Adolescent Depression Best Therapeutic Treatment Term Paper

Caregivers should thus be on the alert for symptoms of depression in these teens. Studies confirm that adolescent's perceptions of their disorder and care may affect attitudes and treatment outcomes (Slimmer, 2005). Because of this it is important that counselors work with adolescents to discover acceptable labels for their disorder. Helpful labels are more likely to result in positive outcomes than detrimental ones (Slimmer, 2005). Richmond & Rosen (2005) confirm the adverse risks associated with antidepressant use, thus encourage caution when prescribing medication. Anti-depression medication use demonstrates "variable efficacy" in studies thus the research does not support its use (Richmond & Rosen, 467).


As supported in the research, a comprehensive medical intake and non-medication based approaches are most likely to result in a positive outcome for adolescents with depression. This researcher proposes therapy that involves cognitive behavioral therapy combined with positive self-reflection and attitude adjustment to help adolescents improve their self-image and self-esteem. In addition the researcher emphasizes careful attention to conditions that may contribute to depression including chronic illness. A therapeutic approach that combines behavioral therapy with peer support may be the best method for combating depression in adolescents.


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Sources Used in Documents:

Slimmer, L. (2005, Jul). "Adolescents' conceptualizations of depression affected their attitudes and decisions about treatment." Evid-Based Nurs, 8(3):93.

Waslick, B., Schoenholz, D, & Pizarro, R. (2003, Sep). "Diagnosis and treatment of chronic depression in children and adolescents." J. Psychatr Pract, 9(5): 354-66.


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