Admission Essays (Examples)

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Why an NYIT Fine Arts Education

NYIT Fine Arts is a hallmark in the industry in terms of quality programs and faculty excellence. I would like to be able to draw from the knowledge that the NYIT Fine Arts' faculty artists can impart, especially since the faculty complement is recognized as the best in the industry. The same can be said for NYIT's technical facilities, which serve as benchmarks for other institutions. I know that what I have is limited and an NYIT education will definitely fill the gaps in my talents and capabilities.

NYIT's goal is directly supportive of my purpose in life. I believe NYIT Fine Arts can, and definitely will, not only "make me as good as I can be" but also "turn me into the best that I can be." I believe that NYIT Fine Arts' creative and competitive environment will make me achieve this end result. This….

Admissions Statement
Applicant first and last names

Supporting Statement for Post Graduate Admission

Music is my first and strongest love. I spend most of my time listening to music, composing music, learning as much as I can about music, and devoting as much of my life to the pursuit and study of music as possible. Therefore, studying in a course of Music Technology at the post graduate level is the logical course of action for me on my path to achieve my professional, academic, and personal goals. I am a creative and disciplined person with passion, skills, and potential. I am ready to hone the skills I have been cultivating up until this point in my life and dedicate myself to the academic and personal challenges that a post graduate course presents. I have developed a strong skill set, but I am aware that in order to accomplish the goals I have for….

Admission Letter to Wright State University
Thank you in advance for your consideration of my essay for admission. I am grateful for this opportunity and I look forward to becoming a worthy participant in your Master of Science in Nursing program.

Presently I am proud of the fact that in May, 2012, I obtained my Bachelor of Science in Nursing from Ohio State University. Moreover, I am full of pride and sincerely humbled by my new assignment to teach as an adjunct clinical instructor at Rhodes College in Memphis, beginning in January, 2012. I am fully familiar with Rhodes College because I served as a preceptor for final quarter and semester students beginning in May 2009 -- and I will continue in that position through December 2012.

These opportunities have come my way because of my life-long commitment to excellence and thoroughness in everything I have done.

Indeed, in my adult life I have….

Admissions Statement (250)
Some careers are professions, others are callings. I am called to the career of social work because I believe it provides some of the best opportunities to help people who are in crises or transition and to provide that help in a constructive and relatively rapid manner. I began studying in the summer of 2006 at Somerset Community College. I stayed at Somerset and obtained an Associate Degree in Business Administration. In 2009, I returned to Australia, my country of origin, and enrolled in a Bachelor of Arts program, majoring in Sociology. Not surprisingly, my studies in sociology exposed me to social work. Until that exposure, I had thought of social work as an extension of counseling, and, though I knew it was under the sociology discipline, I felt like it was more similar to psychology. However, the greater the exposure I had to the field, the more….

Admissions Summary and Analysis
Postpartum depression (PPD) represents increased symptoms of depression that are correlated to having recently given birth. Although rather un-discussed in mainstream social communications, it often tends to have a relevantly strong presence in new mothers. Its recorded prevalence has ranged dramatically, from some reports of as low as 5.5%, and others as high as 25% (Lee et al. 2011). Various literature also poses the idea that rates of PPD can depend on cultural factors as well, with some cultures having much higher rates of PPD incidences than others. This incredibly variant nature of PPD often makes it hard for clinical practice to understand and predict. Moreover, postpartum depression can occur over a wide period of time, ranging independently based on individual women. Lee et al. (2011) show that it occurs more so in cases of earlier periods after birth rather than longer stretches of time. In fact,….

Admissions Statement

Admissions Statement
I have realized that it is my passion to help people who are not fortunate enough to take care of themselves or their families. This is the reason why I would like to have a graduate degree at this time to gain licensure into the field of Social Work and fulfill my ambition of working as a social worker.

I have chosen macro administration and community practice concentration to focus on for my advanced year studies. The main reason behind this choice is that I would like to further my career and education in the community and administration forum. The mentioned subjects are all about solving the problems of people in general and society in particular. Still, it's my desire to work more towards helping the underprivileged women and children.

After completing my graduation in the Master of Science in Social Work Program at University of Texas - Pan American, I….

Admissions Personal

Admissions, Personal
The optometrists are one of those categories of people that perform quiet miracles. Perhaps not as well-known and acknowledged as the ophthalmologists, the optometrists may, at times, have an even greater role than them, mainly because of a deeper involvement in the patients' problems and a larger spectrum of solutions to solve them.

Life has given me the possibility of experimenting different activities and of having many experiences, which have taught me a great deal. A cheerleader and track runner in my early days, I took contact with life in Mexico and Italy, where I participated in different activities, including construction. However, my cultural needs and expressions were not neglected, as I joined the choir and played in different musicals, such as Peter Pan or Music Man.

My passion for optometry became quite obvious to me later on and I joined the Pre-Optometry Club, in parallel with Kappa Gamma. The pre-optometry….

