Adolescent Bullying Essay


Adolescent Bullying Fact Sheet Nursing


Opinions regarding the etiology of bullying vary. As with many behaviors, there are those that contend that bullies learn and practice behaviors of aggression and violence in the home environment. Some argue that bullies hurt others because they experience abuse in their own lives and manifest their feelings of disgust & horror at their own weakness or vulnerability by hurting others. There are also arguments that some people become bullies because they lack sufficient social intelligence, awareness and skill. They may perceive aggression or hostility in others, including in their words & behaviors, when the person victimized by the bully, truly shows no signs nor has no intentions of violence or conflict. The pathophysiology of bullies includes higher blood pressure, subpar impulse control, and other physical indicators of stress, anger, rage, and even confusion. Those who are victimized may sweat excessively, have anxiety attacks, higher blood pressure, headaches, problems controlling their bladders & bowels, and more. Adolescent boys are far more likely to become bullies than girls, yet the frequency and intensity of female bullying continues to warrant attention & research as it is on the rise. (NYVPRC, 2002) There is also research that argues that males are likely to be more physically violent that females with regard to bullying, but as more research is performed, these figures and assumptions change. The home environment is a key factor in the incidence and prevalence of bullying. Where there is little emotional support, where there are forms of abuse (physical, substance, etc.), where the parents are not involved in the lives of their children -- these are just some of the factors that contribute to the prevalence and incidence of easily angered, pro-violence, impulsive adolescent bullies with low tolerances for frustration....


(NYVRPC, 2002) Statistics vary across countries regarding teen bullying. The percentages of those bullied does not typically exceed a third of the population survey or studied.
2. Differential Diagnosis

Whether we consider the bully or the victim of the bully, on both sides of the conflict, there will be stress, anxiety, and often fear that is experienced. Victims of bullies may not want to attend school. They may be skipping classes or have higher than usual rates of absenteeism or truancy. The same may be said for the bullies. As bullies often have unstable and scary home lives, the bullies may be worried or anxious about the people at home. This may be a parent who abuses drugs and is home alone with a younger, more vulnerable sibling while the adolescent sibling attends school and shows his/her fears by bullying others. Adolescent bullying may refer to bullying that occurs during the stage of development that is adolescents and it can refer to bullying that is specifically performed by adolescents. Adolescents may experience bullying from their peers and from teachers or other staff members they encounter as part of their regular school day schedule. This is yet another reason why bullies and victims of bullies may be quite reluctant to attend school or specific classes with regularity.

3. Evaluation

a. History -- The history of bullying is quite long. There has seemingly always been some form of bullying as part of the social reality or social landscape of childhood and adolescence -- even in adulthood there are bullies and victims of bullying. Even when a diagnosis has made for a victim or a bully, the problem of bullying is far from resolved. What has changed in recent decades is the perspective toward bullying by educators, parents, and researchers. People are not so easy to dismiss bullying as a natural part of growing up. Adults especially are more keen in the 21st century to take it…

Sources Used in Documents:


Coopers, G.D., Clements, T.C., & Holt, K.E. (2012). Examining Childhood Bullying and Adolescent Suicide: Implications for School Nurses. The Journal of School Nursing, 28(4), 275 -- 283.

National Youth Violence Prevention Resource Center. (2002). Facts for Teens: Bullying. Rockville, MD. Available from: 2013 January 16.

The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. (2011). Facts for Families -- Bullying. The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Journal, 80(2011), 1 -- 3.

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