1984, Written By George Orwell In 1949, Term Paper


¶ … 1984," written by George Orwell in 1949, is a classic piece about government power and the influence of that power on the lives and minds of normal citizens. Additionally, in the characters and situations within the novel, Orwell's piece also reflects the characters and concerns of life in 1949. From war to invasion of privacy to the rise in technological advancement, Orwell's "1984" clearly speaks volumes about the author's own culture and values. The novel "1984" follows Winston Smith, a member of the Outer Party and a worker at the Ministry of Truth. Big Brother, or the Party, the government, is everywhere in the lives of citizens, as telescreens monitor their every move, and any thought, deed, or conversation that is against the government's rules is punishable by any number of means. The telescreens are in the homes, offices, streets, and even bathrooms of the citizens. As Winston begins a diary discussing his hatred of the Party, and his disapproval of his job function, which requires him to alter historical and news documents to better suit the position of the Party, he begins to realize he cannot be the only one against the government.

Winston finds a companion, Julia, and together they begin to plot against the Party. Their love for one another is strictly prohibited, yet their passion is undeniable. They confess their love for one another and hatred for the Party to Inner Party member O'Brien, whom they think is in the Brotherhoood, an organization against the Party. However, once a part of this Brotherhood, Winston and Julia are captured,...


When faced with his largest fear, rats, Winston is finally broken, and employs the government concept of doublethink, or the ability to hold two conflicting views at one time, and believe in them both equally. He is betrayed by Julia, and in the end, believes strongly in the Party, and in Big Brother.
The portrayal of Winston clearly shows Orwell's own values and belief in the common man of 1949, as well as the values of society at the time. Even the name, Winston, is taken from Winston Churchill, the leader of England in World War II, and the surname Smith is the most common name in England. This, combined with Winston's individuality and free will, and the portrayal of society as a civilized culture with forced democracy, is clearly representative of the people of England and the societal pursuit of propriety.

Even the demise of Winston in the end is a representation of Orwell's distaste for overbearing government intrusion. As a "normal" decent citizen, Winston should triumph at the end, but Orwell sees to it that his readers understand that nothing positive can come from Big Brother. This can be seen as a warning to the future about what Orwell and others in England saw in the late 40's, an expansion of big government.

Other characters in the novel also represent figures in the post-war culture of England. O'Brien, seemingly a father figure and…

Sources Used in Documents:


Orwell, George. "Politics and the English Language." Project for Global Democracy and Human Rights. 1996. World Policy Institute. <http://www.worldpolicy.org/globalrights/europe/Orwell-Politics&; English.html>.

Orwell, George. 1984. New York: New American Library, 1950.

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