I am convinced that though the development of critical skills and expertise in the field of Naturopathy is critical and remains my primary goal for joining your institution, I can only be able to transform what I will learn into societal benefits through enhanced interpersonal relations with a diverse clientele.
If considered for admission for Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine Program, I plan to work hard and diligently so as to achieve my goals while making relevant contributions towards the advancement of the institution's mission. To tell you a little about myself, I am a self-motivated individual with a keen interest in understanding the workings of the human body. I am also outgoing and based on comments from those who know me, I also happen to be a generous and kindhearted person who abhors any kind of human suffering. I believe that my personality, key interests and personal mission fit the….

My lifelong dream is to design new medicines, to craft them according to the needs of the human community as well as the demands of the industry. While I love working directly with the public, I know that my talents and my ability to help others lie in scientific pharmaceutical research. I have a natural affinity for lab work and know that I will be able to come up with creative solutions to heretofore unsolved medical problems. My temperament also lends itself to the work of a researcher, as I am patient and can spend long hours spent in silence, with my main daily conversations with colleagues pertaining to lab work.

The knowledge I gain in pharmacy school will lead me toward the exact areas of specialty that I will be able to capitalize on later, as a professional. While in school, I will not only dedicate myself fully and passionately….

Admission Letter Management
Personal Statement

I appreciate this chance to let you know a little bit about myself, my career aspirations, my educational plan, and what admission Regent's College would mean to me. For as long as I can remember I wanted to study business management. My family has a long history of entrepreneurship. My father is in the fashion industry and owns Harvey Nichols, Mothercare, Laura Ashley and Brandrom stores in Turkey. My career goal is to become an integral part of the family business and continue in my father's footsteps. To accomplish this I plan to spend the next four years studying business management.

While in high school my interest in the family business led me to work closely with my father in order to learn as much as possible. I spent many hours learning the intricacies of the fashion industry and began the process of gaining the knowledge and skills….

Patrick Bradshaw, because his research is currently focused on the study of mitochondrial dysfunction with age; (2) Dr. Meera Nanjundan, because her ongoing studies into the chromosomal imbalances associated with human lung cancer provide a perfect opportunity to apply my previous academic experience in the study of the biology of cancer in connection with my master degree; and (3) Dr. Lindsey Shaw, because he is studying molecular regulation of the pathogenesis of Staphylococcus aureus and Bacillus anthracis.
n the 2005-2006 academic year, attended the following conferences at the King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Center, in furtherance of my education and my long-term professional goals: (1) "Update in Oncologic & Molecular Pathology" and (2) "The Genetics of Neurodevelopmental Disorders" (lecture). During that same time period also participated in the formal Medical Technology Student Meeting and at the King Fahad Medical Research Center. That year was….

This passion of mine showed up early; my mother still tells the story of how at four years old I managed to take the back off of a portable radio. I did not tear apart the insides, but sat there studying them for a very long time before slowly beginning to pull the individual pieces out. I was not able at the time, of course, to understand what was happening inside the radio, but my quest to figure everything out had begun.

My passion for thinking continued to lead me into many interesting observations and discoveries, and my favorite pursuits have always been those that have practical applications in the real world. During my brief stint as a paperboy, I spent two hours my first day riding my bike around my route and deciding on the most efficient way to deliver the papers. It only took me half an hour to….

Besides independently conducting group sessions with children who are moderate-to-advanced swimmers, Jane also demonstrated a talent for working with individual high-need children requiring one-on-one attention. Jane is particularly skilled at dividing her time and attention efficiently to different levels of swimmers and routinely managed to include older, high-need swimmers within her beginner-level classes without detracting from the quality of instruction provided to swimmers of different ages and levels of proficiency, including first-time swimmers. As apart of our Big Brother/Big Sister program, Jane tutors the students in the 7 -9 age group in the YCA after-school program. Currently, Jane has one Little Sister to whom Jane regularly provides homework assistance in addition to taking her on play dates twice a month. It is obvious that the two of them share a very close, special bond and to Jane's credit, she has already made plans to continue mentoring her Little Sister….

On the successful completion of the programme, I will also be well prepared to undertake careers in other areas including consulting, education, planning and design as well as green business. In the long run, I seek to be a recognized figure on the international front on issues relating to environmental sustainability. To be an environmental leader of the future, I will need proficiency across disciplines concerning themselves with both environmental and ecological sustainability in addition to having a bias on management skills and analytical techniques. An MSc in Environmental Management will be a timely step towards this end. It is important to note that the environmental management arena is fast changing based on the growing complexity of the highly dynamic modern world. By undertaking an MSc in Environmental Management, I will be able to play a critical role in the enhancement of the quality of the environment in which….

Admissions have had a recurring dream in which I sit in a classroom, my desk facing everyone else's. All the other students and the instructor are staring at me, their heads twice the size of mine. Sometimes several of the kids start pointing at me, and the entire room then erupts in laughter. They mock me and tease me and all I can do is sit there; I'm paralyzed and can't move.
A wake up from these dreams feeling frightened and ashamed. There is something wrong with me, I think. These dreams reflect my anxiety about fitting in and being accepted. They also illustrate my main weakness of character: low self-esteem. Although I put on a good front and have a great circle of supportive friends and family, I often feel like an outcast, or worse, like my life has no meaning. Disguising my inner turmoil with smiles, good humor, and….

