Religion The Word Religion Is Thesis


The collective power of communal worship cannot be underestimated. Anyone who has attended a religious service knows that being surrounded by like-minded individuals helps solidify and focus faith. Prayers for the ill and petitions to God seem more powerful when they are collective. Whether through song, chanting, repetition of prayers, or silent worship, communal worship is the key to communicating effectively with God. Worshipping with a community enables honesty, humility, and self-awareness. A community of caring people creates social stigmas and other restraints on deviant behaviors. Those deviant behaviors may be sinful and therefore detrimental to spiritual attainment. Similarly, the act of collective worship creates opportunities for intimacy and honesty. Members of the spiritual group can help each other become better people and more valuable members of their community.


In the Bible, Jesus played a primarily social role by gathering together disparate people around core spiritual principles. Jesus' disciples became the first Christian community and their story survives as one that offers testimony to the power of collective worship. Jesus could not have delivered his message of love and peace without the aid of his supporters, and his supporters could not have spread that word if they were acting independently.
Religion reminds individuals of their relationship with God. Collective worship helps otherwise self-centered people be reminded of their relatively small stature, of their faults, and of their weaknesses. Being willing to become humble and accept life on life's terms is a religious realization and one that only comes from contact with other human beings.

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