Career Counseling: The Value Of Term Paper


Using "The Career Decision Self-Efficacy Scale...can be used to assess a person's beliefs concerning her or his capabilities to take the steps in career decision making" (Betz 2004:5). Ideally, treating issues related to a lack of self-efficacy requires a two-pronged approach. Firstly, the counselor must help the client unburden him or herself of specific concepts of a lack of self-efficacy related to career skills and goals -- but there also must be a more general component of raising the client's self-esteem and efficacy that is essential to fully realize the individual's maximum potential in the workforce. Of course, self-efficacy is often significantly related to vocational interest, but when the two do not mesh, it is essential that the counselor help them to do so, and ideally help persons explore unexpected areas of talent (Guidon & Richards 2005:16).

Works Cited

Bartholomew, K. (1990). Avoidance of intimacy: An attachment perspective....


Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 7, 147-178. Model Available 15 Apr 2007 at
Betz, Nancy. (2004). "Contributions of self-efficacy theory to career counseling: a personal perspective." Career Development Quarterly. Retrieved 15 Apr 2007 at

Bolles. Richard Nelson. (2002) What Color is Your Parachute? New York:

Ten Speed Press.

Fraley, Chris R. (11 Jun 2004) "A Brief Overview of Adult Attachment Theory and Research. The University of Illinois. Retrieved 15 Apr 2007 at

Guindon, Mary H. & Lee J. Richmond. (Dec 2005). "Practice and research in career counseling and development -- 2004." Career Development Quarterly. Retrieved 15 Apr 2007 at

Sources Used in Documents:

Works Cited

Bartholomew, K. (1990). Avoidance of intimacy: An attachment perspective. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 7, 147-178. Model Available 15 Apr 2007 at

Betz, Nancy. (2004). "Contributions of self-efficacy theory to career counseling: a personal perspective." Career Development Quarterly. Retrieved 15 Apr 2007 at

Bolles. Richard Nelson. (2002) What Color is Your Parachute? New York:

Ten Speed Press.
Fraley, Chris R. (11 Jun 2004) "A Brief Overview of Adult Attachment Theory and Research. The University of Illinois. Retrieved 15 Apr 2007 at
Guindon, Mary H. & Lee J. Richmond. (Dec 2005). "Practice and research in career counseling and development -- 2004." Career Development Quarterly. Retrieved 15 Apr 2007 at

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"Career Counseling The Value Of" (2007, April 15) Retrieved July 27, 2024, from

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