How to approach a future plans essay depends on the exact prompt used in the essay.  So, the first thing that you want to do is to make sure that you understand the question.  The first thing to do is to consider your audience? Are you writing a future plans essay for college admissions, for a scholarship, or as part of the interview process for an internship or job?  You want to make sure and write your essay with your audience in mind; your future plans need to align with the plans that the audience may have....

This prompt appears to be related to a graduate school admission essay and should, ideally, draw upon your personal experience.  It is difficult to advise you about what to write, because we simply do not have the information from you to answer those questions.  Are you going to be in the same field?  Are you entering the business world for the first time?  What has led you to choose this particular career?  Graduate school admission essays are a little different from college admission essays, because they are a little easier for admissions offices to fact-check.  


Social class is an incredibly complex concept.  Many people assume that it is primarily defined by socioeconomic status.  However, while wealth or the lack thereof may play some role in determining social class, it is not the only determinant.  Other factors in addition to class can help determine social stratification.  In the United States, this concept can often be looked at new money versus old money.  If these delineations are preset, is social mobility even possible? 

To really understand this issue, it is important to look at the concept of social class and stratification.  Social class....

A reflective letter should accomplish several tasks at once.  Because it is reflective, it should describe something personal to you.  Usually, those are going to be your thoughts on the subject, though it may also include some of your experiences.  For example, in an essay about your growth as a writer after participating in a particular course, you could give examples of experiences you had during the course. Because it is a letter, it should be structured differently than a reflective essay.  You want to include the traditional parts of a letter, including....

2 Pages
Term Paper


Admission to Fine Arts Career

Words: 669
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Why an NYIT Fine Arts Education NYIT Fine Arts is a hallmark in the industry in terms of quality programs and faculty excellence. I would like to be able to…

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2 Pages


Admissions Statement Applicant First and Last Names

Words: 611
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Admissions Statement Applicant first and last names Supporting Statement for Post Graduate Admission Music is my first and strongest love. I spend most of my time listening to music, composing music, learning…

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2 Pages


Admission to MSN Education Program

Words: 618
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Admission Letter to Wright State University Thank you in advance for your consideration of my essay for admission. I am grateful for this opportunity and I look forward to becoming…

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2 Pages
Admission Essay


Admissions Statement 250 Some Careers Are Professions

Words: 586
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Admission Essay

Admissions Statement (250) Some careers are professions, others are callings. I am called to the career of social work because I believe it provides some of the best opportunities to…

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10 Pages
Admission Essay


Admissions Summary and Analysis Postpartum Depression PPD

Words: 3158
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Admission Essay

Admissions Summary and Analysis Postpartum depression (PPD) represents increased symptoms of depression that are correlated to having recently given birth. Although rather un-discussed in mainstream social communications, it often tends…

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3 Pages
Admission Essay

Family and Marriage

Admissions Statement

Words: 977
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Admission Essay

Admissions Statement I have realized that it is my passion to help people who are not fortunate enough to take care of themselves or their families. This is the reason…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Admissions Personal

Words: 575
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Admissions, Personal The optometrists are one of those categories of people that perform quiet miracles. Perhaps not as well-known and acknowledged as the ophthalmologists, the optometrists may, at times, have…

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2 Pages


Admission for Doctor of Naturopathic

Words: 617
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Thesis

I am convinced that though the development of critical skills and expertise in the field of Naturopathy is critical and remains my primary goal for joining your institution,…

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3 Pages


Admissions First Laid Eyes on

Words: 1000
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

My lifelong dream is to design new medicines, to craft them according to the needs of the human community as well as the demands of the industry. While I…

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1 Pages

Business - Management

Admission Letter Management Personal Statement I Appreciate

Words: 381
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Essay

Admission Letter Management Personal Statement I appreciate this chance to let you know a little bit about myself, my career aspirations, my educational plan, and what admission Regent's College would mean…

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2 Pages
Research Proposal


Admissions - Statement Dear Sir

Words: 553
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

Patrick Bradshaw, because his research is currently focused on the study of mitochondrial dysfunction with age; (2) Dr. Meera Nanjundan, because her ongoing studies into the chromosomal imbalances…

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2 Pages
Research Proposal


Admission Letter Babson College Have

Words: 676
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

This passion of mine showed up early; my mother still tells the story of how at four years old I managed to take the back off of a portable…

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2 Pages
Research Proposal


Admissions - Recommendation Letter Letter

Words: 523
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

Besides independently conducting group sessions with children who are moderate-to-advanced swimmers, Jane also demonstrated a talent for working with individual high-need children requiring one-on-one attention. Jane is particularly…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Management

Admission for Environmental Science Program

Words: 617
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

On the successful completion of the programme, I will also be well prepared to undertake careers in other areas including consulting, education, planning and design as well as…

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1 Pages
Term Paper


Admissions Have Had a Recurring Dream in

Words: 411
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Admissions have had a recurring dream in which I sit in a classroom, my desk facing everyone else's. All the other students and the instructor are staring at me,…

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