Attend X College. First, I Admission Essay


In the modern world, almost every college is going to have a diverse student body. However, the diversity of the student body is only one part of multi-culturalism. In addition to diversity, one must look at whether a college offers clubs, classes, and other types of support for its international community. X college's reputation is that it strongly supports its international community and a multicultural environment. I understand that X college does a wonderful job of teaching students how to be responsible citizens of the world, and how to use their diverse backgrounds to contribute to life in America, as well as to global life. I feel like those lessons are ones that would be invaluable to me in my future. After all, as a business student, I am going to be dealing with the fact that the world is truly one economy, these days. While some people may long for the days of isolationism,...


I want to become a business major in order to be able to find lucrative employment, but also to be a responsible steward of the world's resources. I understand that an education at X college will prepare me to go on to a university and pursue a business degree. First, I will get the type of quality education in core curriculum that a business major needs in order to be a well-rounded global citizen, rather than simply concentrating on business. Second, I will learn how to relate with people from all different backgrounds and with different perspectives, which will hopefully make me a more cautious and respectful person once I enter the world of business. For all of the above reasons, I feel like X college is the best place for me to begin my education and prepare me to be one of tomorrow's leaders.

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