Women And Children Research And Essay

Finally, WIC is the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (ohio.gov, 2011). WIC offers programs to ensure adequate nutrition for low-income women and infants, during and after pregnancy (ohio.gov, 2011). WIC also offers referrals for "prenatal and pediatric" health care through Medicaid (ohio.gov, 2011 Identify the philosophical attitudes and perspectives that have led to either the support or lack of understanding for and marginalizing of this group.

Women have faced many challenges that do not generally apply to men, including violence and abuse, low relative wages, unequal opportunities in the workplace, insufficient prenatal and general health care, and a lack of emotional and financial support for single-parenting. Progress along these lines has sometimes been slow due to discriminatory attitudes against: women in general (sexism, or objectification leads to abuse), women in the workplace, women who have children when unmarried, birth control and abortion, and low-income women.

In addition, some critics claim that both liberalism and conservatism can be hurtful to women and children:

"Liberalism approaches people as individuals and is leery of any policies, but especially those with government money attached, that seek to advantage people because of their membership of a group. As a result, liberalism tends to oppose affirmative action program, government largesse for maternity leave, childcare and parenting. Conservatives tend to be supportive of policies that help women as mothers, but much less so of policies that help women in any other role. Conservatives and liberals agree on their opposition to affirmative action in any form and neither group is likely to push for government funding of childcare either-conservatives because it helps women work and liberals because it is yet another government program targeted at special interests." (Staley, 2008)

Identify the types of resources currently available in your area for this population.

All the federal programs mentioned above are offered. In addition, there are church and community programs available such as shelters...


First, it supports proaction rather than complacency by offering "extensive social protection to families when their children are young, and then, by cutting back cash transfers and increasing publicly subsidized day care, promotes the work effort of women when their youngest child reaches age 3" (Hanratty, 1994). In addition, women and children are protected in France by universal public day care, medical insurance, family allowances, and "federally mandated maternity leave" (Hanratty, 1994). Other researchers have suggested policies that force all jobs to be available to women, force equal wages, implement government-subsidized day care, and offer sufficient training programs for gainful employment to single mothers (Antonopoulos, 2010).

Sources Used in Documents:


Antonopoulos, R. (2010). Social Protection for Woman. UN Chronicle, 47 (1), 22+.

Bortz, a. (1980). Historical Development of the Social Security Act. Retrieved 03-04, 2011, from ssa.gov: http://www.ssa.gov/history/bortz.html

Hanratty, M. (1994). Social Welfare Programs for Women and Children. In R. Blank, Social Protection vs. Economic Flexibility: Is There a Trade-off? (pp. 301-332). Chicago: Univ of Chicago Press.

ohio.gov. (2011). Women, Infants, and Children (WIC). Retrieved 03-04, 2011, from odh.ohio.gov: http://www.odh.ohio.gov/odhprograms/ns/wicn/wic1.aspx
US Congress. (2003). KEEPING CHILDREN and FAMILIES SAFE ACT 2003. Retrieved 03-04, 2011, from gpo.gov: http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/PLAW-108publ36/pdf/PLAW-108publ36.pdf
USDOJ. (2011). Federal Legislation. Retrieved 03-04, 2011, from ovw.gov: http://www.ovw.usdoj.gov/regulations.htm

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