Apple IPhone Company In The Achievement Of Essay


¶ … Apple iPhone Company) In the achievement of competitive advantages, desired financial resources, and satisfaction of the consumers and employees, business entities need to focus on enhancing effectiveness and efficiency of their marketing strategy. This is because of the role and importance of marketing strategy in the achievement of market share while addressing the needs and preferences of the consumers. There are various marketing strategies adopted and implemented by unique organization in relation to their market segmentation, location, and size of the target market. Effective and efficient marketing strategy should enable an organization to meet the goals and objectives of its stakeholders and shareholders. This is through increasing the volume of revenues and profits following the implementation of the marketing strategy. In this research exercise, the focus will be on the examination of the marketing strategy implemented by Apple iPhone Company (Apple Company/Inc.) with reference to the United States market. This is through examination of the components of the marketing strategy of the company, its implications with reference to profitability, market share, and sales, and provision of appropriate recommendation for the transformation of the company to greater levels.

Background Information on Apple iPhone

Apple Company was founded in 1970 through a partnership between Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak. In 1977, the organization was integrated into the state of California. Apple Company/Inc. is an organization in the context of the United States with its headquarters in Cupertino, California. Apple Inc. focuses and commits to the development of personal interaction experience to the students, educators, creative professionals, and consumers across the globe through implementation of its internet, hardware, and software provisions. According to the famous quote by one of its founders, "man is the creator of change in this world," the organization has the mission of transforming the globe through its undisputed technological developments and innovations. The organization has the opportunity of enhancing its resources for the current generation without compromising the needs and preferences of the future generations thus realization of continuous development.

Investigate and evaluate the marketing strategy of the producer/owner using contemporary marketing tools and techniques

Apple Company adopts and implements unique marketing strategies for the purposes of achieving maximum utilization of the available space and competitive advantage in the context of the United States and international markets (How the Companies Stack Up 2012, p. 29). This is vital for the realization of the goals and objectives of the organization in relation to increase in the level of profits and revenues at the end of the financial year. The secret to the marketing strategies of Apple Company lies beyond the design standards and product line. The marketing strategy of the organization is also beyond the philosophical value or core of the organization by Steve Jobs, which is a reflection of the concept that consumers have minimal idea on what they want. In relation to its recent product lines and revenues models of the organization, Apple Company adopts numerous names: design firm, software powerhouse, computer builder, movement, and publishing company. This diversity is an essential component in the marketing strategies by Apple Company (Guglielmo 2012, p. 147). Apple Company adopts and implements numerous tactics in relation to the promotion of its products and services across the globe.

One of the essential components of marketing strategy by Apple Company towards the realization of the goals and objectives is the concept of ignoring your critics. In the context of business interactions, it is essential to note that there would be various limitations in relation to criticism. Some encounters would focus on discouraging entities towards the achievement of the goals and objectives. Apple adopts and integrates an effective and efficient marketing strategy with reference to eliminating criticism from other entities. This relates to the launch of iPad and iPhone, which was vital to eliminate the essence of criticism thus, achievement of quality market share. It is essential to note that innovative and technological advancements have prevailed despite vital opposition from the majority of the public. This relates to the notion that great ideas are often challenged through extensive opposition from mediocre minds (Helft 2011 p. 64).

Another essential component in relation to an effective and efficient marketing strategy by Apple Company is the ability to transform ordinary concepts into something beautiful. This relates to the ability of the organization to adopt and integrate valuable concepts thus reinventing design standards for the industry across the globe. This ability enables the organization...


Apple Company enjoys implementation of beautiful products and services to counteract competition from other players within the industry such as Samsung. The ability to transform ordinary concepts into creative applications for communication purposes such as iPhone and iPad is essential towards the growing image and reputation of Apple Company within the industry (Karlgaard 2012, p. 34).
Another valuable component of marketing strategy by Apple Company is the ability to justify its pricing mechanism. Pricing mechanism is an essential component in the modern marketing field because of its role in determining the cost of procurement and distribution of products within the market or industry of operation. It is ideal for the organization to adopt a critical concept in the justification of the pricing mechanism. This is because consumers in the modern society focus on the pricing system and quality/standard in making informed decision on the purchase of the product or service. Apple Company integrates an essential component in which it has the ability to charge more than twice what its competitors in the market or industry charge while presenting its products to the market. This justification is possible in the case Apple Company because of two critical factors. One of the reasons for the justification of the pricing system by Apple Company is the development of beautiful products for an audience with passion. The second possible factor is the justification of prices through integration of features and benefits unmatched in the market or industry of operation.

This makes impossible to compare iPhone's technology and design to other smartphones by Apple's competitors within the context of the United States' market. Despite an argument by critics that the features are similar, it is ideal to note that Apple Company rolls the dice in relation to leading technological and design attributes within the industry. Consumers of these products are willing and able to pay premium for the quality products thus an opportunity to justify its pricing mechanism. This is also vital for the purposes of development of an effective image and reputation (Leading Companies 2012, p. 18).

Another vital aspect of the marketing strategy by Apple Company in the advertisement and promotion of its products is adoption and implementation of a familiar language to the target audience. The organization has the ability to communicate to the consumers through a familiar language, which they can comprehend appropriately and effectively. It is ridiculous to discuss concepts such as processing power and megabytes to consumers with minimal knowledge on the technical jargon. Examination of the website of the organization reveals communication through familiar language. Even though the organization discusses product specifications and technical information, this attribute is hidden behind the benefits in relation to the needs of the consumers. Presentation of the information on the website incorporates technical jargon despite the fact that it raises curiosity for an opportunity to learn.

It is also essential to extend the experience as applicable in the marketing strategy of Apple Company. This is vital in the development of a name or image thus an opportunity for the organization to increase its consumer base. The organization is note contented with just being the leader of the industry or United States market. This is evident on the constant attempts to adopt and implement valuable tools such as iTunes and iPhones thus becoming the name within the industry. Everything within the market or industry is compared to the products of the organization such as iPad, iPod, iPhone, and iTunes thus becoming the role model within the market or industry.

Apple Company focuses on the consumers in the development of its products and services within the context of the United States. The Apple Company designs its products with consumers as the bulls-eye thus addressing specific needs and preferences of its consumers within the context of the United States. This is an indication of tuning of the products by Apple Company to appeal to the loyal and prospective consumers thus the achievement of competitive advantage within the market or industry of operation. Another marketing criterion for the organization is encompassing its design in relation to user-centric point view with the aim of bridging gaps unseen or unaddressed by competitors. The development of an iPhone is an illustration of focusing user-centric point-of-view thus facilitating the needs and preferences of the consumers. Apple Company also limits its innovation with reference to the development of new product generation.

This relates to focusing on few innovations that sparkle with the aim of reusing much of the…

Sources Used in Documents:


'Apple Inc.: The Steve Jobs Effect' 2012, Apple Case Study: The Steve Jobs Effect, pp. 1-16, Business Source Complete.

'Apple: iOS -- Powering the Mobility Revolution' 2010, Black Book - Apple: Ios - Powering The Mobility Revolution, pp. 1-89

Baroto, M, Abdullah, M, & Wan, H 2012, 'Hybrid Strategy: A New Strategy for Competitive Advantage', International Journal Of Business & Management, 7, 20, pp. 120-133

Beech, H, & Jiang, C 2012, 'The Cult of Apple in China. (Cover story)', Time International (Atlantic Edition), 180, 1, pp. 30-35

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"Apple IPhone Company In The Achievement Of", 27 April 2013, Accessed.27 July. 2024,

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