ASAP Physical Science Term Paper


Bob Berman's book Secrets of the Night Sky: The Most Amazing Things in the Universe You Can See with the Naked Eye is one of the most interesting and engaging books that I have ever read on the topic of astronomy. The book is geared toward beginning astronomers, but its humorous and interesting prose makes it a great read even for those with more advanced knowledge of the cosmos.

The book is a wealth of information, and takes the reader on an engaging tour of the night sky. Berman points out highlights and interesting information on the history of astronomy throughout. Further, he dispenses practical advice and tips in a warm and helpful manner. The book offers a helpful and informative guide to the visible universe in a logical and easily understood season-by-season format.

Berman covers a lot of ground in this introductory offering. The book is organized as a series of essays, each which covers a different celestial phenomenon. He discusses most major celestial objects that can be seen with the naked eye. He covers ground from blue moons to the popular constellations of the Big Dipper and Orion, with a discussion of Betelgeuse thrown in for good measure. He also includes an entire chapter on the Aurora for individuals who want to explore this aspect of the night sky on their own. Berman's helpful tips include how to categorize satellites, and explain how to locate planets like Venus, Jupiter and Mercury, and how to find meteor showers.

Fittingly, the book is packed with illustrations. Over 160 colorful and informative illustrations...


Overall, the illustrations serve to helpfully enhance Berman's engaging text. Given that the subject matter of the book is so overwhelmingly visual, the extensive use of illustrations in the book is both fitting and helpful to the reader's overall understanding and improves the book.
On of the greatest strengths of the book is its universal appeal. Berman's book does not require much of the reader. It only requires a willing spirit, a good set of eyes, and the night sky. He does assume knowledge of a few common constellations, including Orion and the Big Dipper, but few people should have trouble using the book.

Berman notes that you do not need expensive technology to enjoy the constellations. Indeed, the large majority of the book is written for people who do not have access to either a telescope or binoculars. This emphasis on astronomy for the average individual is one of the greatest strengths of Berman's book. Many individuals have somehow acquired the false belief that astronomy can only be enjoyed through the use of expensive instruments and high technology. Berman rigorously attacks this mistaken belief, giving honest and useful advice on how to enjoy the night sky that is applicable to everyone from grade school students to grandparents.

For those who want to see more of the night sky Berman includes appendices that council the reader on how to purchase a telescope. The advice is practical and insightful, and ranges from advice on how to choose a telescope to how to avoid…

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Works Cited

Berman, Bob. Secrets of the Night Sky: The Most Amazing Things in the Universe You Can See With the Naked Eye. Harper Collins, 1996.

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