Career Counseling Mc Is A Term Paper


RT, in his mid-30s, has worked for the services sector in the past 7 years as a Business Development manager. He is currently out of work because the agency he used to work for 'folded up' when it was badly hit by the economic recession in 2008. He has tried setting up a small business right after his resignation, but he has not managed to improve his company's financial status in the next two years, and just this year, he also finally closed his business. RT is known for his easygoing personality and ability to maintain long-term relationships with people he has met or worked with.

Considering that RT's strongest asset is his personality, he could take advantage of this characteristic and help him 'launch' his career again, either as an employee or owner...


It might be that RT's enthusiasm for setting up parties or get-togethers with friends can be seen as a potential for establishing an events organizing or events management company. Another approach, which is more secure than the first, is to undergo 'apprenticeship' with a known events planner. It is critical that RT must look beyond his age and expertise for this task, and take value for the learnings and experiences he would likely get from the events management company he will work for. Once he is able to re-establish his contacts and sharpen his knowledge and skills in establishing an events organizing company, he could then push through with his plan to be 'his own boss' and have his own events management company.

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Citing a hypothetical example, MC shares how 'job hopping' could be attributed to the individual's poor value for commitment and/or inability to recognize a person of authority, i.e., his/her boss/superior at work. Going further into the person's psyche, MC might learn that the individual is having personal problems with his/her father, who wanted to control his/her career, which resulted to a falling out between them. Thus, it is highly probable that the individual sees in his/her superior or boss the persona of a father, who is the 'personal' person of authority in the individual's life. Job hopping could also be one way of avoiding this 'father persona' s/he sees in persons of authority s/he encounters at work. However, MC acknowledges that establishing linkages is more an exploratory and analytical way of understanding peoples psyche and personalities; admittedly, this is not a fool-proof way to specifically determine the root causes of the person's career challenges. But this is an effective method that helps initiate reflection of the self, and help the individual reconcile these unsettled issues and conflicts in his/her (career and personal) life.

RT, in his mid-30s, has worked for the services sector in the past 7 years as a Business Development manager. He is currently out of work because the agency he used to work for 'folded up' when it was badly hit by the economic recession in 2008. He has tried setting up a small business right after his resignation, but he has not managed to improve his company's financial status in the next two years, and just this year, he also finally closed his business. RT is known for his easygoing personality and ability to maintain long-term relationships with people he has met or worked with.

Considering that RT's strongest asset is his personality, he could take advantage of this characteristic and help him 'launch' his career again, either as an employee or owner of a business that truly reflects his passion and expertise. It might be that RT's enthusiasm for setting up parties or get-togethers with friends can be seen as a potential for establishing an events organizing or events management company. Another approach, which is more secure than the first, is to undergo 'apprenticeship' with a known events planner. It is critical that RT must look beyond his age and expertise for this task, and take value for the learnings and experiences he would likely get from the events management company he will work for. Once he is able to re-establish his contacts and sharpen his knowledge and skills in establishing an events organizing company, he could then push through with his plan to be 'his own boss' and have his own events management company.

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"Career Counseling Mc Is A" (2011, May 04) Retrieved July 27, 2024, from

"Career Counseling Mc Is A" 04 May 2011. Web.27 July. 2024. <>

"Career Counseling Mc Is A", 04 May 2011, Accessed.27 July. 2024,

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