Admission For Doctor Of Naturopathic Thesis


If considered for admission for Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine Program, I plan to work hard and diligently so as to achieve my goals while making relevant contributions towards the advancement of the institution's mission. To tell you a little about myself, I am a self-motivated individual with a keen interest in understanding the workings of the human body. I am also outgoing and based on comments from those who know me, I also happen to be a generous and kindhearted person who abhors any kind of human suffering. I believe that my personality, key interests and personal mission fit the scope, requirements and particulars of my career choice. My personal mission remains making my contribution (no mater how small it seems) towards making the world a better place through promoting the right of every individual...


I am of the opinion that should individuals live healthy lifestyles through adjusting their diets, exercising regularly amongst other things; their ability to combat diseases would be greatly enhanced. My mother knew of this concept and she tested it on us numerous times with positive results.
If considered for admission for Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine Program at your institution, I will use the skills and knowledge gained to make a contribution towards the alleviation of unnecessary human suffering through the promotion of health principles aimed at making the world a disease free planet. In my opinion, reconciling both naturalistic and modern medical approaches will be a critical step towards health restoration.

Thank you for your consideration.

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