upper airway to be blocked during sleep. It can also cause heart failure and daytime sleeplessness.


According to the Mayo Clinic, it is very risky to have a diet which is full of saturated fats. These saturated fats can be found in fatty foods such as red meat and fried foods. A high fat diet leads to obesity. It also contributes to elevated levels of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol. In some cases it may lead to levels of high density cholesterol. The mayo clinic also states that being overweight has a lot to do with the high levels of triglycerides in the body. These are the form in which most fat exists in food and in the body. It takes some time before these abnormal fats build up a lot of fatty deposits in the body. It can also lead to a stroke and artery disease.

Blood Pressure

The risks of high blood pressure can result in major heart diseases and stroke. Experts state that overweight adolescents are twice more likely to have blood pressure than people with normal weight. High blood pressure occurs when a person puts on a lot of weight. The body gains a lot of fatty tissue cells. According to mayo clinic, the tissue also relies on oxygen and nutrients in the blood to survive. When there are a lot of fatty tissues in the body, there is a lot of demand for oxygen and nutrients. It also increases the amount of circulating blood in the body. The artery walls are not able to take the pressure. The excess weight gain also increases insulin in the blood. Insulin is used for the retention of sodium and water which raises the blood volume. It also increases the heart rate and reduces the capacity of the blood vessels to transport blood.

Pregnancy Complications

Pregnant obese women are more prone to complications in their pregnancy. High levels of blood pressure can develop during pregnancy. This can lead to problems with labor and delivery in the pregnancy. Obesity can also lead to an ovary syndrome which can cause infertility in women.


The most adverse effect of obesity is that I can cause psychological problems such as depression. A lot of people suffer from depression due to their appearance. It causes them a lot…

Sources Used in Documents:


1. Fast Food Nation, Eric Schlosser, 2000

2. Mayo Clinic: Obesity www.cnn.com/mayo

3. BBC Health: Why fast food makes you fat, October 2003

4. Overweight and Obesity, Healthy People 2010: Leading Health Indicators and National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases

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"Obesity Is When A Person Has An", 05 December 2004, Accessed.20 April. 2024,

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