Building Security External Building Security Seems To Case Study


Building Security External building security seems to have taken on added significance since the 2001 strike against the World Trade Center in New York city by terrorists that flew airplanes into the two buildings that resulted in their complete decimation. As one recent study determined, however, there are modern remedies that help against future attacks of similar nature. One study in particular determined that "Ultra-high-performance concrete (UHPC) is particularly suitable for application in aircraft-impact-resistant high-rise buildings for combined load-bearing and protective structures" (Noldgen, Fehling, Riedel, Thoma, 2012, pp. 358). There are more concerns however in developing and maintaining security than just worrying about an airplane (or other missile) being used against a building for terrorism and mayham.

One of the concerns may include the access points to the building that may be vulnerable to entry by those who seek to control or damage the building. As the book reminds us that fortifying a main entryway to deter terrorists is all well and dandy, but not if we allow for easy entry way through a cafeteria or similar entryway. Therefore, having an effective entry control system "allows the movement of authorized personnel and material into and out of facilities...


The principle of balanced design "ensures that each aspect of a barrier configuration affords equal delay" (book -- Chapter 11-page 221). What the balanced design approach to security is seeking to provide is an approach with "no weak links." A good example of no weak links would be a door or entryway that is totally secure.
Again the book is cited in Chapter 11 by stating "an adversary is not likely to burn a hole in a door to crawl through if the door locks or hinges are clearly easier to defeat" (p. 221).

As an example of a balanced design strategy, when the White House was rebuilt during the 1949 -- 1952 period of time it was rebuilt to include a bomb shelter for the protection of its inhabitants, and "part of the house was rebuilt on a steel-supporting frame" (White House, 2013, p. 1). Rebuilding on a steel-supporting frame was an attempt to ensure that the external security of the building was enhanced and strengthened.

Another principle to consider would be the delay-in-depth principle. Implementing a…

Sources Used in Documents:

Works Cited

Noldgen, M.; Fehling, E.; Riedel, W.; Thoma, K.; (2012) Vulnerability and robustness of a security skyscraper subjected to aircraft impact, Computer -- Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, Vol. 27, Issue 5, pp. 358 -- 368

White House (2013) Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6th edition, p. 1 -- 1

Chapters 10 -- 11 -- 15 in the book (you will have to put in the citation)

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"Building Security External Building Security Seems To" (2013, December 10) Retrieved May 8, 2024, from

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"Building Security External Building Security Seems To", 10 December 2013, Accessed.8 May. 2024,

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