Asthma Research The Purpose Of Research Paper

This would be considered primary sources of information. An advantage to this approach would be the autonomy. This autonomy comes with responsibilities and a solid data collection method requires strict adherence to scientific principles that demonstrate cautious and precise research beyond reproach. A combination of both methods is preferable in this case. Using both empirical evidence coupled with my personal research would help explain this disease from my personal perspective and adds another voice to the discussion. In collecting my own data it is important to create a system that can defend against error and personal bias. Collecting data must be done in a systematic and predefined way to help maintain the integrity of the research. For this task, I am solely responsible.

Once this data is collected there are many things that can be done with the data. Bookkeeping and organizational skills become of the utmost importance during this step of the research product. A clear and concise collection method must be fully vetted before this data collection begins and serves as guidelines to the research itself.

To ensure the quality of this research, bringing in the empirical evidence from the existing literature provides an excellent means of double checking my work. While it is important...


Using my classmates and school faculty can also help contribute to ensuring quality in this project. Bouncing ideas off my peers may not only prevent me from making a big mistake, but may also prove to be inspiring and create an opportunity for investigation that I was previously unaware existed.

American Lung Association (2012). "Asthma and Children Fact Sheet." October 2012. Retrieved from children-fact-sheet.html

Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America. "Childhood Asthma." Viewed 12 June 2013. Retrieved from

Litonjua, a. (2009). Childhood asthma may be a consequence of vitamin D deficiency. Current Opinion in Allergy and Clinical Immunology. June 2009, 9(3): 202-207. Retrieved from

Suglia, F. et al.(2010). Social and environmental stressors in the home and childhood asthma. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, July 2010, 64(7): 636-642. Retrieved from

Sources Used in Documents:


American Lung Association (2012). "Asthma and Children Fact Sheet." October 2012. Retrieved from children-fact-sheet.html

Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America. "Childhood Asthma." Viewed 12 June 2013. Retrieved from

Litonjua, a. (2009). Childhood asthma may be a consequence of vitamin D deficiency. Current Opinion in Allergy and Clinical Immunology. June 2009, 9(3): 202-207. Retrieved from

Suglia, F. et al.(2010). Social and environmental stressors in the home and childhood asthma. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, July 2010, 64(7): 636-642. Retrieved from

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"Asthma Research The Purpose Of" (2013, June 15) Retrieved July 27, 2024, from

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