Communication Media Assertive Communicators Communication Is A Essay

Communication Media Assertive Communicators

Communication is a course of action in which the information, ideas, thoughts, feelings, emotions, opinions and knowledge are exchanged between two or more people. This meaningful interaction can be in the form of speech, signals, writing, or behavior. This two-way interaction is an integral process not only in the on a daily basis but is equally significant at the workplace, as it helps elevating the communication gap (Wood 2011).

However, effective communication is essential in order to have successful exchange of clear ideas and information between the parties. Indeed, the individuals at the workplace must possess the ability to effective communication. This is vital as it leads to planning, organizing, leading and controlling in a successful and effectual manner. Moreover, poor communication amongst the workforce and the management would be a huge loss to the organization and in achieving overall aims and objectives (Wood 2011).

There are many styles of communication that a person can exercise while interacting with others in various aspects of life. In this regard, considering the communication styles, assertive, aggressive, passive and passive-aggressive are the four primary types used in general.

Aggressive communicator is a manipulator by nature that simply focuses on strategies (that include intimidation, coercion, hurting, anger, and so on) to make others execute the things that wish for with core focus on accomplishment of their needs and ideas only. This means that the feelings of empathy and respect for others do not exists in them due to which they often converse in loud tones. They have poor listening skills, as they regularly butt in when others speak as they are unwilling to listen to others. The aggressive communicator emasculates trust, healthy relationship and mutual respect with others (Davis, Fanning & McKay 2009).

While on the other hand, passive communicators are quite opposite to aggressive communicators, as they are soft spoken people. Furthermore, passive communicators evade expressing their ideas, emotions and thoughts by normally speaking very less and attempt to stay away from all sorts of arguments, disagreements and conflicts. Other people can...


They play a manipulative role in putting their ideas ahead, (constrained by aggression) instead of having a direct confrontation to the issues (acting in a passive way). Passive-aggressive communicator also lacks self-confidence with elevated feeling of bitterness and anger. This type of communications usually happens in workplace environment, known as office politics. In the long run, the passive communication impoverishes the bonding and shared respect (Nielsen 2008).
However, amongst all the four styles of communication, assertive communicator is considerably the most effective and efficient type of communicator. When an individual employs the assertive style of communication, he/she conveys the message in a natural and unsurprising manner. This means that the person is confident and self-assured about communicating his/her ideas, thoughts or feelings to others (Schwartz 2001).

In addition, the individual does not possess a manipulating nature while demonstrating his/her ideas. This denotes that the assertive communicator is able to express his/her needs, ideas, and emotions in clear, open, forthright, honest and straightforward manner while remaining peaceful, polite and courteous. This clear and open expression of ideas and information boosts the level of self-confidence, self-esteem and self-respect amongst the assertive communicator. With the qualities of assertiveness, the individual is able to accomplish his/her goals and objectives in a successful manner (Pfeiffer & Pfeiffer 2010).

Studies has also provided evidences that assertive communicators persistently put efforts in coming up with solutions that can work in mutual interest and satisfaction for everybody. This is due to the reason that healthy relationships and associations with others is of prime concern for them, therefore, they tend to have their core emphasis on conflict resolution with a…

Sources Used in Documents:


Davis, M, Fanning, P & McKay, M 2009, Messages: The Communication Skills Book, Third Edition, New Harbinger Publications, USA.

Masters A, & Wallace, HR 2010, Personal Development for Life and Work, Tenth Edition, Cengage Learning, USA.

Nielsen, J 2008, Effective Communication Skills, Xlibris Corporation, USA.

Pfeiffer, RH & Pfeiffer, RH PhD 2010, Relationships: Assertiveness Skills, First Edition, Growth Central LLC, USA.

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