Challenging For You Personally As A Human Essay

¶ … challenging for you personally as a human services professional based on the topics covered in the video carousel. Describe two strategies you might employ to address these challenges. Be specific and provide examples. Personal challenges

One of the most common frustrations expressed by social service professionals is the intransigence of government bureaucracy. It can be very difficult to treat clients with critical needs and to have to wait before real change can even begin. For example, in the area of domestic abuse, it can take a tremendous act of courage for a woman to even entertain the thought of leaving an abusive situation. However, once she does she may be discouraged by the fact that she now has to apply for assistance like food stamps, welfare, or for other programs that are necessary so she can transition from her current, unlivable situation...


Current cutbacks in government programs have further hampered the ability of social workers to fully deploy all of the resources necessary to make real changes in clients' lives.
However, clients themselves can also present sources of frustration for the social worker. Part of the cycle of abuse is that males who abuse females often try to 'make up' to their spouses or girlfriends, telling them that 'this time, it will be different.' Women believe this, and after a social worker has labored hard to create a situation in which it is possible for a woman to leave her abuser, the woman may go back to the man. This is especially frustrating when legal charges are involved. A woman may recant her testimony, even when the social worker is afraid that the woman is physically in danger by going back to the situation.

Law enforcement…

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