Anti Social Behavior Personality Is Essay

Anti Social Behavior

Personality is something that relates to one's predisposition to think, feel, and act in certain ways. Consequent to the formation of one's personality, his features will most probably remain the same across the respective individual's life. When concerning anti-social behavior, personality is a strong factor of influence. If one were to have a criminal-inclined personality, there is a big possibility that he or she would be inclined to perform criminal acts throughout their lives.

When concerning other factors which might lead to one behaving anti-social, personality is normally believed to have a smaller influence on the individual. However, emotionally instable people had been proved of being capable of displaying anti-social behavior. People's behavior is considered by the general public to be influenced both by genetic and environmental factors. Various studies have proved that anti-social behavior is largely influenced by heredity, as genetics has been discovered to influence psychiatric outcomes.

Apparently, the surrounding environment can also manipulate a person into performing anti-social acts. The media is one of the most intense factors to influence people's personalities, with the audience often being inclined to follow what they see in the news. The American public, especially, spends a large time watching television, and, during the time that the T.V. is open, people watch hundreds of violent scenes. All things considered, the media encourages aggression and controls the way in which people's personalities are being shaped.

Scientists still have a long way to go until they will properly determine which are the exact factors influencing anti-social behavior. Most probably, time will solve the problem, and, in a few decades, people will be able to comprehend the ways in which genetics and environmental factors act on the human mind.

Works cited:

1. Laura A. Baker, Serena Bezdjian, Adrian Raine. (2006). "Behavioral Genetics: The Science of Antisocial Behavior." Law and Contemporary Problems, Vol. 69.

Laura A. Baker, Serena Bezdjian, Adrian Raine. (2006). "Behavioral Genetics: The Science of Antisocial Behavior." Law and Contemporary Problems, Vol. 69.

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