Apple Hypothesis Testing Essay

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Apple Hypothesis Testing Review Statistical Testing: Hypothesis Test

The statistical analysis for this research focused on using the Z test to compare each more specified region to the national average. Thus, the data was divided into specific region, West, Midwest, Northeast, and South. Each one of these regions was then tested to the total national numbers. This helps illustrate more regional trends and how Apple should focus its marketing of its new product for each of the specified regions. Ultimately this research assumes that there should be no significant differences between the likes and dislikes of Apple based on region, considering the company's widespread national popularity. To test this, a two-tailed Z test was used with a significance level set at 0.05.

The first scenario to be tested was the category of the number of customers interested and willing to purchase. First was the West. Customers who showed...


The Z-score was set at -5.2569. The p value was set at 0. Here, the result of the test shows that there is a significant difference between the West and the national average. The Midwest had a Z score of 0.431, with a p value of 0.6672. In this regard, the result is not significant, and there is not a huge change in demand compared to the national average. Next, the Northeast had a Z score of 1.5851 and a p value of 0.11184. This illustrates that there is not a significant difference compared to the national average. Finally, the South had a Z score of 3.3313, with a p value of 0.00086. This suggests that there is a significant difference between the region and the national average. Clearly, in the West, buyers are more willing to purchase products than anywhere in the nation, while the South shows less enthusiasm.
Next was the scenario of customers who were interested,…

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"Apple Hypothesis Testing" (2014, April 03) Retrieved April 26, 2024, from

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"Apple Hypothesis Testing", 03 April 2014, Accessed.26 April. 2024,

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