Servant Leadership By Robert K. Research Proposal

Yet, all three of these men are renowned as excellent leaders. As a reader, I was left cold by Greenleaf's hard sell of the servant-leader idea. In fact, even his allusions to Christ left me wanting a greater explanation, because, if I did not have a strong theological background, I probably would not understand how some of Jesus' acts prior to death could be considered servile actions. Conclusion

In this book, Greenleaf does an excellent job of explaining what he means by the term servant leader. He gives an in-depth description of the attributes that he thinks are necessary for an excellent leader. Moreover, he gives in-depth explanations of how servant-leaders can take up the mantle in the existing institutions today and transform them into positive forces...


However, what he fails to do is really explain why servant-leaders are crucial to today's society. He repeatedly declares that they are, but fails to really point out what consequences he thinks will occur if no servant-leaders emerge to carry out his proposed institutional changes. He fails to explain why he believes that today's leadership crisis is attributable to a lack of servant-leaders. In fact, he does not even do an adequate job of proving his theory that there is a leadership crisis, instead putting that theory out there as if it is a proven fact without substantial supporting evidence. Therefore, while this book does a wonderful job of explaining the servant-leader, the reader must look elsewhere to discover if servant leaders are even necessary and, if so, why.

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