Communication In Organizations The Case Essay

al, (2008). With such events still expected, the lessons to be drawn from this case is that extensive cross-cultural consultation needs to be conducted among the representatives from both sides hence ensuring there is a cultural balance and no disregard for one culture. Timely, open and continuous communication needs to be fostered between the two sides as this will give chance to iron out the few differences that may emerge.


Bambacas, Mary & Patrickson, Margaret, 2008, 'Interpersonal Communication Skills That

Enhance Organizational Commitment', Journal of Communication Management, Vol 12, No 1, Pp 51-72.

Freeman R, McWilliams C, Gorter R. & Williams S, 2007. 'Dental Students Interacting


2, Pp 96.
Hassan Zarei Matin,, 2010, 'Relationship Between Interpersonal Communication Skills

and Organizational Commitment (Case Study: Jahad Keshavarzi and University of Qom, Iran)', European Journal of Social Sciences, Volume 13, Number 3, pp.395.

Putti, J. M, Aryee, S, and Phua, J, 1990, 'Communication Relationship Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment', Group and Organization Studies, Vol .15, No .1, pp. 44-52.

Raven, B, 1993, 'The Bases of Power: Origins and Recent Developments', Journal of Social Issues, Vol 49, No 4, pp. 227.

Sources Used in Documents:


Bambacas, Mary & Patrickson, Margaret, 2008, 'Interpersonal Communication Skills That

Enhance Organizational Commitment', Journal of Communication Management, Vol 12, No 1, Pp 51-72.

Freeman R, McWilliams C, Gorter R. & Williams S, 2007. 'Dental Students Interacting

with Dental Nurses: An investigation of the role of gender and ethnicity in inter-professional communication and working styles', British Dental Journal, Volume 202, NO. 2, Pp 96.

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